public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(2)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { help(p); return; } try { ushort ID; switch (args[1]) { case "create": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[4])); RecipesRegistry.Create(args[2], args[3], ID, int.Parse(args[5])); p.SendMessage("Craft " + args[2] + " created."); break; case "delete": RecipesRegistry.Remove(args[2]); p.SendMessage("Craft " + args[2] + " deleted."); break; case "add": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[3])); RecipesRegistry.AddIngredient(args[2], ID, int.Parse(args[4])); p.SendMessage("Ingredient " + Block.GetName(p, ID) + " x" + args[4] + " added."); break; case "remove": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[3])); RecipesRegistry.RemoveIngredient(args[2], ID); p.SendMessage("Ingredient " + Block.GetName(p, ID) + " removed."); break; default: help(p); break; } } catch { help(p); } }
public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(1)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { help(p); return; } string cmd = ""; switch (args[1]) { case "add": cmd = args[2]; if (args.Length > 3) { cmd += " " + args[3]; } CmdsWhitelistRegistry.Add(cmd); p.SendMessage("Added " + cmd + "."); break; case "remove": cmd = args[2]; if (args.Length > 3) { cmd += " " + args[3]; } CmdsWhitelistRegistry.Remove(cmd); p.SendMessage("Removed " + cmd + "."); break; case "list": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, "%eCommands Whitelisted:\n" + CmdsWhitelistRegistry.getListString()); break; default: help(p); break; } }
public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(3)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { help(p); return; } switch (args[1]) { case "add": Player[] online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in online) { if ( == args[2]) { _playersList.PlayerMap[pl] = new SurvivalPlayer(pl, _survivalMaps); } } _survivalMaps.Maps.AddMap(args[2]); p.SendMessage("Added " + args[2] + "."); break; case "remove": _survivalMaps.Maps.RemoveMap(args[2]); p.SendMessage("Removed " + args[2] + "."); break; case "list": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, "%eSurvival Maps List:\n" + _survivalMaps.Maps.getListString()); break; default: help(p); break; } }
public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(0)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { help(p); return; } ushort id = 0; if (args.Length > 2) { id = ushort.Parse(args[2]); } try { switch (args[1]) { case "add": if (args.Length < 4) { help(p); return; } ushort givenID = id; int givenQuantity = 1; string category = ""; if (args.Length > 4) { givenID = ushort.TryParse(args[4], out givenID) ? ushort.Parse(args[4]) : id; } if (args.Length > 5) { givenQuantity = int.TryParse(args[5], out givenQuantity) ? int.Parse(args[5]) : 1; } if (args.Length > 6) { category = args[6]; } givenID = Helpers.IDConvert(givenID); id = Helpers.IDConvert(id); BlocksRegistry.Add(id, int.Parse(args[3]), givenID, givenQuantity, category); Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, "Set hardness of " + id + " to " + int.Parse(args[3]) + ".\n" + "Set given ID of " + id + " to " + givenID + ".\n" + "Set given Quantity of " + id + " to " + givenQuantity + ".\n" + "Set Category of " + id + " to " + category + "."); break; case "remove": id = Helpers.IDConvert(id); BlocksRegistry.Remove(id); p.SendMessage("Removed the settings for " + id + "."); break; case "list": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, BlocksRegistry.getBlocksList(p)); break; default: help(p); break; } } catch { help(p); } }
public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(5)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } try { ushort ID = 0; if (args.Length > 2) { ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[2])); } switch (args[1]) { case "create": ActionsBlocks.Init(ID); break; case "remove": ActionsBlocks.Remove(ID); break; case "addtrigger": ActionsBlocks.AddTrigger(ID, byte.Parse(args[3])); break; case "removetrigger": ActionsBlocks.RemoveTrigger(ID, int.Parse(args[3])); break; case "removeaction": ActionsBlocks.RemoveAction(ID, int.Parse(args[3]), int.Parse(args[4])); break; case "addaction": string strArg = ""; for (int i = 5; i < args.Length; i++) { strArg += args[i] + " "; } ActionsBlocks.AddAction(ID, int.Parse(args[3]), byte.Parse(args[4]), strArg); break; case "list": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, ActionsBlocks.getList(p)); break; case "actionslist": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, ActionsBlocks.getActionsList(p, ID)); break; case "door": ushort[] tempD = new ushort[8]; int iincr = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++) { tempD[iincr++] = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[i])); } ActionBlocks.Door.Builder(tempD); break; default: help(p); break; } } catch { help(p); } }
public void Execute(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Rank < CmdsPermissions.get(4)) { p.SendMessage("You don't have the permission to use this command."); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { help(p); return; } try { ushort ID; switch (args[1]) { case "create": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[2])); ToolsRegistry.Create(ID, int.Parse(args[3]), float.Parse(args[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), int.Parse(args[5])); break; case "delete": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[2])); ToolsRegistry.Remove(ID); break; case "categories": ID = Helpers.IDConvert(ushort.Parse(args[3])); switch (args[2]) { case "add": ToolsRegistry.AddCategory(ID, args[4]); break; case "remove": ToolsRegistry.RemoveCategory(ID, args[4]); break; default: help(p); break; } break; case "list": Helpers.SendTextBlockToPlayer(p, ToolsRegistry.getToolsList(p)); break; default: help(p); break; } } catch { help(p); } }