Exemple #1
        // Implementation

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs development related cluster checks with information on potential
        /// problems being written to STDOUT.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clusterLogin">Specifies the target cluster login.</param>
        /// <param name="k8s">Specifies the cluster's Kubernertes client.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> when there are no problems, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public static async Task <bool> CheckAsync(ClusterLogin clusterLogin, IKubernetes k8s)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(clusterLogin != null, nameof(clusterLogin));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(k8s != null, nameof(k8s));

            var error = false;

            if (!await CheckNodeContainerImagesAsync(clusterLogin, k8s))
                error = true;

            if (!await CheckPodPrioritiesAsync(clusterLogin, k8s))
                error = true;

            if (!await CheckResourcesAsync(clusterLogin, k8s))
                error = true;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that all pod container specifications include resource requests and limits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clusterLogin">Specifies the target cluster login.</param>
        /// <param name="k8s">Specifies the cluster's Kubernertes client.</param>
        /// <param name="details">Optionally specifies that status should be written to STDOUT when there's no errors.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> when there are no problems, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <bool> CheckResourcesAsync(ClusterLogin clusterLogin, IKubernetes k8s, bool details = false)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(clusterLogin != null, nameof(clusterLogin));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(k8s != null, nameof(k8s));

            Console.WriteLine("Checking container resources...");

            // Build a dictionary that maps the a pod reference [namespace/pod-owner-name]
            // to a list of resource information for each container in the pod.

            var podRefToContainerResources = new Dictionary <string, List <ContainerResources> >(StringComparer.InvariantCulture);

            foreach (var @namespace in (await k8s.ListNamespaceAsync()).Items)
                foreach (var pod in (await k8s.ListNamespacedPodAsync(@namespace.Metadata.Name)).Items)
                    var podRef = await GetOwnerIdAsync(k8s, pod);

                    var containers = new List <ContainerResources>();

                    foreach (var containerSpec in pod.Spec.Containers)
                        var containerResources = new ContainerResources()
                            ContainerImage = containerSpec.Image

                        if (containerSpec.Resources != null)
                            if (containerSpec.Resources.Requests != null)
                                containerResources.RequestCpu = GetResourceQuantity("cpu", containerSpec.Resources.Requests);

                            if (containerSpec.Resources.Requests != null)
                                containerResources.RequestMemory = GetResourceQuantity("memory", containerSpec.Resources.Requests);

                            if (containerSpec.Resources.Limits != null)
                                containerResources.LimitCpu = GetResourceQuantity("cpu", containerSpec.Resources.Requests);

                            if (containerSpec.Resources.Limits != null)
                                containerResources.LimitMemory = GetResourceQuantity("memory", containerSpec.Resources.Requests);


                    podRefToContainerResources[podRef] = containers;

            var badPodSpecCount = podRefToContainerResources.Values.Count(containers => containers.Any(resources => resources.Error));

            if (badPodSpecCount > 0 || details)
                if (badPodSpecCount > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: [{badPodSpecCount}] pod deployments have containers without resource requests and/or limits.");

                foreach (var item in podRefToContainerResources
                         .OrderBy(item => item.Key))
                    var containers  = item.Value;
                    var error       = containers.Any(container => container.Error);
                    var errorMarker = error ? "-->" : "   ";

                    if (error || details)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{errorMarker} {item.Key}");

                    foreach (var container in containers)
                        var requestCpu = container.RequestCpu != null?container.RequestCpu.ToString()    : "NULL";

                        var requestMemory = container.RequestMemory != null?container.RequestMemory.ToString() : "NULL";

                        var limitCpu = container.LimitCpu != null?container.LimitCpu.ToString()      : "NULL";

                        var limitMemory = container.LimitMemory != null?container.LimitMemory.ToString()   : "NULL";

                        var containerError       = container.RequestCpu == null || container.RequestMemory == null || container.LimitCpu == null || container.LimitMemory == null;
                        var errorContainerMarker = containerError ? "-->" : "   ";

                        if (containerError || details)
                            Console.WriteLine($"    {errorContainerMarker} {container.ContainerImage} [request-cpu={requestCpu}] [request-memory={requestMemory}] [limit-cpu={limitCpu}] [limit-memory={limitMemory}]");
                Console.WriteLine($"OK: Container resources are set correctly.");

            return(badPodSpecCount > 0);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Verifies that all pods running in the cluster are assigned a PriorityClass greater than
        /// or equal to <see cref="PriorityClass.NeonMin"/>, ensuring that our pods will not be evicted
        /// before user pods which could cause serious problems, especially on smalkl single node clusters.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Details about any issues will be written to STDOUT.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clusterLogin">Specifies the target cluster login.</param>
        /// <param name="k8s">Specifies the cluster's Kubernertes client.</param>
        /// <param name="details">Optionally specifies that status should be written to STDOUT when there's no errors.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> when there are no problems, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Verifies that all pods running in the cluster are assigned a PriorityClass greater than
        /// or equal to <see cref="PriorityClass.NeonMin"/>.  PriorityClass is used by the Kubernetes
        /// scheduler and Kublet to decide which pods to evict when a node encounters resource pressure.
        /// Pods with lower priority classes will tend to be evicted first.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// By default, pods will be created with <b>PriorityClass=0</b>.  Kubernetes ensures that
        /// its own critical services have very high priority class values so they will be evicted
        /// last.  neonKUBE deploys dozens of services that need to have priority classes higher
        /// than most user services.  So we assign one of several priorities to our pods based on
        /// their reliative priority as defined here: <see cref="PriorityClass"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// This method is useful for ensuring that we've confiured priorites for all of our pods
        /// and also that we've done the same for pods created by third-party operators.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static async Task <bool> CheckPodPrioritiesAsync(ClusterLogin clusterLogin, IKubernetes k8s, bool details = false)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(clusterLogin != null, nameof(clusterLogin));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(k8s != null, nameof(k8s));

            Console.WriteLine("Checking pod priorities...");

            // Build a dictionary that maps the priority of all known priority class
            // priority values to the priority class name.  Note that we're assuming
            // here that no single priority value has more than one name (we'll just
            // choose one of the names in this case) and also Build a dictionary that
            // maps all of the known priority class names to their values.

            var priorityToName = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            var nameToPriority = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var priorityClass in (await k8s.ListPriorityClassAsync()).Items)
                priorityToName[priorityClass.Value]         = priorityClass.Metadata.Name;
                nameToPriority[priorityClass.Metadata.Name] = priorityClass.Value;

            // Build a dictionary that maps the owner of a pod to a [PodPriorityInfo] with the
            // priority details.  The owner string indicates whether the pod owned by a daemonset,
            // stateful set, deployment, is a standalone pod, or is something else along with
            // the owner's name.

            var ownerToPriorityInfo = new Dictionary <string, PodPriorityInfo>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var @namespace in (await k8s.ListNamespaceAsync()).Items)
                foreach (var pod in (await k8s.ListNamespacedPodAsync(@namespace.Metadata.Name)).Items)
                    foreach (var container in pod.Spec.Containers)
                        var ownerId = await GetOwnerIdAsync(k8s, pod);

                        ownerToPriorityInfo[ownerId] =
                            new PodPriorityInfo()
                            Owner             = ownerId,
                            Priority          = pod.Spec.Priority,
                            PriorityClassName = pod.Spec.PriorityClassName

            // Normalize the priority info for each pod by trying to lookup the priority from
            // the priority class name or looking up the priority class name from the priority
            // value.

            foreach (var podPriorityInfo in ownerToPriorityInfo.Values)
                if (!podPriorityInfo.Priority.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName))
                    if (nameToPriority.TryGetValue(podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName, out var foundPriority))
                        podPriorityInfo.Priority = foundPriority;
                else if (podPriorityInfo.Priority.HasValue && string.IsNullOrEmpty(podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName))
                    if (priorityToName.TryGetValue(podPriorityInfo.Priority.Value, out var foundPriorityClass))
                        podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName = foundPriorityClass;

                if (!podPriorityInfo.Priority.HasValue)
                    podPriorityInfo.Priority = 0;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName))
                    podPriorityInfo.PriorityClassName = "[NONE]";

            var badPodDeploymentCount = ownerToPriorityInfo.Values.Count(info => info.Priority < PriorityClass.NeonMin.Value);

            if (badPodDeploymentCount > 0 || details)
                if (badPodDeploymentCount > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: [{badPodDeploymentCount}] pod deployments are deployed with [Priority<{PriorityClass.NeonMin.Value}]:");

                var ownerIdWidth = ownerToPriorityInfo.Keys.Max(imageName => imageName.Length);

                foreach (var item in ownerToPriorityInfo
                         .OrderByDescending(item => item.Value.Priority)
                         .ThenBy(item => item.Key))
                    var priorityInfo   = item.Value;
                    var ownerFormatted = item.Key + new string(' ', ownerIdWidth - item.Key.Length);
                    var priorityValue  = priorityInfo.Priority.Value.ToString("#,##0").Trim();
                    var errorMarker    = priorityInfo.Priority.Value < PriorityClass.NeonMin.Value ? "-->" : "   ";

                    Console.WriteLine($"{errorMarker} {ownerFormatted}    - {priorityInfo.PriorityClassName} ({priorityValue})");
                Console.WriteLine($"OK: Pod priorities are set correctly.");

            return(badPodDeploymentCount > 0);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Verifies that all of the container images currently loaded on nodes are specified in the
        /// container manifest.  Any images that aren't in the manifest need to be preloaded info the
        /// node image.  This is used to ensure that pods started by third-party operators are also
        /// included in the cluster manifest, ensuing that our node images are self-contained for a
        /// better setup experience as well as air-gapped clusters.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Details about any issues will be written to STDOUT.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clusterLogin">Specifies the target cluster login.</param>
        /// <param name="k8s">Specifies the cluster's Kubernertes client.</param>
        /// <param name="details">Optionally specifies that status should be written to STDOUT when there's no errors.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> when there are no problems, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// neonKUBE clusters deploy all required images to CRI-O running on all cluster
        /// nodes as well as the local Harbor registry.  This not only improves the cluster
        /// setup experience but also makes air gapped cluster possible.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static async Task <bool> CheckNodeContainerImagesAsync(ClusterLogin clusterLogin, IKubernetes k8s, bool details = false)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(clusterLogin != null, nameof(clusterLogin));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(k8s != null, nameof(k8s));

            Console.WriteLine("Checking local container images...");

            var manifestImages = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var image in KubeSetup.ClusterManifest.ContainerImages)

            var nodes = await k8s.ListNodeAsync();

            var images       = new Dictionary <string, ImageStatus>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            var sbImageNames = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var node in nodes.Items)
                foreach (var image in node.Status.Images)
                    var found = false;

                    foreach (var name in image.Names)
                        if (manifestImages.Contains(name))
                            found = true;


                    foreach (var name in image.Names.OrderBy(name => name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        sbImageNames.AppendWithSeparator(name, ", ");

                    var imageNames  = sbImageNames.ToString();
                    var imageStatus = new ImageStatus()
                        ImageNames = imageNames, NotInManifest = !found

                    images[imageStatus.ImageNames] = imageStatus;

            var badImageCount = images.Values.Count(image => image.NotInManifest);

            if (badImageCount > 0 || details)
                if (badImageCount > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: [{badImageCount}] images are being pulled from external registries:");

                if (badImageCount > 0 || details)
                    foreach (var image in images.Values.OrderBy(image => image.ImageNames))
                        var badImage = image.NotInManifest;
                        var status   = badImage ? "--> " : "    ";

                        if (badImage || details)
                Console.WriteLine($"OK: All container images are present in the cluster registry.");

            return(badImageCount == 0);
Exemple #5
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override async Task RunAsync(CommandLine commandLine)
            if (commandLine.Arguments.Length < 1)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("*** ERROR: [root@CLUSTER-NAME] argument is required.");


            // Cluster prepare/setup uses the [ProfileClient] to retrieve secrets and profile values.
            // We need to inject an implementation for [PreprocessReader] so it will be able to
            // perform the lookups.

            NeonHelper.ServiceContainer.AddSingleton <IProfileClient>(new ProfileClient());

            var contextName       = KubeContextName.Parse(commandLine.Arguments[0]);
            var kubeCluster       = KubeHelper.Config.GetCluster(contextName.Cluster);
            var unredacted        = commandLine.HasOption("--unredacted");
            var debug             = commandLine.HasOption("--debug");
            var check             = commandLine.HasOption("--check");
            var uploadCharts      = commandLine.HasOption("--upload-charts") || debug;
            var clusterspace      = commandLine.GetOption("--clusterspace");
            var maxParallelOption = commandLine.GetOption("--max-parallel", "6");
            var disablePending    = commandLine.HasOption("--disable-pending");

            if (!int.TryParse(maxParallelOption, out var maxParallel) || maxParallel <= 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"*** ERROR: [--max-parallel={maxParallelOption}] is not valid.");

            clusterLogin = KubeHelper.GetClusterLogin(contextName);

            if (clusterLogin == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"*** ERROR: Be sure to prepare the cluster first via: neon cluster prepare...");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clusterLogin.SshPassword))
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"*** ERROR: No cluster node SSH password found.");

            if (kubeCluster != null && !clusterLogin.SetupDetails.SetupPending)
                if (commandLine.GetOption("--force") == null && !Program.PromptYesNo($"One or more logins reference [{kubeCluster.Name}].  Do you wish to delete these?"))

                // Remove the cluster from the kubeconfig and remove any
                // contexts that reference it.


                var delList = new List <KubeConfigContext>();

                foreach (var context in KubeHelper.Config.Contexts)
                    if (context.Properties.Cluster == kubeCluster.Name)

                foreach (var context in delList)

                if (KubeHelper.CurrentContext != null && KubeHelper.CurrentContext.Properties.Cluster == kubeCluster.Name)
                    KubeHelper.Config.CurrentContext = null;


            kubeContext = new KubeConfigContext(contextName);


            // Create and run the cluster setup controller.

            var clusterDefinition = clusterLogin.ClusterDefinition;

            var controller = KubeSetup.CreateClusterSetupController(
                maxParallel:    maxParallel,
                unredacted:     unredacted,
                debugMode:      debug,
                uploadCharts:   uploadCharts,
                clusterspace:   clusterspace);

            controller.DisablePendingTasks = disablePending;

            controller.StatusChangedEvent +=
                status =>

            switch (await controller.RunAsync())
            case SetupDisposition.Succeeded:

                var pendingGroups = controller.GetPendingGroups();

                if (pendingGroups.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"*** ERROR: [{pendingGroups.Count}] pending task groups have not been awaited:");

                    foreach (var groupName in pendingGroups)
                        Console.WriteLine($"   {groupName}");


                Console.WriteLine($" [{clusterDefinition.Name}] cluster is ready.");

                if (check && !debug)
                    var k8s = new Kubernetes(KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildConfigFromConfigFile(KubeHelper.KubeConfigPath));

                    if (!await ClusterChecker.CheckAsync(clusterLogin, k8s))


            case SetupDisposition.Cancelled:

                Console.WriteLine(" *** CANCELLED: Cluster setup was cancelled.");

            case SetupDisposition.Failed:

                Console.WriteLine(" *** ERROR: Cluster setup failed.  Examine the logs here:");
                Console.WriteLine($" {KubeHelper.LogFolder}");


                throw new NotImplementedException();

            await Task.CompletedTask;