static void HtmlGenerateReturnTypes(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Outputs</strong></h2>" + _nl); List <String> returnTypes = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnType.Split(';')); List <String> returnUrls = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnUrl.Split(';')); List <String> returnDescription = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnTypeDescription.Split(';')); for (Int32 index = 0; index < returnTypes.Count; index++) { if (index < returnUrls.Count) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrls[index])) { SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index]) + "</p>" + _nl); } else { SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\"><a href=\"" + returnUrls[index] + "\">" + rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index]) + "</a></p>" + _nl); } } else { SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index]) + "</p>" + _nl); } if (index < returnDescription.Count) { SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 80px;\">" + rules.ToHtml(returnDescription[index]) + "</p>" + _nl); } } }
static void htmlGenerateReturnTypes(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2>Outputs</h2>" + _nl); List <String> returnTypes = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnType.Split(';')); List <String> returnUrls = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnUrl.Split(';')); List <String> returnDescription = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnTypeDescription.Split(';')); for (Int32 index = 0; index < returnTypes.Count; index++) { if (index < returnUrls.Count) { SB.AppendLine(String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrls[index]) ? addIndentedParagraphText(rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index])) : addIndentedParagraphText($"<a href=\"{returnUrls[index]}\">{rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index])}</a>")); } else { SB.AppendLine(addIndentedParagraphText(rules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index]))); } if (index < returnDescription.Count) { SB.AppendLine($"<p style=\"margin-left: 80px;\">{rules.ToHtml(returnDescription[index])}</p>"); } } }
/// <param name="sourceCmdlet">active cmdlet from module</param> /// <param name="destinationCmdlet">saved cmdlet in project file</param> static void CopyParameters(CmdletObject sourceCmdlet, CmdletObject destinationCmdlet) { List <String> processed = new List <String>(); // process saved parameters for (Int32 index = 0; index < destinationCmdlet.Parameters.Count; index++) { Int32 sourceIndex = sourceCmdlet.Parameters.IndexOf(destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index]); if (sourceIndex >= 0) { // copy user input to source cmdlet sourceCmdlet.Parameters[sourceIndex].Description = destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index].Description; sourceCmdlet.Parameters[sourceIndex].Globbing = destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index].Globbing; sourceCmdlet.Parameters[sourceIndex].DefaultValue = destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index].DefaultValue; // replace parameter from source to destination cmdlet destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index] = sourceCmdlet.Parameters[sourceIndex]; processed.Add(destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index].Name); } else { // saved cmdlet contains orphaned parameter destinationCmdlet.Parameters[index].Status = ItemStatus.Missing; } } // process active non-processed parameters. They are new parameters foreach (ParameterDescription param in sourceCmdlet.Parameters.Where(param => !processed.Contains(param.Name))) { destinationCmdlet.Parameters.Add(param); } }
// generates pure encoded HTML string static String GeneratePureHtml(CmdletObject cmdlet, IReadOnlyList <CmdletObject> cmdlets, StringBuilder SB, Boolean useSupports) { SB.Clear(); BBCodeParser rules = GetParser(ParserType.Enhanced); HtmlgenerateName(SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateSynopsis(rules, SB, cmdlets, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateSyntax(SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateDescription(rules, SB, cmdlets, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateParams(rules, SB, cmdlets, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateInputTypes(rules, SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateReturnTypes(rules, SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateNotes(rules, SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateExamples(rules, SB, cmdlet); HtmlGenerateRelatedLinks(rules, SB, cmdlets, cmdlet); if (useSupports) { HtmlGenerateSupports(cmdlet, ref SB); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ExtraFooter)) { SB.Append(cmdlet.ExtraFooter); } return(SB.ToString()); }
static void XmlGenerateCmdletDetail(BBCodeParser bbRules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<!--Generated by PS Cmdlet Help Editor-->" + n); SB.Append(" <command:details>" + n); SB.Append(" <command:name>"); SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Name)); SB.Append("</command:name>" + n); // synopsis SB.Append(" <maml:description>"+ n); SB.Append(generatePragraphs(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Synopsis, bbRules, 3)); SB.Append(" </maml:description>"+ n); // TODO copyrights SB.Append(" <maml:copyright>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:para />"+ n); //SB.Append(" <!--Add copy right info here.-->" + n); SB.Append(" </maml:copyright>"+ n); SB.Append(" <command:verb>"); SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Verb)); SB.Append("</command:verb>" + n); SB.Append(" <command:noun>"); SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Noun)); SB.Append("</command:noun>" + n); //dev version SB.Append(" <dev:version />"+ n); //End </commnd:details> SB.Append(" </command:details>" + n); //Add Cmdlet detailed description SB.Append(" <maml:description>" + n); SB.Append(generatePragraphs(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Description, bbRules, 2)); SB.Append(" </maml:description>" + n); }
static void ReadLinks(IEnumerable linkNodes, XmlNamespaceManager ns, CmdletObject currentCmdlet) { if (linkNodes == null) { return; } foreach (XmlNode linkNode in linkNodes) { RelatedLink link = new RelatedLink(); // Link name XmlNode tempNode = linkNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:linkText", ns); if (tempNode != null) { link.LinkText = tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(link.LinkText)) { link.LinkText = "Unknown"; } } tempNode = linkNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:uri", ns); if (tempNode != null) { link.LinkUrl = tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); } currentCmdlet.RelatedLinks.Add(link); } }
static void htmlGenerateExamples(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.AppendLine("<h2>Examples</h2>"); for (Int32 index = 0; index < cmdlet.Examples.Count; index++) { Example example = cmdlet.Examples[index]; String name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Name) ? $"Example {index + 1}" : example.Name; SB.AppendLine($"<h3>{SecurityElement.Escape(name)}</h3>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Cmd)) { String cmd = !example.Cmd.StartsWith("PS C:\\>") ? $"PS C:\\> {example.Cmd}" : example.Cmd; SB.AppendLine($"<pre style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">{SecurityElement.Escape(cmd)}</pre>"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Output)) { SB.AppendLine($"<pre style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">{SecurityElement.Escape(example.Output)}</pre>"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Description)) { String str = rules.ToHtml(example.Description); SB.AppendLine(addIndentedParagraphText(str)); } } }
static void XmlGenerateReturnTypes(BBCodeParser bbRules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { List <String> returnTypes = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnType.Split(new[] { ';' })); List <String> returnUrls = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnUrl.Split(new[] { ';' })); List <String> returnDescription = new List <String>(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnTypeDescription.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); SB.Append(" <command:returnValues>" + n); for (Int32 index = 0; index < returnTypes.Count; index++) { SB.Append(" <command:returnValue>"+ n); SB.Append(" <dev:type>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:name>"+ bbRules.ToHtml(returnTypes[index], true) + "</maml:name>" + n); try { SB.Append(" <maml:uri>"+ bbRules.ToHtml(returnUrls[index], true) + "</maml:uri>" + n); } catch { SB.Append(" <maml:uri />"+ n); } SB.Append(" <maml:description/>"+ n); SB.Append(" </dev:type>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:description>"+ n); try { SB.Append(generatePragraphs(returnDescription[index], bbRules, 4)); } catch { SB.Append("<maml:para />" + n); } SB.Append(" </maml:description>"+ n); SB.Append(" </command:returnValue>"+ n); } SB.Append(" </command:returnValues>" + n); }
static void HtmlGenerateExamples(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Examples</strong></h2>" + _nl); foreach (Example example in cmdlet.Examples) { String name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Name) ? "unknown" : example.Name; SB.Append("<h3>" + SecurityElement.Escape(name) + "</h3>" + _nl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Cmd)) { String cmd; if (!example.Cmd.StartsWith("PS C:\\>")) { cmd = "PS C:\\> " + example.Cmd; } else { cmd = example.Cmd; } SB.Append("<pre style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + SecurityElement.Escape(cmd) + "</pre>" + _nl); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Output)) { SB.Append("<pre style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + SecurityElement.Escape(example.Output) + "</pre>" + _nl); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Description)) { String str = rules.ToHtml(example.Description); SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + str + "</p>" + _nl); } } }
public static Task PublishSingle(CmdletObject cmdlet, ModuleObject module, Blogger blogger, Boolean quiet) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var post = new Post { Title = cmdlet.Name, PostId = cmdlet.ArticleIDString, HTML = HtmlProcessor.GenerateHtmlView(cmdlet, module).Result }; if (blogger == null) { blogger = Utils.InitializeBlogger(module.Provider); } if (blogger == null) { Utils.MsgBox("Warning", Strings.WarnBloggerNeedsMoreData, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ArticleIDString)) { // assuming that article does not exist cmdlet.ArticleIDString = blogger.AddPost(post); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ArticleIDString) && !quiet) { Utils.MsgBox("Success", new Win32Exception(0).Message, MessageBoxImage.Information); } // get post URL once published if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ArticleIDString)) { try { cmdlet.URL = module.Provider.ProviderName.ToLower() == "codeplex" ? module.Provider.Blog.URL + "wikipage?title=" + cmdlet.Name : blogger.GetPost(cmdlet.ArticleIDString).Permalink; if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(cmdlet.URL, UriKind.Absolute)) { var baseUrl = new Uri(module.Provider.ProviderURL); cmdlet.URL = $"{baseUrl.Scheme}://{baseUrl.DnsSafeHost}{cmdlet.URL}"; } } catch { } } } else { try { // assuming that article exist, so we just change it blogger.UpdatePost(post); var baseUrl = new Uri(module.Provider.ProviderURL); String permalink = blogger.GetPost(cmdlet.ArticleIDString).Permalink; cmdlet.URL = $"{baseUrl.Scheme}://{baseUrl.DnsSafeHost}{permalink}"; } catch (Exception e) { // 0x80131600 connect succeeds, but the post is deleted. Remove postid if (e.HResult == -2146232832 || e.HResult == -2147023728) { cmdlet.ArticleIDString = null; } throw; } } })); }
// generates HTML for HTML source view public static Task <IEnumerable <XmlToken> > GenerateHtmlSourceHelp(CmdletObject cmdlet, ModuleObject moduleObject) { return(Task <IEnumerable <XmlToken> > .Factory.StartNew(() => XmlTokenizer.LoopTokenize( GeneratePureHtml(cmdlet, moduleObject.Cmdlets, new StringBuilder(), moduleObject.UseSupports) ) )); }
static void htmlGenerateName(StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ExtraHeader)) { SB.Append(cmdlet.ExtraHeader); } SB.AppendLine($"<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">{SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Name)}</h1>"); }
static void HtmlGenerateNotes(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Notes</strong></h2>" + _nl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes)) { String str = rules.ToHtml(GenerateHtmlLink(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes, null)); SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + str + "</p>" + _nl); } }
static void htmlGenerateNotes(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.AppendLine("<h2>Notes</h2>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes)) { String str = rules.ToHtml(generateHtmlLink(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes, null)); SB.AppendLine(addIndentedParagraphText(str)); } }
static void HtmlgenerateName(StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdlet.ExtraHeader)) { SB.Append(cmdlet.ExtraHeader); } //SB.Append("<h2>NAME</h2>" + n); SB.Append("<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>" + SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Name) + "</strong></h1>" + _nl); }
static void XmlGenerateNotes(BBCodeParser bbRules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append(" <maml:alertSet>" + n); SB.Append(" <maml:title></maml:title>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:alert>"+ n); SB.Append(generatePragraphs(cmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes, bbRules, 3)); SB.Append(" </maml:alert>"+ n); SB.Append(" </maml:alertSet>" + n); }
async void GenerateOutput(Object obj) { CmdletObject cmd = Tab.EditorContext.CurrentCmdlet; ModuleObject module = Tab.Module; if (cmd == null) { return; } BusyControlVisible = Visibility.Visible; RtbVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; WebBrowserVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; if (HtmlChecked) { HtmlText = await HtmlProcessor.GenerateHtmlView(cmd, module); HtmlText = String.Format(Properties.Resources.HtmlTemplate, cmd.Name, HtmlText, cmd.ExtraHeader, cmd.ExtraFooter); BusyControlVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; RtbVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; WebBrowserVisible = Visibility.Visible; return; } IEnumerable <XmlToken> data = new List <XmlToken>(); if (XmlChecked) { if (module.UpgradeRequired) { Utils.MsgBox("Warning", "The module is offline and requires upgrade. Upgrade the project to allow XML view.", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); BusyControlVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; return; } List <CmdletObject> cmdlets = new List <CmdletObject> { cmd }; StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); await XmlProcessor.XmlGenerateHelp(SB, cmdlets, null, module.IsOffline); data = XmlTokenizer.LoopTokenize(SB.ToString()); } else if (HtmlSourceChecked) { data = await HtmlProcessor.GenerateHtmlSourceHelp(cmd, module); } Paragraph para = new Paragraph(); para.Inlines.AddRange(ColorizeSource(data)); Document = new FlowDocument(); Document.Blocks.Add(para); BusyControlVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; WebBrowserVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; RtbVisible = Visibility.Visible; }
static void HtmlGenerateSyntax(StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Syntax</strong></h2>" + _nl); SB.Append("<pre style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">"); foreach (String syntaxItem in cmdlet.Syntax) { SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(syntaxItem) + " [<CommonParameters>]" + _nl + _nl); } SB.Append("</pre>" + _nl); }
static Task XmlGenerateBody(BBCodeParser bbRules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SB.Append("<command:command xmlns:maml=\"\" xmlns:command=\"\" xmlns:dev=\"\" xmlns:MSHelp=\"\">" + n); XmlGenerateCmdletDetail(bbRules, SB, cmdlet); SB.Append(" <command:syntax>" + n); // if current cmdlet hasn't parameters, then just write single syntaxItem if (cmdlet.Parameters.Count == 0) { SB.Append(" <command:syntaxItem>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:name>"); SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Name)); SB.Append("</maml:name>" + n); SB.Append(" </command:syntaxItem>"+ n); } else { XmlGenerateParameterSyntax(bbRules, SB, cmdlet); } SB.Append(" </command:syntax>" + n); SB.Append(" <command:parameters>"); if (cmdlet.Parameters.Count > 0) { SB.Append(n); foreach (ParameterDescription item in cmdlet.Parameters.Where(item => item.Status != ItemStatus.Missing)) { XmlGenerateParameter(bbRules, SB, item); } } SB.Append(" </command:parameters>" + n); XmlGenerateInputTypes(bbRules, SB, cmdlet); XmlGenerateReturnTypes(bbRules, SB, cmdlet); XmlGenerateErrors(SB); XmlGenerateNotes(bbRules, SB, cmdlet); SB.Append(" <command:examples>" + n); if (cmdlet.Examples.Count > 0) { foreach (Example item in cmdlet.Examples) { XmlGenerateExamples(bbRules, SB, item); } } SB.Append(" </command:examples>" + n); SB.Append(" <maml:relatedLinks>" + n); if (cmdlet.RelatedLinks.Count > 0) { foreach (RelatedLink link in cmdlet.RelatedLinks) { XmlGenerateLinks(SB, link); } } SB.Append(" </maml:relatedLinks>" + n); SB.Append("</command:command>" + n); })); }
static void ReadExamples(IEnumerable exampleNodes, XmlNamespaceManager ns, CmdletObject currentCmdlet) { if (exampleNodes == null) { return; } foreach (XmlNode exampleNode in exampleNodes) { Example example = new Example(); // Example name XmlNode tempNode = exampleNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:title", ns); if (tempNode != null) { example.Name = tempNode.InnerText.Replace("-", String.Empty).Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(example.Name)) { example.Name = "Unknown"; } } // Example command tempNode = exampleNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:code", ns); if (tempNode != null) { example.Cmd = tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); } // Example description tempNode = exampleNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:remarks", ns); if (tempNode != null) { int NodeCount = 0; foreach (XmlNode DescriptionNode in tempNode) { switch (NodeCount) { case 0: example.Description = readParagraphs(DescriptionNode.ChildNodes); break; case 3: example.Output += DescriptionNode.InnerText.Trim(); break; } NodeCount++; } } // Example output tempNode = exampleNode.SelectSingleNode("command:commandLines", ns); if (tempNode != null) { example.Output += tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); } currentCmdlet.Examples.Add(example); } }
static void ReadXml(XmlNode commandNode, XmlNamespaceManager ns, CmdletObject currentCmdlet) { XmlNode tempNode = commandNode.SelectSingleNode("command:details/maml:description", ns); // Synopsis if (tempNode != null) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Synopsis = readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } // Description tempNode = commandNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:description", ns); if (tempNode != null) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Description = readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } if (currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Status != ItemStatus.Missing) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Status = String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Synopsis) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Description) ? ItemStatus.Incomplete : ItemStatus.Valid; } // Notes tempNode = commandNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:alertSet/maml:alert", ns); if (tempNode != null) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.Notes = readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } // Input type XmlNodeList nodes = commandNode.SelectNodes("command:inputTypes/command:inputType", ns); ReadTypes(nodes, ns, currentCmdlet, false); // Output type nodes = commandNode.SelectNodes("command:returnValues/command:returnValue", ns); ReadTypes(nodes, ns, currentCmdlet, true); // Parameters nodes = commandNode.SelectNodes("command:parameters/command:parameter", ns); ReadParameters(nodes, ns, currentCmdlet); // Examples nodes = commandNode.SelectNodes("command:examples/command:example", ns); ReadExamples(nodes, ns, currentCmdlet); // Related links nodes = commandNode.SelectNodes("maml:relatedLinks/maml:navigationLink", ns); ReadLinks(nodes, ns, currentCmdlet); }
static void HtmlGenerateRelatedLinks(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, IReadOnlyList <CmdletObject> cmdlets, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Related links</strong></h2>" + _nl); if (cmdlet.RelatedLinks.Count > 0) { SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + _nl); foreach (RelatedLink link in cmdlet.RelatedLinks.Where(x => x.LinkText.ToLower() != "online version:")) { SB.Append(" " + rules.ToHtml(GenerateHtmlLink(link.LinkText, cmdlets))); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(link.LinkUrl)) { SB.Append(" <a href=\"" + link.LinkUrl + "\">" + link.LinkUrl + "</a>"); } SB.Append("<br />" + _nl); } SB.Append("</p>"); } }
// generates HTML for web browser control public static Task <String> GenerateHtmlView(CmdletObject cmdlet, ModuleObject moduleObject) { return(Task <String> .Factory.StartNew(() => GeneratePureHtml(cmdlet, moduleObject.Cmdlets, new StringBuilder(), moduleObject.UseSupports))); }
static void XmlGenerateParameterSyntax(BBCodeParser bbRules, StringBuilder SB, CmdletObject cmdlet) { String[] exclude = { "verbose", "debug", "erroraction", "warningaction", "errorvariable", "warningvariable", "outvariable", "outbuffer", "pipelinevariable" }; foreach (CommandParameterSetInfo2 paramSet in cmdlet.ParamSets) { SB.Append(" <command:syntaxItem>"+ n); SB.Append(" <maml:name>"+ SecurityElement.Escape(cmdlet.Name) + "</maml:name>" + n); foreach (String paramSetParam in paramSet.Parameters) { if (exclude.Contains(paramSetParam.ToLower())) { continue; } ParameterDescription param = null; string setParam = paramSetParam; foreach (ParameterDescription parameter in cmdlet.Parameters.Where(x => String.Equals(x.Name, setParam, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { param = parameter; } if (param == null) { continue; } SB.Append(" <command:parameter required=\""+ param.Mandatory.ToString().ToLower() + "\""); SB.Append(" variableLength=\"" + param.AcceptsArray.ToString().ToLower() + "\""); SB.Append(" globbing=\"" + param.Globbing.ToString().ToLower() + "\""); SB.Append(" pipelineInput=\""); if (param.Pipeline || param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append("true"); if (param.Pipeline && !param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append(" (ByValue)"); } else if (param.Pipeline && param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append(" (ByValue, ByPropertyName)"); } else { SB.Append(" (ByPropertyName)"); } } else { SB.Append("false"); } SB.Append("\" position=\"" + param.Position + "\">" + n); SB.Append(" <maml:name>"+ SecurityElement.Escape(param.Name) + "</maml:name>" + n); SB.Append(" <maml:description>"+ n); SB.Append(generatePragraphs(param.Description, bbRules, 5)); SB.Append(" </maml:description>"+ n); SB.Append(" <command:parameterValue "); String paramValueRequired = "true"; if (param.Type.ToLower() == "boolean" || param.Type.ToLower() == "switchparameter") { paramValueRequired = "false"; } //Additional parameter Values SB.Append("required=\"" + paramValueRequired + "\""); SB.Append(" variableLength=\"" + param.AcceptsArray.ToString().ToLower() + "\">"); SB.Append(SecurityElement.Escape(param.Type)); SB.Append("</command:parameterValue>" + n); SB.Append(" </command:parameter>"+ n); } SB.Append(" </command:syntaxItem>"+ n); } }
static void HtmlGenerateParams(BBCodeParser rules, StringBuilder SB, IReadOnlyList <CmdletObject> cmdlets, CmdletObject cmdlet) { SB.Append("<h2><strong>Parameters</strong></h2>" + _nl); foreach (ParameterDescription param in cmdlet.Parameters) { SB.Append("<h3><strong>-" + SecurityElement.Escape(param.Name) + "</strong> <em style=\"font-weight: 100;\"><" + SecurityElement.Escape(param.Type) + "></em></h3>" + _nl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Description)) { String str = rules.ToHtml(GenerateHtmlLink(param.Description, cmdlets)); SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px; text-align: left;\">" + str + "</p>" + _nl); } SB.Append("<table border=\"1\" style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">" + _nl); SB.Append(" <tbody>" + _nl); SB.Append(" <tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>Required?</td>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>"+ Convert.ToString(param.Mandatory) + "</td>" + _nl); SB.Append(" </tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>Position?</td>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>"+ param.Position + "</td>" + _nl); SB.Append(" </tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>Default value</td>"+ _nl); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.DefaultValue)) { SB.Append(" <td> </td>"+ _nl); } else { SB.Append(" <td>"+ param.DefaultValue + "</td>" + _nl); } SB.Append(" </tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>Accept pipeline input?</td>"+ _nl); if (param.Pipeline || param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append(" <td>true"); if (param.Pipeline && !param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append(" (ByValue)"); } else if (param.Pipeline && param.PipelinePropertyName) { SB.Append(" (ByValue, ByPropertyName)"); } else { SB.Append(" (ByPropertyName)"); } SB.Append("</td>" + _nl); } else { SB.Append(" <td>false</td>"+ _nl); } SB.Append(" </tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>Accept wildcard characters?</td>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" <td>"+ Convert.ToString(param.Globbing) + "</td>" + _nl); SB.Append(" </tr>"+ _nl); SB.Append(" </tbody>" + _nl); SB.Append("</table>" + _nl); } // Common parameters SB.Append("<h3><CommonParameters></h3>" + _nl); SB.Append("<p style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,<br />" + _nl); SB.Append("ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, InformationAction, InformationVariable,<br />" + _nl); SB.Append("WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable and OutVariable.<br />" + _nl); SB.Append("For more information, see about_CommonParameters (<a href=\"\"></a>).</p>" + _nl); }
// reader public static void ImportFromXml(String file, ModuleObject moduleObject) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { return; } FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); String supDocPath = fileInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + moduleObject.Name + ".supports.xml"; fileInfo = new FileInfo(supDocPath); XmlNodeList nodes = null; XmlDocument supDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { if (fileInfo.Exists) { supDoc.Load(supDocPath); XmlNode selectSingleNode = supDoc.SelectSingleNode("SupportInformation"); if (selectSingleNode == null) { throw new Exception(); } nodes = selectSingleNode.SelectNodes("Command"); } } catch { } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(file); XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); ns.AddNamespace("command", ""); ns.AddNamespace("maml", ""); ns.AddNamespace("dev", ""); XmlNodeList commandNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//command:command", ns); if (commandNodes == null) { Utils.MsgBox("Error", "Error while reading XML.\nThe help file do not contains Command node.", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } List <String> processed = new List <String>(); foreach (XmlNode commandNode in commandNodes) { XmlNode nameNode = commandNode.SelectSingleNode("command:details/command:name", ns); if (nameNode == null) { continue; } Boolean isFound = false; foreach (CmdletObject cmdlet in moduleObject.Cmdlets) { if (String.Equals(nameNode.InnerText.Trim(), cmdlet.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && !processed.Contains(cmdlet.Name.ToLower())) { isFound = true; processed.Add(cmdlet.Name); ReadXml(commandNode, ns, cmdlet); try { if (fileInfo.Exists) { ReadSupports(nodes, cmdlet); } } catch { } } } if (!isFound) { CmdletObject currentCmdlet = new CmdletObject(nameNode.InnerText.Trim()); ReadXml(commandNode, ns, currentCmdlet); moduleObject.Cmdlets.Add(currentCmdlet); } } }
static void ReadSupports(IEnumerable nodes, CmdletObject currentCmdlet) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.Attributes == null || node.Attributes["name"].Value != currentCmdlet.Name) { continue; } XmlNodeList currentNode = node.SelectNodes("Info"); if (currentNode == null) { continue; } foreach (XmlNode tempNode in currentNode) { if (tempNode.Attributes == null) { continue; } Boolean value = Convert.ToBoolean(tempNode.Attributes["value"].Value); switch (tempNode.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower()) { case "adrequired": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.ADChecked = value; break; case "rsatrequired": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.RsatChecked = value; break; case "ps2": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps2Checked = value; break; case "ps3": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps3Checked = value; break; case "ps4": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps4Checked = value; break; case "winxp": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.WinXpChecked = value; break; case "winvista": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.WinVistaChecked = value; break; case "win7": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win7Checked = value; break; case "win8": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win8Checked = value; break; case "win81": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win81Checked = value; break; case "win2k3std": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003StdChecked = value; break; case "win2k3ee": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003EEChecked = value; break; case "win2k3dc": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003DCChecked = value; break; case "win2k8std": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008StdChecked = value; break; case "win2k8ee": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008EEChecked = value; break; case "win2k8dc": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008DCChecked = value; break; case "win2k8r2std": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2StdChecked = value; break; case "win2k8r2ee": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2EEChecked = value; break; case "win2k8r2dc": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2DCChecked = value; break; case "win2k12std": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012StdChecked = value; break; case "win2k12dc": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012DCChecked = value; break; case "win2k12r2std": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012R2StdChecked = value; break; case "win2k12r2dc": currentCmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012R2DCChecked = value; break; } } } }
static void ReadParameters(IEnumerable paramNodes, XmlNamespaceManager ns, CmdletObject currentCmdlet) { if (paramNodes == null) { return; } foreach (XmlNode paramNode in paramNodes) { ParameterDescription foundParam = new ParameterDescription(); XmlNode tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:name", ns); if (tempNode == null) { continue; } Boolean isFound = false; Int32 paramIndex = 0; for (Int32 index = 0; index < currentCmdlet.Parameters.Count; index++) { if (String.Equals(tempNode.InnerText.Trim(), currentCmdlet.Parameters[index].Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { paramIndex = index; isFound = true; } } if (isFound) { // Parameter description tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:description", ns); foundParam.Status = ItemStatus.Incomplete; if (tempNode != null) { currentCmdlet.Parameters[paramIndex].Description = readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); currentCmdlet.Parameters[paramIndex].Status = ItemStatus.Valid; } // Default value tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:defaultValue", ns); if (tempNode != null) { currentCmdlet.Parameters[paramIndex].DefaultValue = tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); } // Globbing (aka wildcards) tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("@globbing", ns); currentCmdlet.Parameters[paramIndex].Globbing = tempNode != null && tempNode.Value.ToLower().Trim() == "true"; } else { ParameterDescription newParam = new ParameterDescription { Name = tempNode.InnerText.Trim() }; tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:description", ns); // Description if (tempNode != null) { newParam.Description = readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } // Default value tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:defaultValue", ns); if (tempNode != null) { newParam.DefaultValue = tempNode.InnerText.Trim(); } // Globbing tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("@globbing", ns); // Pipeline input tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("@pipelineInput", ns); if (tempNode != null) { if (tempNode.InnerText.Trim().Contains("true")) { newParam.Pipeline = true; } if (tempNode.InnerText.Trim().Contains("ByValue")) { newParam.Pipeline = true; } if (tempNode.InnerText.Trim().Contains("ByPropertyName")) { newParam.PipelinePropertyName = true; } } // Parameter position tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("@position", ns); if (tempNode != null) { newParam.Position = tempNode.Value.ToLower().Trim(); if (newParam.Position.ToLower() != "named") { newParam.Positional = true; } } // Mandatory tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("@required", ns); if (tempNode != null && tempNode.Value.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { newParam.Mandatory = true; } // Parameter type tempNode = paramNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:type/maml:name", ns); if (tempNode != null) { newParam.Type = tempNode.InnerText.Trim().ToLower(); } currentCmdlet.Parameters.Add(newParam); } } }
static void HtmlGenerateSupports(CmdletObject cmdlet, ref StringBuilder SB) { String currentHtml = String.Empty; if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.ADChecked) { currentHtml += "<p style=\"color: red; text-align: center;\">[This command is not available in non-domain environments]</p>" + _nl; } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.RsatChecked) { currentHtml += "<p style=\"color: red; text-align: center;\">[This command requires installed Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)]</p>" + _nl; } SB = new StringBuilder(currentHtml + SB); SB.Append("<h2><strong>PowerShell Support</strong></h2>" + _nl); String psver; if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps2Checked) { psver = "PowerShell 2.0"; } else if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps3Checked) { psver = "PowerShell 3.0"; } else if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps4Checked) { psver = "PowerShell 4.0"; } else if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Ps5Checked) { psver = "PowerShell 5.0"; } else { psver = "Any"; } SB.Append("<ul>" + _nl + " <li>"+ psver + "</li>" + _nl + "</ul>"); SB.Append("<h2><strong>Operating System Support</strong></h2>" + _nl + "<ul>" + _nl); if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.WinXpChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows XP</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.WinVistaChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Vista</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win7Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows 7</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win8Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows 8</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win81Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows 8.1</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win10Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows 10</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2003 all editions</li>" + _nl); } else { if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003StdChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2003 Standard</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003EEChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2003 Enterprise</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2003DCChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2003 Datacenter</li>" + _nl); } } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 all editions</li>" + _nl); } else { if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008StdChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 Standard</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008EEChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 Enterprise</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008DCChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 Datacenter</li>" + _nl); } } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 R2 all editions</li>" + _nl); } else { if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2StdChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2EEChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2008R2DCChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter</li>" + _nl); } } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 all editions</li>" + _nl); } else { if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012StdChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 Standard</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012DCChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 Datacenter</li>" + _nl); } } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012R2Checked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 R2 all editions</li>" + _nl); } else { if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012R2StdChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard</li>" + _nl); } if (cmdlet.SupportInformation.Win2012R2DCChecked) { SB.Append(" <li>Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter</li>" + _nl); } } SB.Append("</ul>"); }
static void ReadTypes(IEnumerable typeNodes, XmlNamespaceManager ns, CmdletObject currentCmdlet, Boolean output) { if (typeNodes == null) { return; } List <String> types = new List <String>(); List <String> url = new List <String>(); List <String> descriptions = new List <String>(); foreach (XmlNode typeNode in typeNodes) { XmlNode tempNode = typeNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:type/maml:name", ns); if (tempNode == null) { continue; } types.Add(tempNode.InnerText.Trim()); tempNode = typeNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:type/maml:uri", ns); if (tempNode != null) { url.Add(tempNode.InnerText.Trim()); } String descriptionNodes = null; tempNode = typeNode.SelectSingleNode("dev:type/maml:description", ns); if (tempNode != null) { descriptionNodes += readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } tempNode = typeNode.SelectSingleNode("maml:description", ns); if (tempNode != null) { descriptionNodes += n + readParagraphs(tempNode.ChildNodes); } descriptions.Add(descriptionNodes); } if (output) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnType = String.Join(";", types); if (url.Count > 0) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnUrl = String.Join(";", url); } if (descriptions.Count > 0) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.ReturnTypeDescription = String.Join(";", descriptions); } } else { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.InputType = String.Join(";", types); if (url.Count > 0) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.InputUrl = String.Join(";", url); } if (descriptions.Count > 0) { currentCmdlet.GeneralHelp.InputTypeDescription = String.Join(";", descriptions); } } }