/// <summary>
        /// What do for collisions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Who am I colliding with?</param>
        /// <param name="e">Ignore this</param>
        /// If you need more details, use CollAbove, CollLeft, etc.
        /// Alternatively, here are some useful comparisions:
        /// <example>
        /// if (Location.Y < c.Host.Location.Y) Is true when colliding with something below
        /// if (Location.Y > c.Host.Location.Y) Is true when colliding with something above
        /// if (Location.X < c.Host.Location.X) Is true when colliding with something on the right
        /// if (Location.X > c.Host.Location.X) Is true when colliding with something on the left
        /// </example>
        protected override void HandleCollisionEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Cast to a Collider
            Collider other = (Collider)sender;

            switch (state)
            case PlayerState.OnLand:

            case PlayerState.InAir:

                //Stop on a platform
                if (other.Host is Platform)
                    //When colliding below, stop
                    if (CollBelow.CollidingWith(other.Host))
                        Acceleration = Vector2.Zero;
                        Velocity.Y   = 0;
                        state        = PlayerState.OnLand;
                        //Snap to the top of the platform we just landed on
                        Location.Y = (int)(other.Host.Location.Y - (.95f * Location.Height));
                    //When colliding above, reset y velocity
                    else if (CollAbove.CollidingWith(other.Host))
                        Velocity.Y = 0;

            case PlayerState.InWater:


            case PlayerState.IsDead:

        /// <summary>
        /// Swim Update
        /// </summary>
        public void Swim(int speed)
            int horz = 0;
            int vert = 0;

            if (InputManager.GetButton("Right"))
                horz      = 1;
                SpriteFX  = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                direction = Direction.Right;
            if (InputManager.GetButton("Left"))
                horz      = -1;
                SpriteFX  = SpriteEffects.None;
                direction = Direction.Left;
            if (InputManager.GetButton("Up"))
                vert = 1;
            if (InputManager.GetButton("Down"))
                vert = -1;

            if (horz != 0 || vert != 0)
                Velocity = new Vector2(horz * speed, -vert * speed);

            //Check for collisions and stop appropriate component of velocity while swimming
            if (CollLeft.CollidingWith <Platform>() && Velocity.X < 0)
                Velocity.X = 0;
            if (CollRight.CollidingWith <Platform>() && Velocity.X > 0)
                Velocity.X = 0;
            if (CollAbove.CollidingWith <Platform>() && Velocity.Y < 0)
                Velocity.Y = 0;
            if (CollBelow.CollidingWith <Platform>() && Velocity.Y > 0)
                Velocity.Y = 0;

            //Exit swimming state when not colliding with any water objects
            //Done here rather than in HandleCollision events because there
            //will be a lot of water tiles near each other.
            if (!Coll.CollidingWith <Water>())
                state        = PlayerState.InAir;
                Acceleration = airAcceleration;

                if (Velocity.Y <= 0)
                    Velocity.Y = .5f * jumpVelocity.Y;

                //Turn back to normal color
                DrawColor = Color.White;

                //Stop ambient swim noise