Exemple #1
        public void can_list_orders()
            var api = new CoinbaseApi(ApiKey, ApiSecretKey, useSandbox: true, proxy: proxy, useTimeApi: true);

            var response = api.SendRequest("orders", null, Method.GET);

    protected override string generate(string itemName, Money amount, string command, object[] args)
        CoinbaseApi api = new CoinbaseApi(AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPIKey, AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPISecret, false);

        string description = String.Join(ArgsDelimeter + "", args);

        string AmountString = amount.ToClearString();
        string CurrencyCode = AppSettings.Site.CurrencyCode;

        if (amount is CryptocurrencyMoney)
            //We have direct BTC -> BTC Wallet transfer
            AmountString = ((CryptocurrencyMoney)amount).ToClearString();
            CurrencyCode = ((CryptocurrencyMoney)amount).cryptocurrencyType.ToString();

        var options = new
            amount                  = AmountString,
            currency                = CurrencyCode,
            name                    = itemName,
            description             = command,
            customer_defined_amount = false,
            success_url             = SUCCESS_URL,
            cancel_url              = FAILURE_URL,
            //notifications_url = AppSettings.Site.Url + "Handlers/Bitcoins/Coinbase.ashx",
            collect_email   = false,
            collect_country = false,
            metadata        = new { all = description }

        string data = string.Empty;

            var request = api.SendRequest(String.Format("/checkouts"),
                                          options, RestSharp.Method.POST);

            if (request.Errors != null)

            data = request.Data["embed_code"].ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)

    public override void TryWithDrawCryptocurrencyFromWallet(decimal amountInCryptocurrency, string userAddress, CryptocurrencyType cryptocurrencyType)
        CoinbaseApi api     = new CoinbaseApi(AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPIKey, AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPISecret, false);
        var         options = new { type = "send", to = userAddress, amount = amountInCryptocurrency, currency = cryptocurrencyType.ToString() };

        var response = api.SendRequest(String.Format("/accounts/{0}/transactions", GetAccountId(api)),
                                       options, RestSharp.Method.POST);

        if (response.Errors != null)
            throw new MsgException(response.Errors[0].Message);
Exemple #4
        public void refund_example()
            var api = new CoinbaseApi(ApiKey, ApiSecretKey, useSandbox: true, proxy: proxy, useTimeApi: true);

            var options = new
                currency = "BTC"

            var orderId = "ORDER_ID_HERE";

            var response = api.SendRequest($"/orders/{orderId}/refund", options);
            //process response as needed
        public void refund_example()
            var api = new CoinbaseApi(ApiKey, ApiSecretKey, useSandbox: true, proxy: proxy, useTimeApi: true);

            var options = new
                    currency = "BTC"

            var orderId = "ORDER_ID_HERE";

            var response = api.SendRequest($"/orders/{orderId}/refund", options);
            //process response as needed
    public override Money GetAccountBalance()
            CoinbaseApi api = new CoinbaseApi(AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPIKey, AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPISecret, false);

            var accounts = api.SendRequest("/accounts", null, RestSharp.Method.GET);

            var account = accounts.Data.First(acc => acc["currency"].ToString() == "BTC");
            var balance = account["balance"];
            var amount  = balance["amount"].ToString();

            return(new Money(Convert.ToDecimal(amount)));
        catch (Exception ex)
    public override string CreateNewAddress(int userId)
        CoinbaseApi api = new CoinbaseApi(AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPIKey, AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinbaseAPISecret, false);

        var    options      = new { name = DateTime.Now.ToString() };
        string adminAddress = string.Empty;

            var request = api.SendRequest(String.Format("/accounts/{0}/addresses", GetAccountId(api)),
                                          options, RestSharp.Method.POST);

            if (request.Errors != null)
                ErrorLogger.Log(request.Errors[0].Message, LogType.Coinbase);

            adminAddress = request.Data["address"].ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adminAddress))
                string         query   = string.Format("SELECT * FROM BitcoinAddresses WHERE UserId = {0}", userId);
                BitcoinAddress address = TableHelper.GetListFromRawQuery <BitcoinAddress>(query).FirstOrDefault();
                if (address == null)
                    address        = new BitcoinAddress();
                    address.UserId = userId;
                address.CoinbaseAddress = adminAddress;
        catch (Exception ex)

        public void can_list_orders()
            var api = new CoinbaseApi(ApiKey, ApiSecretKey, useSandbox: true, proxy: proxy, useTimeApi: true);

            var response = api.SendRequest("orders", null, Method.GET);

    public static string GetAccountId(CoinbaseApi api)
        var accounts = api.SendRequest("/accounts", null, RestSharp.Method.GET);

        if (accounts.Errors != null)
            throw new MsgException(accounts.Errors[0].Message);

        return(accounts.Data.First(account => account["currency"].ToString() == "BTC")["id"].ToString());