Exemple #1
        public CohortCompilerUI()

            if (VisualStudioDesignMode)

            Compiler = new CohortCompiler(null);

            tlvConfiguration.CanExpandGetter   += CanExpandGetter;
            tlvConfiguration.ChildrenGetter    += ChildrenGetter;
            olvAggregate.ImageGetter           += ImageGetter;
            olvAggregate.AspectGetter          += ToString_AspectGetter;
            tlvConfiguration.RowFormatter      += RowFormatter;
            olvIdentifierCount.AspectGetter    += RowCountAspectGetter;
            olvCachedQueryUseCount.AspectGetter = CachedQueryUseCount_AspectGetter;

            tlvConfiguration.RowHeight = 19;

            _cohortUnionImage     = CatalogueIcons.UNIONCohortAggregate;
            _cohortIntersectImage = CatalogueIcons.INTERSECTCohortAggregate;
            _cohortExceptImage    = CatalogueIcons.EXCEPTCohortAggregate;

            AssociatedCollection = RDMPCollection.Cohort;
Exemple #2
        public void AddContainer_StaysAtOne()
            CohortCompiler compiler = new CohortCompiler(cohortIdentificationConfiguration);

            rootcontainer.AddChild(aggregate1, 1);

            compiler.AddTask(rootcontainer, null);//add the root container

            Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count);
            var oldTask = compiler.Tasks.First();

            //adding it again with the same SQL should result in it ignoring it
            compiler.AddTask(rootcontainer, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count);

            //add another aggregate into the container
            rootcontainer.AddChild(aggregate2, 1);

            compiler.AddTask(rootcontainer, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count);//should still be 1 task

            //old task should have been asked to cancel
            Assert.AreNotSame(oldTask, compiler.Tasks.Single());                                   //new task should not be the same as the old one
            Assert.IsFalse(compiler.Tasks.Single().Key.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested); //new task should not be cancelled

        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that the given <paramref name="task"/> (when run on it's own) crashed with the given
        /// <see cref="expectedErrorMessageToContain"/>
        /// </summary>
        private void AssertCrashed(CohortCompiler compiler, AggregateConfiguration task, string expectedErrorMessageToContain)
            var acResult = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask a && a.Aggregate.Equals(task));

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Crashed, acResult.Key.State);
            StringAssert.Contains(expectedErrorMessageToContain, acResult.Key.CrashMessage.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that the given <paramref name="container"/> ran successfully and fetched it's results from the cache (if any) with the
        /// given <paramref name="expectedCacheUsageCount"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compiler"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="expectedCacheUsageCount">The amount you expect to be used of the cache e.g. "2/2" </param>
        private void AssertCacheUsed(CohortCompiler compiler, CohortAggregateContainer container, string expectedCacheUsageCount)
            //cache should have been used
            var containerResult = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask c && c.Container.Equals(container));

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Finished, containerResult.Key.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCacheUsageCount, containerResult.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount());
Exemple #5
        public JoinableTask(JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration joinable, CohortCompiler compiler) : base(compiler)
            Joinable   = joinable;
            _aggregate = Joinable.AggregateConfiguration;
            _cohortIdentificationConfiguration = _aggregate.GetCohortIdentificationConfigurationIfAny();

            _catalogueName = Joinable.AggregateConfiguration.Catalogue.Name;
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_OptionalCacheOnSameServer(DatabaseType dbType, bool createQueryCache)
             *           Server1
             *         _____________
             *        |Biochemistry|
             *               ↓
             *       ___________________
             *       | Cache (optional) |
             *            ↓ join ↓
             *    _____________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions|

            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = null;

            if (createQueryCache)
                cache = CreateCache(db);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            if (createQueryCache)
                Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used for the joinable");
                Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("0/1")), "Did not create cache so expected cache usage to be 0");
        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that the given <paramref name="task"/> (when run on it's own) completed successfully and that the SQL executed
        /// included all the regex patterns <see cref="expectedSqlBits"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compiler"></param>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <param name="expectedSqlBits">regex patterns you expect to be in the sql executed</param>
        private void AssertNoErrors(CohortCompiler compiler, CohortAggregateContainer task,
                                    params string[] expectedSqlBits)
            var acResult = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask a && a.Container.Equals(task));

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Finished, acResult.Key.State);

            foreach (var s in expectedSqlBits)
                StringAssert.Contains(s, acResult.Value.CountSQL);
        public CohortIdentificationConfigurationUI()

            Compiler = new CohortCompiler(null);

            olvExecute.IsButton      = true;
            olvExecute.ButtonSizing  = OLVColumn.ButtonSizingMode.CellBounds;
            tlvCic.RowHeight         = 19;
            olvExecute.AspectGetter += ExecuteAspectGetter;
            tlvCic.ButtonClick      += tlvCic_ButtonClick;
            olvOrder.AspectGetter   += (o) => o is JoinableCollectionNode ? null : o is ISqlParameter ? null : (o as IOrderable)?.Order;
            olvOrder.IsEditable      = false;
            tlvCic.ItemActivate     += TlvCic_ItemActivate;
            AssociatedCollection     = RDMPCollection.Cohort;

            timer.Tick    += refreshColumnValues;
            timer.Interval = 2000;

            olvCount.AspectGetter           = Count_AspectGetter;
            olvCached.AspectGetter          = Cached_AspectGetter;
            olvCumulativeTotal.AspectGetter = CumulativeTotal_AspectGetter;
            olvTime.AspectGetter            = Time_AspectGetter;
            olvWorking.AspectGetter         = Working_AspectGetter;
            olvCatalogue.AspectGetter       = Catalogue_AspectGetter;

            cbIncludeCumulative.CheckedChanged += (s, e) =>
                Compiler.IncludeCumulativeTotals = cbIncludeCumulative.Checked;

            //This is important, OrderableComparer ensures IOrderable objects appear in the correct order but the comparator
            //doesn't get called unless the column has a sorting on it
            olvNameCol.Sortable = true;

            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvCached, new Guid("59c6eda9-dcf3-4a24-801f-4c5467c76f94"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvCatalogue, new Guid("59c6f9a6-4a93-4167-a268-9ea755d0ad94"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvCount, new Guid("4ca6588f-2511-4082-addd-ec42e9d75b39"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvCumulativeTotal, new Guid("a3e901e2-c6b8-4365-bea8-5666b9b74821"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvExecute, new Guid("f8ad1751-b273-42d7-a6d1-0c580099ceee"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvNameCol, new Guid("63db1af5-061c-42b9-873c-7d3d3ac21cd8"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvOrder, new Guid("5be4e6e7-bad6-4bd5-821c-a235bc056053"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvTime, new Guid("88f88d4a-6204-4f83-b9a7-5421186808b7"));
            RDMPCollectionCommonFunctionality.SetupColumnTracking(tlvCic, olvWorking, new Guid("cfe55a4f-9e17-4205-9016-ae506667f22d"));

            tt.SetToolTip(btnExecute, "Starts running and caches all cohort sets and containers");
            tt.SetToolTip(btnAbortLoad, "Cancells execution of any running cohort sets");
Exemple #9
        private DataTable GetDataTable(IDataLoadEventListener listener)
            if (listener != null)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "About to lookup which server to interrogate for CohortIdentificationConfiguration " + _cohortIdentificationConfiguration));

            if (_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID == null)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "CohortIdentificationConfiguration '" + _cohortIdentificationConfiguration + "' has no RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID, is it empty?"));

            var cohortCompiler = new CohortCompiler(_cohortIdentificationConfiguration);

            ICompileable rootContainerTask;

            //no caching set up so no point in running CohortCompilerRunner
            if (_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.QueryCachingServer_ID == null)
                rootContainerTask = RunRootContainerOnlyNoCaching(cohortCompiler);
                rootContainerTask = RunAllTasksWithRunner(cohortCompiler, listener);

            if (rootContainerTask.State != CompilationState.Finished)
                throw new Exception("CohortIdentificationCriteria execution resulted in state '" + rootContainerTask.State + "'", rootContainerTask.CrashMessage);

            if (rootContainerTask == null)
                throw new Exception("Root container task was null, was the execution cancelled? / crashed");

            var execution = cohortCompiler.Tasks[rootContainerTask];

            if (execution.Identifiers == null || execution.Identifiers.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("CohortIdentificationCriteria execution resulted in an empty dataset (there were no cohorts matched by the query?)");

            var dt = execution.Identifiers;

            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                column.ReadOnly = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that the given <paramref name="task"/> (when run on it's own) completed successfully and that the SQL executed
        /// included all the regex patterns <see cref="expectedSqlBits"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compiler"></param>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <param name="expectedSqlBits">regex patterns you expect to be in the sql executed</param>
        private void AssertNoErrors(CohortCompiler compiler, AggregateConfiguration task,
                                    params string[] expectedSqlBits)
            var acResult = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask a && a.Aggregate.Equals(task));

            Console.WriteLine($"Build Log For '{task}':");

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Finished, acResult.Key.State);

            foreach (var s in expectedSqlBits)
                StringAssert.IsMatch(s, acResult.Value.CountSQL);
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_DoNotUseCacheOnDifferentServer(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  | (cache is still populated but not used in the resulting join).
             *            ↓ join ↓    (do not use cache)
             *    _____________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions|

            //get the data database
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create the cache on the other server type (doesn't matter what type just as long as it's different).
            var dbCache =
                GetCleanedServer(Enum.GetValues(typeof(DatabaseType)).Cast <DatabaseType>().First(t => t != dbType));

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(dbCache);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used only for the final UNION");
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the state of the <paramref name="compiler"/> and asserts that all the jobs are finished
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compiler"></param>
        private void AssertNoErrors(CohortCompiler compiler)

            TestContext.WriteLine($"| Task | Type | State | Error | RowCount | CacheUse |");

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var kvp in compiler.Tasks)
                TestContext.WriteLine($"{i++} - {kvp.Key.ToString()} | {kvp.Key.GetType()} | {kvp.Key.State} | {kvp.Key?.CrashMessage} | {kvp.Key.FinalRowCount} | {kvp.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount()}");

            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.All(t => t.Key.State == CompilationState.Finished), "Expected all tasks to finish without error");
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_ThreeServers()
             *           Server1                    Server 2                                Server 3
             *         _____________                                                       _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          (successfully caches joinable bit)      | Cache  |
             *                        ↘ join   ↘ (should crash)
             *                                  _____________________
             *                                  | Hospital Admissions|

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MySql);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);
            var server3 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.Oracle);

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(server3);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(server1, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(server2, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            var hospitalAdmissionsTask = compiler.Tasks.Keys.OfType <AggregationTask>().Single(t => t.Aggregate.Equals(hospitalAdmissions));

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Crashed, hospitalAdmissionsTask.State);

            StringAssert.Contains("is not fully cached and CacheUsageDecision is MustUse", hospitalAdmissionsTask.CrashMessage.ToString());
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_NotOnCacheServer()
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  |  (cache must first be populated)
             *                        ↘ join   ↘ (must use cache)
             *                                  _____________________
             *                                  | Hospital Admissions|

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MySql);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(server2);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(server1, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(server2, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used only for the final UNION");
        public void AddSameTaskTwice_StaysAtOne()
            CohortCompiler compiler = new CohortCompiler(cohortIdentificationConfiguration);

            container1.AddChild(aggregate1, 0);
                compiler.AddTask(aggregate1, null);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count);

                var oldTask = compiler.Tasks.First();

                //adding it again with the same SQL should result in it ignoring it
                compiler.AddTask(aggregate1, null);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count);

                //make a change to the SQL
                foreach (var d in aggregate1.AggregateDimensions)
                    d.SelectSQL = "'fish'";

                //now add it again
                var newAggregate1 = CatalogueRepository.GetObjectByID <AggregateConfiguration>(aggregate1.ID);

                compiler.AddTask(newAggregate1, null);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, compiler.Tasks.Count); //should still be 1 task

                // TN: Task was never asked to start so was still at NotScheduled so cancellation wouldn't actually happen
                //old task should have been asked to cancel
                //   Assert.IsTrue(oldTask.Key.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested);

                Assert.AreNotSame(oldTask, compiler.Tasks.Single()); //new task should not be the same as the old one
                //new task should not be cancelled} finally {
Exemple #16
        public CohortIdentificationConfigurationUI()

            Compiler = new CohortCompiler(null);

            olvExecute.IsButton      = true;
            olvExecute.ButtonSizing  = OLVColumn.ButtonSizingMode.CellBounds;
            tlvCic.RowHeight         = 19;
            olvExecute.AspectGetter += ExecuteAspectGetter;
            tlvCic.ButtonClick      += tlvCic_ButtonClick;
            olvOrder.AspectGetter   += (o) => o is JoinableCollectionNode ? null : o is ParametersNode ? null : (o as IOrderable)?.Order;
            olvOrder.IsEditable      = false;
            tlvCic.ItemActivate     += TlvCic_ItemActivate;
            AssociatedCollection     = RDMPCollection.Cohort;

            timer.Tick    += refreshColumnValues;
            timer.Interval = 2000;

            olvCount.AspectGetter           = Count_AspectGetter;
            olvCached.AspectGetter          = Cached_AspectGetter;
            olvCumulativeTotal.AspectGetter = CumulativeTotal_AspectGetter;
            olvTime.AspectGetter            = Time_AspectGetter;
            olvWorking.AspectGetter         = Working_AspectGetter;
            olvCatalogue.AspectGetter       = Catalogue_AspectGetter;

            _miClearCache.Click += MiClearCacheClick;
            _miClearCache.Image  = CatalogueIcons.ExternalDatabaseServer_Cache;

            cbIncludeCumulative.CheckedChanged += (s, e) =>
                Compiler.IncludeCumulativeTotals = cbIncludeCumulative.Checked;

            //This is important, OrderableComparer ensures IOrderable objects appear in the correct order but the comparator
            //doesn't get called unless the column has a sorting on it
            olvNameCol.Sortable = true;
Exemple #17
        private ICompileable RunAllTasksWithRunner(CohortCompiler cohortCompiler, IDataLoadEventListener listener)
            if (ClearCohortIdentificationConfigurationCacheBeforeRunning)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Clearing Cohort Identifier Cache"));

                var cacheManager = new CachedAggregateConfigurationResultsManager(_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.QueryCachingServer);

                foreach (var cacheable in cohortCompiler.Tasks.Keys.OfType <ICacheableTask>())

            var runner = new CohortCompilerRunner(cohortCompiler, Timeout);

            runner.RunSubcontainers = false;
            runner.PhaseChanged    += (s, e) => listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "CohortCompilerRunner entered Phase '" + runner.ExecutionPhase + "'"));
        //[TestCase(DatabaseType.Oracle,true)] //Oracle FAnsi doesn't currently support parameters
        public void Test_SingleServer_WithOneParameter(DatabaseType dbType, bool useParameter)
             *           Server1                        Server2
             *       _____________________         _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |   →    |      Cache         |
             *           @date_of_max

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            var cache = CreateCache(server2);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");
            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, useParameter, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Where(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask).Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected UNION container to use the cache");
        public void CacheIdentifierListWithRunner_WithCaching()
            DiscoveredDatabase db;
            CohortIdentificationConfiguration cic;
            DataTable dt;

            SetupCohort(out db, out cic, out dt);

            MasterDatabaseScriptExecutor e = new MasterDatabaseScriptExecutor(db);
            var p = new QueryCachingPatcher();

            e.CreateAndPatchDatabase(p, new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var serverReference = new ExternalDatabaseServer(CatalogueRepository, "Cache", p);


            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = serverReference.ID;

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);

            var runner = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 5000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(CohortCompilerRunner.Phase.Finished, runner.ExecutionPhase);

            var rootTask = runner.Compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask);

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Finished, rootTask.Key.State);


            Assert.AreEqual(dt.Rows.Count, rootTask.Value.Identifiers.Rows.Count);
Exemple #20
        private ICompileable RunRootContainerOnlyNoCaching(CohortCompiler cohortCompiler)
            //add root container task
            var task = cohortCompiler.AddTask(_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.RootCohortAggregateContainer, _cohortIdentificationConfiguration.GetAllParameters());

            cohortCompiler.LaunchSingleTask(task, Timeout, false);

            //timeout is in seconds
            int countDown = Math.Max(5000, Timeout * 1000);

            while (
                //hasn't timed out
                countDown > 0 &&
                    //state isn't a final state
                    task.State == CompilationState.Executing || task.State == CompilationState.NotScheduled || task.State == CompilationState.Scheduled)
                countDown -= 100;

            if (countDown <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Cohort failed to reach a final state (Finished/Crashed) after " + Timeout + " seconds. Current state is " + task.State + ".  The task will be cancelled");

        public void CacheIdentifierListWithRunner_SimpleCase()
            DiscoveredDatabase db;
            CohortIdentificationConfiguration cic;
            DataTable dt;

            SetupCohort(out db, out cic, out dt);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);

            var runner = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 5000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(CohortCompilerRunner.Phase.Finished, runner.ExecutionPhase);

            var rootTask = runner.Compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask);

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Finished, rootTask.Key.State);

            Assert.AreEqual(dt.Rows.Count, rootTask.Value.Identifiers.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_SingleServerPatientIndexTable_WithTwoParameters(DatabaseType dbType, bool useSameName, bool useCache)
             *           Server1                                  (Also Server1 - if useCache is true)
             *        ______________________________            __________________________
             *        |   Patient Index Table       |     →    |         Cache           |
             *        |  (NA by date )              |         ↗
             *           @date_of_max '2001-01-01'
             *                                              ↗
             *            JOIN (should use cache)
             *         ___________________________       ↗
             *        | Hospitalised after NA (ac) |
             *          @date_of_max (or @maximum) '2005-01-01'
             *   (has different value so rename operations come into effect)

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            var cache = useCache? CreateCache(server1): null;

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var patientIndexTable = SetupPatientIndexTableWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");
            var ac = SetupPatientIndexTableUserWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, patientIndexTable, true,
                                                          useSameName ? "@date_of_max": "@maximum", "'2005-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            if (useSameName)
                AssertCrashed(compiler, ac, "PatientIndexTables cannot have parameters with the same name as their users.  Offending parameter(s) were @date_of_max");
                if (useCache)
                    //we should hit up the cache for the interior of the query and therefore not need the parameter
                    AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac, "@maximum='2005-01-01'", "JoinableInceptionQuery_AggregateConfiguration", "AdmissionDate. < @maximum");

                    AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "1/1");
                    AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'", "@maximum='2005-01-01'", "SampleDate. < @date_of_max", "AdmissionDate. < @maximum");

Exemple #23
        public void TestCompilerAddAllTasks(TestCompilerAddAllTasksTestCase testCase, bool includeSubcontainers)
            var aggregate4 =
                new AggregateConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, testData.catalogue, "UnitTestAggregate4");

            aggregate4.CountSQL = null;
            new AggregateDimension(CatalogueRepository, testData.extractionInformations.Single(e => e.GetRuntimeName().Equals("chi")), aggregate4);

            var aggregate5 =
                new AggregateConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, testData.catalogue, "UnitTestAggregate5");

            aggregate5.CountSQL = null;
            new AggregateDimension(CatalogueRepository, testData.extractionInformations.Single(e => e.GetRuntimeName().Equals("chi")), aggregate5);

            var joinable = new JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, cohortIdentificationConfiguration, aggregate5);

                //Aggregate 1
                //Aggregate 3
                //Aggregate 4
                //Aggregate 2

                //Joinable:aggregate5 (patient index table, the other Aggregates could JOIN to this)

                CohortCompiler compiler = new CohortCompiler(cohortIdentificationConfiguration);
                rootcontainer.AddChild(aggregate1, 1);
                container1.Order = 2;

                rootcontainer.AddChild(aggregate2, 3);

                container1.AddChild(aggregate3, 1);
                container1.AddChild(aggregate4, 2);

                cohortIdentificationConfiguration.RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID = rootcontainer.ID;

                //The bit we are testing
                List <ICompileable> tasks;
                switch (testCase)
                case TestCompilerAddAllTasksTestCase.CIC:
                    tasks = compiler.AddAllTasks(includeSubcontainers);
                    Assert.AreEqual(joinable, tasks.OfType <JoinableTask>().Single().Joinable); //should be a single joinable
                    Assert.AreEqual(includeSubcontainers?7:6, tasks.Count);                     //all joinables, aggregates and root container


                case TestCompilerAddAllTasksTestCase.RootContainer:
                    tasks = compiler.AddTasksRecursively(new ISqlParameter[0], cohortIdentificationConfiguration.RootCohortAggregateContainer, includeSubcontainers);
                    Assert.AreEqual(includeSubcontainers?6:5, tasks.Count);    //all aggregates and root container (but not joinables)

                case TestCompilerAddAllTasksTestCase.Subcontainer:
                    tasks = compiler.AddTasksRecursively(new ISqlParameter[0], container1, includeSubcontainers);
                    Assert.AreEqual(includeSubcontainers?3:2, tasks.Count);    //subcontainer and it's aggregates

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("testCase");


        public void CohortIdentificationConfiguration_Join_PatientIndexTable()
            DataTable header = new DataTable();

            header.PrimaryKey = new [] { header.Columns["ID"] };

            header.Rows.Add("1", "0101010101", 50, new DateTime(2001, 1, 1), "T");
            header.Rows.Add("2", "0202020202", 50, new DateTime(2002, 2, 2), "T");

            var hTbl = From.CreateTable("header", header);
            var cata = Import(hTbl, out TableInfo hTi, out _);

            cata.Name = "My Combo Join Catalogue";

            var scripter = new MasterDatabaseScriptExecutor(To);
            var patcher  = new QueryCachingPatcher();

            scripter.CreateAndPatchDatabase(patcher, new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());
            var edsCache = new ExternalDatabaseServer(CatalogueRepository, "Cache", new QueryCachingPatcher());


            DataTable results = new DataTable();


            results.Rows.Add("1", "HBA1C", 50);
            results.Rows.Add("1", "ECOM", "Hi fellas");
            results.Rows.Add("1", "ALB", 100);
            results.Rows.Add("2", "ALB", 50);

            var rTbl = From.CreateTable("results", results);

            var importer = new TableInfoImporter(CatalogueRepository, rTbl);

            importer.DoImport(out TableInfo rTi, out ColumnInfo[] rColInfos);

            var fe = new ForwardEngineerCatalogue(rTi, rColInfos, true);


            //Should now be 1 Catalogue with all the columns (tables will have to be joined to build the query though)
            Assert.AreEqual(8, cata.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Core).Length);

            var ji = new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository,
                                  rTi.ColumnInfos.Single(ci => ci.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Header_ID", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)),
                                  hTi.ColumnInfos.Single(ci => ci.GetRuntimeName().Equals("ID", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)),

            //setup a cic that uses the cache
            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "MyCic");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = edsCache.ID;

            //create a patient index table that shows all the times that they had a test in any HB (with the HB being part of the result set)
            var acPatIndex = new AggregateConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, cata, "My PatIndes");

            var eiChi = cata.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Core).Single(ei => ei.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Chi"));

            eiChi.IsExtractionIdentifier = true;
            acPatIndex.CountSQL          = null;

            acPatIndex.AddDimension(cata.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Core).Single(ei => ei.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Date")));
            acPatIndex.AddDimension(cata.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Core).Single(ei => ei.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Healthboard")));


            var joinable = new JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, cic, acPatIndex);


            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);

            var runner = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50);

            var cancellation = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();


            //they should not be executing and should be completed
            Assert.IsFalse(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Value.IsExecuting));
            Assert.AreEqual(Phase.Finished, runner.ExecutionPhase);

            var manager = new CachedAggregateConfigurationResultsManager(edsCache);

            var cacheTableName = manager.GetLatestResultsTableUnsafe(acPatIndex, AggregateOperation.JoinableInceptionQuery);

            Assert.IsNotNull(cacheTableName, "No results were cached!");

            var cacheTable = To.ExpectTable(cacheTableName.GetRuntimeName());

            //chi, Date and TestCode
            Assert.AreEqual(3, cacheTable.DiscoverColumns().Length);

            //healthboard should be a string
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), cacheTable.DiscoverColumn("Healthboard").DataType.GetCSharpDataType());

            /*  Query Cache contains this:
             * Chi	Date	Healthboard
             * 0101010101	2001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000	T
             * 0202020202	2002-02-02 00:00:00.0000000	T

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cacheTable.GetRowCount());

            //Now we could add a new AggregateConfiguration that uses the joinable!
Exemple #25
 protected Compileable(CohortCompiler compiler)
     _compiler = compiler;
        public void Test_EXCEPT_TwoAggregates(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1
             *       _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions x2|
             *         ↓ both run into    ↓
             *       ___________________
             *       |       Cache     |
             *      HospitalAdmissions
             *          EXCEPT
             *      HospitalAdmissions (copy)
             *         = 0

            var db    = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var cache = CreateCache(db);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);
            var ac2 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.Operation = SetOperation.EXCEPT;
            root.Name      = "EXCEPT";
            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);
            root.AddChild(ac2, 1);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            if (dbType == DatabaseType.MySql)
                var crashed = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key.State == CompilationState.Crashed);
                StringAssert.Contains("INTERSECT / UNION / EXCEPT are not supported by MySql", crashed.Key.CrashMessage.Message);


            Assert.AreEqual(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Value != null && t.Value.IsResultsForRootContainer).Key.FinalRowCount, 0);
            Assert.Greater(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask at && at.Aggregate.Equals(ac1)).Key.FinalRowCount, 0); //both ac should have the same total
            Assert.Greater(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask at && at.Aggregate.Equals(ac2)).Key.FinalRowCount, 0); // that is not 0

            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("2/2")), "Expected EXCEPT container to use the cache");
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_ThenShipToCacheForSets(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  | (cache is still populated but not used in the resulting join).
             *            ↓ join ↓    (do not use cache)
             *    _______________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions 1|        →       results1
             *            EXCEPT
             *    _______________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions 2|        →        results 2
             *                                          ↓ result = 0 records

            //get the data database
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create the cache on the other server type (either Sql Server or Oracle) since  MySql can't do EXCEPT or UNION etc)
            var dbCache =
                GetCleanedServer(Enum.GetValues(typeof(DatabaseType)).Cast <DatabaseType>().First(t =>
                                                                                                  t != dbType && t != DatabaseType.MySql));

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(dbCache);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions  = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);
            var hospitalAdmissions2 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);
            root.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions2, 1);

            root.Name      = "EXCEPT";
            root.Operation = SetOperation.EXCEPT;

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("2/2")), "Expected cache to be used for both top level operations in the EXCEPT");
        //[TestCase(DatabaseType.Oracle)] //Oracle FAnsi doesn't currently support parameters
        public void Test_SingleServer_WithTwoParameters(DatabaseType dbType, bool useCache)
             *           Server1                        Server2
             *        ____________________         _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |   →    |      Cache         |
             *           @date_of_max
             *        ____________________     ↗
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |
             *           @date_of_max
             *   (has different value so rename operations come into effect)

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            var cache = useCache ? CreateCache(server2): null;

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");
            var ac2 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2005-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);
            root.AddChild(ac2, 1);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            //each container on it's own ran with the normal SQL
            AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac1, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'");
            AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac2, "@date_of_max='2005-01-01'");

            if (useCache)
                //the root container run with dual cache fetch and no parameters
                AssertNoErrors(compiler, root, "IndexedExtractionIdentifierList");
                AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "2/2");
                //the root container ran with a rename operations (no cache available)
                AssertNoErrors(compiler, root, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'", "@date_of_max_2='2005-01-01'");
                AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "0/2");