Exemple #1
        public string ConvertToWireType(string source, string clientReference)
            if (Location != ParameterLocation.Body && Location != ParameterLocation.FormData && NeedsSpecialSerialization(ClientType))
                var primary  = ClientType as PrimaryTypeModel;
                var sequence = ClientType as SequenceTypeModel;
                if (primary != null && primary.IsPrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.ByteArray))
                    if (WireType.IsPrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.String))
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1} = Base64.encodeBase64String({2});", WireType.Name, _wireName, source));
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1} = Base64Url.encode({2});", WireType.Name, _wireName, source));
                else if (sequence != null)
                                         "{0} {1} = {2}.mapperAdapter().serializeList({3}, CollectionFormat.{4});",

            return(convertClientTypeToWireType(WireType, source, _wireName, clientReference));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return formatted value string for the parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ValueForMap()
            if (IsAPIVersion)

            var value = IsClientProperty
                ? "client." + CodeNamerGo.Instance.GetPropertyName(Name.Value)
                : Name.Value;

            var format = IsRequired || ModelType.CanBeEmpty()
                                          ? "{0}"
                                          : "*{0}";

            var s = CollectionFormat != CollectionFormat.None
                                  ? $"{format},\"{CollectionFormat.GetSeparator()}\""
                                  : $"{format}";

                    ? $"autorest.Encode(\"{Location.ToString().ToLower()}\",{s})"
                    : $"{s}",
        public string ShouldApplyFormatOptions(CollectionFormatOptions options)
            var format = new CollectionFormat()
                         .SetCollectionPrefixAndSuffix("[", "]")
                         .SetIndexValuePairPrefixAndSuffix("<", ">")
                         .SetIndexPrefixAndSuffix("'", "'")
                         .SetValuePrefixAndSuffix("'", "'")

            return(format.Compile()(new [] { "John", "", null }));
        public void ShouldCreateFormatWithDefaultSetting()
            ValueTuple <string, string> defaultPrefixAndSuffix = (null, null);

            var format = new CollectionFormat();

            var toString = format.Compile();

            Assert.That(format.IndexValuePairSeparator, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(format.IndexValueSeparator, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(format.IndexValuePairPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.ValuePrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.IndexPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.CollectionPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.Options, Is.EqualTo(None));

            Assert.That(toString(new object[] { "John", 12, "Mercedes" }), Is.EqualTo("John12Mercedes"));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Return formatted value string for the parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ValueForMap(bool useDefault = false)
            if (IsAPIVersion)

            if (IsConstant)
                return(RequiresUrlEncoding() ?
                       $"autorest.Encode(\"{Location.ToString().ToLower()}\", {DefaultValueString})" :

            string value = "";

            if (useDefault)
                value = DefaultValueString;
            else if (IsClientProperty)
                value = GetClientPropertryName();
                value = Name.Value;

            var format = IsRequired || ModelType.CanBeEmpty() || useDefault
                                          ? "{0}"
                                          : "*{0}";

            var s = CollectionFormat != CollectionFormat.None
                                  ? $"{format},\"{CollectionFormat.GetSeparator()}\""
                                  : $"{format}";

                    ? $"autorest.Encode(\"{Location.ToString().ToLower()}\",{s})"
                    : $"{s}",
        public void DefaultCollectionFormatCanBeSpecifiedInSettings(CollectionFormat format, string expectedFormat)
            var settingsWithCollectionFormat = new RefitSettings
                CollectionFormat = format
            var source = new ObjectWithRepeatedFieldsTestClass
                // Members have explicit CollectionFormat
                A = new List <int> {
                    1, 2
                B = new HashSet <string> {
                    "set1", "set2"
                C = new HashSet <int> {
                    1, 2
                D = new List <double> {
                    0.1, 1.0
                E = new List <bool> {
                    true, false

                // Member has no explicit CollectionFormat
                F = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }
            var expected = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > {
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A", "01"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A", "02"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("B", "set1,set2"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("C", "01 02"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("D", "0.10\t1.00"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("E", "True|False"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("F", expectedFormat),

            var actual = new FormValueMultimap(source, settingsWithCollectionFormat);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void ShouldAlwaysCreateNewInstanceOfDefaultFormat()
            var firstFormat = CollectionFormat.CreateDefault()
                              .SetIndexValuePairPrefixAndSuffix("<", ">");

            var firstToString = firstFormat.Compile();

            var secondFormat = CollectionFormat.CreateDefault();

            var secondToString = secondFormat.Compile();

            Assert.That(secondFormat, Is.Not.SameAs(firstFormat));
            Assert.That(secondToString, Is.Not.SameAs(firstToString));

                secondToString(new object[] { "John", "007", null, "Bond" }),
                Is.EqualTo("['John', '007', '', 'Bond']")
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the separator associated with a given collectionFormat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The collection format</param>
        /// <returns>The separator</returns>
        private static string GetSeparator(this CollectionFormat format)
            switch (format)
            case CollectionFormat.Csv:

            case CollectionFormat.Pipes:

            case CollectionFormat.Ssv:
                return(" ");

            case CollectionFormat.Tsv:

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Collection format {0} is not supported.", format));
        public void ShouldCreateDefaultFormat()
            ValueTuple <string, string> defaultPrefixAndSuffix = (null, null);

            var format = CollectionFormat.CreateDefault();

            var toString = format.Compile();

            Assert.That(toString, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(format.IndexValueSeparator, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(format.IndexValuePairSeparator, Is.EqualTo(", "));
            Assert.That(format.ValuePrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(("'", "'")));
            Assert.That(format.IndexPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.IndexValuePairPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(defaultPrefixAndSuffix));
            Assert.That(format.CollectionPrefixAndSuffix, Is.EqualTo(("[", "]")));
            Assert.That(format.Options, Is.EqualTo(IncludeNullValues));

                toString(new object[] { "John", "007", null, "Bond" }),
                Is.EqualTo("['John', '007', '', 'Bond']")
 /// <summary>
 /// List in a form all the properties of the ViewData Model applying the appropriate format to the identified property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// html.PropertyListEdit("TestCollectionOne", CustomHtmlHelper.CollectionFormat.Table)
 /// </example>
 public static MvcHtmlString PropertyListEdit <TModel>(this HtmlHelper <TModel> html, string propertyId, CollectionFormat format)
     if (html.ViewData.Model == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("html");
     return(html.PropertyListEdit(html.ViewData.Model, propertyId, format));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 格式化集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection">集合</param>
        /// <param name="format">格式</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > FormatAs(this IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > collection, CollectionFormat format)
            if (format == CollectionFormat.Multi)

            switch (format)
            case CollectionFormat.Csv:

            case CollectionFormat.Ssv:
                return(collection.FormatAs(@" "));

            case CollectionFormat.Tsv:

            case CollectionFormat.Pipes:

                throw new NotImplementedException(format.ToString());
Exemple #12
 public QueryAttribute(CollectionFormat collectionFormat)
     CollectionFormat = collectionFormat;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the specified CollectionFormat requires a separator.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool CollectionFormatRequiresSeparator(this CollectionFormat format)
     return(format != CollectionFormat.None && format != CollectionFormat.Multi);
        /// <summary>
        /// List all the properties of the domain object with only collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// html.PropertyList(obj)
        /// </example>
        public static MvcHtmlString PropertyListOnlyCollections(this HtmlHelper html, object domainObject, CollectionFormat format)
            INakedObject         nakedObject = html.Framework().GetNakedObject(domainObject);
            IEnumerable <string> collections = ((IObjectSpec)nakedObject.Spec).Properties.OfType <IOneToManyAssociationSpec>().Select(p => p.Id);

            collections.ForEach(t => html.ViewData[t] = format);
            return(html.PropertyListWithFilter(domainObject, x => x is IOneToManyAssociationSpec, null));
 /// <summary>
 /// 格式化集合
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collection">集合</param>
 /// <param name="format">格式</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <KeyValue> CollectAs(this IEnumerable <KeyValue> collection, CollectionFormat format)
     return(format switch
         CollectionFormat.Multi => collection,
         CollectionFormat.Csv => collection.CollectAs(@","),
         CollectionFormat.Ssv => collection.CollectAs(@" "),
         CollectionFormat.Tsv => collection.CollectAs(@"\"),
         CollectionFormat.Pipes => collection.CollectAs(@"|"),
         _ => throw new NotImplementedException(format.ToString()),
 /// <summary>
 /// List in a form all the properties of the model parameter applying the appropriate format to the identified property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 ///  html.PropertyListEdit(obj, y => y.TestCollectionOne, CustomHtmlHelper.CollectionFormat.Table)
 /// </example>
 public static MvcHtmlString PropertyListEdit <TModel>(this HtmlHelper html, TModel model, Expression <Func <TModel, IEnumerable> > expression, CollectionFormat format)
     return(html.PropertyListEdit(model, html.GetProperty(expression).Name, format));
 /// <summary>
 /// Use <see cref="CollectionFormat"/> for converting members of <see cref="ICollection"/> type
 /// to string. Only affects members which declared types are assignable to <see cref="ICollection"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="setup">
 /// Function accepting default <see cref="CollectionFormat"/> and returning modified version or brand new
 /// instance to be used by <see cref="object.ToString"/> function being built. When it returns null than
 /// default <see cref="CollectionFormat"/> (the one passed to it) will be used.
 /// <see cref="CollectionFormat.CreateDefault"/> will be used when function is omitted (or null passed).
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Updated <see cref="ToStringBuilder{TTarget}"/> instance.</returns>
 public ToStringBuilder <TTarget> UseCollectionFormat(
     Func <CollectionFormat, CollectionFormat> setup = null
     return(Use <ICollection>(SetupFormat(CollectionFormat.CreateDefault(), setup).Compile()));
 /// <summary>
 /// List in a form all the properties of the domain object applying the appropriate format to the identified property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// html.PropertyListEdit(obj, "TestCollectionOne", CustomHtmlHelper.CollectionFormat.Table)
 /// </example>
 public static MvcHtmlString PropertyListEdit(this HtmlHelper html, object domainObject, string propertyId, CollectionFormat format)
     return(html.PropertyListEdit(domainObject, new Tuple <string, CollectionFormat>(propertyId, format)));
        /// <summary>
        /// List all the properties of the domain object with only collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// html.PropertyList(obj)
        /// </example>
        public static MvcHtmlString PropertyListOnlyCollections(this HtmlHelper html, object domainObject, CollectionFormat format)
            var nakedObject = html.Facade().GetObject(domainObject);
            IEnumerable <string> collections = nakedObject.Specification.Properties.Where(p => p.IsCollection).Select(p => p.Id);

            collections.ForEach(t => html.ViewData[t] = format);
            Func <IAssociationFacade, bool> f = x => x.IsCollection;

            return(html.PropertyListWithFilter(domainObject, f, null));