// * do not move an xlink // * do not move between xlinks // * do not move a controlled item to a private path // or add the private parents // * etc. int DokanOperations.MoveFile( string srcPath, string dstPath, bool replace, DokanFileInfo info) { mLog.InfoFormat( "*MoveFile* - [{0}] to [{1}] - replace [{2}]", srcPath, dstPath, replace); Node tree = GetRoot(); Node parentSrc = WalkTree.Find(tree, Path.GetDirectoryName(srcPath)); if (parentSrc == null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); } Node node = WalkTree.GetChildByName(parentSrc.GetChildren(), Path.GetFileName(srcPath)); if (node == null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } IVirtualFile virtualNode = mVirtualFiles.Get(node.GetNodeId()); if (virtualNode != null) { mLog.ErrorFormat("We don't allow moving virtual files. [{0}]", node.GetName()); return(-DokanNet.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } Node parentDst = WalkTree.Find(tree, Path.GetDirectoryName(dstPath)); if (parentDst == null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); } if (WalkTree.GetChildByName(parentDst.GetChildren(), Path.GetFileName(dstPath)) != null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } if (node.IsControlled()) { mChangesTreeOperations.Move( CmPath.FromWindows(srcPath), CmPath.FromWindows(dstPath)); } parentSrc.DeleteChild(node); parentDst.AddChild(node, Path.GetFileName(dstPath)); return(0); }
static void Checkout( Node node, string path, ChangesTreeOperations changesTreeOperations) { changesTreeOperations.Checkout(CmPath.FromWindows(path)); node.Checkout(3, new Codice.CM.Common.SEID("plasticdrive", false)); }
static int Delete( Node root, string path, VirtualFiles virtualFiles, ChangesTreeOperations changesTreeOperations) { Node parent = WalkTree.Find(root, Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); if (parent == null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); } Node node = WalkTree.GetChildByName(parent.GetChildren(), Path.GetFileName(path)); if (node == null) { return(-DokanNet.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } IVirtualFile virtualFile = virtualFiles.Get(node.GetNodeId()); if (virtualFile != null) { mLog.ErrorFormat("We don't allow deleting virtual files. [{0}]", node.GetName()); return(-DokanNet.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } if (node.IsControlled()) { changesTreeOperations.Delete(CmPath.FromWindows(path)); } if (parent.DeleteChild(node)) { return(0); } return(-DokanNet.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); }