Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Debugger.IsAttached)

            string sBuy     = Request.QueryString["buy"] ?? "";
            string sID      = Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "";
            bool   fTestNet = false;

            if (sBuy == "1" && sID.Length > 10)
                if (!gUser(this).LoggedIn)
                    MsgBox("NFT Buy Error", "Sorry, you must log in first to sponsor an NFT.", this);

                Code.PoolCommon.NFT myNFT = GetSpecificNFT(sID, fTestNet);

                DACResult d = BuyNFT1(gUser(this).UserId, sID, myNFT.nBuyItNowAmount, false, fTestNet);
                if (d.sError != "")
                    MsgBox("NFT Sponsorship Error", d.sError, this);
                    MsgBox("Success", "You have sponsored " + myNFT.Name + "!  Please find this orphan record in your biblepaycore home wallet NFT List: "
                           + d.sTXID + ".   Please wait a few blocks for this sponsorship to start.   Thank you for fulfilling James 1:27 with BiblePay!", this);
Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Debugger.IsAttached)

            bool fTestNet = false;

            if (Session["chkDigital"] == null)
                // first time
                Session["chkDigital"] = "1";
                Session["chkSocial"]  = "1";

            if (IsPostBack)
                Session["chkDigital"] = chkDigital.Checked ? "1" : "0";
                Session["chkSocial"]  = chkSocial.Checked ? "1" : "0";
            chkDigital.Checked = SessionToBool(Session, "chkDigital");
            chkSocial.Checked  = SessionToBool(Session, "chkSocial");

            string sType = Request.QueryString["type"] ?? "";

            if (sType != "")
                if (sType == "orphan" || sType == "goods")
                    Session["NFTQueryType"] = sType;
                    MsgBox("Error", "No such nft type.", this);
            string sBuy = Request.QueryString["buy"] ?? "";
            string sBid = Request.QueryString["bid"] ?? "";
            string sID  = Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "";

            if (sBid == "1" && sID.Length > 10)
                if (!gUser(this).LoggedIn)
                    MsgBox("NFT Bid Error", "Sorry, you must log in first to bid on an NFT.", this);

                double nOffer = GetDouble(Request.QueryString["amount"] ?? "");

                DACResult d = BuyNFT1(gUser(this).UserId, sID, nOffer, true, fTestNet);
                if (d.sError != "")
                    MsgBox("NFT Bid Error", d.sError, this);
                    MsgBox("Success", "You have bidded " + nOffer.ToString() + " BBP on this NFT.", this);

            if (sBuy == "1" && sID.Length > 10)
                if (!gUser(this).LoggedIn)
                    MsgBox("NFT Buy Error", "Sorry, you must log in first to buy an NFT.", this);

                Code.PoolCommon.NFT myNFT = GetSpecificNFT(sID, fTestNet);

                DACResult d       = BuyNFT1(gUser(this).UserId, sID, myNFT.nBuyItNowAmount, false, fTestNet);
                bool      fOrphan = myNFT.Type.ToLower().Contains("orphan");

                if (d.sError != "")
                    MsgBox("NFT Buy Error", d.sError, this);
                    string sNarr = fOrphan ? "You have successfully sponsored this Orphan!" : "You are now the proud new owner of an NFT.";
                    MsgBox("Success", sNarr + "<br><br> Please see your biblepaycore home wallet NFT list to find "
                           + d.sTXID + ".  <br><br> Please wait a few blocks for the ownership to be transferred.  <br><br>You can also view your NFT <a href='NFTList'>here.</a>", this);