Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up data for the region to work with, including the physics environment and the chunk data management.
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildRegion()
            // TODO: generator registry
            if (TheWorld.Generator == "sphere")
                Generator = new SphereGeneratorCore();
                Generator = new SimpleGeneratorCore();
            ParallelLooper pl = new ParallelLooper();

            for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
            CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration = 0.01f; // TODO: This is a global setting - handle it elsewhere, or make it non-global?
            PhysicsWorld = new Space(pl);
            PhysicsWorld.TimeStepSettings.MaximumTimeStepsPerFrame = 10;
            PhysicsWorld.ForceUpdater.Gravity = (GravityNormal * GravityStrength).ToBVector();
            PhysicsWorld.DuringForcesUpdateables.Add(new LiquidVolume(this));
            PhysicsWorld.TimeStepSettings.TimeStepDuration = 1f / TheServer.CVars.g_fps.ValueF;
            Collision = new CollisionUtil(PhysicsWorld);
            // TODO: Perhaps these should be on the server level, not region?
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.ITEM, new ItemEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.BLOCK_ITEM, new BlockItemEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.GLOWSTICK, new GlowstickEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.MODEL, new ModelEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.SMOKE_GRENADE, new SmokeGrenadeEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.MUSIC_BLOCK, new MusicBlockEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.HOVER_MESSAGE, new HoverMessageEntityConstructor());
            ChunkManager = new ChunkDataManager();
Exemple #2
        public void BuildWorld()
            MainThread   = Thread.CurrentThread;
            MainThreadID = MainThread.ManagedThreadId;
            ParallelLooper pl = new ParallelLooper();

            for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
            CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration = 0.01f;
            PhysicsWorld = new Space(pl);
            PhysicsWorld.TimeStepSettings.MaximumTimeStepsPerFrame = 10;
            PhysicsWorld.ForceUpdater.Gravity = new Vector3(0, 0, -9.8f * 3f / 2f);
            PhysicsWorld.DuringForcesUpdateables.Add(new LiquidVolume(this));
            PhysicsWorld.TimeStepSettings.TimeStepDuration = 1f / TheServer.CVars.g_fps.ValueF;
            Collision = new CollisionUtil(PhysicsWorld);
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.ITEM, new ItemEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.BLOCK_ITEM, new BlockItemEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.GLOWSTICK, new GlowstickEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.MODEL, new ModelEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.SMOKE_GRENADE, new SmokeGrenadeEntityConstructor());
            EntityConstructors.Add(EntityType.MUSIC_BLOCK, new MusicBlockEntityConstructor());
            ChunkManager = new ChunkDataManager();
            //LoadRegion(new Location(-MaxViewRadiusInChunks * 30), new Location(MaxViewRadiusInChunks * 30), true);
            //TheServer.Schedule.RunAllSyncTasks(0.016); // TODO: Separate per-region scheduler // Also don't freeze the entire server/region just because we're waiting on chunks >.>
            //SysConsole.Output(OutputType.INIT, "Finished building chunks! Now have " + LoadedChunks.Count + " chunks!");
Exemple #3
        public Vector3 GetRandomFreePosition()
            var myPos     = movable_.GetPosition();
            var direction = CollisionUtil.GetRandomFreeDirection(myPos) * (Random.value * 0.8f + 0.1f);

            return(myPos + direction);
        private static void FillTriangle(float VoxelSizeX, float VoxelSizeY, int ISX, int ISY, int MX, int MY, float ScaleX, float ScaleY, Vector2 P1, Vector2 P2, Vector2 P3, LockBitMap ShadeMap, LockBitMap TextureLookup)
            int MaxX = (int)Math.Max(P1.X, Math.Max(P2.X, P3.X));
            int MaxY = (int)Math.Max(P1.Y, Math.Max(P2.Y, P3.Y));
            int MinX = (int)Math.Min(P1.X, Math.Min(P2.X, P3.X));
            int MinY = (int)Math.Min(P1.Y, Math.Min(P2.Y, P3.Y));

            Vector2 Pos = new Vector2();

            for (int i = MinX; i <= MaxX; i++)
                for (int j = MinY; j <= MaxY; j++)
                    Pos.X = i;
                    Pos.Y = j;

                    int TX = (int)((i % VoxelSizeX) / VoxelSizeX * ISX);
                    int TY = (int)((j % VoxelSizeY) / VoxelSizeY * ISY);

                    if (CollisionUtil.InsideTriangle(Pos, P1, P2, P3))
                        ShadeMap.SetPixel(i, j, TextureLookup.GetPixel(TX + MX * ISX, TY + ISY * MY));
    private void RaycastFilledCellsHelper(Ray ray, Grid3D <T> brick, List <T> blackList, PriorityQueue <Vector3i, float> out_found, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int depth)
        float distance;

        if (!CollisionUtil.IntersectsBounds(ray, x, y, z, x + width, y + height, z + depth, out distance))

        if (width == 1 && height == 1 && depth == 1) // Work for all empty lists
            if (!blackList.Contains(brick.GetValue(x, y, z)))
                out_found.Enqueue(new Vector3i(x, y, z), BrickConstants.LARGE_FLOAT - distance);
            int newWidth  = (width + 1) / 2;
            int newHeight = (height + 1) / 2;
            int newDepth  = (depth + 1) / 2;

            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x, y, z, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x + newWidth, y, z, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x, y + newHeight, z, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x, y, z + newDepth, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x + newWidth, y + newHeight, z, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x + newWidth, y, z + newDepth, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x, y + newHeight, z + newDepth, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
            RaycastFilledCellsHelper(ray, brick, blackList, out_found, x + newWidth, y + newHeight, z + newDepth, newWidth, newHeight, newDepth);
Exemple #6
        public void Execute()
            foreach (var entity in _moveRequest.GetEntities())
                var deltaTime = GameConfig.DeltaTime;
                var mover     = entity.move;
                var dir       = entity.dir.value;
                var pos       = entity.pos.value;
                var moveSpd   = mover.moveSpd;

                //can move 判定
                var dirVec       = DirUtil.GetDirVec(dir).ToLVector2();
                var moveDist     = (moveSpd * deltaTime);
                var fTargetHead  = pos + (TankUtil.TANK_HALF_LEN + moveDist) * dirVec;
                var fPreviewHead = pos + (TankUtil.TANK_HALF_LEN + TankUtil.FORWARD_HEAD_DIST) * dirVec;

                LFloat maxMoveDist = moveSpd * deltaTime;
                var    headPos     = pos + (TankUtil.TANK_HALF_LEN) * dirVec;
                var    dist        = CollisionUtil.GetMaxMoveDist(dir, headPos, fTargetHead);
                var    dist2       = CollisionUtil.GetMaxMoveDist(dir, headPos, fPreviewHead);
                maxMoveDist = LMath.Max(LFloat.zero, LMath.Min(maxMoveDist, dist, dist2));

                var diffPos = maxMoveDist * dirVec;
                pos = pos + diffPos;
                entity.pos.value = pos;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether there is anything solid within a box in 3D space.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="min">The lowest location</param>
 /// <param name="max">The highest location</param>
 /// <param name="world">The world everything is in</param>
 /// <returns>Whether there is anything solid within the block</returns>
 public static bool Box(World world, Location min, Location max)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <Location, Chunk> chunk in world.LoadedChunks)
         Location cpos = new Location(chunk.Value.X * 30, chunk.Value.Y * 30, chunk.Value.Z * 30);
         if (CollisionUtil.BoxContains(cpos, cpos + new Location(30), min, max))
             // TODO: Less stupid code.
             for (int z = 0; z < 30; z++)
                 if (CollisionUtil.BoxContains(cpos + new Location(0, 0, z), cpos + new Location(30, 30, z + 1), min, max))
                     for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
                         if (CollisionUtil.BoxContains(cpos + new Location(x, 0, z), cpos + new Location(x + 1, 30, z + 1), min, max))
                             for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
                                 if (((Material)chunk.Value.Blocks[x, y, z].Type).OccupiesWholeBlock())
                                     if (CollisionUtil.BoxContains(cpos + new Location(x, y, z), cpos + new Location(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1), min, max))
        public void GenerateBounds()
            Bounds = Geometry.GetBoundsAB();

            List<Vector3> VertexList = new List<Vector3>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Geometry.CollisionBuffer.Length; i++)
            Vector3 Direction = new Vector3(0,1,0);

            int SizeX = (int)((Bounds[1].X - Bounds[0].X) / Precision);
            int SizeY = (int)((Bounds[1].Y - Bounds[0].Y) / Precision);
            int SizeZ = (int)((Bounds[1].Z - Bounds[0].Z) / Precision);

            Particles = new bool[ SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ];

            for (int i = 0; i < SizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < SizeY; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < SizeZ; k++)
                        Vector3 Position = new Vector3(i,j,k) * Precision + Bounds[0];
                        int Count = CollisionUtil.GetCollisionCount(VertexList, Position, Direction);
                        Particles[i, j, k] = Count % 2 == 1;
Exemple #9
        public void Execute()
            foreach (var entity in _moveRequest.GetEntities())
                var mover = entity.move;
                var pos   = entity.pos.value;
                if (mover.isChangedDir)
                    var idir = (int)(entity.dir.value);
                    var isUD = idir % 2 == 0;
                    if (isUD)
                        pos.x = CollisionUtil.RoundIfNear(pos.x, TankUtil.SNAP_DIST);
                        pos.y = CollisionUtil.RoundIfNear(pos.y, TankUtil.SNAP_DIST);

                entity.pos.value   = pos;
                mover.isChangedDir = false;
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CanCollide && CollisionUtil.IsPlayerBullet(collision))
Exemple #11
    IEnumerator AI()
        float baseSpeed = movable_.GetSpeed();

        while (true)
            var pos       = movable_.GetPosition();
            var direction = CollisionUtil.GetRandomFreeDirection(pos) * (Random.value * 0.8f + 0.1f);
            movable_.MoveTo(pos + direction);

            float endTime = Time.time + 3 + Random.value * 2;
            while (true)
                if (me_.IsDead)
                    yield break;

                float time = Time.time;

                if (movable_.MoveTargetReached() || time > endTime)

                yield return(null);

            yield return(null);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether is any solid entity that is not a player in the bounding box area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="min">The minimum coordinates of the bounding box.</param>
        /// <param name="max">The maximum coordinates of the bounding box.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether there is any solid entity detected.</returns>
        public bool HassSolidEntity(Location min, Location max)
            BoundingBox            bb      = new BoundingBox(min.ToBVector(), max.ToBVector());
            List <BroadPhaseEntry> entries = new List <BroadPhaseEntry>();

            PhysicsWorld.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.GetEntries(bb, entries);
            if (entries.Count == 0)
            Location       center = (max + min) * 0.5;
            Location       rel    = max - min;
            BoxShape       box    = new BoxShape((double)rel.X, (double)rel.Y, (double)rel.Z);
            RigidTransform start  = new RigidTransform(center.ToBVector(), BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity);
            Vector3        sweep  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.01f);

            foreach (BroadPhaseEntry entry in entries)
                if (entry is EntityCollidable && CollisionUtil.ShouldCollide(entry) &&
                    entry.CollisionRules.Group != CollisionUtil.Player &&
                    // NOTE: Convex cast here to ensure the object is truly 'solid' in the box area, rather than just having an overlapping bounding-box edge.
                    entry.ConvexCast(box, ref start, ref sweep, out RayHit rh))
        protected override void OnPlayerBulletTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
            if (CollisionUtil.IsEnemyBullet(collision))
                var enemyBullet = collision.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>();
                if (IsExploding && ShouldEraseBullet)
            else if (CollisionUtil.IsPlayerBullet(collision))
                var playerBullet = collision.GetComponent <PlayerBullet>();

            else if (CollisionUtil.IsPickup(collision))
                var pickup = collision.GetComponent <Pickup>();

            // Enemy is handled in OnCollideWithEnemy()
Exemple #14
    public void Update()
        if (prePosition != transform.position)
            if (this.owner.syncHeight)
                var groundHeight = transform.position.y;
                if (CollisionUtil.TryGetGroundHeight(transform.position, out groundHeight))
                    transform.position = transform.position.SetY(groundHeight);

            prePosition = transform.position;

        if (this.state == State.Move)
            var direction = Vector3.Normalize(this.corners[this.cornerIndex] - this.transform.position);
            this.transform.forward   = direction;
            this.transform.position += direction * this.owner.speed;

            if (Vector3.Distance(this.corners[this.cornerIndex], this.transform.position) <= Mathf.Pow(this.owner.speed * Time.deltaTime, 2))

            if (this.cornerIndex >= this.corners.Length)
                this.state       = State.Idle;
                this.cornerIndex = 0;
Exemple #15
 public GameSprite(
     Texture2D texture,
     Rectangle rectangle,
     Rectangle rectangleOffset   = default(Rectangle),
     Vector2 location            = default(Vector2),
     Vector2 origin              = default(Vector2),
     Vector2?scale               = null,
     SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None,
     float rotation              = 0.0f,
     float depth            = 0.0f,
     bool initCollisionData = true
     ) : base()
     this.TextureData   = texture;
     this.TextureRect   = rectangle;
     this.OffsetRect    = rectangleOffset;
     this.Location      = location;
     this.Origin        = origin;
     this.Scale         = scale.HasValue ? scale.Value : Vector2.One;
     this.SpriteEffects = spriteEffects;
     this.Rotation      = rotation;
     this.Depth         = depth;
     if (initCollisionData)
         this.OpaqueData = CollisionUtil.GetOpaqueData(this);
         this.OpaqueData = null;
Exemple #16
 // detect collision
 public bool Touches(GameSprite other)
         (this.OpaqueData != null &&
          other.OpaqueData != null &&
          CollisionUtil.DetectCollision(this, other));
Exemple #17
        public void Execute()
            foreach (var entity in _AIGroup.GetEntities())
                var aiInfo = entity.aI;
                aiInfo.timer += GameConfig.DeltaTime;
                if (aiInfo.timer < aiInfo.updateInterval)

                aiInfo.timer = LFloat.zero;
                Vector2Int dir           = Vector2Int.zero;
                var        curPos        = entity.pos.value;
                var        headPos       = TankUtil.GetHeadPos(entity.pos.value, entity.dir.value);
                var        isReachTheEnd = CollisionUtil.HasColliderWithBorder(entity.dir.value, headPos);
                if (isReachTheEnd)
                    List <int> allWalkableDir = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)(EDir.EnumCount); i++)
                        var vec = DirUtil.GetDirLVec((EDir)i) * TankUtil.TANK_HALF_LEN;
                        var pos = curPos + vec;
                        if (!CollisionUtil.HasCollider(pos))

                    var count = allWalkableDir.Count;
                    if (count > 0)
                        entity.dir.value         = (EDir)(allWalkableDir[_randomService.Range(0, count)]);
                        entity.move.isChangedDir = true;

                var iPos = entity.pos.value.Floor();
                if ((entity.pos.value - (iPos.ToLVector2() + TankUtil.UNIT_SIZE)).sqrMagnitude < TankUtil.sqrtTargetDist)
                    if (_randomService.value > new LFloat(true, 200))
                    //random change dir if it can
                    var borderDir = DirUtil.GetDirVec((EDir)((int)(entity.dir.value + 1) % (int)EDir.EnumCount));
                    var iBorder1  = iPos + borderDir;
                    var iBorder2  = iPos - borderDir;
                    if (!CollisionUtil.HasCollider(iBorder1))
                        entity.dir.value = DirUtil.GetEDirFromVec(borderDir);
                    else if (!CollisionUtil.HasCollider(iBorder2))
                        entity.dir.value = DirUtil.GetEDirFromVec(Vector2Int.zero - borderDir);
 protected override void OnPlayerBulletTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (DamageActive && CollisionUtil.IsEnemyBullet(collision))
         var enemyBullet = collision.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>();
 protected sealed override void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CollisionUtil.IsEnemy(collision))
         var enemy = collision.GetComponent <Enemy>();
Exemple #20
 public bool IgnorePlayers(BroadPhaseEntry entry)
     if (entry.CollisionRules.Group == CollisionUtil.Player)
Exemple #21
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CollisionUtil.IsPickup(collision))
         Pickup pickup = collision.GetComponent <Pickup>();
Exemple #22
 public bool IgnoreThis(BroadPhaseEntry entry) // TODO: PhysicsEntity?
     if (entry is EntityCollidable && ((EntityCollidable)entry).Entity.Tag == this)
Exemple #23
 protected override void OnPlayerBulletTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (ReboundActive && CollisionUtil.IsScreenEdge(collision, out ScreenSide screenSide) &&
         screenSide == ScreenSide.Top)
Exemple #24
 protected override void OnPlayerBulletTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CollisionUtil.IsEnemyBullet(collision))
         var enemyBullet = collision.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>();
         GameManager.Instance.ReflectBulletFromPestControl(enemyBullet, this);
Exemple #25
    public static bool CheckCollision(GameEntity a, Vector2Int pos)
        var cola = a.collider;
        var posa = a.pos.value;

                   posa, cola.radius, cola.size,
                   pos.ToLVector2() + LVector2.half, LVector2.half.magnitude, LVector2.half));
Exemple #26
 protected virtual void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CollisionUtil.IsDestructor(collision))
         if (ShouldDeactivateOnDestructor)
 protected void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (CollisionUtil.IsPlayer(collision))
         if (HitsPlayer && Player.Instance.CollidesWithBullet(this) && DeactivateOnHit)
 protected override void OnPlayerBulletTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (IsMaxLevel)
         if (CollisionUtil.IsEnemyBullet(collision))
             var bullet = collision.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>();
Exemple #29
    IEnumerator AI()
        float baseSpeed = myMovement_.GetSpeed();

        while (true)
            while (true)
                if (me_.IsDead)
                    yield break;

                bool hasRecentlySeenPlayer = mySenses_.GetPlayerLatestKnownPositionAge() < 2.0f;
                if (!hasRecentlySeenPlayer)

                var target = mySenses_.GetPlayerLatestKnownPosition(PlayerPositionType.Feet);
                myMovement_.MoveTo(target, baseSpeed * 2);

                yield return(null);

            var pos       = myMovement_.GetPosition();
            var direction = CollisionUtil.GetRandomFreeDirection(pos) * (Random.value * 0.8f + 0.1f);
            myMovement_.MoveTo(pos + direction, baseSpeed);

            float endTime = Time.time + 4 + Random.value;
            while (true)
                if (myMovement_.MoveTargetReached())

                if (Time.time > endTime)

                bool hasRecentlySeenPlayer = mySenses_.GetPlayerLatestKnownPositionAge() < 2.0f;
                if (hasRecentlySeenPlayer)

                yield return(null);

            yield return(null);
Exemple #30
    public static bool CheckCollision(GameEntity a, GameEntity b)
        var cola = a.collider;
        var colb = b.collider;
        var posa = a.pos.value;
        var posb = b.pos.value;

                   posa, cola.radius, cola.size,
                   posb, colb.radius, colb.size));