public FireFlowerModel(ItemEnemySpriteFactory itemEnemySpriteFactory, Vector2 coordinates, Vector2 velocity, CollisionGrid collisionGrid)
            : base(itemEnemySpriteFactory)
            Texture = ItemEnemySpriteFactory.GetItemSprite("fireflower");
            //Initialize state first
            CurrentState = new ItemStandardState(this);

            //Define the characteristics of a brick block here
            Position     = coordinates;
            CurrentFrame = 0;
            //If additional frames of QuestionBlocks are added, update Columns
            Columns     = 4;
            Rows        = 1;
            LayerDepth  = 1;
            Scale       = new Vector2(10, 10);
            Width       = Texture.Width / Columns;
            Height      = Texture.Height / Rows;
            TotalFrames = 4;
            Velocity    = velocity;

            //Bump Animation variables
            FixedPosition = Position;
            CollisionGrid = collisionGrid;
        public GreenMushroomModel(ItemEnemySpriteFactory itemEnemySpriteFactory, Vector2 coordinates, Vector2 velocity, CollisionGrid collisionGrid)
            : base(itemEnemySpriteFactory)
            Texture = ItemEnemySpriteFactory.GetItemSprite("greenmushroom");
            //Initialize state first
            CurrentState = new ItemStandardState(this);
            IsAnimated   = false;

            //Define the characteristics of a brick block here
            Position     = coordinates;
            CurrentFrame = 0;
            //If additional frames of QuestionBlocks are added, update Columns
            Columns     = 1;
            Rows        = 1;
            LayerDepth  = 1;
            Scale       = new Vector2(10, 10);
            Width       = Texture.Width / Columns;
            Height      = Texture.Height / Rows;
            TotalFrames = 1;
            Velocity    = velocity;

            //Bump Animation variables
            FixedPosition = Position;
            horizontalV   = 1;
            //MoveAwayFactor = new Vector2(50, 0);
            CollisionGrid    = collisionGrid;
            ItemOutsideBlock = 0;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            Paused = false;
            //Initialize each argument before sending it to contentloader
            //Controller initialization
            keyboardController  = new KeyboardController();
            keyboardController2 = new KeyboardController();
            gamePadController   = new GamePadController();

            keyboardController2.AddCommand((char)Keys.P, new PauseUnpauseGameCommand(this));
            keyboardController2.AddCommand((char)Keys.Q, new QuitCommand(this));
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch  = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            spriteMaster = new SpriteMaster(new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice), new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice));
            //Collision initialization
            collisionGrid = new CollisionGrid();
            //Load font
            font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font");
            //load hud
            hud = new HUD(GraphicsDevice, font);

            //New Contentloader method should make Game1 easier to follow.
            ContentLoader contentLoader = new ContentLoader(Content, GraphicsDevice, this, graphics, spriteMaster, keyboardController, gamePadController, collisionGrid, hud);

            // = contentLoader.GetCamera();
            this.spriteMaster = contentLoader.GetSpriteMaster();
Exemple #4
        public void ResetGame()
            if (hud.Lives > 0)
                collisionGrid = null;

                keyboardController = new KeyboardController();
                gamePadController  = new GamePadController();

                // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
                spriteBatch  = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
                spriteMaster = new SpriteMaster(new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice), new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice));
                //Collision initialization
                collisionGrid = new CollisionGrid();

                //New Contentloader method should make Game1 easier to follow.
                ContentLoader contentLoader = new ContentLoader(Content, GraphicsDevice, this, graphics, spriteMaster, keyboardController, gamePadController, collisionGrid, hud);
                contentLoader.LoadGameContents(this.checkpointCoords, hud.Points, hud.Coins, hud.Lives);
                // = contentLoader.GetCamera();
                this.spriteMaster = contentLoader.GetSpriteMaster();
                gameIsOver = true;
        public WarpPipeEnemyModel(BlockSpriteFactory blockSpriteFactory, Vector2 coordinates, Vector2 velocity, EnemyModelFactory enemyModelFactory, string enemyType, int numOfEnemies, CollisionGrid collisionGrid)
            : base(blockSpriteFactory)
            //Constructor for warppipe that hides enemies
            //Initialize Texture first
            Texture = BlockSpriteFactory.GetBlockSprite("pipetop");

            CurrentState = new WarpPipeEntityStandardState(this);
            //Define the characteristics of a pipe block here
            Position     = coordinates;
            CurrentFrame = 0;
            Columns      = 1;
            Rows         = 1;
            LayerDepth   = 1;
            Scale        = new Vector2(10, 10);
            Width        = Texture.Width / Columns;
            Height       = Texture.Height / Rows;
            Velocity     = velocity;

            EnemyModelFactory    = enemyModelFactory;
            EnemyType            = enemyType;
            CollisionGrid        = collisionGrid;
            EnemyModel           = enemyModelFactory.GetEnemyModel(enemyType, coordinates, Velocity);
            EnemyModel.IsVisible = false;
            NumOfEnemies         = numOfEnemies;
 public CollisionGridCell(CollisionGrid parentGrid, int column, int row, int data)
     _parentGrid = parentGrid;
     Column      = column;
     Row         = row;
     Data        = data;
     Flag        = data == 0 ? CollisionGridCellFlag.Empty : CollisionGridCellFlag.Solid;
Exemple #7
 public DrawableGrid(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, float height, int numberOfCellsX,
                     int numberOfCellsY) : base(game)
     SpriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     this.width  = width;
     this.height = height;
     Grid        = new CollisionGrid <Sprite>(width, height, numberOfCellsX, numberOfCellsY);
        public CollisionManager(Scene scene) : base(scene)
            grid = new CollisionGrid(2000, 1500, 256);

            colliders = new HashSet <Collider>();

            scene.EntityManager.EntityAdded   += EntityAdded;
            scene.EntityManager.EntityRemoved += EntityRemoved;
Exemple #9
 public ScanTask(int s, int e, CollisionGrid g, RTSTeam t, Queue <SeenEntity> q)
     : base(1)
     xs        = s;
     xe        = e;
     cg        = g;
     team      = t;
     queue     = q;
     lastAdded = 0;
Exemple #10
        public void SetAllFOW(FogOfWar f, CollisionGrid cg)
            int i = f == FogOfWar.Nothing ? HEAT_NONE : (f == FogOfWar.Passive ? HEAT_PASSIVE : HEAT_PASSIVE + 1);

            for (int y = 0; y < cg.numCells.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < cg.numCells.X; x++)
                    heat[x, y] = i;
                    cg.SetFogOfWar(x, y, teamIndex, f);
Exemple #11
        private void PrepareCollisionGrid(TiledMapTileLayer collisionLayer)
            //Mapa de tiles colidíveis por padrão é 0 em todas as posições
            var collisionGridData = new int[ *];

            //Só mudamos o valor da célula para os tiles colidíveis da camada informada
            foreach (var c in collisionLayer.Tiles)
                collisionGridData[c.X + (c.Y *] = c.GlobalIdentifier;

            this.collisionGrid = this.collisionWorld.CreateGrid(collisionGridData, collisionLayer.Width, collisionLayer.Height, collisionLayer.TileWidth, collisionLayer.TileHeight);
Exemple #12
    void Awake()
        //  MapLoader.loadSector(new Vector2I(0, 0));
        instance    = this;
        _properties = Resources.Load <WorldProperties>("World Properties");

        _chunkPool = new Pool <ChunkWorldObject>();

        CollisionGrid.initialize(this, _properties.worldDimension * _properties.chunkDimension);

        int half = (_properties.worldDimension - 1) / 2;

        Vector2I spawnPos = new Vector2I(3, 3);

        _position = spawnPos - new Vector2I(half, half);

        // Create and initialize the map handler behaviour
        _mapHandler = new MapHandler(this, spawnPos);

        //_mapHandler.setPosition(new Vector2I(0, 0));

        //_mapHandler.updatePosition(new Vector2I(0, 0));

        if (SaveGame.Instance.IsSaveGame)
        // TEMP


        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            EntityItem entity = (EntityItem)EntityStore.createEntity(0);
            entity.itemID             = i;
            entity.transform.position = new Vector3(5 + i, 10, 5);
Exemple #13
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, List <Sprite> sprites, CollisionGrid grid, Rectangle screenBounds)
            //base.Update(gameTime, sprites);
            _timer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (_timer > Lifespan)
                IsRemoved = true;
            if (OffScreen(screenBounds))
                IsRemoved = true;

            Position.Y -= Velocity;
Exemple #14
        public void UpdateVisible(CollisionGrid cg)
            // All Team Friendly Units Are Visible
            BoundingFrustum frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Camera.View * Camera.Projection);

            // Update Units
            Predicate <RTSUnit> fFVU = (u) => {

            foreach (var um in FriendlyUnitModels)
                um.UpdateInstances(G, GameplayController.IsUnitDead, fFVU);

            Predicate <RTSUnit> fNFVU = (u) => {
                Point up = HashHelper.Hash(u.GridPosition, cg.numCells, cg.size);
                if (cg.GetFogOfWar(up.X, up.Y, teamIndex) != FogOfWar.Active)

            foreach (var um in NonFriendlyUnitModels)
                um.UpdateInstances(G, GameplayController.IsUnitDead, UseFOW ? fNFVU : fFVU);

            // Update Buildings
            Predicate <BoundingBox> fFVB = (b) => {

            foreach (var bm in FriendlyBuildingModels)
                bm.UpdateInstances(G, fFVB);
            foreach (var bm in NonFriendlyBuildingModels)
                bm.UpdateInstances(G, fFVB);
Exemple #15
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime,
                                    List <Sprite> sprites,
                                    CollisionGrid grid, Rectangle screenBounds)
            //base.Update(gameTime, sprites);
            _previousKey = _currentKey;
            _currentKey  = Keyboard.GetState();

            //Direction = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(_))
            if (_currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                Position.Y -= Velocity;
            if (_currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                Position.Y += Velocity;
            if (_currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                Position.X -= Velocity;
            if (_currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                Position.X += Velocity;
            if (_currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) &&
                var bullet = Bullet.Clone() as Bullet;
                bullet.Direction = this.Direction;
                bullet.Position  = this.Position;
                bullet.Velocity  = this.Velocity * 2;
                bullet.Lifespan  = 2f;
                bullet.Parent    = this;
                bullet.Type      = SpriteType.PlayerBullet;

 public void SetAllFOW(FogOfWar f, CollisionGrid cg)
     int i = f == FogOfWar.Nothing ? HEAT_NONE : (f == FogOfWar.Passive ? HEAT_PASSIVE : HEAT_PASSIVE + 1);
     for(int y = 0; y < cg.numCells.Y; y++) {
         for(int x = 0; x < cg.numCells.X; x++) {
             heat[x, y] = i;
             cg.SetFogOfWar(x, y, teamIndex, f);
        public void UpdateVisible(CollisionGrid cg)
            // All Team Friendly Units Are Visible
            BoundingFrustum frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Camera.View * Camera.Projection);

            // Update Units
            Predicate<RTSUnit> fFVU = (u) => {
                return frustum.Intersects(u.BBox);
            foreach(var um in FriendlyUnitModels)
                um.UpdateInstances(G, GameplayController.IsUnitDead, fFVU);

            Predicate<RTSUnit> fNFVU = (u) => {
                Point up = HashHelper.Hash(u.GridPosition, cg.numCells, cg.size);
                if(cg.GetFogOfWar(up.X, up.Y, teamIndex) != FogOfWar.Active)
                    return false;
                return frustum.Intersects(u.BBox);
            foreach(var um in NonFriendlyUnitModels)
                um.UpdateInstances(G, GameplayController.IsUnitDead, UseFOW ? fNFVU : fFVU);

            // Update Buildings
            Predicate<BoundingBox> fFVB = (b) => {
                return frustum.Intersects(b);
            foreach(var bm in FriendlyBuildingModels)
                bm.UpdateInstances(G, fFVB);
            foreach(var bm in NonFriendlyBuildingModels)
                bm.UpdateInstances(G, fFVB);
Exemple #18
        public void Update(CollisionGrid map, float dt)
            CameraMotionSettings cms = MovementSettings;

            Scroll(camController.ScrollX, camController.ScrollZ, cms, dt);
            Orbit(camController.Yaw, camController.Pitch, cms, dt);
            int z;
            camController.GetZoom(out z);
            Zoom(z, dt);
            camTarget.X = MathHelper.Clamp(camTarget.X, 0, map.size.X);
            camTarget.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(camTarget.Z, 0, map.size.Y);
            //camOrigin.Y = Grey.Vox.Region.HEIGHT * 0.5f; // MathHelper.Clamp(camOrigin.Y, 0, Grey.Vox.Region.HEIGHT);
            camTarget.Y = map.HeightAt(new Vector2(camOrigin.X, camTarget.Z));

            bool reset;
            camController.GetResetDefault(out reset);
            if(reset) {
                Yaw = INITIAL_CAMERA_YAW;
                Pitch = INITIAL_CAMERA_PITCH;
                ZoomRatio = INITIAL_ZOOM_RATIO;

            camOrigin = Tweens.LINEAR.GetValue(camOrigin, camTarget, TWEEN_FACTOR * dt);
            RecalculateView(map, MathHelper.Lerp(cms.MinDistance, cms.MaxDistance, ZoomRatio));
Exemple #19
        // View Matrix Recalculation
        public void RecalculateView(CollisionGrid map, float dist)
            Matrix rot =
                Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Pitch) *

            Vector3 back = Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.UnitX, rot);

            Vector3 eye = CamOrigin + back * dist;
            //if(map != null) {
            //    float h = map.HeightAt(eye.X, eye.Z);
            //    if(eye.Y < h)
            //        eye.Y = h + EYE_HEIGHT_OFFSET;
            View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(eye, CamOrigin, Vector3.Up);
 // TODO: Unstupify This Function
 // There Is A Straight-Line Path From A To B That Intersects No Collidable Objects (Ignores Dynamic Entities)
 private bool CoastIsClear(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float stepSize, float radius, CollisionGrid cg)
     Vector2 diff = b - a;
     float mag = diff.X != 0 && diff.Y != 0 ? diff.LengthSquared() : 1.0f;
     diff /= mag;
     Vector2 step = stepSize * diff;
     float root2 = 1.41421356237f;
     Func<bool> cont;
     if(a.X < b.X && a.Y < b.Y) {
         cont = () => { return a.X < b.X && a.Y < b.Y; };
     else if(a.X < b.X && a.Y > b.Y) {
         cont = () => { return a.X < b.X && a.Y > b.Y; };
     else if(a.X > b.X && a.Y < b.Y) {
         cont = () => { return a.X > b.X && a.Y < b.Y; };
     else {
         cont = () => { return a.X > b.X && a.Y > b.Y; };
     Vector2[] offsets = {   new Vector2(radius, 0),
                             new Vector2(radius / 2.0f, 0),
                             new Vector2(-radius, 0),
                             new Vector2(-radius / 2.0f, 0),
                             new Vector2(0, radius),
                             new Vector2(0, radius / 2.0f),
                             new Vector2(0, -radius),
                             new Vector2(0, -radius / 2.0f),
                             (new Vector2(1, 1) / root2) * radius,
                             (new Vector2(1, 1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                             (new Vector2(-1, 1) / root2) * radius,
                             (new Vector2(-1, 1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                             (new Vector2(1, -1) / root2) * radius,
                             (new Vector2(1, -1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                             (new Vector2(-1, -1) / root2) * radius,
                             (new Vector2(-1, -1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f   };
     while(cont()) {
         bool collision = cg.GetCollision(a);
         foreach(var offset in offsets) {
             collision |= cg.GetCollision(a + offset);
             return false;
         a += step;
     return true;
Exemple #21
 // Clamp The Geometry To The Heightmap
 public static void CollideHeightmap(ICollidable o, CollisionGrid map)
         o.Height = map.HeightAt(o.Center);
Exemple #22
        // TODO: Unstupify This Function
        // There Is A Straight-Line Path From A To B That Intersects No Collidable Objects (Ignores Dynamic Entities)
        private bool CoastIsClear(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float stepSize, float radius, CollisionGrid cg)
            Vector2 diff = b - a;
            float   mag  = diff.X != 0 && diff.Y != 0 ? diff.LengthSquared() : 1.0f;

            diff /= mag;
            Vector2     step  = stepSize * diff;
            float       root2 = 1.41421356237f;
            Func <bool> cont;

            if (a.X < b.X && a.Y < b.Y)
                cont = () => { return(a.X < b.X && a.Y < b.Y); };
            else if (a.X < b.X && a.Y > b.Y)
                cont = () => { return(a.X < b.X && a.Y > b.Y); };
            else if (a.X > b.X && a.Y < b.Y)
                cont = () => { return(a.X > b.X && a.Y < b.Y); };
                cont = () => { return(a.X > b.X && a.Y > b.Y); };
            Vector2[] offsets = { new Vector2(radius,                                   0),
                                  new Vector2(radius / 2.0f,                            0),
                                  new Vector2(-radius,                                  0),
                                  new Vector2(-radius / 2.0f,                           0),
                                  new Vector2(0,              radius),
                                  new Vector2(0,              radius / 2.0f),
                                  new Vector2(0,                                  -radius),
                                  new Vector2(0,                           -radius / 2.0f),
                                  (new Vector2(1,                     1) / root2) * radius,
                                  (new Vector2(1,              1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                                  (new Vector2(-1,                    1) / root2) * radius,
                                  (new Vector2(-1,             1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                                  (new Vector2(1,                    -1) / root2) * radius,
                                  (new Vector2(1,             -1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f,
                                  (new Vector2(-1,                   -1) / root2) * radius,
                                  (new Vector2(-1, -1) / root2) * radius / 2.0f };
            while (cont())
                bool collision = cg.GetCollision(a);
                foreach (var offset in offsets)
                    collision |= cg.GetCollision(a + offset);
                if (collision)
                a += step;
Exemple #23
        private void SetNetForceAndWaypoint(GameState g)
            CollisionGrid cg = g.CGrid;
            // TODO: Make The Routine Below Fast Enough To Use
            //int tempIdx = 0;
            //Vector2 waypoint = Waypoints[tempIdx];
            //float r = unit.CollisionGeometry.BoundingRadius;
            //while(IsValid(tempIdx)) {
            //    // Get The Waypoint Closest To The Goal That This Unit Can Straight-Shot
            //    if(CoastIsClear(unit.GridPosition, waypoint, r, r, cg)) {
            //        CurrentWaypointIndex = tempIdx;
            //        break;
            //    }
            //    tempIdx++;

            Vector2 waypoint = Waypoints[CurrentWaypointIndex];

            Vector2 first  = Waypoints[Waypoints.Count - 1];
            Vector3 oFirst = new Vector3(first.X, g.CGrid.HeightAt(first), first.Y);
            g.AddParticle(new AlertParticle(oFirst, 1f, Color.Red, oFirst + Vector3.Up, 0.2f, Color.Green, g.TotalGameTime, 1f));
            Vector3 oWP = new Vector3(waypoint.X, g.CGrid.HeightAt(waypoint), waypoint.Y);
            g.AddParticle(new AlertParticle(oWP, 1f, Color.Blue, oWP + Vector3.Up, 0.2f, Color.Purple, g.TotalGameTime, 3f));
            if (Query != null && !Query.IsOld && Query.IsComplete)
                Query.IsOld          = true; // Only Do This Once Per Query
                Waypoints            = Query.waypoints;
                CurrentWaypointIndex = Waypoints.Count - 1;
            // Set Net Force...
            NetForce = pForce * UnitForce(unit.GridPosition, waypoint);
            Point unitCell = HashHelper.Hash(unit.GridPosition, cg.numCells, cg.size);

            //// Apply Forces From Other Units In This One's Cell
            //foreach(var otherUnit in cg.EDynamic[unitCell.X, unitCell.Y]) {
            //    NetForce += dForce * UnitForce(unit.GridPosition, otherUnit.GridPosition);
            //// Apply Forces From Buildings And Other Units Near This One
            //foreach(Point n in Pathfinder.Neighborhood(unitCell)) {
            //    RTSBuilding b = cg.EStatic[n.X, n.Y];
            //    if(b != null)
            //        NetForce += sForce * UnitForce(unit.GridPosition, b.GridPosition);
            //    foreach(var otherUnit in cg.EDynamic[n.X, n.Y]) {
            //        NetForce += sForce * UnitForce(unit.GridPosition, otherUnit.GridPosition);
            //    }

            // Set Waypoint...
            Point currWaypointCell = HashHelper.Hash(waypoint, cg.numCells, cg.size);
            float sqr2             = unit.Squad.Radius();
            sqr2 *= sqr2;
            bool inGoalCell       = unitCell.X == currWaypointCell.X && unitCell.Y == currWaypointCell.Y;
            bool withinCellDistSq = (waypoint - unit.GridPosition).LengthSquared() < cg.cellSize;
            bool withinSquad      = (waypoint - unit.GridPosition).LengthSquared() < 1.5 * sqr2;
            if (inGoalCell || (!wasStuck && (withinSquad || withinCellDistSq)))
                if (CurrentWaypointIndex < 0)
                    Waypoints = null;
                wasStuck = false;
Exemple #24
 public ScanTask(int s, int e, CollisionGrid g, RTSTeam t, Queue<SeenEntity> q)
     : base(1)
     xs = s;
     xe = e;
     cg = g;
     team = t;
     queue = q;
     lastAdded = 0;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the CollisionChief.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldSize">The size, in pixels, of the map. This defines the size of the collision grid.</param>
        /// <param name="cellSize">The size, in pixels, of a single cell in the collision grid.</param>
        public void Initialize(Vector2 worldSize, Vector2 cellSize)
            int numXCells;
            int numYCells;

            mWorldSize = worldSize;
            mCellSize = cellSize;

            numXCells = (int)(mWorldSize.X / mCellSize.X);
            if (mWorldSize.X % mCellSize.X > 0)

            numYCells = (int)(mWorldSize.Y / mCellSize.Y);
            if (mWorldSize.Y % mCellSize.Y > 0)

            mCollisionGrid = new CollisionGrid(numXCells, numYCells);
            mUnitsToUpdate = new List<CollisionUnit>();
            mEntitiesToNotify = new List<Entity>();
            mCurrTimeStamp = 0;
Exemple #26
 public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime, List <Sprite> sprites, CollisionGrid grid, Rectangle screenBounds)
     //if ((Position.X + Width) > screenBounds.Width || Position.X < 0 || (Position.Y + Height) > screenBounds.Height || Position.Y < 0)
     //    IsRemoved = true;
Exemple #27
 //Item Factory constructor
 public EnemyModelFactory(ItemEnemySpriteFactory itemEnemySpriteFactory, CollisionGrid collisionGrid)
     ItemEnemySpriteFactory = itemEnemySpriteFactory;
     CollisionGrid          = collisionGrid;
Exemple #28
        public override void DoWork(float dt)
            RTSTeam       team = state.teams[teamIndex];
            CollisionGrid cg   = state.CGrid;

            // Generate All The Old FOW
            int[,] val = new int[cg.numCells.X, cg.numCells.Y];
            for (int y = 0; y < cg.numCells.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < cg.numCells.X; x++)
                    // Set To Passive If There Was Some Visibility
                    if (heat[x, y] > HEAT_NONE)
                        val[x, y] = HEAT_PASSIVE * 10;
                        val[x, y] = 0;

            // Add Starting Points To The Queue
            var queue = new Queue <FOWPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < team.Units.Count; i++)
                Point p       = HashHelper.Hash(team.Units[i].GridPosition, cg.numCells, cg.size);
                int   vRadius = (int)(team.Units[i].Data.BaseCombatData.MaxRange / cg.cellSize);
                vRadius *= 10;
                if (val[p.X, p.Y] < vRadius)
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PXPY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NXNY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NXPY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PXNY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PX, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NX, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NY, vRadius));
                    cg.SetFogOfWar(p.X, p.Y, teamIndex, FogOfWar.Active);
                    val[p.X, p.Y] = vRadius;
            for (int i = 0; i < team.Buildings.Count; i++)
                Point p       = HashHelper.Hash(team.Buildings[i].GridPosition, cg.numCells, cg.size);
                int   vRadius = (int)(team.Buildings[i].Data.SightRadius / cg.cellSize);
                vRadius *= 10;
                if (val[p.X, p.Y] < vRadius)
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PXPY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NXNY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NXPY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PXNY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PX, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NX, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.PY, vRadius));
                    queue.Enqueue(new FOWPoint(p.X, p.Y, TravelDirection.NY, vRadius));
                    cg.SetFogOfWar(p.X, p.Y, teamIndex, FogOfWar.Active);
                    val[p.X, p.Y] = vRadius;

            // Fan Out Heat
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                FOWPoint fp = queue.Dequeue();
                if (InBounds(cg.numCells.X, cg.numCells.Y, ref fp) && val[fp.X, fp.Y] < fp.TravelAmount)
                    val[fp.X, fp.Y] = fp.TravelAmount;
                    AddPoints(cg.numCells.X, cg.numCells.Y, val, queue, ref fp);

            // Set The Fog Of War To The Grid
            for (int y = 0; y < cg.numCells.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < cg.numCells.X; x++)
                    FogOfWar f = cg.GetFogOfWar(x, y, teamIndex);
                    val[x, y] /= 10;
                    switch (val[x, y])
                    case HEAT_PASSIVE:
                        if (f != FogOfWar.Passive)
                            cg.SetFogOfWar(x, y, teamIndex, FogOfWar.Passive);

                    case 0:
                        // Black, But Don't Do Anything

                        // Active
                        if (f != FogOfWar.Active)
                            cg.SetFogOfWar(x, y, teamIndex, FogOfWar.Active);
            heat = val;