Exemple #1
        public long CreateUserCameraSite(NewUserSiteModel model)
            User   user = UserRepository.First(u => u.ProviderID == this.User.Identity.Name);
            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            CameraSite newCameraSite = new CameraSite()
                Name          = model.SiteName,
                Latitude      = model.Latitude,
                Longitude     = model.Longitude,
                CountyFips    = DroughtMonitorRepository.GetFipsForCountyAndState(model.County, model.State),
                ContainerID   = guid,
                DirectoryName = guid

            Collection newCollection = new Collection()
                Name        = model.SiteName,
                Site        = newCameraSite,
                Owner       = user,
                ContainerID = guid,
                Type        = CollectionType.USER


Exemple #2
        public MKCalendarPosCondition(IFileSystemManagement fs,
                                      IRepository <CalendarCollection, string> collectionRepository)
            _collectionRepository = collectionRepository as CollectionRepository;

            Fs = fs;
        public void User_Can_Get_A_Single_Collection_By_Id()
            // Set an expected collection to get that's in the db
            var expectedCollection = new Collection()
                UserId           = 1,
                CategorizationId = 1,
                Categorization   = new Categorization()
                    Id = 1, Type = "Part of Speech"
                Name        = "Monsters",
                Description = "Monsters and related words It becomes.",
                Pinned      = false

            // Get a Collection Id that is in the Db
            int collectionId = 3;

            // Instantiate CollectionRepo
            var repo = new CollectionRepository(_context);

            // Get Collection by its Id
            var actualCollection = repo.GetByCollectionId(collectionId);

            // Two objects should have the same name. Was unable to test if Assert.Equal because Repo returns all the Objects from the FKs
            Assert.True(expectedCollection.Name == actualCollection.Collection.Name);
        public void User_Can_Add_Collection()
            // Get a userId
            int userId = 1;

            // Create a new collection
            Collection collection = new Collection()
                UserId           = 1,
                CategorizationId = 1,
                Name             = "New stuff",
                Description      = "New lame description.",
                Pinned           = false,
                CreationDate     = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(10)

            // Instantiate CollectionRepo
            var repo = new CollectionRepository(_context);

            // Add collection

            // Get new count of all collections
            var count = repo.Get(userId).Count;

            // User with Id 1 should have 3
            Assert.True(count == 3);
        private List <ThumbnailModel> GetSiteYearSummary(long siteID)
            List <ThumbnailModel> Years = new List <ThumbnailModel>();

            string siteName = CollectionRepository.Find(c => c.Site.ID == siteID).FirstOrDefault().Site.Name;

            List <int> yearStrings = PhotoRepository.Find(p => p.Site.ID == siteID).Select(p => p.Captured.Year).Distinct().ToList <int>();

            foreach (int y in yearStrings)
                ThumbnailModel model = new ThumbnailModel();

                model.Name = Convert.ToString(y);

                Photo[] photos = PhotoRepository.Find(p => p.Site.ID == siteID && p.Captured.Year == y)
                model.PhotoCount = photos.Count();
                model.First      = photos[0].Captured;
                model.Last       = photos[photos.Count() - 1].Captured;

                photos = photos.Where(p => p.Captured.Hour > 12 && p.Captured.Hour < 16).ToArray();

                Random rand = new Random();
                model.CoverPhotoID = photos[rand.Next(photos.Length)].ID;

                model.Link = "/Search/Index?site=" + siteName + "&year=" + model.Name;


Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual Work to be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Execute()
            List <CollectionModel> newlist         = new List <CollectionModel>();
            CollectionModel        collectionModel = new CollectionModel();

            List <repository> repositories = RepositoryRepository.GetRepositoriess();

            if (this.Request.CollectionId > 0)
                collection collection = CollectionRepository.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == this.Request.CollectionId);

                collectionModel = Util.ConvertToCollectionModel(
                    collection, repositories.First(c => c.Id == collection.RepositoryId).RepositoryName);
                foreach (collection item in CollectionRepository.GetCollections().OrderBy(c => c.CollectionName))
                    newlist.Add(Util.ConvertToCollectionModel(item, repositories.First(c => c.Id == item.RepositoryId).RepositoryName));

            Response = new ResponseModel()
                Collection         = collectionModel,
                Collections        = newlist,
                IsOperationSuccess = true
        public ActionResult AddEditCollection(int CollectionId)
            var UserId = Session["AdminId"];

            if (UserId != null)
                collectionRepository = new CollectionRepository();
                categoryRepository   = new CategoryRepository();
                bannersRepository    = new BannersRepository();

                List <Side> SideList = new List <Side>();
                Side        side     = new Side();
                side.sId   = 1;
                side.sName = "Right";
                side       = new Side();
                side.sId   = 2;
                side.sName = "Left";

                ViewBag.SideList        = new SelectList(SideList, "sId", "sName");
                ViewBag.Banners         = new SelectList(bannersRepository.GetBanners(), "Id", "BannerKeyName");
                ViewBag.Categories      = new SelectList(categoryRepository.getAllCategory(), "Id", "CategoryName");
                ViewBag.CollectionsList = new SelectList(collectionRepository.GetAllCollections(), "CollectionId", "CollectionName");
                ViewBag.SubCategories   = new SelectList(_DBContext.SubCategories.ToList(), "Id", "SubCategoryName");

                if (CollectionId > 0)
                    var collection = collectionRepository.GetCollectionsById(CollectionId);
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Admin"));
        public ActionResult SiteDashboard(long siteID)
            // Make sure the siteID belongs to a CameraSite
            if (CollectionRepository.Find(c => c.Site.ID == siteID && c.Type == CollectionType.SITE).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("SiteList", "Home", null));
                SiteDashboardViewModel model = new SiteDashboardViewModel();

                model.CollectionViewModel = GetCollectionViewModel(siteID, -1);
                model.Years = GetSiteYearSummary(siteID);
                model.Tags  = PhotoService.GetPopularTagsForSite(siteID);

                //Photo Frequency
                model.PhotoFrequency           = GetPhotoFrequencyData(siteID);
                model.PhotoFrequency.SiteName  = model.CollectionViewModel.Collection.Site.Name;
                model.PhotoFrequency.StartDate = model.CollectionViewModel.SiteDetails.First;

                Photo    lastPhoto     = PhotoRepository.Find(p => p.Site.ID == siteID).OrderBy(p => p.Captured).Last();
                DateTime lastPhotoDate = lastPhoto.Captured;

                model.DroughtMonitorData         = LoadDMData(DMDataType.COUNTY, lastPhotoDate, model.CollectionViewModel.Collection.Site.CountyFips);
                model.DroughtMonitorData.PhotoID = lastPhoto.ID;

                model.WaterData         = LoadWaterData(model.CollectionViewModel.Collection.Site.Latitude, model.CollectionViewModel.Collection.Site.Longitude, lastPhotoDate);
                model.WaterData.PhotoID = lastPhoto.ID;

        public async Task Found_Collection_Should_Not_Be_Tracked()
            const string realName     = "A Collection";
            var          collectionId = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repo       = new CollectionRepository(db);
                var collection = new Collection {
                    Name = realName
                await repo.AddAsync(collection);

            await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repo       = new CollectionRepository(db);
                var collection = await repo.FindAsync(collectionId);

                collection.Name = "Manipulated Name";
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var result = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                                                  await db.Collections.FindAsync(collectionId));

            Assert.Equal(realName, result.Name);
        // GET: /Home/
        public ActionResult Index(int e = 0)
            HomeViewModel            model       = new HomeViewModel();
            ICollection <Collection> collections = CollectionRepository.Find(c => c.Status == CollectionStatus.COMPLETE && c.Type == CollectionType.SITE, c => c.CoverPhoto, c => c.Site).ToList <Collection>();

            model.Sites          = collections.Select(c => GetDetailsForCollection(c)).ToArray();
            model.SiteThumbnails = new List <ThumbnailModel>();
            foreach (var s in model.Sites)
                model.SiteThumbnails.Add(new ThumbnailModel()
                    ID           = s.SiteID,
                    Name         = s.SiteName,
                    First        = s.First,
                    Last         = s.Last,
                    PhotoCount   = s.PhotoCount,
                    CoverPhotoID = s.CoverPhotoID,
                    Link         = "/photo/sitedashboard?siteId=" + s.SiteID.ToString()

            model.Tags = PhotoService.GetTagNames();

            model.SiteIndex = new Random().Next(model.Sites.Count());

            if (e == 2)
                ViewBag.Message = "Please enter at lease one search parameter.";

        public async Task Can_Find_A_Collection_By_id()
            var toBeFound = await Database.OnceAndSaveAsync(async db =>
                var collections = new[]
                    new Collection {
                        Name = "Collection1"
                    new Collection {
                        Name = "Collection2"
                await db.Collections.AddRangeAsync(collections);

            var found = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repository = new CollectionRepository(db);
                return(await repository.FindAsync(toBeFound.Id));

            Assert.Equal(toBeFound.Name, found.Name);
        public async Task Updated_Collection_Should_Not_Be_Tracked()
            const string newName    = "New Collection Name";
            var          collection = new Collection {
                Name = "A Collection"
            await Database.OnceAndSaveAsync(async db => await db.Collections.AddAsync(collection));

            await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repository = new CollectionRepository(db);

                collection.Name = newName;
                await repository.UpdateAsync(collection);

                collection.Name = "Manipulated Name";
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var updated = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                                                   await db.Collections.FindAsync(collection.Id));

            Assert.Equal(newName, updated.Name);
        public async Task Can_Update_A_Collection()
            const string newName    = "New Collection Name";
            var          collection = new Collection {
                Name = "A Collection"
            await Database.OnceAndSaveAsync(async db => await db.Collections.AddAsync(collection));

            var isSucceed = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repository = new CollectionRepository(db);

                collection.Name = newName;
                return(await repository.UpdateAsync(collection));

            var updated = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                                                   await db.Collections.FindAsync(collection.Id));

            Assert.Equal(newName, updated.Name);
        public async Task Listed_Collections_Should_Not_Be_Tracked()
            // Given
            var collectionsNames = new[] { "Collection1", "Collection2", "Collection3" };
            await Database.OnceAndSaveAsync(async db =>
                var collections = collectionsNames.Select(name => new Collection {
                    Name = name
                await db.AddRangeAsync(collections);

            // When
            await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repository  = new CollectionRepository(db);
                var collections = await repository.ListAsync();

                foreach (var collection in collections)
                    collection.Name = $"Manipulated {collection.Name}";

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Then
            var collections = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                                                       await db.Collections.ToArrayAsync());

            Assert.True(collections.All(collection => collectionsNames.Contains(collection.Name)));
        public void OnGet()
            CollectionRepository collectionRepository = new CollectionRepository();

            Collections = collectionRepository.Items.OrderBy(i => i.ID).ToList();
Exemple #16
        // Anropen mot Ratings och Users kan bli tunga med flera tusen
        // ratings och användare, därför har jag valt att jobba asynkront.
        // Databasen är till för att användas med ett ASP.NET MVC projekt och
        // EF Core är inte threadsafe ännu vilket var till fördel
        // för asynkront.

        public void GetBookInfoRatingAndUsersAsync(Book inputBook)
            BookRepository       bookRepo        = new BookRepository();
            AuthorRepository     authorRepo      = new AuthorRepository();
            GenreRepository      genreRepository = new GenreRepository();
            CollectionRepository collectionRepo  = new CollectionRepository();
            var book             = bookRepo.GetById(1);
            var bookRatingsAsync = bookRepo.GetAllUserRatingsByBookAsync(book);
            var usersAsync       = bookRepo.GetAllBookOwnersAsync(book);
            var genreAsync       = bookRepo.GetBookGenresAsync(book);
            var authorAsync      = authorRepo.GetByIdAsync(book.Id);
            var author           = authorAsync.Result;
            var genres           = genreAsync.Result;
            var users            = usersAsync.Result;
            var bookRatings      = bookRatingsAsync.Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Title: " + book.Title + "\nAuthor: " + author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName);
            Console.Write("Genres: ");
            foreach (var genre in genres)
                Console.Write(" / " + genre.Category);
            Console.WriteLine("\nAverage Score: " + bookRatings.Values.Average() + " / 10");
            Console.WriteLine("In users collection: ");
            foreach (var user in users)
                Console.WriteLine("- " + user.Username);
Exemple #17
        public void NewUserCollection(User user, string collectionName, string photoIds)
            List <Photo> photos;

            long[] ids;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(photoIds))
                ids    = photoIds.Split(',').Select(i => Convert.ToInt64(i)).ToArray();
                photos = PhotoRepository.Find(p => ids.Contains(p.ID), p => p.Site).ToList();
                ids    = new long[0];
                photos = new List <Photo>();

            Guid containerID = Guid.NewGuid();

            //save the collection
            Collection c = new Collection()
                Name        = collectionName,
                ContainerID = containerID.ToString(),
                Owner       = user,
                Type        = CollectionType.USER,
                Status      = CollectionStatus.COMPLETE,
                Photos      = photos

        private CollectionViewModel GetCollectionViewModel(long siteID, long year)
            CollectionViewModel model = new CollectionViewModel();

            model.Collection = CollectionRepository.First(c => c.Site.ID == siteID);
            model.SiteCoords = string.Format("{0}, {1}", model.Collection.Site.Latitude, model.Collection.Site.Longitude);

            List <Photo> photos = PhotoRepository.Find(p => p.Site.ID == model.Collection.Site.ID).OrderBy(p => p.Captured).ToList <Photo>();

            if (year != -1)
                photos = photos.Where(p => p.Captured.Year == year).ToList <Photo>();

            model.SiteDetails = new SiteDetails()
                PhotoCount = photos.Count(), First = photos.Select(p => p.Captured).First(), Last = photos.Select(p => p.Captured).Last()

            Phocalstream_Shared.Data.Model.Photo.User User = UserRepository.First(u => u.ProviderID == this.User.Identity.Name);
            if (User != null)
                UserCollectionList userCollectionModel = new UserCollectionList();
                userCollectionModel.User        = User;
                userCollectionModel.Collections = CollectionRepository.Find(c => c.Owner.ID == User.ID && c.Type == CollectionType.USER, c => c.Photos).ToList();
                model.UserCollections           = userCollectionModel;

Exemple #19
        public void SetUserCollectionPublic(User user, long collectionID, bool publish)
            Collection collection = CollectionRepository.First(c => c.ID == collectionID && c.Owner.ID == user.ID);

            collection.Public = publish;
        } //End LoadDMDataValues

        private UserCollectionData LoadUserCollections(long photoID)
            Phocalstream_Shared.Data.Model.Photo.User User = UserRepository.First(u => u.ProviderID == this.User.Identity.Name);
            if (User != null)
                UserCollectionData model = new UserCollectionData();
                model.PhotoID = photoID;

                List <UserCollection>    userCollections = new List <UserCollection>();
                IEnumerable <Collection> collections     = CollectionRepository.Find(c => c.Owner.ID == User.ID && c.Site == null && c.Type != CollectionType.TIMELAPSE, c => c.Photos);

                foreach (var col in collections)
                    UserCollection userCollection = new UserCollection();

                    userCollection.CollectionID   = col.ID;
                    userCollection.CollectionName = col.Name;

                    userCollection.Added = col.Photos.Select(p => p.ID).Contains(photoID);


                model.Collections = userCollections;
        public void Setup()
            _keys = GetKeys();
            var client = new LexalyticsRepositoryClient(_keys);

            _sut = new CollectionRepository(_keys, client);
        public ActionResult CreateUserSite(AddUserCameraSite site)
            User   user = UserRepository.First(u => u.ProviderID == this.User.Identity.Name);
            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            CameraSite newCameraSite = new CameraSite()
                Name          = site.CameraSiteName,
                Latitude      = site.Latitude,
                Longitude     = site.Longitude,
                CountyFips    = DroughtMonitorRepository.GetFipsForCountyAndState(site.County, site.State),
                ContainerID   = guid,
                DirectoryName = guid

            Collection newCollection = new Collection()
                Name        = site.CameraSiteName,
                Site        = newCameraSite,
                Owner       = user,
                ContainerID = guid,
                Type        = CollectionType.USER


            return(RedirectToAction("UploadPhotos", new { @collectionID = newCollection.ID }));
        public async Task Can_Find_And_Map_Result()
            const int itemsCount = 3;
            var       collection = await Database.OnceAndSaveAsync(async db =>
                var collection = new Collection {
                    Name = "A Collection"
                for (var i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
                    collection.TodoItems.Add(new TodoItem {
                        Name = $"Item{i}"
                await db.Collections.AddAsync(collection);

            var result = await Database.OnceAsync(async db =>
                var repository = new CollectionRepository(db);

                return(await repository.FindAndMapAsync(collection.Id, c => new
                    Collection = c,
                    TodoItemsCount = c.TodoItems.Count,

            Assert.Equal(collection.Id, result.Collection.Id);
            Assert.Equal(itemsCount, result.TodoItemsCount);
        private CollectionsControl()
            collectionRepository = new CollectionRepository();

 public static IHost BuildHost(string[] args,
                               CollectionRepository <Book> repo,
                               Dispatcher dispatcher,
                               int port = 15000)
     return(CreateHostBuilder(args, repo, dispatcher, port).Build());
 public void OnGet(string vendor)
     furnitureRepository = new FurnitureRepository(QueryMode.ByVendorCode, vendor);
     Furniture = furnitureRepository.Items.FirstOrDefault();
     Furniture.CategoryID     = Furniture.Category.ID;
     Furniture.ManufacturerID = Furniture.Manufacturer.ID;
     Furniture.CollectionID   = Furniture.Collection.ID;
     CollectionRepository = new CollectionRepository();
     ManufacturerRepository = new ManufacturerRepository();
     CategoryRepository = new CategoryRepository();
     ColorRepository = new ColorRepository();
     MaterialRepository = new MaterialRepository();
        private void initializeCollectionsDropdown()
            var items = new CollectionRepository().query().forUser(Auth.getUser()).get();

            if (items.Count < 1)
                throw new ValidationException("You cannot create files without existing collection.");

            foreach (var i in items)

            var index = -1;

            if (!item.isNull())
                index = items.FindIndex(i => i.Name == (item.Collection?.Name ?? ""));
            else if (item.isNull() && items.Count > 0)
                index = 0;

            collectionsDropdown.selectedIndex = index;
        public void GetDeleteDrugFromConsultation(string id)
            bool collected = true;

            using (var consrepo = new ConsultationRepository())
                CollectionRepository collrepo = new CollectionRepository();
                var consultdrug = consrepo.GetById(id);
                consultdrug.collected = collected;
            //ConsultationDrugView cdv=new ConsultationDrugView();
            //using (var consultrepo = new ConsultationDrugsRepository())
            //    if (id != 0)
            //    {
            //        ConsultationDrug consult = consultrepo.FindbyId(id);

            //        cdv.DrugId = consult.DrugId;
            //        cdv.PrescriptionId = consult.PrescriptionId;
            //        cdv.DrugName = consult.DrugName;
            //        cdv.Price = consult.Price;
            //        cdv.DrugToConsultId = consult.DrugToConsultId;
            //        cdv.Quantity = consult.Quantity;

            //    }

            //    return cdv;
Exemple #29
 public ACLReport(IRepository <Principal, string> prinRepository,
                  IRepository <CalendarCollection, string> colRepository,
                  IRepository <CalendarResource, string> resRepository)
     _principalRepository  = prinRepository as PrincipalRepository;
     _collectionRepository = _collectionRepository;
     _resourceRepository   = resRepository as ResourceRespository;
Exemple #30
        public override File addIncludes(File model)
            collectionRepository = new CollectionRepository();

            model.Collection = collectionRepository.query().where ("id", "=", model.CollectionID).first(false);
