public void ClearCollectionEventTest()
            var itemDef = new ItemDefinition(Guid.NewGuid())
                maxStackSize = 10
            var item = new ItemInstance(Guid.NewGuid(), itemDef);

            CollectionSlotsChangedResult changedResult = null;
            int changedEventCount = 0;

            _collection.Set(0, item, 3);
            _collection.Set(1, (ItemInstance)item.Clone(), 2);
            _collection.Set(3, (ItemInstance)item.Clone(), 4);

            _collection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, e) =>
                changedResult = e;


            Assert.AreEqual(1, changedEventCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, changedResult.affectedSlots.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, changedResult.affectedSlots[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, changedResult.affectedSlots[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, changedResult.affectedSlots[2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < _collection.slotCount; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, _collection.GetAmount(i));
        // TODO: consider overwriting Add / Set methods for equipment -> Check if item we're trying to set / add is in a player collection.
        // TODO: Clients that join later need to get read permission to equipment collection of other clients and replicate the visually equipped items.

        protected void NotifyOnSlotsChanged(object sender, CollectionSlotsChangedResult data)
            if (owner.isServer)
                var clients = UNetPermissionsRegistry.collections.GetAllIdentitiesWithPermission(this);
                foreach (var client in clients)
                    // TODO: Validate if there's at least read access

                    var actionBridge = client.GetComponent <UNetActionsBridge>();
                    if (actionBridge != null)
                        logger.LogVerbose($"[Server] Notify client with NetID: {actionBridge.identity.netId} of changed itemGuid: {data.affectedSlots.ToSimpleString()} on equipment collection: {collectionName}", this);

                        // TODO: Combine all affected slots in single call to client!
                        foreach (var slot in data.affectedSlots)
                            if (this[slot] != null)
                                // TODO: Remove this line - Client should request it by itself, or the server should check if the client already knows the item instance...

                            actionBridge.Server_SetSlotOnClient(new SlotDataMessage()
                                collectionGuid   = ID,
                                index            = (ushort)slot,
                                amount           = (ushort)GetAmount(slot),
                                itemInstanceGuid = this[slot]?.ID ?? System.Guid.Empty
        private void NotifyOnSlotsChanged(object sender, CollectionSlotsChangedResult data)
            if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient /*owner.IsServer() /*owner.isServer*/)
                var clients = PUN2PermissionsRegistry.collections.GetAllIdentitiesWithPermission(this);
                foreach (var client in clients)
                    // TODO: Validate if there's at least read access

                    var actionBridge = client.GetComponent <PUN2ActionsBridge>();
                    if (actionBridge != null)
                        logger.LogVerbose($"[Server] Notify client with ViewID: {actionBridge.photonView.ViewID} of changed itemGuid: {data.affectedSlots.ToSimpleString()} on equipment collection: {collectionName}", this);

                        // TODO: Combine all affected slots in single call to client!
                        foreach (var slot in data.affectedSlots)
                            if (this[slot] != null)
                                // TODO: Remove this line - Client should request it by itself, or the server should check if the client already knows the item instance...

                                collectionGuid: ID,
                                itemInstanceGuid: this[slot]?.ID ?? System.Guid.Empty,
                                index: slot,
                                amount: GetAmount(slot)
Exemple #4
 protected virtual void OnCollectionSlotsChanged(object sender, CollectionSlotsChangedResult e)
     logger.LogVerbose($"Collection {_collectionName} slots changed: {e.affectedSlots.Length} affected slots. - {e.affectedSlots.ToSimpleString()}");
     foreach (var slot in e.affectedSlots)
        public void ClearEmptyCollectionEventTest()
            CollectionSlotsChangedResult changedResult = null;
            int changedEventCount = 0;

            _collection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, e) =>
                changedResult = e;


            Assert.AreEqual(0, changedEventCount);
        public void SwapOrMergeSlotsChangedEventsTest()
            var itemDef = new ItemDefinition(Guid.NewGuid())
                maxStackSize = 3
            var item  = new CollectionItemInstance(Guid.NewGuid(), itemDef);
            var item2 = new CollectionItemInstance(Guid.NewGuid(), itemDef);

            CollectionSlotsChangedResult changeResult = null;
            object changeObj       = null;
            int    changeCallCount = 0;

            var set1 = _collection.Set(0, item, 3);
            var set2 = _collection.Set(1, item2, 2);


            _collection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, result) =>
                changeObj    = sender;
                changeResult = result;


            var swap = _collection.SwapOrMerge(0, _collection, 1, 3);


            Assert.AreSame(item2, _collection[0]);
            Assert.AreSame(item, _collection[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, _collection.GetAmount(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, _collection.GetAmount(1));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, changeCallCount);
            Assert.AreSame(changeObj, _collection);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, changeResult.affectedSlots.Length);
        public void GenerateSlotsChangedEventTest()
            CollectionSlotsChangedResult changedResult = null;
            int changedEventCount = 0;

            _collection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, e) =>
                changedResult = e;

            _collection.GenerateSlotsRange <CollectionSlot <IItemInstance> >(5, 9);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, changedEventCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, changedResult.affectedSlots.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, changedResult.affectedSlots[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, changedResult.affectedSlots[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, changedResult.affectedSlots[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, changedResult.affectedSlots[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, changedResult.affectedSlots[4]);
        public void EquipmentCollectionOnEquipEventTest()
            CollectionAddResult equipmentAddResult = null;
            CollectionRemoveResult <IEquippableItemInstance> equipmentRemoveResult = null;
            CollectionSlotsChangedResult equipmentChangeResult = null;

            int equipmentAddEventCount    = 0;
            int equipmentRemoveEventCount = 0;
            int equipmentChangeEventCount = 0;

            CollectionAddResult restoreAddResult = null;
            CollectionRemoveResult <IItemInstance> restoreRemoveResult = null;
            CollectionSlotsChangedResult           restoreChangeResult = null;

            int restoreAddEventCount    = 0;
            int restoreRemoveEventCount = 0;
            int restoreChangeEventCount = 0;

            _equipmentCollection.OnAddedItem += (sender, result) =>
                equipmentAddResult = result;

            _equipmentCollection.OnRemovedItem += (sender, result) =>
                equipmentRemoveResult = result;

            _equipmentCollection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, result) =>
                equipmentChangeResult = result;

            _restoreToCollection.OnAddedItem += (sender, result) =>
                restoreAddResult = result;

            _restoreToCollection.OnRemovedItem += (sender, result) =>
                restoreRemoveResult = result;

            _restoreToCollection.OnSlotsChanged += (sender, result) =>
                restoreChangeResult = result;

            var set1 = _equippableCharacter.EquipAt(4, _arrowsItem); // Add event
            var set2 = _equippableCharacter.EquipAt(4, _shieldItem); // Unequips arrows + add event for shield


            Assert.AreEqual(2, equipmentAddEventCount);    // Add arrows + shield
            Assert.AreEqual(1, equipmentRemoveEventCount); // Remove arrows
            Assert.AreEqual(3, equipmentChangeEventCount); // Arrow equip, unequip, shield equip

            Assert.AreEqual(1, restoreAddEventCount);      // Add arrows
            Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreRemoveEventCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, restoreChangeEventCount);   // Changed for arrows

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _restoreToCollection.GetAmount(_arrowsItem));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _equipmentCollection.GetAmount(_shieldItem));