Exemple #1
        public List <Activity> GetActivities(HashSet <string> ids, string appId, HashSet <String> fields, CollectionOptions options)
            var activities = db.activities
                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.id)
                             .Where(x => ids.AsEnumerable().Contains(x.person_id.ToString()) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId)?true:x.app_id.ToString() == appId));

            int first = options.getFirst();
            int max   = options.getMax();

            if (first != 0)
                activities = activities.Skip(first);
            if (max != 0)
                activities = activities.Take(max);
            List <Activity> actList = new List <Activity>();

            foreach (var row in activities)
                var act = new Activity(row.id.ToString(), row.person_id.ToString());
                act.streamTitle = "activities";
                act.title       = row.title;
                act.body        = row.body;
                act.postedTime  = row.created;
                act.mediaItems  = GetMediaItems(row.id.ToString());
Exemple #2
    override public RestfulCollection <Person> getPeople(HashSet <UserId> userId, GroupId groupId,
                                                         CollectionOptions options, HashSet <String> fields, ISecurityToken token)
        int first = options.getFirst();
        int max   = options.getMax();
        Dictionary <string, Person> allPeople;
        HashSet <String>            ids = GetIdSet(userId, groupId, token);

        using (var db = new AzureDbFetcher())
        using (var db = new RayaDbFetcher())
            allPeople = db.GetPeople(ids, fields, options);
        var totalSize = allPeople.Count;

        var result = new List <Person>();
        if (first < totalSize)
            foreach (var id in ids)
                if (!allPeople.ContainsKey(id))

                Person person = allPeople[id];
                if (!token.isAnonymous() && id == token.getViewerId())
                    person.isViewer = true;
                if (!token.isAnonymous() && id == token.getOwnerId())
                    person.isOwner = true;

            // We can pretend that by default the people are in top friends order
            if (options.getSortBy().Equals(Person.Field.NAME.ToDescriptionString()))
                result.Sort(new NameComparator());

            if (options.getSortOrder().Equals(SortOrder.descending))
            result = result.GetRange(first,
                                              totalSize - first > 0
                                                      ? totalSize - first
                                                      : 1));

        return(new RestfulCollection <Person>(result, options.getFirst(), totalSize));
    public override RestfulCollection <Person> getPeople(HashSet <UserId> userIds, GroupId groupId,
                                                         CollectionOptions options, HashSet <String> fields, ISecurityToken token)
        List <Person> result = new List <Person>();

            JsonArray people = db[PEOPLE_TABLE] as JsonArray;

            HashSet <String> idSet = GetIdSet(userIds, groupId, token);

            if (people != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < people.Length; i++)
                    JsonObject person = people[i] as JsonObject;
                    if (person != null && !idSet.Contains(person[Person.Field.ID.ToDescriptionString()] as string))
                    // Add group support later
                    result.Add(ConvertToPerson(person, fields));
            // We can pretend that by default the people are in top friends order
            if (options.getSortBy().Equals(Person.Field.NAME.ToDescriptionString()))
                result.Sort(new NameComparator());

            if (options.getSortOrder().Equals(SortOrder.descending))

            // TODO: The samplecontainer doesn't really have the concept of HAS_APP so
            // we can't support any filters yet. We should fix this.

            int totalSize = result.Count;
            int last      = options.getFirst() + options.getMax();
            result = result.GetRange(options.getFirst(), Math.Min(last, totalSize) - options.getFirst());

            return(new RestfulCollection <Person>(result, options.getFirst(), totalSize));
        catch (Exception je)
            throw new ProtocolException(ResponseError.INTERNAL_ERROR, je.Message);
        public List <Activity> GetActivities(HashSet <string> ids, string appId, HashSet <String> fields, CollectionOptions options)
            var activityList = new List <ActivityRow>();

            using (var db = new AzureRayaDataContext())
                foreach (var id in ids)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId))
                        var activities = db.activities
                                         .Where(x => x.PartitionKey == id);
                        foreach (var row in activities)
                        var activities = db.activities
                                         .Where(x => x.PartitionKey == id && x.app_id == appId);
                        foreach (var row in activities)

            IEnumerable <ActivityRow> ordered = activityList.OrderByDescending(x => x.id);
            int first = options.getFirst();
            int max   = options.getMax();

            if (first != 0)
                ordered = ordered.Skip(first);
            if (max != 0)
                ordered = ordered.Take(max);
            List <Activity> actList = new List <Activity>();

            foreach (var row in ordered)