public void Coin010ConstructorTest() { Coin010 coin010 = new Coin010(); //assert coin of 10 cent has diameter of 17.91mm, and thickness of 1.35mm Assert.AreEqual(17.91m, coin010.diameter); Assert.AreEqual(1.35m, coin010.thickness); }
public void Coin010AddJarTest() { Coin010 coin010 = new Coin010(); Jar jar = new Jar(); //add the 10-cent coin to the jar coin010.AddToJar(jar); //assert jar.Coin010Counter is 1 and jar.CurrentAmount is $0.10 Assert.AreEqual(1, jar.Coin010Counter); Assert.AreEqual(0.10m, jar.CurrentAmount); }
public void FillUpwithRandomCoinTest() { Jar jar = new Jar(); // The Random() constructor uses the system clock to provide a seed value. Random rnd = new Random(); // coin.AddToJar failure indicates jar full. var addJarSucceeded = false; do { // Generate random int with range of [1,6] // 1-- 1 cent coin // 2-- 5 cent coin // 3-- 10 cent coin // 4-- 25 cent coin // 5-- 50 cent coin // 6-- $1 coin var coinType = rnd.Next(1, 7); switch (coinType) { case 1: addJarSucceeded = new Coin001().AddToJar(jar); break; case 2: addJarSucceeded = new Coin005().AddToJar(jar); break; case 3: addJarSucceeded = new Coin010().AddToJar(jar); break; case 4: addJarSucceeded = new Coin025().AddToJar(jar); break; case 5: addJarSucceeded = new Coin050().AddToJar(jar); break; default: addJarSucceeded = new Coin100().AddToJar(jar); break; } } //loop while last filling succeeded while (addJarSucceeded); jar.PrintJar(); }
public void FillUpwith10CentCoinTest() { Jar jar = new Jar(); Coin010 coin010 = new Coin010(); //fill up with 10-cent coins while (coin010.AddToJar(jar)) { ; } jar.PrintJar(); }