Exemple #1
        private void CoarseLocationHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)packet;

            lock (simulator.avatarPositions)

                for (int i = 0; i < coarse.Location.Length; i++)
                    if (i == coarse.Index.You)
                        simulator.positionIndexYou = i;
                    else if (i == coarse.Index.Prey)
                        simulator.positionIndexPrey = i;
                    simulator.avatarPositions.Add(new LLVector3(coarse.Location[i].X, coarse.Location[i].Y,

                if (OnCoarseLocationUpdate != null)
                    try { OnCoarseLocationUpdate(simulator); }
                    catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e.Message, Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client, e); }
        void CoarseLocationTimer_Elapsed(object sender)
            lock (Server.Agents)
                List<Vector3> avatarPositions = new List<Vector3>();

                CoarseLocationUpdatePacket update = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket();
                update.AgentData = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[Server.Agents.Count];
                update.Location = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[Server.Agents.Count];

                short i = 0;
                foreach (Agent agent in Server.Agents.Values)
                    update.AgentData[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock();
                    update.AgentData[i].AgentID = agent.AgentID;
                    update.Location[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock();
                    update.Location[i].X = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.X);
                    update.Location[i].Y = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.Y);
                    update.Location[i].Z = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.Z / 4);
                    update.Index.Prey = -1;

                i = 0;
                foreach (Agent recipient in Server.Agents.Values)
                    update.Index.You = i;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
        protected void CoarseLocationHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
            CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)e.Packet;

            // populate a dictionary from the packet, for local use
            Dictionary <UUID, Vector3> coarseEntries = new Dictionary <UUID, Vector3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < coarse.AgentData.Length; i++)
                if (coarse.Location.Length > 0)
                    coarseEntries[coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID] = new Vector3((int)coarse.Location[i].X, (int)coarse.Location[i].Y, (int)coarse.Location[i].Z * 4);

                // the friend we are tracking on radar
                if (i == coarse.Index.Prey)
                    e.Simulator.preyID = coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID;

            // find stale entries (people who left the sim)
            List <UUID> removedEntries = e.Simulator.avatarPositions.FindAll(
                findID => !coarseEntries.ContainsKey(findID));

            // anyone who was not listed in the previous update
            List <UUID> newEntries = new List <UUID>();

            lock (e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary)
                // remove stale entries
                foreach (UUID trackedID in removedEntries)

                // add or update tracked info, and record who is new
                foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, Vector3> entry in coarseEntries)
                    if (!e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary.ContainsKey(entry.Key))

                    e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

            if (m_CoarseLocationUpdate != null)
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object o)
                                             { OnCoarseLocationUpdate(new CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs(e.Simulator, newEntries, removedEntries)); });
Exemple #4
        private void CoarseLocationHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)packet;

            // populate a dictionary from the packet, for local use
            Dictionary <UUID, Vector3> coarseEntries = new Dictionary <UUID, Vector3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < coarse.AgentData.Length; i++)
                coarseEntries[coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID] = new Vector3((int)coarse.Location[i].X, (int)coarse.Location[i].Y, (int)coarse.Location[i].Z * 4);

                // the friend we are tracking on radar
                if (i == coarse.Index.Prey)
                    simulator.preyID = coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID;

            // find stale entries (people who left the sim)
            List <UUID> removedEntries = simulator.avatarPositions.FindAll(delegate(UUID findID) { return(!coarseEntries.ContainsKey(findID)); });

            // anyone who was not listed in the previous update
            List <UUID> newEntries = new List <UUID>();

            lock (simulator.avatarPositions)
                // remove stale entries
                foreach (UUID trackedID in removedEntries)

                // add or update tracked info, and record who is new
                foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, Vector3> entry in coarseEntries)
                    if (!simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary.ContainsKey(entry.Key))

                    simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

            if (OnCoarseLocationUpdate != null)
                try { OnCoarseLocationUpdate(simulator, newEntries, removedEntries); }
                catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e.Message, Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client, e); }
Exemple #5
        void CoarseLocationTimer_Elapsed(object sender)
            lock (server.Agents)
                foreach (Agent recipient in server.Agents.Values)
                    int i = 0;

                    CoarseLocationUpdatePacket update = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket();
                    update.Index.Prey = -1;
                    update.Index.You  = 0;

                    update.AgentData = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[server.Agents.Count];
                    update.Location  = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[server.Agents.Count];

                    // Fill in this avatar
                    update.AgentData[0]         = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock();
                    update.AgentData[0].AgentID = recipient.AgentID;
                    update.Location[0]          = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock();
                    update.Location[0].X        = (byte)((int)recipient.Avatar.Position.X);
                    update.Location[0].Y        = (byte)((int)recipient.Avatar.Position.Y);
                    update.Location[0].Z        = (byte)((int)recipient.Avatar.Position.Z / 4);

                    foreach (Agent agent in server.Agents.Values)
                        if (agent != recipient)
                            update.AgentData[i]         = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock();
                            update.AgentData[i].AgentID = agent.AgentID;
                            update.Location[i]          = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock();
                            update.Location[i].X        = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.X);
                            update.Location[i].Y        = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.Y);
                            update.Location[i].Z        = (byte)((int)agent.Avatar.Position.Z / 4);

                    server.UDP.SendPacket(recipient.AgentID, update, PacketCategory.State);
Exemple #6
        private void CoarseLocationHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)packet;

            lock (simulator.avatarPositions)

                for (int i = 0; i < coarse.Location.Length; i++)
                    if (i == coarse.Index.You)
                        simulator.positionIndexYou = i;
                    else if (i == coarse.Index.Prey)
                        simulator.positionIndexPrey = i;
                    simulator.avatarPositions.Add(new LLVector3(coarse.Location[i].X, coarse.Location[i].Y,
Exemple #7
        private void SendCoarseLocations(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            const int MAX_LOCATIONS    = 60;
            const int INTERVAL_SECONDS = 3;

            if (++m_coarseLocationSeconds >= INTERVAL_SECONDS)
                m_coarseLocationSeconds = 0;

                IScenePresence[] presences = m_scene.GetPresences();
                if (presences.Length == 0)

                // Prune out child agents
                List <IScenePresence> rootPresences = new List <IScenePresence>(presences.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < presences.Length; i++)
                    if (!presences[i].IsChildPresence)

                // Clamp the maximum locations to put in this packet
                int count = Math.Min(rootPresences.Count, MAX_LOCATIONS);
                if (count == 0)

                // Create the location and agentID blocks
                CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[] uuids     = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[count];
                CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[]  locations = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IScenePresence presence = rootPresences[i];
                    Vector3        pos      = presence.ScenePosition;

                    uuids[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock {
                        AgentID = presence.ID
                    locations[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock {
                        X = (byte)pos.X, Y = (byte)pos.Y, Z = (byte)pos.Z

                for (int i = 0; i < rootPresences.Count; i++)
                    if (rootPresences[i] is LLAgent)
                        LLAgent agent = (LLAgent)rootPresences[i];

                        CoarseLocationUpdatePacket packet = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket();
                        packet.Header.Reliable = false;
                        packet.AgentData       = uuids;
                        packet.Location        = locations;

                        // Only the first MAX_COUNT avatars are in the list
                        int you = (i < count) ? i : -1;
                        packet.Index.You = (short)you;

                        // TODO: Support Prey
                        packet.Index.Prey = -1;

                        m_udp.SendPacket(agent, packet, ThrottleCategory.Task, false);
Exemple #8
        private Packet LocationIN(Packet p, IPEndPoint sim)
            //if (sim.Address != shared.ip || sim.Port != shared.port) return p;
            if (sim.ToString() != proxy.activeCircuit.ToString())
            CoarseLocationUpdatePacket c = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)p;

            List <UUID> temp = new List <UUID>();
            bool        say  = false;

            if (c.AgentData.Length < 1)
            lock (avs)
                foreach (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock a in c.AgentData)
                    if (!avs.Contains(a.AgentID))
                        say = true;
                        if (shared.key2name.ContainsKey(a.AgentID))

                foreach (UUID u in avs)
                    if (!temp.Contains(u))
                        say = true;
                        if (shared.key2name.ContainsKey(u))
                            if (form.listBox2.Items.Contains(shared.key2name[u]))
            avs = temp;

            if (say)
                if (form.checkBox1.Checked)

Exemple #9
        private void SendCoarseLocations(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            const int MAX_LOCATIONS = 60;
            const int INTERVAL_SECONDS = 3;

            if (++m_coarseLocationSeconds >= INTERVAL_SECONDS)
                m_coarseLocationSeconds = 0;

                IScenePresence[] presences = m_scene.GetPresences();
                if (presences.Length == 0)

                // Prune out child agents
                List<IScenePresence> rootPresences = new List<IScenePresence>(presences.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < presences.Length; i++)
                    if (!presences[i].IsChildPresence)

                // Clamp the maximum locations to put in this packet
                int count = Math.Min(rootPresences.Count, MAX_LOCATIONS);
                if (count == 0)

                // Create the location and agentID blocks
                CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[] uuids = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock[count];
                CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[] locations = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IScenePresence presence = rootPresences[i];
                    Vector3 pos = presence.ScenePosition;

                    uuids[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock { AgentID = presence.ID };
                    locations[i] = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket.LocationBlock { X = (byte)pos.X, Y = (byte)pos.Y, Z = (byte)pos.Z };

                for (int i = 0; i < rootPresences.Count; i++)
                    if (rootPresences[i] is LLAgent)
                        LLAgent agent = (LLAgent)rootPresences[i];

                        CoarseLocationUpdatePacket packet = new CoarseLocationUpdatePacket();
                        packet.Header.Reliable = false;
                        packet.AgentData = uuids;
                        packet.Location = locations;

                        // Only the first MAX_COUNT avatars are in the list
                        int you = (i < count) ? i : -1;
                        packet.Index.You = (short)you;

                        // TODO: Support Prey
                        packet.Index.Prey = -1;

                        m_udp.SendPacket(agent, packet, ThrottleCategory.Task, false);