public DictionaryInfo()
     _author = null;
     _contents = null;
     _copyrightNotice = null;
     _foreignLanguageCollationRules = null;
     _foreignLanguageName = null;
     _nativeLanguageCollationRules = null;
     _nativeLanguageName = null;
     _title = null;
     _versionInfo = null;
     _foreignCollator = null;
     _nativeCollator = null;
        public void TestPinYin()
            String[] seq
                = { "\u963f", "\u554a", "\u54ce", "\u6371", "\u7231", "\u9f98",
                    "\u4e5c", "\u8baa", "\u4e42", "\u53c8" };
            RuleBasedCollator collator = null;

                collator = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.GetInstance(
                    // ICU4N: See:
                    new CultureInfo("zh-Hans"));                             //("zh", "", "PINYIN")); // ICU4N TODO: Can we replicate the 3rd parameter somehow?
            catch (Exception e)
                Warnln("ERROR: in creation of collator of zh__PINYIN locale");
            for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length - 1; i++)
                CollationTest.DoTest(this, collator, seq[i], seq[i + 1], -1);
        public void TestIllformedLocale()
            ULocale            french   = ULocale.FRENCH;
            Collator           collator = Collator.GetInstance(french);
            LocaleDisplayNames names    = LocaleDisplayNames.GetInstance(french,

            foreach (String malformed in new string[] { "en-a", "$", "ü--a", "en--US" })
                    ISet <ULocale> supported = new HashSet <ULocale> {
                        new ULocale(malformed)
                    };                                                                         //Collections.singleton(new ULocale(malformed));
                    names.GetUiList(supported, false, collator);
                    assertNull("Failed to detect bogus locale «" + malformed + "»", supported);
                catch (IllformedLocaleException e)
                    Logln("Successfully detected ill-formed locale «" + malformed + "»:" + e.ToString());
Exemple #4
        public void TestCommonCharacters()
            char[]            tmp1 = { (char)0x3058, (char)0x30B8 };
            char[]            tmp2 = { (char)0x3057, (char)0x3099, (char)0x30B7, (char)0x3099 };
            CollationKey      key1, key2;
            int               result;
            String            string1 = new String(tmp1);
            String            string2 = new String(tmp2);
            RuleBasedCollator rb      = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.GetInstance(ULocale.JAPANESE);

            rb.Strength = (Collator.QUATERNARY);
            rb.IsAlternateHandlingShifted = (false);

            result = rb.Compare(string1, string2);

            key1 = rb.GetCollationKey(string1);
            key2 = rb.GetCollationKey(string2);

            if (result != 0 || !key1.Equals(key2))
                Errln("Failed Hiragana and Katakana common characters test. Expected results to be equal.");
Exemple #5
         * Create a locale from language, with optional country and variant.
         * Then return the appropriate collator for the locale.
        private Collator createFromLocale(string language, string country, string variant)
            Locale locale;

            if (language != null && country == null && variant != null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("To specify variant, country is required");
            else if (language != null && country != null && variant != null)
                locale = new Locale(language, country, variant);
            else if (language != null && country != null)
                locale = new Locale(language, country);
                locale = new Locale(language);

Exemple #6
        public virtual void TestCustomRules()
            // It is possible not to have the collator rules for a specific
            // country, fallback to the language if that is the case.
            var possiblelocales = new[] { new Locale("de-DE"), new Locale("de") };
            var allRules        = RuleBasedCollator.GetAvailableCollationLocales();
            var localeToUse     = possiblelocales.FirstOrDefault(locl => allRules.Contains(locl.Id));

            Assert.True(localeToUse != default, "Should have found a matching collation locale given the two locales to use.");

            const string DIN5007_2_tailorings = "& ae , a\u0308 & AE , A\u0308" + "& oe , o\u0308 & OE , O\u0308" + "& ue , u\u0308 & UE , u\u0308";
            var          collationRules       = Collator.GetCollationRules(localeToUse.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(collationRules, $"Rules should have been fetched for {localeToUse.Id}");

            string tailoredRules = collationRules + DIN5007_2_tailorings;

            RuleBasedCollator tailoredCollator = new RuleBasedCollator(tailoredRules);

            // at this point, you would save these tailoredRules to a file,
            // and use the custom parameter.
            string germanUmlaut = "Töne";
            string germanOE     = "Toene";
            IDictionary <string, string> args = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            args["custom"]   = "rules.txt";
            args["strength"] = "primary";
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            CollationKeyFilterFactory factory = new CollationKeyFilterFactory(args);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
            factory.Inform(new StringMockResourceLoader(tailoredRules));
            TokenStream tsUmlaut = factory.Create(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(germanUmlaut), MockTokenizer.KEYWORD, false));
            TokenStream tsOE     = factory.Create(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(germanOE), MockTokenizer.KEYWORD, false));

            AssertCollatesToSame(tsUmlaut, tsOE);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new <see cref="CollationKeyAnalyzer"/>, using the specified collator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matchVersion"> See <see cref="CollationKeyAnalyzer"/> </param>
 /// <param name="collator"> <see cref="System.Globalization.SortKey"/> generator </param>
 public CollationKeyAnalyzer(LuceneVersion matchVersion, Collator collator)
     this.matchVersion = matchVersion;
     this.collator     = collator;
     this.factory      = new CollationAttributeFactory(collator);
Exemple #8
        public void TestBasic()
            Directory         dir = NewDirectory();
            RandomIndexWriter iw  = new RandomIndexWriter(
                Random, dir);
            Document doc   = new Document();
            Field    field = NewField("field", "", StringField.TYPE_STORED);
            ICUCollationDocValuesField collationField = new ICUCollationDocValuesField("collated", Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("en")));




            IndexReader ir = iw.GetReader();


            IndexSearcher @is = NewSearcher(ir);

            SortField sortField = new SortField("collated", SortFieldType.STRING);

            TopDocs td = @is.Search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), 5, new Sort(sortField));

            assertEquals("abc", ir.Document(td.ScoreDocs[0].Doc).Get("field"));
            assertEquals("ABC", ir.Document(td.ScoreDocs[1].Doc).Get("field"));
        public virtual void Inform(IResourceLoader loader)
            if (this.language != null)
                // create from a system collator, based on Locale.
                this.collator = this.CreateFromLocale(this.language,, this.variant);
                // create from a custom ruleset
                this.collator = this.CreateFromRules(this.custom, loader);

            // set the strength flag, otherwise it will be the default.
            if (this.strength != null)
                if (this.strength.Equals("primary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Primary;
                else if (this.strength.Equals("secondary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Secondary;
                else if (this.strength.Equals("tertiary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Tertiary;
                else if (this.strength.Equals("identical", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Identical;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid strength: " + this.strength);

            // LUCENENET TODO: Verify Decomposition > NormalizationMode mapping between the JDK and icu-dotnet

            // set the decomposition flag, otherwise it will be the default.
            if (this.decomposition != null)
                if (this.decomposition.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.NormalizationMode = NormalizationMode.Default; // .Decomposition = Collator.NoDecomposition;
                else if (this.decomposition.Equals("canonical", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.NormalizationMode = NormalizationMode.Off; //.Decomposition = Collator.CannonicalDecomposition;
                else if (this.decomposition.Equals("full", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.collator.NormalizationMode = NormalizationMode.On; //.Decomposition = Collator.FullDecomposition;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid decomposition: " + this.decomposition);
Exemple #10
        public void Test_compareLjava_lang_ObjectLjava_lang_Object()
            Collator c = ILOG.J2CsMapping.Text.Collator.GetInstance(Locale.FRENCH);
            Object   o, o2;

            o  = "E";
            o2 = "F";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "a) Failed on primary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "\u00e9";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "a) Failed on secondary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "E";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "a) Failed on tertiary difference");
            o  = "\u0001";
            o2 = "\u0002";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "a) Failed on identical");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "e";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "a) Failed on equivalence");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare("\u01db", "v") < 0, "a) Failed on primary expansion");

            o  = "E";
            o2 = "F";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "b) Failed on primary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "\u00e9";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "b) Failed on secondary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "E";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "b) Failed on tertiary difference");
            o  = "\u0001";
            o2 = "\u0002";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "b) Failed on identical");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "e";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "b) Failed on equivalence");

            o  = "E";
            o2 = "F";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "c) Failed on primary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "\u00e9";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "c) Failed on secondary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "E";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "c) Failed on tertiary difference");
            o  = "\u0001";
            o2 = "\u0002";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "c) Failed on identical");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "e";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "c) Failed on equivalence");

            o  = "E";
            o2 = "F";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(c.Compare(o, o2) < 0, "d) Failed on primary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "\u00e9";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "d) Failed on secondary difference");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "E";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "d) Failed on tertiary difference");
            o  = "\u0001";
            o2 = "\u0002";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "d) Failed on identical");
            o  = "e";
            o2 = "e";
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(o, o2), "d) Failed on equivalence");

            try {
                c.Compare("e", new StringBuilder("Blah"));
            } catch (InvalidCastException e) {
                // correct
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Failed to throw ClassCastException");
        public virtual void Inform(IResourceLoader loader)
            if (localeID != null)
                // create from a system collator, based on Locale.
                collator = CreateFromLocale(localeID);
                // create from a custom ruleset
                collator = CreateFromRules(custom, loader);

            // set the strength flag, otherwise it will be the default.
            if (strength != null)
                if (strength.Equals("primary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Primary;
                else if (strength.Equals("secondary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Secondary;
                else if (strength.Equals("tertiary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Tertiary;
                else if (strength.Equals("quaternary", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Quaternary;
                else if (strength.Equals("identical", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.Strength = CollationStrength.Identical;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid strength: " + strength);

            // set the decomposition flag, otherwise it will be the default.
            if (decomposition != null)
                if (decomposition.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.NormalizationMode = NormalizationMode.Off;  // (Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION);
                else if (decomposition.Equals("canonical", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    collator.NormalizationMode = NormalizationMode.On;     //.setDecomposition(Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid decomposition: " + decomposition);

            // expert options: concrete subclasses are always a RuleBasedCollator
            RuleBasedCollator rbc = (RuleBasedCollator)collator;

            if (alternate != null)
                if (alternate.Equals("shifted", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    rbc.AlternateHandling = AlternateHandling.Shifted;//  .setAlternateHandlingShifted(true);
                else if (alternate.Equals("non-ignorable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    rbc.AlternateHandling = AlternateHandling.NonIgnorable; //.setAlternateHandlingShifted(false);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid alternate: " + alternate);
            if (caseLevel != null)
                rbc.CaseLevel = bool.Parse(caseLevel) ? CaseLevel.On : CaseLevel.Off; //  setCaseLevel(Boolean.parseBoolean(caseLevel));
            if (caseFirst != null)
                if (caseFirst.Equals("lower", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    rbc.CaseFirst = CaseFirst.LowerFirst; //.setLowerCaseFirst(true);
                else if (caseFirst.Equals("upper", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    rbc.CaseFirst = CaseFirst.UpperFirst; //.setUpperCaseFirst(true);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid caseFirst: " + caseFirst);
            if (numeric != null)
                rbc.NumericCollation = bool.Parse(numeric) ? NumericCollation.On : NumericCollation.Off;   //.setNumericCollation(Boolean.parseBoolean(numeric));

            // LUCENENET TODO: variableTop is not supported by Besides this,
            // it is deprecated as of ICU 53 and has been superceded by maxVariable,
            // but that feature is also not supported by at the time of this writing.
            //if (variableTop != null)
            //    rbc.setVariableTop(variableTop);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testCollationKeySort() throws Exception
        public virtual void testCollationKeySort()
            Analyzer usAnalyzer      = new CollationKeyAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collator.getInstance(Locale.US));
            Analyzer franceAnalyzer  = new CollationKeyAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collator.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE));
            Analyzer swedenAnalyzer  = new CollationKeyAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collator.getInstance(new Locale("sv", "se")));
            Analyzer denmarkAnalyzer = new CollationKeyAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collator.getInstance(new Locale("da", "dk")));

            // The ICU Collator and Sun java.text.Collator implementations differ in their
            // orderings - "BFJDH" is the ordering for java.text.Collator for Locale.US.
            testCollationKeySort(usAnalyzer, franceAnalyzer, swedenAnalyzer, denmarkAnalyzer, oStrokeFirst ? "BFJHD" : "BFJDH", "EACGI", "BJDFH", "BJDHF");
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="CollationAttributeFactory"/>, using
 /// <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY"/> as the
 /// factory for all other attributes. </summary>
 /// <param name="collator"> <see cref="System.Globalization.SortKey"/> generator </param>
 public CollationAttributeFactory(Collator collator)
     : this(AttributeSource.AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY, collator)
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new <see cref="ICUCollationDocValuesField"/>.
        /// <para/>
        /// NOTE: you should not create a new one for each document, instead
        /// just make one and reuse it during your indexing process, setting
        /// the value via <see cref="ICUCollationDocValuesField.SetStringValue(string)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">This <see cref="Document"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Field name.</param>
        /// <param name="collator">Collator for generating collation keys.</param>
        /// <returns>The field that was added to this <see cref="Document"/>.</returns>
        public static ICUCollationDocValuesField AddICUCollationDocValuesField(this Document document, string name, Collator collator)
            var field = new ICUCollationDocValuesField(name, collator);

Exemple #15
        public void TestCollationKey()
            if (source.Length == 0)
                Errln("CollationMonkeyTest.TestCollationKey(): source is empty - ICU_DATA not set or data missing?");
            Collator myCollator;

                myCollator = Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
            catch (Exception e)
                Warnln("ERROR: in creation of collator of ENGLISH locale");

            Random rand = CreateRandom(); // use test framework's random seed
            int    s    = rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length;
            int    t    = rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length;
            int    slen = Math.Abs(rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length - source.Length) % source.Length;
            int    tlen = Math.Abs(rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length - source.Length) % source.Length;
            String subs = source.Substring(Math.Min(s, slen), Math.Min(s + slen, source.Length) - Math.Min(s, slen)); // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter
            String subt = source.Substring(Math.Min(t, tlen), Math.Min(t + tlen, source.Length) - Math.Min(t, tlen)); // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter

            CollationKey collationKey1, collationKey2;

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Tertiary);
            collationKey1       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subs);
            collationKey2       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subt);
            int result    = collationKey1.CompareTo(collationKey2); // Tertiary
            int revResult = collationKey2.CompareTo(collationKey1); // Tertiary

            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Secondary);
            collationKey1       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subs);
            collationKey2       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subt);
            result    = collationKey1.CompareTo(collationKey2); // Secondary
            revResult = collationKey2.CompareTo(collationKey1); // Secondary
            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Primary);
            collationKey1       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subs);
            collationKey2       = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subt);
            result    = collationKey1.CompareTo(collationKey2); // Primary
            revResult = collationKey2.CompareTo(collationKey1); // Primary
            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            String msg    = "";
            String addOne = subs + (0xE000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            collationKey1 = myCollator.GetCollationKey(subs);
            collationKey2 = myCollator.GetCollationKey(addOne);
            result        = collationKey1.CompareTo(collationKey2);
            if (result != -1)
                msg += "CollationKey(";
                msg += subs;
                msg += ") .LT. CollationKey(";
                msg += addOne;
                msg += ") Failed.";

            msg    = "";
            result = collationKey2.CompareTo(collationKey1);
            if (result != 1)
                msg += "CollationKey(";
                msg += addOne;
                msg += ") .GT. CollationKey(";
                msg += subs;
                msg += ") Failed.";
	  /// <summary>
	  /// Create a new CollationKeyAnalyzer, using the specified collator.
	  /// </summary>
	  /// <param name="matchVersion"> See <a href="#version">above</a> </param>
	  /// <param name="collator"> CollationKey generator </param>
	  public CollationKeyAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Collator collator)
		this.matchVersion = matchVersion;
		this.collator = collator;
		this.factory = new CollationAttributeFactory(collator);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new CollatedTermAttributeImpl </summary>
 /// <param name="collator"> Collation key generator </param>
 public CollatedTermAttributeImpl(Collator collator)
     // clone in case JRE doesn't properly sync,
     // or to reduce contention in case they do
     this.collator = (Collator) collator.clone();
	  /// <summary>
	  /// Create a CollationAttributeFactory, using the supplied Attribute Factory 
	  /// as the factory for all other attributes. </summary>
	  /// <param name="delegate"> Attribute Factory </param>
	  /// <param name="collator"> CollationKey generator </param>
	  public CollationAttributeFactory(AttributeSource.AttributeFactory @delegate, Collator collator)
		this.@delegate = @delegate;
		this.collator = collator;
	  /// <summary>
	  /// Create a CollationAttributeFactory, using 
	  /// <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory#DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY"/> as the
	  /// factory for all other attributes. </summary>
	  /// <param name="collator"> CollationKey generator </param>
	  public CollationAttributeFactory(Collator collator) : this(AttributeSource.AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY, collator)
Exemple #20
        public void TestCompare()
            if (source.Length == 0)
                Errln("CollationMonkeyTest.TestCompare(): source is empty - ICU_DATA not set or data missing?");

            Collator myCollator;

                myCollator = Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
            catch (Exception e)
                Warnln("ERROR: in creation of collator of ENGLISH locale");

            /* Seed the random-number generator with current time so that
             * the numbers will be different every time we run.

            Random rand = CreateRandom(); // use test framework's random seed
            int    s    = rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length;
            int    t    = rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length;
            int    slen = Math.Abs(rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length - source.Length) % source.Length;
            int    tlen = Math.Abs(rand.Next(0x7fff) % source.Length - source.Length) % source.Length;
            String subs = source.Substring(Math.Min(s, slen), Math.Min(s + slen, source.Length) - Math.Min(s, slen)); // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter
            String subt = source.Substring(Math.Min(t, tlen), Math.Min(t + tlen, source.Length) - Math.Min(t, tlen)); // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Tertiary);
            int result    = myCollator.Compare(subs, subt); // Tertiary
            int revResult = myCollator.Compare(subt, subs); // Tertiary

            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Secondary);
            result    = myCollator.Compare(subs, subt); // Secondary
            revResult = myCollator.Compare(subt, subs); // Secondary
            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            myCollator.Strength = (Collator.Primary);
            result    = myCollator.Compare(subs, subt); // Primary
            revResult = myCollator.Compare(subt, subs); // Primary
            report(subs, subt, result, revResult);

            String msg    = "";
            String addOne = subs + (0xE000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            result = myCollator.Compare(subs, addOne);
            if (result != -1)
                msg += "Test : ";
                msg += subs;
                msg += " .LT. ";
                msg += addOne;
                msg += " Failed.";

            msg    = "";
            result = myCollator.Compare(addOne, subs);
            if (result != 1)
                msg += "Test : ";
                msg += addOne;
                msg += " .GT. ";
                msg += subs;
                msg += " Failed.";
 internal TestAnalyzer(TestCollationKeyFilter outerInstance, Collator collator)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
       _collator = collator;
 /// <param name="input"> Source token stream </param>
 /// <param name="collator"> CollationKey generator </param>
 public CollationKeyFilter(TokenStream input, Collator collator)
     : base(input)
     this.collator = collator;
     this.termAtt  = this.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();
Exemple #23
 public void Init()
     myCollation = Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("ko") /* Locale.KOREAN */);
     myCollation.Decomposition = (Collator.CanonicalDecomposition);
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="CollationAttributeFactory"/>, using the supplied Attribute Factory
 /// as the factory for all other attributes. </summary>
 /// <param name="delegate"> Attribute Factory </param>
 /// <param name="collator"> <see cref="System.Globalization.SortKey"/> generator </param>
 public CollationAttributeFactory(AttributeSource.AttributeFactory @delegate, Collator collator)
     this.@delegate = @delegate;
     this.collator  = collator;
Exemple #25
            internal IDictionary <object, object> displayNames; // locale -> string

            internal CollatorInfo(UCultureInfo locale, Collator collator, IDictionary <object, object> displayNames)
                this.locale       = locale;
                this.collator     = collator;
                this.displayNames = displayNames;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a locale from <paramref name="localeID"/>.
 /// Then return the appropriate collator for the locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localeID"></param>
 /// <returns>The appropriate collator for the locale.</returns>
 private Collator CreateFromLocale(string localeID)
Exemple #27
        public void TestRegister()
            // register a singleton
            Collator frcol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("fr_FR"));
            Collator uscol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));

            { // try override en_US collator
                Object   key  = Collator.RegisterInstance(frcol, new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
                Collator ncol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
                if (!frcol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("register of french collator for en_US failed");

                // coverage
                Collator test = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("de_DE")); // CollatorFactory.handleCreate
                if (!test.ValidCulture.Equals(new UCultureInfo("de")))
                    Errln("Collation from Germany is really " + test.ValidCulture);

                if (!Collator.Unregister(key))
                    Errln("failed to unregister french collator");
                ncol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
                if (!uscol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("collator after unregister does not match original");

            UCultureInfo fu_FU = new UCultureInfo("fu_FU_FOO");

            { // try create collator for new locale
                Collator fucol = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU);
                Object   key   = Collator.RegisterInstance(frcol, fu_FU);
                Collator ncol  = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU);
                if (!frcol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("register of fr collator for fu_FU failed");

                UCultureInfo[] locales = Collator.GetUCultures(UCultureTypes.AllCultures);
                bool           found   = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < locales.Length; ++i)
                    if (locales[i].Equals(fu_FU))
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    Errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");
                    String name = Collator.GetDisplayName(fu_FU);
                    if (!"fu (FU, FOO)".Equals(name) &&
                        !"fu_FU_FOO".Equals(name) /* no LocaleDisplayNamesImpl */)
                        Errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU");
                catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex)
                    Warnln("Could not load locale data.");
                    String name = Collator.GetDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU);
                    if (!"fu (FU, FOO)".Equals(name) &&
                        !"fu_FU_FOO".Equals(name) /* no LocaleDisplayNamesImpl */)
                        Errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU");
                catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex)
                    Warnln("Could not load locale data.");

                if (!Collator.Unregister(key))
                    Errln("failed to unregister french collator");
                ncol = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU);
                if (!fucol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");

                // coverage after return to default
                UCultureInfo[] locales = Collator.GetUCultures(UCultureTypes.AllCultures);

                for (int i = 0; i < locales.Length; ++i)
                    if (locales[i].Equals(fu_FU))
                        Errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");

                Collator ncol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
                if (!ncol.ValidCulture.Equals(new UCultureInfo("en_US")))
                    Errln("Collation from US is really " + ncol.ValidCulture);
Exemple #28
 public void Init()
     myCollation = Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("tr"));
Exemple #29
        public void TestRegisterFactory()
            UCultureInfo fu_FU     = new UCultureInfo("fu_FU");
            UCultureInfo fu_FU_FOO = new UCultureInfo("fu_FU_FOO");

            IDictionary <object, object> fuFUNames = new Dictionary <object, object>
                { fu_FU, "ze leetle bunny Fu-Fu" },
                { fu_FU_FOO, "zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo" },
                { new UCultureInfo("en_US"), "little bunny Foo Foo" }

            Collator frcol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("fr_FR"));

            /* Collator uscol = */
            Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
            Collator gecol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("de_DE"));
            Collator jpcol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("ja_JP"));
            Collator fucol = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU);

            CollatorInfo[] info =
                new CollatorInfo(new UCultureInfo("en_US"), frcol, null),
                new CollatorInfo(new UCultureInfo("fr_FR"), gecol, null),
                new CollatorInfo(fu_FU,                     jpcol, fuFUNames),
            TestFactory factory = null;

                factory = new TestFactory(info);
            catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex)
                Warnln("Could not load locale data.");
            // coverage
                TestFactoryWrapper wrapper = new TestFactoryWrapper(factory); // in java, gc lets us easily multiply reference!
                Object             key     = Collator.RegisterFactory(wrapper);
                String             name    = null;
                    name = Collator.GetDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO);
                catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex)
                    Warnln("Could not load locale data.");
                Logln("*** default name: " + name);

                UCultureInfo bar_BAR   = new UCultureInfo("bar_BAR");
                Collator     col       = Collator.GetInstance(bar_BAR);
                UCultureInfo valid     = col.ValidCulture;
                String       validName = valid.FullName;
                if (validName.Length != 0 && !validName.Equals("root"))
                    Errln("Collation from bar_BAR is really \"" + validName + "\" but should be root");

            int n1 = checkAvailable("before registerFactory");

                Object key = Collator.RegisterFactory(factory);

                int n2 = checkAvailable("after registerFactory");

                Collator ncol = Collator.GetInstance(new UCultureInfo("en_US"));
                if (!frcol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("frcoll for en_US failed");

                ncol = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU_FOO);
                if (!jpcol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("jpcol for fu_FU_FOO failed, got: " + ncol);

                UCultureInfo[] locales = Collator.GetUCultures(UCultureTypes.AllCultures);
                bool           found   = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < locales.Length; ++i)
                    if (locales[i].Equals(fu_FU))
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    Errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");

                String name = Collator.GetDisplayName(fu_FU);
                if (!"little bunny Foo Foo".Equals(name))
                    Errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU");

                name = Collator.GetDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO);
                if (!"zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo".Equals(name))
                    Errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU in fu_FU_FOO");

                if (!Collator.Unregister(key))
                    Errln("failed to unregister factory");

                int n3 = checkAvailable("after unregister");
                assertTrue("register increases count", n2 > n1);
                assertTrue("unregister restores count", n3 == n1);

                ncol = Collator.GetInstance(fu_FU);
                if (!fucol.Equals(ncol))
                    Errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new <see cref="CollatedTermAttributeImpl"/> </summary>
 /// <param name="collator"> Collation key generator </param>
 public CollatedTermAttributeImpl(Collator collator)
     // clone in case JRE doesn't properly sync,
     // or to reduce contention in case they do
     this.collator = (Collator)collator.Clone();
Exemple #31
        public void TestGetKeywordValues()
            String[][] PREFERRED =
                new string[] { "und",                     "standard",    "eor",       "search"   },
                new string[] { "en_US",                   "standard",    "eor",       "search"   },
                new string[] { "en_029",                  "standard",    "eor",       "search"   },
                new string[] { "de_DE",                   "standard",    "phonebook", "search", "eor"},
                new string[] { "de_Latn_DE",              "standard",    "phonebook", "search", "eor"},
                new string[] { "zh",                      "pinyin",      "stroke",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "zh_Hans",                 "pinyin",      "stroke",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "zh_CN",                   "pinyin",      "stroke",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "zh_Hant",                 "stroke",      "pinyin",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "zh_TW",                   "stroke",      "pinyin",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "zh__PINYIN",              "pinyin",      "stroke",    "eor", "search", "standard"},
                new string[] { "es_ES",                   "standard",    "search",    "traditional", "eor"},
                new string[] { "es__TRADITIONAL",         "traditional", "search",    "standard", "eor"},
                new string[] { "und@collation=phonebook", "standard",    "eor",       "search"   },
                new string[] { "de_DE@collation=big5han", "standard",    "phonebook", "search", "eor"},
                new string[] { "zzz@collation=xxx",       "standard",    "eor",       "search"   },

            for (int i = 0; i < PREFERRED.Length; i++)
                String       locale   = PREFERRED[i][0];
                UCultureInfo loc      = new UCultureInfo(locale);
                String[]     expected = PREFERRED[i];
                String[]     pref     = Collator.GetKeywordValuesForLocale("collation", loc, true);
                for (int j = 1; j < expected.Length; ++j)
                    if (!arrayContains(pref, expected[j]))
                        Errln("Keyword value " + expected[j] + " missing for locale: " + locale);

                // Collator.getKeywordValues return the same contents for both commonlyUsed
                // true and false.
                String[] all      = Collator.GetKeywordValuesForLocale("collation", loc, false);
                bool     matchAll = false;
                if (pref.Length == all.Length)
                    matchAll = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < pref.Length; j++)
                        bool foundMatch = false;
                        for (int k = 0; k < all.Length; k++)
                            if (pref[j].Equals(all[k]))
                                foundMatch = true;
                        if (!foundMatch)
                            matchAll = false;
                if (!matchAll)
                    Errln(string.Format(StringFormatter.CurrentCulture, "FAIL: All values for locale {0} got:{1} expected:{2}", loc,
                                        all, pref));
Exemple #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the summary of the referred to item in the data system to which the supplied collator belongs, cast to a given summary type
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Summary type to get</typeparam>
 /// <returns>Summary of type T</returns>
 public virtual T GetSummary <T>(Collator coll)
     where T : Summary
     return(Summary(coll) as T);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new ICUCollatedTermAttribute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collator"><see cref="SortKey"/> generator.</param>
 public ICUCollatedTermAttribute(Collator collator)
     // clone the collator: see
     this.collator = (Collator)collator.Clone();
 public CollationKeyAnalyzer(Collator collator)
     : this(LuceneVersion.LUCENE_31, collator)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void inform(ResourceLoader loader) throws
	  public virtual void inform(ResourceLoader loader)
		if (language != null)
		  // create from a system collator, based on Locale.
		  collator = createFromLocale(language, country, variant);
		  // create from a custom ruleset
		  collator = createFromRules(custom, loader);

		// set the strength flag, otherwise it will be the default.
		if (strength != null)
		  if (strength.Equals("primary", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Strength = Collator.PRIMARY;
		  else if (strength.Equals("secondary", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Strength = Collator.SECONDARY;
		  else if (strength.Equals("tertiary", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Strength = Collator.TERTIARY;
		  else if (strength.Equals("identical", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Strength = Collator.IDENTICAL;
			throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid strength: " + strength);

		// set the decomposition flag, otherwise it will be the default.
		if (decomposition != null)
		  if (decomposition.Equals("no", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Decomposition = Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION;
		  else if (decomposition.Equals("canonical", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Decomposition = Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION;
		  else if (decomposition.Equals("full", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
			collator.Decomposition = Collator.FULL_DECOMPOSITION;
			throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid decomposition: " + decomposition);
Exemple #36
        private void DoTestRanges(IndexSearcher @is, String startPoint, String endPoint, Query query, Collator collator)

            // positive test
            TopDocs docs = @is.Search(query, @is.IndexReader.MaxDoc);

            foreach (ScoreDoc doc in docs.ScoreDocs)
                String value = @is.Doc(doc.Doc).Get("field");
                assertTrue(collator.Compare(value, startPoint) >= 0);
                assertTrue(collator.Compare(value, endPoint) <= 0);

            // negative test
            BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();

            bq.Add(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), Occur.SHOULD);
            bq.Add(query, Occur.MUST_NOT);
            docs = @is.Search(bq, @is.IndexReader.MaxDoc);
            foreach (ScoreDoc doc in docs.ScoreDocs)
                String value = @is.Doc(doc.Doc).Get("field");
                assertTrue(collator.Compare(value, startPoint) < 0 || collator.Compare(value, endPoint) > 0);
	  /// <param name="input"> Source token stream </param>
	  /// <param name="collator"> CollationKey generator </param>
	  public CollationKeyFilter(TokenStream input, Collator collator) : base(input)
		// clone in case JRE doesnt properly sync,
		// or to reduce contention in case they do
		this.collator = (Collator) collator.clone();
 public void Init()
     myCollation = Collator.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("ko") /* Locale.KOREAN */);
     myCollation.Decomposition = (Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION);
	  public CollationKeyAnalyzer(Collator collator) : this(Version.LUCENE_31, collator)