Exemple #1
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                MovePolygon(Square, new Vector2(0, -1));
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                MovePolygon(Square, new Vector2(0, 1));
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                MovePolygon(Square, new Vector2(-1, 0));
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                MovePolygon(Square, new Vector2(1, 0));

            LastCollision = GetCollisionResponse(Square, Triangle);

            if (LastCollision.Collides)
                MovePolygon(Square, LastCollision.MTV * 0.5f);
                MovePolygon(Triangle, -LastCollision.MTV * 0.5f);

Exemple #2
        public CollisionResponse CheckSimplified(CollisionSimplifiedScenario scenario)
            CollisionResponse test = null;

             * k: x/a = y/b = z/c
             * for a, b, c != 0

            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.X == 0 && scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.X != 0 ||
                scenario.Linear.Velocity.Y == 0 && scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Y != 0 ||
                scenario.Linear.Velocity.Z == 0 && scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Z != 0)

            double k;

            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.X != 0)
                k = scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.X / scenario.Linear.Velocity.X;
            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.Y != 0)
                k = scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Y / scenario.Linear.Velocity.Y;
            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.Z != 0)
                k = scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Z / scenario.Linear.Velocity.Z;
                k = 0;

            // collision cannot occur right on start on just after collision
            if (k == 0)

            if (scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.X == k * scenario.Linear.Velocity.X ||
                scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Y == k * scenario.Linear.Velocity.Y ||
                scenario.Linear.StartingPosition.Z == k * scenario.Linear.Velocity.Z
                // there is collision on this time
                if (Math.Abs(k) < scenario.Linear.DeltaTime)
                    test = new CollisionResponse(
                        scenario.Linear.StartingPosition + scenario.Linear.Velocity * k

Exemple #3
        public Movement Move(Vector2 destination, CollisionResponse filter)
            IsActive = true;
            var movement = _world.Simulate(this, destination, filter);

            _bounds = movement.Destination;
            _world.Update(this, movement.Origin);
Exemple #4
        public override CollisionResponse CanCollide(WorldBody otherBody)
            CollisionResponse response = new CollisionResponse();

            if (otherBody is ShipWeaponBullet)
                response.CanCollide = true;

Exemple #5
 public IMovement Simulate(float x, float y, Func <ICollision, CollisionResponses> filter)
     return(world.Simulate(this, x, y, (col) =>
         if (col.Hit == null)
             return null;
         return CollisionResponse.Create(col, filter(col));
Exemple #6
        public Movement Simulate(Box box, Vector2 destination, CollisionResponse response)
            var origin = box.Bounds;
            var goal   = new Rect(destination, box.Bounds.Size);

            var hits = new List <Hit>();

            var result = new Movement
                Origin      = origin,
                Goal        = goal,
                Destination = SimulateDestination(hits, new List <Box>
                }, box, origin, goal, response),
                Hits = hits

Exemple #7
        private static bool FruitPolygonCollision(Fruit fruit, Polygon polygon, CCPoint polygonVelocity)
            // Test whether the fruit collides
            bool didCollide = polygon.CollideAgainst(fruit.Collision);

            if (didCollide)
                var circle = fruit.Collision;

                // Get the separation vector to reposition the fruit so it doesn't overlap the polygon
                var separation = CollisionResponse.GetSeparationVector(circle, polygon);
                fruit.Position += separation;

                // Adjust the fruit's Velocity to make it bounce:
                var normal = separation;
                fruit.Velocity = CollisionResponse.ApplyBounce(
 private extern static void _SetCollisionResponseToChannel(IntPtr handler, CollisionChannel Channel, CollisionResponse NewResponse);
 public void SetCollisionResponseToAllChannels(CollisionResponse NewResponse)
     _SetAngularDamping1(NativeHandler, NewResponse);
 public void SetCollisionResponseToChannel(CollisionChannel Channel, CollisionResponse NewResponse)
     _SetCollisionResponseToChannel(NativeHandler, Channel, NewResponse);
Exemple #11
 public Collider()
     response = Respond;
    private void Tick(int milliseconds)
        double dt = milliseconds / 1000.0;       // Convert to fractional seconds.

        // Integrate forces for each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // Don't move background-anchored bodies.
            if (body.anchored)

            // First, apply gravitational force (if defined).
            body.totalForce        = new Vector(0, 0);
            body.totalAngularForce = 0.0;

            if (doc.Gravity != null)
                Point  fp;                // force point, body-local coordinates (ink-space)
                Vector fv;                // force vector, g·isu/s²
                doc.Gravity.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                // Gravity acts proportional to bodies' mass.
                // The fudgefactor variable makes forces match expected perceptions.
                double fudgefactor = 3.0;
                fv = (fv * body.Mass) / fudgefactor;

                body.totalForce += fv;

            // Integrate the forces and moments from mechanisms.
            MechanismBase[] mechs = doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body);

            foreach (MechanismBase mech in mechs)
                // Rods require the delta time to calculate force properly.
                if (mech is RodMech)
                    ((RodMech)mech).dt = dt;

                Point  fp;                // force point, body-local coords (ink-space)
                Vector fv;                // force vector, g·isu/s²
                mech.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                body.totalForce        += fv;
                body.totalAngularForce +=
                    Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(Point.Empty, fp), fv) / 1e6;

            // Integrate forces and moments from any pending collisions.
            foreach (CollisionResponse cr in this.collisions)
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(cr.body, body))

                body.totalForce        += cr.impulseforce;
                body.totalAngularForce += Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(
                                                           cr.body.CG, cr.contactpoint), cr.impulseforce) / 1e6;

                // If collision is between body not at rest and body at rest,
                // then the body at rest is no longer at rest.
                if (cr.body.initiallyAtRest &&
                    !cr.collidingBody.anchored && !cr.collidingBody.initiallyAtRest)
                    cr.body.initiallyAtRest = false;

        // Apply forces, to move each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // If body still at rest, don't move it.
            if (body.initiallyAtRest)

            // Add it up, and move the bodies.  Note, we're just doing simple
            // Euler integration, for now.  If integration error proves to be a
            // problem, Runge-Kutta or Improved Euler could be implemented here,
            // for better results (at the expense of a little performance).
            body.Vx += dt * body.totalForce.DX / body.Mass;           // isu/sec
            body.Vy += dt * body.totalForce.DY / body.Mass;           // isu/sec
            body.Va += dt * body.totalAngularForce / body.I;          // radians/sec

            int dx = 0, dy = 0; float da = 0f;

            dx = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vx);
            dy = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vy);
            da = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body.Va);

            body.Move(dx, dy, da);

            // Move force mechanisms
            foreach (MechanismBase mech in doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body))
                if (mech is ForceMechanismBase)
                    mech.Move(dx, dy, da);

        // Apply a method to stabilize rods, pin joints, and ropes.

        // Everything works better when there are no overlaps, so physically
        // separate any objects that are intersecting.

        // Look for collisions, apply impulses.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body1 in doc.Bodies)
            foreach (RigidBodyBase body2 in doc.Bodies)
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body1, body2))

                if (body1.anchored && body2.anchored)

                Point  contactPoint;
                PointF normal;
                if (!FindIntersection(body1, body2, out contactPoint, out normal))

                using (Graphics g = wnd.CreateGraphics())
                    using (Region contactrgn = RigidBodyBase.GetOverlap(body1, body2))
                        if (contactrgn.IsEmpty(g))

                        // We've got a hit; but make sure it's waxing not waning.
                        int dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0; float da1 = 0f, da2 = 0f;

                        dx1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vx);
                        dy1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vy);
                        da1 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body1.Va);
                        dx2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vx);
                        dy2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vy);
                        da2 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body2.Va);

                        using (Matrix m1 = new Matrix())
                            using (Matrix m2 = new Matrix())
                                using (Region rgn = new Region())
                                    m1.Translate(dx1, dy1);
                                    m1.RotateAt(da1, body1.CG);
                                    m2.Translate(dx2, dy2);
                                    m2.RotateAt(da2, body2.CG);

                                    Region contactrgn1 = body1.rgncache.Clone();
                                    Region contactrgn2 = body2.rgncache.Clone();



                                    float newarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(rgn);
                                    float oldarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(contactrgn);

                                    if (newarea < oldarea)

                        // Calculate contact point, and relative velocities.

                        // Make a 1000 unit normal so that we can use ints.
                        Vector collNormal = new Vector(MathEx.Round(normal.X * 1000),
                                                       MathEx.Round(normal.Y * 1000));
                        double collNormalLength = collNormal.Length;
                        if (collNormalLength == 0)

                        // Find the relative velocity at the collision point.
                        Vector rvBodies = new Vector(MathEx.Round(body1.Vx - body2.Vx),
                                                     MathEx.Round(body1.Vy - body2.Vy));
                        // Add in the velocity due to rotation of the bodies.
                        Vector cgToContact1 = Vector.FromPoints(body1.CG, contactPoint);
                        Vector orthoToCG1   = new Vector(-cgToContact1.DY, cgToContact1.DX);
                        Vector cgToContact2 = Vector.FromPoints(body2.CG, contactPoint);
                        Vector orthoToCG2   = new Vector(-cgToContact2.DY, cgToContact2.DX);
                        Vector rv           = rvBodies + orthoToCG1 * body1.Va - orthoToCG2 * body2.Va;

                        CollisionResponse cr = new CollisionResponse();
                        cr.body          = body2;
                        cr.collidingBody = body1;
                        cr.contactpoint  = contactPoint;

                        // Take the smaller of the two elasticities for the collision.
                        double elasticity = Math.Min(body1.elasticity, body2.elasticity);

                        // Calculate the change in velocity times mass.
                        // These formulas come from _Physics for Game Developers_ by Bourg, p 98.
                        double impulseTimesMass = 0;
                        if (body1.anchored && collNormalLength > 0)
                            impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                                               (1 / body2.Mass +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                                                body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /
                        else if (collNormalLength > 0)
                            impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                                               (1 / body1.Mass + 1 / body2.Mass +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG1) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact1, collNormal)) /
                                                body1.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                                                body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /

                        // Force that will result in that change in velocity.
                        cr.impulseforce = collNormal * (impulseTimesMass / dt / collNormalLength);

                        // Add sliding friction for ellipses colliding with polygons.
                        if (!body2.anchored && body2 is EllipticalBody && body1 is PolygonalBody)
                            // Figure out the velocity parallel to the normal.
                            double velocityNormal = rvBodies.Dot(collNormal) / collNormalLength;

                            // The frictional force is proportional to that.
                            // Note: For some reason, a coefficient of friction of 1.0
                            // sometimes creates a singularity.
                            double cfriction = Math.Min(body2.cfriction, .99);
                            double frictionForceMagnitude =
                                Math.Abs(velocityNormal) * cfriction * body2.Mass / dt;

                            // Figure out the velocity orthogonal to the normal.
                            Vector orthoNormal   = new Vector(collNormal.DY, -collNormal.DX);
                            double velocityOrtho = -rv.Dot(orthoNormal) / collNormalLength;

                            // You can't have a frictional force that actually reverses the velocity.
                            double maximumForce = Math.Abs(velocityOrtho * body2.Mass / dt);

                                // The frictional force will be along the orthogonal to the normal,
                                // in the opposite direction of the velocity.
                                Vector frictionForce = orthoNormal * (-Math.Sign(velocityOrtho) *
                                                                      Math.Min(frictionForceMagnitude, maximumForce)) / collNormalLength;

                                // Add friction.
                                cr.impulseforce += frictionForce;
                            catch (ArithmeticException ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("Silding friction exception: " + ex.ToString());

Exemple #13
        private Rect SimulateDestination(List <Hit> hits, List <Box> ignoring, Box box, Rect origin, Rect destination, CollisionResponse response)
            var nearest = Hit(origin, destination, ignoring);

            if (nearest.IsHit)

                var impact    = new Rect(nearest.Position, origin.Size);
                var collision = new Collision
                    Box = box, Hit = nearest, Goal = destination, Origin = origin

                var dest = response(collision);

                if (dest != null && destination != dest)
                    if (ignoring.Count > 2)
                        return(SimulateDestination(hits, ignoring, box, impact, dest.Value, response));

    private void Tick(int milliseconds)
        double dt = milliseconds/1000.0; // Convert to fractional seconds.

        // Integrate forces for each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // Don't move background-anchored bodies.
            if (body.anchored) continue;

            // First, apply gravitational force (if defined).
            body.totalForce = new Vector(0,0);
            body.totalAngularForce = 0.0;

            if (doc.Gravity != null)
                Point fp; // force point, body-local coordinates (ink-space)
                Vector fv; // force vector, g·isu/s²
                doc.Gravity.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                // Gravity acts proportional to bodies' mass.
                // The fudgefactor variable makes forces match expected perceptions.
                double fudgefactor = 3.0;
                fv = (fv*body.Mass)/fudgefactor;

                body.totalForce += fv;

            // Integrate the forces and moments from mechanisms.
            MechanismBase[] mechs = doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body);

            foreach (MechanismBase mech in mechs)
                // Rods require the delta time to calculate force properly.
                if (mech is RodMech)
                    ((RodMech)mech).dt = dt;

                Point fp; // force point, body-local coords (ink-space)
                Vector fv; // force vector, g·isu/s²
                mech.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                body.totalForce += fv;
                body.totalAngularForce +=
                    Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(Point.Empty,fp), fv)/1e6;

            // Integrate forces and moments from any pending collisions.
            foreach (CollisionResponse cr in this.collisions)
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(cr.body,body)) continue;

                body.totalForce += cr.impulseforce;
                body.totalAngularForce += Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(
                    cr.body.CG,cr.contactpoint), cr.impulseforce)/1e6;

                // If collision is between body not at rest and body at rest,
                // then the body at rest is no longer at rest.
                if (cr.body.initiallyAtRest &&
                    !cr.collidingBody.anchored && !cr.collidingBody.initiallyAtRest)
                    cr.body.initiallyAtRest = false;


        // Apply forces, to move each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // If body still at rest, don't move it.
            if (body.initiallyAtRest)

            // Add it up, and move the bodies.  Note, we're just doing simple
            // Euler integration, for now.  If integration error proves to be a
            // problem, Runge-Kutta or Improved Euler could be implemented here,
            // for better results (at the expense of a little performance).
            body.Vx += dt * body.totalForce.DX/body.Mass; // isu/sec
            body.Vy += dt * body.totalForce.DY/body.Mass; // isu/sec
            body.Va += dt * body.totalAngularForce/body.I; // radians/sec

            int dx=0,dy=0; float da=0f;

            dx = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vx);
            dy = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vy);
            da = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body.Va);


            // Move force mechanisms
            foreach (MechanismBase mech in doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body))
                if (mech is ForceMechanismBase)

        // Apply a method to stabilize rods, pin joints, and ropes.

        // Everything works better when there are no overlaps, so physically
        // separate any objects that are intersecting.

        // Look for collisions, apply impulses.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body1 in doc.Bodies)
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body2 in doc.Bodies)
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body1,body2)) continue;

            if (body1.anchored && body2.anchored) continue;

            Point contactPoint;
            PointF normal;
            if (!FindIntersection(body1, body2, out contactPoint, out normal)) continue;

            using (Graphics g = wnd.CreateGraphics())
            using (Region contactrgn = RigidBodyBase.GetOverlap(body1,body2))
                if (contactrgn.IsEmpty(g)) continue;

                // We've got a hit; but make sure it's waxing not waning.
                int dx1=0,dy1=0,dx2=0,dy2=0; float da1=0f,da2=0f;

                dx1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vx);
                dy1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vy);
                da1 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body1.Va);
                dx2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vx);
                dy2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vy);
                da2 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body2.Va);

                using (Matrix m1 = new Matrix())
                using (Matrix m2 = new Matrix())
                using (Region rgn = new Region())

                    Region contactrgn1 = body1.rgncache.Clone();
                    Region contactrgn2 = body2.rgncache.Clone();



                    float newarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(rgn);
                    float oldarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(contactrgn);

                    if (newarea < oldarea)

                // Calculate contact point, and relative velocities.

                // Make a 1000 unit normal so that we can use ints.
                Vector collNormal = new Vector(MathEx.Round(normal.X * 1000),
                    MathEx.Round(normal.Y * 1000));
                double collNormalLength = collNormal.Length;
                if (collNormalLength == 0)

                // Find the relative velocity at the collision point.
                Vector rvBodies = new Vector(MathEx.Round(body1.Vx - body2.Vx),
                    MathEx.Round(body1.Vy - body2.Vy));
                // Add in the velocity due to rotation of the bodies.
                Vector cgToContact1 = Vector.FromPoints(body1.CG, contactPoint);
                Vector orthoToCG1 = new Vector(-cgToContact1.DY, cgToContact1.DX);
                Vector cgToContact2 = Vector.FromPoints(body2.CG, contactPoint);
                Vector orthoToCG2 = new Vector(-cgToContact2.DY, cgToContact2.DX);
                Vector rv = rvBodies + orthoToCG1 * body1.Va - orthoToCG2 * body2.Va;

                CollisionResponse cr = new CollisionResponse();
                cr.body = body2;
                cr.collidingBody = body1;
                cr.contactpoint = contactPoint;

                // Take the smaller of the two elasticities for the collision.
                double elasticity = Math.Min(body1.elasticity, body2.elasticity);

                // Calculate the change in velocity times mass.
                // These formulas come from _Physics for Game Developers_ by Bourg, p 98.
                double impulseTimesMass = 0;
                if (body1.anchored && collNormalLength > 0)
                    impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                        (1/ body2.Mass +
                        Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                        body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /
                else if (collNormalLength > 0)
                    impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                        (1/body1.Mass + 1/body2.Mass +
                        Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG1) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact1, collNormal)) /
                        body1.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq +
                        Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                        body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /

                // Force that will result in that change in velocity.
                cr.impulseforce = collNormal * (impulseTimesMass / dt  / collNormalLength);

                // Add sliding friction for ellipses colliding with polygons.
                if (!body2.anchored && body2 is EllipticalBody && body1 is PolygonalBody)
                    // Figure out the velocity parallel to the normal.
                    double velocityNormal = rvBodies.Dot(collNormal) / collNormalLength;

                    // The frictional force is proportional to that.
                    // Note: For some reason, a coefficient of friction of 1.0
                    // sometimes creates a singularity.
                    double cfriction = Math.Min(body2.cfriction, .99);
                    double frictionForceMagnitude =
                        Math.Abs(velocityNormal) * cfriction * body2.Mass / dt;

                    // Figure out the velocity orthogonal to the normal.
                    Vector orthoNormal = new Vector(collNormal.DY, -collNormal.DX);
                    double velocityOrtho = -rv.Dot(orthoNormal) / collNormalLength;

                    // You can't have a frictional force that actually reverses the velocity.
                    double maximumForce = Math.Abs(velocityOrtho * body2.Mass / dt);

                        // The frictional force will be along the orthogonal to the normal,
                        // in the opposite direction of the velocity.
                        Vector frictionForce = orthoNormal * (-Math.Sign(velocityOrtho) *
                            Math.Min(frictionForceMagnitude, maximumForce)) / collNormalLength;

                        // Add friction.
                        cr.impulseforce += frictionForce;
                    catch (ArithmeticException ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Silding friction exception: " + ex.ToString());



 private extern static void _SetAngularDamping1(IntPtr handler, CollisionResponse NewResponse);
 public void Hit(CollisionResponse collisionResponse)
         new CollisionEventArgs(collisionResponse)
        //public bool HasCollision { get { return (LastCollisionNormal != null && LastCollisionNormal.LengthSquared > 0); } }

        public void HandleCollision(CollisionResponse collisionResponse)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
 public CollisionEventArgs(CollisionResponse collisionResponse)
     CollisionResponse = collisionResponse;
Exemple #19
         * <summary>
         * Sphere must be the first, not moving object in center
         * just the second object can move
         * </summary>
        public CollisionResponse CheckSimplified(CollisionSimplifiedScenario scenario)
            CollisionResponse test = null;

            // 1. first escape scenario -point is too far to collide with sphere
            //      it may happen if (|point center| - R) ^2 <= movement ^2

            double R = scenario.ColliderShape1.CalculateMaximumRadius;

            Vector3D totalDisplacement;

            totalDisplacement = scenario.Linear.Velocity * scenario.Linear.DeltaTime;

            Vector3D minimumDistanceToSphere         = new Point3D(0, 0, 0) - scenario.Linear.StartingPosition;
            Vector3D absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere = minimumDistanceToSphere.Abs();

            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.X = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.X - R);
            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Y = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Y - R);
            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Z = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Z - R);

            if (absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.LengthSquared > totalDisplacement.LengthSquared)

            // 2. check direction of displacement. If point does not move towards the center
            //      escape, as can never collide with sphere
            Vector3D PointTowardsSphereCenter = minimumDistanceToSphere;
            double   displacementDirection    = Vector3D.DotProduct(PointTowardsSphereCenter, totalDisplacement);

            if (displacementDirection < 0)

            // 3. Check calculation
            Vector3D VelocityDirectionNormalized = new Vector3D(totalDisplacement.X, totalDisplacement.Y, totalDisplacement.Z);


            double   lo = Vector3D.DotProduct(VelocityDirectionNormalized, PointTowardsSphereCenter);
            Vector3D TowardCenterAbsolute = PointTowardsSphereCenter.Abs();
            double   sqareRootValue       = lo * lo - TowardCenterAbsolute.LengthSquared + R * R;

            // 3a. escape condition
            if (sqareRootValue < 0)

            double squareCalculatedValue = Math.Sqrt(sqareRootValue);
            double d1 = Math.Abs(-lo + squareCalculatedValue);
            double d2 = Math.Abs(-lo - squareCalculatedValue);
            double d  = Math.Min(d1, d2);

            Vector3D FastestCollisionLength = d * VelocityDirectionNormalized;

            // the last escape, collision would happen, but in next frames
            if (FastestCollisionLength.LengthSquared > totalDisplacement.LengthSquared)

            test = new CollisionResponse(
                scenario.Linear.StartingPosition + FastestCollisionLength

Exemple #20
        public void Update(GameTime time)
            var state = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (previous.IsKeyUp(Keys.N) && state.IsKeyDown(Keys.N))
                moveDestination        = !moveDestination;
                this.selected.Location = (moveDestination ? goal.Location : origin.Location) - this.selected.Size / 2;

            if (previous.IsKeyUp(Keys.R) && state.IsKeyDown(Keys.R))
                response = (response + 1) % values.Length;

            previous = state;

            this.isMoving = state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space);
            var m    = Mouse.GetState().Position;
            var pos  = new Base.Vector2(m.X, m.Y);
            var size = isMoving ? 18 : 6;

            this.cursor = new RectangleF(m.X - size / 2, m.Y - size / 2, size, size);

            if (isMoving)
                this.selected.Location = pos - this.selected.Size / 2;

                if (moveDestination)
                    this.goal.Location = pos;
                    this.origin.Location = pos;

            // Calculate collision
            var hit = Hit.Resolve(origin, goal, other);
            var r   = this.values[response];

            if (hit != null && r != CollisionResponses.None)
                this.collision = new RectangleF(hit.Position, origin.Size);
                this.normal    = new RectangleF(this.collision.Center + hit.Normal * 50, new Base.Vector2(5, 5));

                // Destination
                var collisionPoint = new Collision()
                    Origin = origin,
                    Goal   = goal,
                    Hit    = hit,

                this.destination = CollisionResponse.Create(collisionPoint, r)?.Destination ?? goal;
                this.collision   = new RectangleF();
                this.normal      = new RectangleF();
                this.destination = this.goal;
         * <summary>
         * Sphere must be the first, not moving object in center
         * just the second object can move
         * </summary>
        public CollisionResponse CheckSimplified(CollisionSimplifiedScenario scenario)
            CollisionResponse test = null;

            // 1. first escape scenario -point is too far to collide with sphere
            //      it may happen if (|point center| - R) ^2 <= movement ^2

            double R1 = scenario.ColliderShape1.CalculateMaximumRadius;
            double R2 = scenario.ColliderShape2.CalculateMaximumRadius;

            Vector3D totalDisplacement;

            totalDisplacement = scenario.Linear.Velocity * scenario.Linear.DeltaTime;

            Vector3D DistanceToSphereCenter          = new Point3D(0, 0, 0) - scenario.Linear.StartingPosition;
            Vector3D absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere = DistanceToSphereCenter.Abs();

            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.X = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.X - R1 - R2);
            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Y = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Y - R1 - R2);
            absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Z = Math.Max(0, absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.Z - R1 - R2);

            if (absoluteminimumDistanceToSphere.LengthSquared > totalDisplacement.LengthSquared)

            // 2. check direction of displacement. If point does not move towards the center
            //      escape, as can never collide with sphere

            Vector3D VelocityDirectionNormalized = new Vector3D(totalDisplacement.X, totalDisplacement.Y, totalDisplacement.Z);


            Vector3D PointTowardsSphereCenter = DistanceToSphereCenter;
            double   displacementDirection    = Vector3D.DotProduct(VelocityDirectionNormalized, PointTowardsSphereCenter);

            // does not move towards the sphere center
            if (displacementDirection < 0)

            // will be close but too far to sphere
            double RadiusSum        = (R1 + R2);
            double RadiusSumSquared = RadiusSum * RadiusSum;

            double SquaredMinimumDistanceEverOnVelocityVector = DistanceToSphereCenter.LengthSquared - (displacementDirection * displacementDirection);

            if (SquaredMinimumDistanceEverOnVelocityVector > RadiusSumSquared)

            //double MinimumDistanceEverOnVelocityVector = Math.Sqrt(SquaredMinimumDistanceEverOnVelocityVector);
            double   MinimumCollisionLength = Math.Sqrt(RadiusSumSquared - SquaredMinimumDistanceEverOnVelocityVector);
            Vector3D MinimumCollisionVector = VelocityDirectionNormalized * (displacementDirection - MinimumCollisionLength);

            // the last escape, collision would happen, but in next frames
            if (MinimumCollisionVector.LengthSquared > totalDisplacement.LengthSquared)

            double k;

            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.X != 0)
                k = MinimumCollisionVector.X / totalDisplacement.X;
            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.Y != 0)
                k = MinimumCollisionVector.Y / totalDisplacement.Y;
            if (scenario.Linear.Velocity.Z != 0)
                k = MinimumCollisionVector.Z / totalDisplacement.Z;
                k = 0;

            // spheres were intersecting before test
            if (k <= 0)

            double deltaTime = k * scenario.Linear.DeltaTime;

            test = new CollisionResponse(
                scenario.Linear.StartingPosition + MinimumCollisionVector
