Exemple #1
        public void ClusteringTest()
            List <ClusteredData> datanew    = new List <ClusteredData>();
            EuclidianDistance    distance   = new EuclidianDistance();
            K_Means         k_means         = new K_Means(2, 0.1, distance);
            ClusterAnalysis clusterAnalysis = new ClusterAnalysis(k_means);

            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0, 0));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0, 20));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 0));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 20));

            var list = clusterAnalysis.Clustering(datanew);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);

            var flag = from value in k_means.FinishesCentroids.Values
                       where (value.X == 0 && value.Y == 0) ||
                       (value.X == 0 && value.Y == 20) ||
                       (value.X == 20 && value.Y == 20) ||
                       (value.X == 20 && value.Y == 0) ||
                       (value.X == 10 && value.Y == 20) ||
                       (value.X == 0 && value.Y == 10) ||
                       (value.X == 20 && value.Y == 10) ||
                       (value.X == 0 && value.Y == 10)
                       select value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.1, k_means.CoefficientTaboo);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, k_means.CountOfClusters);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the <see cref="sourceValue" /> parameter to the <see cref="destinationType" /> parameter using <see cref="formatProvider"
 /// /> and <see cref="ignoreCase" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceValue">the value to convert into an instance of <see cref="ClusterAnalysis" />.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// an instance of <see cref="ClusterAnalysis" />, or <c>null</c> if there is no suitable conversion.
 /// </returns>
 public static object ConvertFrom(dynamic sourceValue)
     if (null == sourceValue)
         ClusterAnalysis.FromJsonString(typeof(string) == sourceValue.GetType() ? sourceValue : sourceValue.ToJsonString());
         // Unable to use JSON pattern
         return(new ClusterAnalysis
             VmEfficiencyMap = sourceValue.VmEfficiencyMap,
Exemple #3
    public void ClusterAnalysisMain(int countCluster, double[] weight, bool normalization)
        ClusterAnalysis clusterAnalysis = new ClusterAnalysis();

        double[,] setForm = new double[30, 3] // Входное множество образов для кластеризации
            { 15, 6, 15 },
            { 1, 19, 0 },
            { -8, -1, 4 },
            { 13, 19, 15 },
            { 15, 17, -14 },
            { -3, 9, -35 },
            { 12, 4, 16 },
            { 8, 14, 9 },
            { -6, 0, 5 },
            { 11, 17, 10 },
            { 12, 17, -10 },
            { -1, 10, -25 },
            { 18, 17, -11 },
            { -4, 9, -31 },
            { 19, 4, 13 },
            { 8, 14, 10 },
            { -6, -5, 1 },
            { 20, 20, 20 },
            { 7, 16, -17 },
            { -1, 7, -26 },
            { 15, 1, 10 },
            { 0, 11, 8 },
            { -8, -1, 5 },
            { 10, 10, 10 },
            { 12, 15, -10 },
            { -4, 5, -27 },
            { -7, -1, 4 },
            { 3, 17, 11 },
            { 0, 1, 3 },
            { 7, 2, 0 }

        // Применение нормализации
        if (normalization)
            setForm = GetNormineSetForm(setForm);

        ClusterCalculationByTwoMethods(setForm, countCluster, weight);
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <ClusteredData> datanew    = new List <ClusteredData>();
            EuclidianDistance    distance   = new EuclidianDistance();
            K_Means         k_means         = new K_Means(2, 0.1, distance);
            ClusterAnalysis clusterAnalysis = new ClusterAnalysis(k_means);

            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0, 0));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0, 20));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 0));
            datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 20));

            var list = clusterAnalysis.Clustering(datanew);

             * List<ClusteredData> datanew = new List<ClusteredData>();
             * List<K_Means> k_meansList = new List<K_Means>();
             * List<List<Cluster>> clustersList = new List<List<Cluster>>();
             * System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch myStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
             * EuclidianDistance distance = new EuclidianDistance();
             * datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0,0));
             * datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(0, 20));
             * datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 0));
             * datanew.Add(new ClusteredData(20, 20));
             * var ewrt = datanew.Select(Er => Er.X);
             * var ety = ewrt.Average();
             * var e = datanew.Average(er => er.X);
             * myStopwatch.Start(); //запуск
             * for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
             * {
             *  K_Means k_means = new K_Means(2, 0.1, distance);
             *  clustersList.Add(k_means.Clustering(datanew));
             *  k_meansList.Add(k_means);
             *  Thread.Sleep(10);
             *  var flag = k_means.FinishesCentroids.ContainsValue(new Centroid(0, 0));
             *  var flag1 = k_means.FinishesCentroids.ContainsValue(new Centroid(0, 20));
             *  var flag2 = k_means.FinishesCentroids.ContainsValue(new Centroid(20, 20));
             *  var flag3 = k_means.FinishesCentroids.ContainsValue(new Centroid(20, 0));
             * }
             * myStopwatch.Stop();
             * var fulltime = myStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             * double Onetime = myStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000.0;
             * int a = 0;
             * int b = 0;
             * int c = 0;
             * int d = 0;
             * foreach (var list in clustersList)
             * {
             *  a += list.Count(q => q.Data.Count == 3);
             *  b += list.Count(q => q.Data.Count == 2);
             *  c += list.Count(q => q.Data.Count == 1);
             *  d += list.Count(q => q.Data.Count == 0);
             * }
             * b = b / 2;
             * var ads = new Cluster(1, new Centroid(1, 10));
             * //ads.IntraClusterDistance();
             * //// Поиск объектов класса Cluster в списке optimumClusters с максимальным внутрикластерным расcтоянием
             * //var nonOptimumClusters = from list in clustersList // определяем каждый объект из clusters как cluster
             * //                         where
             * //                         select cluster.IntraClusterDistance();// выбираем объект
Exemple #5
        private void TestForClusterAnalysis()
            var common = new SQLCommon
                SkylineType =
                    new SkylineBNL()
                    Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString
                ShowInternalAttributes = true

            DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(Helper.ProviderName);

            // use the factory object to create Data access objects.
            DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();

            // will return the connection object (i.e. SqlConnection ...)
            connection.ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString;

            var dt = new DataTable();


            DbDataAdapter dap           = factory.CreateDataAdapter();
            DbCommand     selectCommand = connection.CreateCommand();

            selectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0; //infinite timeout

            string strQuery;
            string operators;
            int    numberOfRecords;

            string[] parameter;

            string ansiSql =

            prefSQL.SQLParser.Helper.DetermineParameters(ansiSql, out parameter, out strQuery, out operators,
                                                         out numberOfRecords);

            selectCommand.CommandText = strQuery;
            dap.SelectCommand         = selectCommand;
            dt = new DataTable();


            DataTable entireSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString,

            int[] skylineAttributeColumns = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetSkylineAttributeColumns(entireSkylineDataTable);
            IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineNormalized =
                prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTable, 0);

            SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(entireSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns);

            DataTable sampleSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> sampleSkylineNormalized =
                prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(sampleSkylineDataTable, 0);

            SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns);

            for (var i = 0; i < skylineAttributeColumns.Length; i++)

            IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> full = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(dt, 0);

            SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(full, skylineAttributeColumns);

            ClusterAnalysis.CalcMedians(full, skylineAttributeColumns);

            IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > entireBuckets =
                ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(entireSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns);
            IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > sampleBuckets =
                ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns);

            //IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aggregatedEntireBuckets =
            //    ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(entireBuckets);
            //IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aggregatedSampleBuckets =
            //    ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(sampleBuckets);

            IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > fullB =
                ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(full, skylineAttributeColumns);
            // IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aFullB =
            //     ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(fullB);

            IOrderedEnumerable <KeyValuePair <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > > sorted = fullB.OrderBy(l => l.Value.Count)
                                                                                                                    .ThenBy(l => l.Key);

            int len = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, skylineAttributeColumns.Length));

            //for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > s in sorted)
                BigInteger i             = s.Key;
                int        entire        = entireBuckets.ContainsKey(i) ? entireBuckets[i].Count : 0;
                int        sample        = sampleBuckets.ContainsKey(i) ? sampleBuckets[i].Count : 0;
                double     entirePercent = (double)entire / entireSkylineNormalized.Count;
                double     samplePercent = (double)sample / sampleSkylineNormalized.Count;
                int        fullX         = fullB.ContainsKey(i) ? fullB[i].Count : 0;
                double     fullP         = (double)fullX / full.Count;
                Console.WriteLine("-- {0,5} -- {5,6} ({6,7:P2} %) -- {1,6} ({3,7:P2} %) -- {2,6} ({4,7:P2} %)", i,
                                  entire, sample, entirePercent,
                                  samplePercent, fullX, fullP);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - {2}", entireSkylineNormalized.Count, sampleSkylineNormalized.Count,