static void Kill(ProcessObj procObj, bool recursive, CmdLine.CommandLine cmdLine) { if (recursive) { try { cmdLine.Run($"taskkill /F /PID {procObj.ProcessId}"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"{procObj.Name}({procObj.ProcessId}) could not be killed, {e.Message}"); } } if (procObj.Process == null) { Console.WriteLine($"{procObj.Name}({procObj.ProcessId}) already killed"); return; } try { procObj.Process.Kill(); Console.WriteLine($"{procObj.Name}({procObj.ProcessId}) killed"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"{procObj.Name}({procObj.ProcessId}) could not be killed, {e.Message}"); } }
static void KillAndDelete( List <ProcessObj> procs, string searchText, bool recursive, CmdLine.CommandLine cmdLine ) { foreach (var proc in procs) { try { DeleteEntry(searchText); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted \"{searchText}\""); return; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete, {e.ToString()}"); } Kill(proc, recursive, cmdLine); } DeleteEntry(searchText); }
static void Run(Options options) { var cmdline = new CmdLine.CommandLine(Print: false); string searchText = options.Path; if (!options.SearchMode) { searchText = Path.GetFullPath(searchText).Trim(); if (searchText.EndsWith("\\")) { searchText = searchText.Substring(0, searchText.Length - 1); } } // searchText = Regex.Replace(searchText, @"(\\+)$", @"$1$1"); List <string> handles = cmdline.Run($"handle -nobanner \"{searchText}\""); handles = handles.Where(x => x.Trim().Length > 0).ToList(); var pids = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <string> >(); foreach (string handle in handles) { if (handle == "No matching handles found.") { continue; } string pidStr = GetPid(handle); string path = GetPath(handle); int pid = int.Parse(pidStr); if (!pids.ContainsKey(pid)) { pids.Add(pid, new HashSet <string>()); pids[pid].Add(path); } } List <ProcessObj> procs = new List <ProcessObj>(); foreach (int pid in pids.Keys) { var paths = pids[pid].ToArray(); var processes = GetProcesses(pid, paths).ToList(); foreach (var proc in processes) { string name = proc.Name; if (name == "explorer.exe") { // Don't kill the main explorer window, kill the actual windows using the files. var explorerWindows = GetExplorerWindows(searchText, paths).ToList(); foreach (var explorerProc in explorerWindows) { explorerProc.WriteToConsole(options.NoPaths); procs.Add(explorerProc); } } else { proc.WriteToConsole(options.NoPaths); procs.Add(proc); } break; } } if (options.NoKill) { return; } if (options.SearchMode) { if (procs.Count == 0) { return; } if (!options.Kill) { Console.WriteLine("\nDo you wish to kill the above processes(y/n)?"); char ch = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (ch != 'y') { return; } } foreach (var proc in procs) { Kill(proc, options.Recursive, cmdline); } return; } else if (!options.SearchMode) { KillAndDelete(procs, searchText, options.Recursive, cmdline); } }