public static CoLemma CopyCoLemma(MemberDecl md) { CoLemma oldCl = md as CoLemma; if (oldCl == null) { return(null); } return(CopyCoLemma(oldCl)); }
public static CoLemma CopyCoLemma(CoLemma oldCl) { return new CoLemma(oldCl.tok, oldCl.Name, oldCl.HasStaticKeyword, oldCl.TypeArgs, oldCl.Ins, oldCl.Outs, oldCl.Req, oldCl.Mod, oldCl.Ens, oldCl.Decreases, oldCl.Body, oldCl.Attributes, oldCl.SignatureEllipsis); }
void MethodDecl(MemberModifiers mmod, bool allowConstructor, bool isWithinAbstractModule, out Method/*!*/ m) { Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out m) !=null); IToken/*!*/ id = Token.NoToken; bool hasName = false; IToken keywordToken; Attributes attrs = null; List<TypeParameter/*!*/>/*!*/ typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter/*!*/>(); List<Formal/*!*/> ins = new List<Formal/*!*/>(); List<Formal/*!*/> outs = new List<Formal/*!*/>(); List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/> req = new List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/>(); List<FrameExpression/*!*/> mod = new List<FrameExpression/*!*/>(); List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/> ens = new List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/>(); List<Expression/*!*/> dec = new List<Expression/*!*/>(); Attributes decAttrs = null; Attributes modAttrs = null; BlockStmt body = null; bool isLemma = false; bool isConstructor = false; bool isIndLemma = false; bool isCoLemma = false; IToken signatureEllipsis = null; IToken bodyStart = Token.NoToken; IToken bodyEnd = Token.NoToken; while (!(StartOf(10))) {SynErr(158); Get();} switch (la.kind) { case 84: { Get(); break; } case 41: { Get(); isLemma = true; break; } case 85: { Get(); isCoLemma = true; break; } case 86: { Get(); isCoLemma = true; errors.Warning(t, "the 'comethod' keyword has been deprecated; it has been renamed to 'colemma'"); break; } case 40: { Get(); Expect(41); isIndLemma = true; break; } case 87: { Get(); if (allowConstructor) { isConstructor = true; } else { SemErr(t, "constructors are allowed only in classes"); } break; } default: SynErr(159); break; } keywordToken = t; if (isLemma) { if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "lemmas cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are automatically 'ghost')"); } } else if (isConstructor) { if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "constructors cannot be declared 'ghost'"); } if (mmod.IsStatic) { SemErr(t, "constructors cannot be declared 'static'"); } } else if (isIndLemma) { if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "inductive lemmas cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are automatically 'ghost')"); } } else if (isCoLemma) { if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "colemmas cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are automatically 'ghost')"); } } while (la.kind == 46) { Attribute(ref attrs); } if (la.kind == 1) { NoUSIdent(out id); hasName = true; } if (!hasName) { id = keywordToken; if (!isConstructor) { SemErr(la, "a method must be given a name (expecting identifier)"); } } if (la.kind == 50 || la.kind == 52) { if (la.kind == 52) { GenericParameters(typeArgs); } Formals(true, !mmod.IsGhost, ins); if (la.kind == 83) { Get(); if (isConstructor) { SemErr(t, "constructors cannot have out-parameters"); } Formals(false, !mmod.IsGhost, outs); } } else if (la.kind == 59) { Get(); signatureEllipsis = t; } else SynErr(160); while (StartOf(11)) { MethodSpec(req, mod, ens, dec, ref decAttrs, ref modAttrs); } if (la.kind == 46) { BlockStmt(out body, out bodyStart, out bodyEnd); } if (!isWithinAbstractModule && DafnyOptions.O.DisallowSoundnessCheating && body == null && ens.Count > 0 && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "axiom") && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "imported") && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "decl") && theVerifyThisFile) { SemErr(t, "a method with an ensures clause must have a body, unless given the :axiom attribute"); } IToken tok = theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id); if (isConstructor) { m = new Constructor(tok, hasName ? id.val : "_ctor", typeArgs, ins, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isIndLemma) { m = new InductiveLemma(tok, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isCoLemma) { m = new CoLemma(tok, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isLemma) { m = new Lemma(tok, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else { m = new Method(tok, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, mmod.IsGhost, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } m.BodyStartTok = bodyStart; m.BodyEndTok = bodyEnd; }
private void AddVariant(Statement st, ref List <Solution> solution_list) { List <Expression> call_arguments = null; List <Expression> dec_list = null; Expression input = null; InitArgs(st, out call_arguments); Contract.Assert(tcce.OfSize(call_arguments, 1), Util.Error.MkErr(st, 0, 1, call_arguments.Count)); StringLiteralExpr wildCard = call_arguments[0] as StringLiteralExpr; if (wildCard != null) { if (wildCard.Value.Equals("*")) { input = new WildcardExpr(wildCard.tok); } } else { // hack /* * TODO: * Implement propper variable replacement */ object tmp; ProcessArg(call_arguments[0], out tmp); Contract.Assert(tmp != null); IVariable form = tmp as IVariable; if (form != null) { input = new NameSegment(form.Tok, form.Name, null); } else if (tmp is BinaryExpr) { input = tmp as BinaryExpr; } else if (tmp is NameSegment) { input = tmp as NameSegment; } } WhileStmt ws = FindWhileStmt(globalContext.tac_call,; if (ws != null) { WhileStmt nws = null; dec_list = new List <Expression>(ws.Decreases.Expressions.ToArray()); dec_list.Add(input); Specification <Expression> decreases = new Specification <Expression>(dec_list, ws.Attributes); nws = new WhileStmt(ws.Tok, ws.EndTok, ws.Guard, ws.Invariants, decreases, ws.Mod, ws.Body); AddUpdated(ws, nws); } else { Method target = Program.FindMember(globalContext.program.ParseProgram(), as Method; if (GetNewTarget() != null && GetNewTarget().Name == target.Name) { target = GetNewTarget(); } Contract.Assert(target != null, Util.Error.MkErr(st, 3)); dec_list = target.Decreases.Expressions; // insert new variants at the end of the existing variants list Contract.Assert(input != null); dec_list.Add(input); Specification <Expression> decreases = new Specification <Expression>(dec_list, target.Decreases.Attributes); Method result = null; dynamic lemma = null; if ((lemma = target as Lemma) != null) { result = new Lemma(lemma.tok, lemma.Name, lemma.HasStaticKeyword, lemma.TypeArgs, lemma.Ins, lemma.Outs, lemma.Req, lemma.Mod, lemma.Ens, decreases, lemma.Body, lemma.Attributes, lemma.SignatureEllipsis); } else if ((lemma = target as CoLemma) != null) { result = new CoLemma(lemma.tok, lemma.Name, lemma.HasStaticKeyword, lemma.TypeArgs, lemma.Ins, lemma.Outs, lemma.Req, lemma.Mod, lemma.Ens, decreases, lemma.Body, lemma.Attributes, lemma.SignatureEllipsis); } else { result = new Method(target.tok, target.Name, target.HasStaticKeyword, target.IsGhost, target.TypeArgs, target.Ins, target.Outs, target.Req, target.Mod, target.Ens, decreases, target.Body, target.Attributes, target.SignatureEllipsis); } // register new method this.localContext.new_target = result; globalContext.program.IncTotalBranchCount(globalContext.program.currentDebug); } solution_list.Add(new Solution(this.Copy())); }
void MethodDecl(DeclModifierData dmod, bool allowConstructor, bool isWithinAbstractModule, out Method/*!*/ m) { Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out m) !=null); IToken/*!*/ id = Token.NoToken; bool hasName = false; IToken keywordToken; Attributes attrs = null; List<TypeParameter/*!*/>/*!*/ typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter/*!*/>(); List<Formal/*!*/> ins = new List<Formal/*!*/>(); List<Formal/*!*/> outs = new List<Formal/*!*/>(); List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/> req = new List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/>(); List<FrameExpression/*!*/> mod = new List<FrameExpression/*!*/>(); List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/> ens = new List<MaybeFreeExpression/*!*/>(); List<Expression/*!*/> dec = new List<Expression/*!*/>(); Attributes decAttrs = null; Attributes modAttrs = null; BlockStmt body = null; bool isLemma = false; bool isConstructor = false; bool isIndLemma = false; bool isCoLemma = false; bool isTactic = false; IToken signatureEllipsis = null; IToken bodyStart = Token.NoToken; IToken bodyEnd = Token.NoToken; AllowedDeclModifiers allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.None; string caption = ""; while (!(StartOf(12))) {SynErr(172); Get();} switch (la.kind) { case 89: { Get(); caption = "Methods"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.Ghost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static | AllowedDeclModifiers.Extern; break; } case 60: { Get(); isTactic = true; caption = "Tactics"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.AlreadyGhost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static | AllowedDeclModifiers.Protected; break; } case 41: { Get(); isLemma = true; caption = "Lemmas"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.AlreadyGhost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static | AllowedDeclModifiers.Protected; break; } case 90: { Get(); isCoLemma = true; caption = "Colemmas"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.AlreadyGhost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static | AllowedDeclModifiers.Protected; break; } case 91: { Get(); isCoLemma = true; caption = "Comethods"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.AlreadyGhost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static | AllowedDeclModifiers.Protected; errors.Warning(t, "the 'comethod' keyword has been deprecated; it has been renamed to 'colemma'"); break; } case 40: { Get(); Expect(41); isIndLemma = true; caption = "Inductive lemmas"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.AlreadyGhost | AllowedDeclModifiers.Static; break; } case 92: { Get(); if (allowConstructor) { isConstructor = true; } else { SemErr(t, "constructors are allowed only in classes"); } caption = "Constructors"; allowed = AllowedDeclModifiers.None; break; } default: SynErr(173); break; } keywordToken = t; CheckDeclModifiers(dmod, caption, allowed); while (la.kind == 46) { Attribute(ref attrs); } if (la.kind == 1) { NoUSIdent(out id); hasName = true; } if (!hasName) { id = keywordToken; if (!isConstructor) { SemErr(la, "a method must be given a name (expecting identifier)"); } } EncodeExternAsAttribute(dmod, ref attrs, id, /* needAxiom */ true); if (la.kind == 50 || la.kind == 52) { if (la.kind == 52) { GenericParameters(typeArgs); } Formals(true, !dmod.IsGhost, ins); if (la.kind == 88) { Get(); if (isConstructor) { SemErr(t, "constructors cannot have out-parameters"); } Formals(false, !dmod.IsGhost, outs); } } else if (la.kind == 59) { Get(); signatureEllipsis = t; } else SynErr(174); while (StartOf(13)) { MethodSpec(req, mod, ens, dec, ref decAttrs, ref modAttrs); } if (la.kind == 46) { BlockStmt(out body, out bodyStart, out bodyEnd); } if (!isWithinAbstractModule && DafnyOptions.O.DisallowSoundnessCheating && body == null && ens.Count > 0 && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "axiom") && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "imported") && !Attributes.Contains(attrs, "decl") && theVerifyThisFile) { SemErr(t, "a method with an ensures clause must have a body, unless given the :axiom attribute"); } IToken tok = theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id); if (isConstructor) { m = new Constructor(tok, hasName ? id.val : "_ctor", typeArgs, ins, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isIndLemma) { m = new InductiveLemma(tok, id.val, dmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isCoLemma) { m = new CoLemma(tok, id.val, dmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if (isLemma) { m = new Lemma(tok, id.val, dmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else if(isTactic) { m = new Tactic(tok, id.val, dmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } else { m = new Method(tok, id.val, dmod.IsStatic, dmod.IsGhost, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, new Specification<FrameExpression>(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification<Expression>(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureEllipsis); } m.BodyStartTok = bodyStart; m.BodyEndTok = bodyEnd; }
private void AddVariant(Statement st, ref List<Solution> solution_list) { List<Expression> call_arguments = null; List<Expression> dec_list = null; Expression input = null; InitArgs(st, out call_arguments); Contract.Assert(tcce.OfSize(call_arguments, 1), Util.Error.MkErr(st, 0, 1, call_arguments.Count)); StringLiteralExpr wildCard = call_arguments[0] as StringLiteralExpr; if (wildCard != null) { if (wildCard.Value.Equals("*")) input = new WildcardExpr(wildCard.tok); } else { // hack /* * TODO: * Implement propper variable replacement */ object tmp; ProcessArg(call_arguments[0], out tmp); Contract.Assert(tmp != null); IVariable form = tmp as IVariable; if (form != null) input = new NameSegment(form.Tok, form.Name, null); else if (tmp is BinaryExpr) { input = tmp as BinaryExpr; } else if (tmp is NameSegment) { input = tmp as NameSegment; } } WhileStmt ws = FindWhileStmt(globalContext.tac_call,; if (ws != null) { WhileStmt nws = null; dec_list = new List<Expression>(ws.Decreases.Expressions.ToArray()); dec_list.Add(input); Specification<Expression> decreases = new Specification<Expression>(dec_list, ws.Attributes); nws = new WhileStmt(ws.Tok, ws.EndTok, ws.Guard, ws.Invariants, decreases, ws.Mod, ws.Body); AddUpdated(ws, nws); } else { Method target = Program.FindMember(globalContext.program.ParseProgram(), as Method; if (GetNewTarget() != null && GetNewTarget().Name == target.Name) target = GetNewTarget(); Contract.Assert(target != null, Util.Error.MkErr(st, 3)); dec_list = target.Decreases.Expressions; // insert new variants at the end of the existing variants list Contract.Assert(input != null); dec_list.Add(input); Specification<Expression> decreases = new Specification<Expression>(dec_list, target.Decreases.Attributes); Method result = null; dynamic lemma = null; if ((lemma = target as Lemma) != null) { result = new Lemma(lemma.tok, lemma.Name, lemma.HasStaticKeyword, lemma.TypeArgs, lemma.Ins, lemma.Outs, lemma.Req, lemma.Mod, lemma.Ens, decreases, lemma.Body, lemma.Attributes, lemma.SignatureEllipsis); } else if ((lemma = target as CoLemma) != null) { result = new CoLemma(lemma.tok, lemma.Name, lemma.HasStaticKeyword, lemma.TypeArgs, lemma.Ins, lemma.Outs, lemma.Req, lemma.Mod, lemma.Ens, decreases, lemma.Body, lemma.Attributes, lemma.SignatureEllipsis); } else result = new Method(target.tok, target.Name, target.HasStaticKeyword, target.IsGhost, target.TypeArgs, target.Ins, target.Outs, target.Req, target.Mod, target.Ens, decreases, target.Body, target.Attributes, target.SignatureEllipsis); // register new method this.localContext.new_target = result; globalContext.program.IncTotalBranchCount(globalContext.program.currentDebug); } solution_list.Add(new Solution(this.Copy())); }
public static CoLemma CopyCoLemma(CoLemma oldCl) { return(new CoLemma(oldCl.tok, oldCl.Name, oldCl.HasStaticKeyword, oldCl.TypeArgs, oldCl.Ins, oldCl.Outs, oldCl.Req, oldCl.Mod, oldCl.Ens, oldCl.Decreases, oldCl.Body, oldCl.Attributes, oldCl.SignatureEllipsis)); }