protected override void CreatePassiveTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { texture.Clear(); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create(); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth*0.5; //Draw outline rectangles: DrawSmallCovers (context, texture.Width, texture.Height, lwidth); //Draw play icon: context.MoveTo ((texture.Width-lwidth)*0.5, 0.3*(texture.Height-lwidth)); context.LineTo ((texture.Width-lwidth)*0.5, texture.Height-hlwidth); context.LineTo (texture.Width-hlwidth, 0.65*(texture.Height-lwidth)); context.ClosePath (); context.LineWidth = lwidth; double sat = (with_state==0 ? 0.4 : (with_state==1 ? 0.6 : 0.8)); context.SetSourceRGBA (sat, sat, sat, 1.0); context.FillPreserve (); context.SetSourceRGB (1.0,1.0,1.0); context.Stroke (); ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose(); }
public static void RemoveAllFromGroup(Clutter.Group group) { /*foreach (Actor actor in group) { GC.SuppressFinalize (actor); }*/ clutter_group_remove_all (group.Handle); }
protected override void CreateTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { if (createTexture != null) { createTexture (texture, with_state); } else { base.CreateTexture (texture, with_state); } }
public bool rubbleIsSolid; //if true rubble has colliders and remains permanently public void Set(Clutter clutter) { //double check if this piece of clutter is a switch string name =; if (!isSwitch && IsSwitch(name)) { isSwitch = true; } EnsureColliders(); }
public static Clutter Key(Vector2 position, int new_id) { Clutter key = new Clutter() { pos = position, collectable = true, ignore_collision = true, Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Key"), 16, 16), draw_height = 16, keyid = new_id, draw_width = 16 }; return(key); }
protected override bool OnScrollEvent(Clutter.ScrollEvent evnt) { switch (evnt.Direction) { case ScrollDirection.Up: base.Depth += scroll_offset; break; case ScrollDirection.Down: base.Depth -= scroll_offset; break; default: break; } return base.OnScrollEvent (evnt); }
public static Clutter CollisionBox(int width, int height, Vector2 position) { Clutter collisionBox = new Clutter() { col_width = width, col_height = height, draw_height = 0, draw_width = 0, ignore_collision = false, pos = position, shootable = true, invulnerable = true }; return(collisionBox); }
private void Render(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state, bool outwards) { texture.Clear (); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create (); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth*0.5; //Draw outline rectangles: context.Rectangle (hlwidth, hlwidth, texture.Width - lwidth, texture.Height - lwidth); context.SetSourceRGB (1.0, 1.0, 1.0); context.LineWidth = lwidth; context.StrokePreserve (); double sat = (with_state==0 ? 0.4 : (with_state==1 ? 0.6 : 0.8)); context.SetSourceRGB (sat, sat, sat); context.Fill (); double dim = 4; context.MoveTo (-dim, 0); context.LineTo (outwards ? 0 : -dim, outwards ? 0 : dim); context.LineTo (0, dim); context.MoveTo (-dim, dim); context.LineTo (0, 0); context.ClosePath (); Cairo.Path arrow = context.CopyPath (); context.NewPath (); double margin = 2 + hlwidth ; PointD center = new PointD (texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.5); PointD transl = new PointD (center.X - margin, -(center.Y - margin)); context.LineWidth = lwidth; sat = (with_state==1 ? 0.0 : 1.0); context.SetSourceRGB (sat,sat,sat); context.Translate (center.X, center.Y); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { context.Rotate (Math.PI * 0.5 * i); context.Translate (transl.X, transl.Y); context.AppendPath (arrow); context.Stroke (); context.Translate (-transl.X, -transl.Y); } ((IDisposable) arrow).Dispose (); ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose (); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose (); }
public static Clutter Button(Vector2 position, Door unlockdoor) { Clutter button = new Clutter() { Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Button"), 16, 16), button = true, pos = position, door_unlock = unlockdoor, draw_height = 16, draw_width = 16, col_width = 15, col_height = 9, collision_offset = new Vector2(7, 11) }; return(button); }
protected override void CreateTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { texture.Clear(); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create(); context.Translate(texture.Width*0.5,texture.Height*0.5); context.Arc(0,0,(texture.Height-1)*0.5,0,2*Math.PI); context.ClosePath(); context.SetSourceRGBA(1.0,1.0,1.0, with_state==0 ? 0.3 : (with_state==1 ? 0.5 : 0.7)); context.FillPreserve(); context.SetSourceRGB(1.0,1.0,1.0); context.LineWidth = 1; context.Stroke(); ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose(); }
public int Main() { // Init declaration produces error: // Expression denotes a 'type', where a 'method group' was expected Clutter c = new Clutter(); c.Init(); Stage stage = Stage.Default; stage.Color = new Clutter.Color(0, 0, 0, 255); stage.SetSize(512, 512); stage.Show(); // Main declaration produces error: // Expression denotes a 'type', where a 'method group' was expected c.Main(); return(0); }
public LevelData() { brushes = new Brush[0]; lights = new UFLevelStructure.Light[0]; ambSounds = new AmbSound[0]; events = new UFLevelStructure.Event[0]; spawnPoints = new SpawnPoint[0]; particleEmitters = new UFLevelStructure.ParticleEmitter[0]; pushRegions = new PushRegion[0]; decals = new Decal[0]; climbingRegions = new ClimbingRegion[0]; boltEmitters = new BoltEmitter[0]; targets = new UFTransform[0]; entities = new Entity[0]; items = new Item[0]; clutter = new Clutter[0]; triggers = new Trigger[0]; movingGeometry = new Brush[0]; movingGroups = new MovingGroup[0]; geoRegions = new GeoRegion[0]; }
public static Clutter Crate(Vector2 position) { Clutter crate = new Clutter() { Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Crate"), 32, 32), idleAnimation = new Animation(1, 1, 500), destroyAnimation = new Animation(1, 8, 500), animated = true, pos = position, draw_width = 32, col_width = 32, draw_height = 32, col_height = 27, collision_offset = new Vector2(0, 2), hp = 3, dead = false, shootable = true, ignore_collision = false }; return(crate); }
protected override void CreateTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { texture.Clear (); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create (); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth*0.5; double rotation = Math.PI*(3 - (double) sense) * 0.5; PointD center = new PointD(texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.5); //Set the correct orientation: context.Translate(center.X, center.Y); context.Rotate(rotation); context.Translate(-center.X, -center.Y); //Draw border: context.MoveTo (texture.Width*0.5, hlwidth); context.ArcNegative (texture.Width,center.Y,(texture.Height-lwidth)/2,1.5*Math.PI,0.5*Math.PI); context.LineTo (texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height-hlwidth); context.Arc (texture.Width*0.5,center.Y,(texture.Height-lwidth)/2,0.5*Math.PI,1.5*Math.PI); context.ClosePath (); context.LineWidth = lwidth; context.SetSourceRGBA(1.0,1.0,1.0, with_state==0 ? 0.4 : (with_state==1 ? 0.6 : 0.8)); context.FillPreserve(); context.SetSourceRGB(1.0,1.0,1.0); context.Stroke(); //Draw arrow: context.MoveTo (center.X, center.Y-texture.Height*0.25); context.LineTo (center.X-texture.Height*0.25, center.Y); context.LineTo (center.X, center.Y+texture.Height*0.25); context.LineWidth = lwidth*1.5; context.SetSourceRGB(0.0,0.0,0.0); context.Stroke(); ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose(); }
protected override void CreateActiveTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { texture.Clear (); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create (); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth*0.5; //Draw outline rectangles: DrawSmallCovers (context, texture.Width, texture.Height, lwidth); //Draw stop icon: double dim = Math.Min (texture.Width*0.6 - hlwidth, texture.Height*0.6 - hlwidth); context.Rectangle (texture.Width*0.4, texture.Height*0.4, dim, dim); context.LineWidth = lwidth; double sat = (with_state==0 ? 0.4 : (with_state==1 ? 0.6 : 0.8)); context.SetSourceRGBA (sat, sat, sat, 1.0); context.FillPreserve (); context.SetSourceRGB (1.0,1.0,1.0); context.Stroke (); ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose (); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose (); }
private void HandleScroll(object o, Clutter.ScrolledArgs args) { var evnt = (ScrollEvent)Clutter.Event.GetEvent (((Clutter.Event)args.Args[0]).Handle); if (evnt.Direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.Down || evnt.Direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.Left) { Scroll (true); } else { Scroll (false); } }
public RoomMaps() { Room newroom; Enemy newenemy; Door newdoor; Clutter newclutter; // Room 2 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 2, "Time Machine"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(100, Directions.Left)); newclutter = new Clutter() // Big hand graphic { is_big_hand = true, Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part2"), 32, 32), pos = new Vector2(147, 54), draw = false, ignore_collision = true, draw_height = 200 }; newroom.clutters.Add(newclutter); newclutter = new Clutter() // Small hand graphic { is_small_hand = true, Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part1"), 32, 32), pos = new Vector2(128, 37), draw = false, ignore_collision = true, draw_height = 200 }; newroom.clutters.Add(newclutter); newclutter = new Clutter() // Clock repairer { Sprite = null, draw = false, col_width = 1, col_height = 1, clock_repair = true, pos = new Vector2(130, 60) }; newroom.clutters.Add(newclutter); /*newroom.clutters.Add(new Clutter() // Cheat big hand * { * Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part1icon"), 16, 16), * pos = new Vector2(20, 20), * collectable = true, * ignore_collision = true, * draw_height = 16, * draw_width = 16, * col_height = 16, * col_width = 16, * clock_handle = 1 * }); * * newroom.clutters.Add(new Clutter() // Cheat small hand * { * Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part2icon"), 16, 16), * pos = new Vector2(60, 20), * collectable = true, * ignore_collision = true, * draw_height = 16, * draw_width = 16, * col_height = 16, * col_width = 16, * clock_handle = 2 * });*/ newclutter = new Clutter() { Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "TimeMachine"), 128, 112), pos = new Vector2(96, 0), draw_width = 128, col_width = 125, draw_height = 110, col_height = 15, collision_offset = new Vector2(0, 85), invulnerable = true, hp = 1, dead = false, draw = true, shootable = true, ignore_collision = false }; newroom.clutters.Add(newclutter); newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(96, 20, new Vector2(96, 128))); newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(1, 30, new Vector2(96, 100))); newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(1, 43, new Vector2(222, 100))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(5, 180, new Vector2(306, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 70, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 70, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 100 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 100, "Caveman 1"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(101, Directions.Left)); // Left door newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(2, Directions.Right)); // Right door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(160, 90))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 30, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 0))); // Top right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 114))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(61, 15, new Vector2(82, 30))); // Left bench newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(61, 15, new Vector2(177, 30))); // Right bench rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 101 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 101, "Caveman 2"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(102, Directions.Left)); // Left door newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(100, Directions.Right)); // Right door newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(106, Directions.Up)); // Top door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(80, 60))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(80, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall 1 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, new Vector2(180, 0))); // Back wall 2 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 0))); // Top right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 114))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(10, 15, new Vector2(66, 30))); // Left washer newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(9, 15, new Vector2(114, 30))); // Right washer newroom.clutters.Add(FloorCollisionBox(61, 15, new Vector2(193, 30))); // Right bench rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 102 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 102, "Caveman 3"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(103, Directions.Left)); // Left door newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(101, Directions.Right)); // Right door newdoor = new Door() { pos = new Vector2(144, 0), draw_width = 32, draw_height = 32, col_width = 8, col_height = 30, collision_offset = new Vector2(11, 0), Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Door"), 32, 32), //todo animate this door, ?add lock symbol openAnimation = new Animation(18, 18, 1), unlockAnimation = new Animation(1, 18, 2000), closedAnimation = new Animation(1, 1, 1), lockAnimation = new Animation(1, 18, 2000), anim_is_fade = false, next_room_id = 107, next_posX = 144, next_posY = 110, ignore_collision = true, unlock_id = 1, locked = true, animated = true, open_time = 2 }; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(112, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(127, 54, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 54, new Vector2(193, 0))); // Top right wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(125, 42, new Vector2(0, 114))); // Bottom left wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(125, 42, new Vector2(193, 114))); // Bottom right wall rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 103 - Room where a button is hidden in a destructable crate newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 103, "Caveman 4"); newdoor = BasicDoor(104, Directions.Left, true); // Left door newdoor.Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "ForceField"), 16, 32); //todo animate this door newdoor.openAnimation = new Animation(1, 7, 1000); newdoor.animated = true; newdoor.anim_is_fade = true; newdoor.draw = true; newdoor.pos += new Vector2(25, 8); newdoor.draw_if_unlocked = true; newdoor.open_time = 1; newdoor.col_width = 15; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newclutter = Button(new Vector2(55, 119), newdoor); var offset = new Vector2(10, 10); newclutter.pos += offset; newclutter.collision_offset -= offset; newroom.clutters.Add(newclutter); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(102, Directions.Right)); // Right door newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 0))); // Top right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(274, 114))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(60, 30))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(100, 30))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(140, 30))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(180, 30))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(220, 30))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(60, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(100, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(140, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(180, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(Crate(new Vector2(220, 120))); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 104 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 104, "Caveman 5"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(103, Directions.Right)); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(105, Directions.Left)); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(108, Directions.Up)); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(114, Directions.Down)); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 0))); // Top right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 114))); // bottom right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 105 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 105, "Caveman 6"); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(104, Directions.Right); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newdoor.pos.Y += 8; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); // Right door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(80, 40))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(80, 80))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(80, 120))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 40))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 80))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(80, 72, new Vector2(242, 0))); //topright newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(80, 80, new Vector2(242, 113))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 5, new Vector2(0, 146))); // bottom rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 106 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 106, "Caveman 7"); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(101, Directions.Down); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); // Bottom door newenemy = RoomMaps.CaveMan(); newenemy.SetPosCentre(160, 60); newroom.enemies.Add(newenemy); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 130))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 130))); // bottom right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 107 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 107, "BOSS ROOM"); newdoor = BasicDoor(102, Directions.Down); newdoor.next_posY += 20; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveBorg(new Vector2(160, 90))); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(109, Directions.Up); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall 1 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, new Vector2(180, 0))); // Back wall 2 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(5, 180, new Vector2(306, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(0, 146))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(178, 146))); // bottom right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 108 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 108, "Caveman 9"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(104, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(160, 120))); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(110, Directions.Up)); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall 1 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, new Vector2(180, 0))); // Back wall 2 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(5, 180, new Vector2(306, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(0, 146))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(178, 146))); // bottom right newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(290, 40))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(290, 80))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(290, 120))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 40))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 80))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(40, 120))); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 109 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 109, "PRIZE ROOM"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(107, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 130))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 130))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(new Clutter() { Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part1icon"), 16, 16), pos = new Vector2(150, 70), collectable = true, ignore_collision = true, draw_height = 16, draw_width = 16, col_height = 16, col_width = 16, clock_handle = 1 }); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 110 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 110, "KEY ROOM"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(108, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 130))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 130))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(Key(new Vector2(150, 70), 1)); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 111 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 111, "PASSWORD ROOM"); newroom.clutters.Add(new Clutter() // Cheat small hand { Sprite = new AnimatedSprite(ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(Globals.GraphicsDevice, "Part2icon"), 16, 16), pos = new Vector2(150, 70), collectable = true, ignore_collision = true, draw_height = 16, draw_width = 16, col_height = 16, col_width = 16, clock_handle = 2 }); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(115, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 130))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(178, 130))); // bottom right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 112 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 112, "Caveman 9"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(113, Directions.Left)); newdoor = BasicDoor(102, Directions.Up); newdoor.col_width += 5; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newdoor = BasicDoor(116, Directions.Down); newdoor.col_width += 5; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newroom.enemies.Add(Cyborg(new Vector2(165, 110))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 55, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 180, new Vector2(194, 0))); // Top right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 113 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 113, "Caveman 10"); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(112, Directions.Right); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newdoor.pos.Y += 8; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); // Right door newenemy = RoomMaps.Cyborg(); newenemy.SetPosCentre(80, 40); newroom.enemies.Add(newenemy); newenemy = RoomMaps.Cyborg(); newenemy.SetPosCentre(80, 80); newroom.enemies.Add(newenemy); newenemy = RoomMaps.Cyborg(); newenemy.SetPosCentre(80, 120); newroom.enemies.Add(newenemy); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(80, 72, new Vector2(242, 0))); //topright newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(80, 80, new Vector2(242, 113))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 5, new Vector2(0, 146))); // bottom rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 114 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 114, "Caveman 11"); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(104, Directions.Up); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); // Top door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(160, 90))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(160, 115))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, new Vector2(0, 130))); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 39, new Vector2(0, 0))); // top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 39, new Vector2(178, 0))); // top right rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 115 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 115, "Caveman 12"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(116, Directions.Left)); // Left door newdoor = TrapDoor(111, Directions.Up); newroom.trap_room = true; newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall 1 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, new Vector2(180, 0))); // Back wall 2 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, Vector2.Zero)); // Top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(0, 114))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 180, new Vector2(274, 0))); // Top right newroom.enemies.Add(CaveBorg(new Vector2(240, 90))); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 116 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 116, "Caveman 13"); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(117, Directions.Down)); // Bottom door newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(112, Directions.Up)); newroom.doors.Add(BasicDoor(115, Directions.Right)); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, Vector2.Zero)); // Back wall 1 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(140, 24, new Vector2(180, 0))); // Back wall 2 newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(15, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(306, 0))); // Top right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(46, 70, new Vector2(306, 99))); // bottom right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(0, 146))); // bottom left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 5, new Vector2(178, 146))); // bottom right newroom.enemies.Add(Cyborg(new Vector2(40, 85))); newroom.enemies.Add(Cyborg(new Vector2(280, 85))); rooms.Add(newroom); // Room 117 newroom = new Room(320, 160, new List <Enemy>(), new List <Door>(), 117, "Caveman 14"); newroom.trap_room = true; newdoor = TrapDoor(116, Directions.Up); newroom.trap_door = newdoor; newroom.doors.Add(newdoor); // Bottom door newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(130, 120))); newroom.enemies.Add(CaveMan(new Vector2(190, 120))); newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(320, 39, new Vector2(0, 130))); // Back wall newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(95, 180, Vector2.Zero)); // left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(100, 180, new Vector2(224, 0))); // right newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 39, new Vector2(0, 0))); // top left newroom.clutters.Add(CollisionBox(142, 39, new Vector2(178, 0))); // top right rooms.Add(newroom); }
void HandleParentSet(object o, Clutter.ParentSetArgs args) { if (this.Stage != null) { if (delayed_shade_swap) SetShadeSwap (); //if (delayed_cover_swap) SetCoverSwap (); } }
private void HandleScroll(object o, Clutter.ScrollEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.Direction==Clutter.ScrollDirection.Down) Scroll(true); else Scroll(false); }
protected override void CreatePassiveTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { Render (texture, with_state, true); }
protected void HandleMotionEvent(object o, Clutter.MotionArgs args) { float x1; float y1; args.Event.GetCoords (out x1, out y1); float tx; float ty; GetTransformedPosition (out tx, out ty); if (x1 <= tx+Width && x1 >= tx && (args.Event.State & ModifierType.Button1Mask)!=0 && (button.State & 2)!=0) { float deltaX = (x1 - mouseX); SetValueSilently (posval + (deltaX / (width - height))); } mouseX = x1; args.RetVal = true; }
public static void RemoveFromGroup(System.IntPtr group, Clutter.Actor actor) { GC.SuppressFinalize (actor); clutter_container_remove (group, actor.Handle); }
private void HandleButtonPressEvent(object o, Clutter.ButtonPressedArgs args) { args.Event.GetCoords (out drag_x0, out drag_y0); args.RetVal = true; }
protected abstract void CreatePassiveTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state);
public ScrollActor(Clutter.Color color, int scroll_offset) : base(color) { this.scroll_offset = scroll_offset; Reactive = true; }
public ScrollActor(Clutter.Color color) : this(color, 20) { }
private void Render(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state, bool outwards) { texture.Clear (); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create (); double alpha_f = with_state == 0 ? 0.5 : (with_state == 1 ? 0.8 : 1); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth*0.5; context.LineWidth = lwidth; if (outwards) { context.MoveTo (texture.Width*0.5-texture.Height*0.45, texture.Height*0.9); context.CurveTo (texture.Width*0.3, texture.Height, texture.Width*0.6, texture.Height, texture.Width*0.5+texture.Height*0.45, texture.Height*0.9); context.ArcNegative (texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.9, texture.Height*0.45, 0, Math.PI); context.ClosePath (); Gradient g1 = new LinearGradient (0, texture.Height/2, 0, texture.Height); g1.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0*alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop (1.0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g1; context.FillPreserve (); context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f); context.Stroke (); ((IDisposable) g1).Dispose (); context.Arc (Width*0.5, Height*0.33+lwidth, Height*0.33, 0, Math.PI*2); context.ClosePath (); context.Operator = Operator.Source; Gradient g2 = new RadialGradient (texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.25, 0, texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.25, texture.Width*0.5); g2.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f)); g2.AddColorStop (1.0, new Cairo.Color (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0*alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g2; //context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f); context.FillPreserve (); Gradient g3 = new LinearGradient (0, 0, 0, texture.Height*0.5); g3.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f)); g3.AddColorStop (1.0, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 1.0*alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g3; //context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f); context.Stroke (); ((IDisposable) g2).Dispose (); ((IDisposable) g3).Dispose (); } else { Cairo.PointD c = new Cairo.PointD (texture.Width*0.5, texture.Height*0.5); double max_r = Math.Min (c.X, c.Y) - hlwidth; context.Arc (c.X, c.Y, max_r, 0, Math.PI*2); context.ArcNegative (c.X, c.Y, max_r*0.25, Math.PI*2, 0); context.ClosePath (); context.SetSourceRGBA (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0*alpha_f); context.StrokePreserve (); Gradient g1 = new LinearGradient (0, texture.Height, texture.Width, 0); g1.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop(0.5, new Cairo.Color (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0*alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0*alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g1; context.Fill (); ((IDisposable) g1).Dispose (); context.ArcNegative (c.X, c.Y, max_r*0.25+lwidth, Math.PI*1.75, Math.PI*0.75); context.Arc (c.X, c.Y, max_r, Math.PI*0.75, Math.PI*1.75); context.ClosePath (); Gradient g2 = new LinearGradient (c.X, c.Y, c.X*0.35, c.Y*0.35); g2.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f)); g2.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); context.Pattern = g2; context.Fill (); ((IDisposable) g2).Dispose (); context.ArcNegative (c.X, c.Y, max_r*0.25+lwidth, Math.PI*2, 0); context.Arc (c.X, c.Y, max_r*0.45, 0, Math.PI*2); context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8*alpha_f); context.Fill (); context.Arc (c.X, c.Y, max_r-lwidth, 0, Math.PI*2); Gradient g3 = new LinearGradient (0, texture.Height, texture.Width, 0); g3.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); g3.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0*alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g3; context.Stroke (); ((IDisposable) g3).Dispose (); } ((IDisposable) context.Target).Dispose (); ((IDisposable) context).Dispose (); }
private void HandleMotionEvent(object o, Clutter.MotionArgs args) { if ((args.Event.State & Clutter.ModifierType.Button1Mask) != 0) { float drag_x; float drag_y; args.Event.GetCoords (out drag_x, out drag_y); if (!dragging) { if (Math.Abs(drag_x0 - drag_x) > 2 && Math.Abs(drag_y0 - drag_y) > 2) { start_index = CoverManager.TargetIndex; Clutter.Global.GrabPointer (Stage); dragging = true; } } else { if ((args.Event.State & Clutter.ModifierType.ControlMask)!=0) { if (!dragging) { Clutter.Global.GrabPointer (Stage); } ViewportAngleY += (float) (mouse_x - ((MotionEvent)args.Event).X)*rotSens; ViewportAngleX += (float) (mouse_y - ((MotionEvent)args.Event).Y)*rotSens; } else { CoverManager.TargetIndex = start_index + (int) ((drag_x0 - drag_x)*drag_sens); } } } else { if (dragging) { Clutter.Global.UngrabPointer (); } dragging = false; } mouse_x = ((MotionEvent)Clutter.Event.GetEvent(args.Event.Handle)).X; mouse_y = ((MotionEvent)Clutter.Event.GetEvent(args.Event.Handle)).Y; args.RetVal = dragging; }
private void HandleButtonPressEvent(object o, Clutter.ButtonPressEventArgs args) { Clutter.EventHelper.GetCoords (args.Event, out drag_x0, out drag_y0); args.RetVal = true; }
protected override void CreateActiveTexture(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state) { Render (texture, with_state, false); }
void HandleButtonReleaseEvent(object o, Clutter.ButtonReleaseEventArgs args) { //if (args.Event.Button==1 && !dragging && coverManager.CurrentCover!=null && ActiveAlbum != CurrentAlbum) // UpdateAlbum (); if (dragging) Clutter.Ungrab.Pointer (); dragging = false; args.RetVal = true; }
private void HandleMotionEvent(object o, Clutter.MotionEventArgs args) { if ((args.Event.ModifierState.value__ & Clutter.ModifierType.Button1Mask.value__)!=0) { float drag_x; float drag_y; Clutter.EventHelper.GetCoords (args.Event, out drag_x, out drag_y); if (!dragging) { if (Math.Abs(drag_x0 - drag_x) > 2 && Math.Abs(drag_y0 - drag_y) > 2) { start_index = CoverManager.TargetIndex; Clutter.Grab.Pointer (Stage); dragging = true; } } else { if ((args.Event.ModifierState.value__ & Clutter.ModifierType.ControlMask.value__)!=0) { if (!dragging) Clutter.Grab.Pointer (Stage); ViewportAngleY += (float) (mouse_x - args.Event.X)*rotSens; ViewportAngleX += (float) (mouse_y - args.Event.Y)*rotSens; } else { CoverManager.TargetIndex = start_index + (int) ((drag_x0 - drag_x)*drag_sens); } } } else { if (dragging) Clutter.Ungrab.Pointer (); dragging = false; } mouse_x = args.Event.X; mouse_y = args.Event.Y; args.RetVal = dragging; }
public static void DestroyActor(Clutter.Actor actor) { GC.SuppressFinalize (actor); clutter_actor_destroy (actor.Handle); }