public static void ProcessClubData(OdbcDataReader reader) { logger.Info("Started Processing Club Details"); while (reader.Read()) { ClubEntity club = new ClubEntity(); club.ClubCode = reader["Team_abbr"].ToString(); club.ClubName = reader["Team_name"].ToString(); try { ClubRepo.AddClub(club); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.Contains("Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint")) { logger.Info("Duplicate:" + club.ClubCode); } } finally { } } logger.Info("Processing Club Details Completed"); }
private static void MapClub(Club club, ClubEntity existingClub) { existingClub.Naam = club.Name; existingClub.Douche = club.Shower ? 1 : 0; existingClub.Website = club.Website; // existingClub.Lokalen = club.MainLocation }
public static ClubEntity GetClub(String ClubCode) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AODB"].ConnectionString); string selectStatement = "SELECT * " + "FROM Clubs " + "WHERE ClubCode = @Code"; SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection); selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@Code", ClubCode); try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader proReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow); if (proReader.Read()) { ClubEntity club = new ClubEntity(); club.ClubCode = proReader["ClubCode"].ToString(); club.ClubName = proReader["ClubName"].ToString(); return(club); } else { return(null); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
private ClubEntity CreateClub(string frenoyClubCode) { Debug.Assert(_isVttl, "or need to write an if"); var frenoyClub = _frenoy.GetClubs(new GetClubs { Club = frenoyClubCode, Season = _options.FrenoySeason }); Debug.Assert(frenoyClub.ClubEntries.Count() == 1); var club = new ClubEntity { CodeVttl = frenoyClubCode, Actief = 1, Naam = frenoyClub.ClubEntries.First().LongName, Douche = 0 }; _db.Clubs.Add(club); CommitChanges(); foreach (var frenoyLokaal in frenoyClub.ClubEntries.First().VenueEntries) { var lokaal = new ClubLokaal { ClubId = club.Id, Telefoon = frenoyLokaal.Phone, Lokaal = frenoyLokaal.Name, Adres = frenoyLokaal.Street, Postcode = int.Parse(frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(0, frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" "))), Gemeente = frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" ") + 1), Hoofd = 1 }; _db.ClubLokalen.Add(lokaal); } return(club); }
private async Task <ClubEntity> CreateClub(string frenoyClubCode) { var frenoyClub = await _frenoy.GetClubsAsync(new GetClubs { Club = frenoyClubCode, Season = _settings.FrenoySeason.ToString() }); Debug.Assert(frenoyClub.GetClubsResponse.ClubEntries.Count() == 1); var club = new ClubEntity { CodeVttl = _isVttl ? frenoyClubCode : null, CodeSporta = !_isVttl ? frenoyClubCode : null, Actief = 1, Naam = frenoyClub.GetClubsResponse.ClubEntries.First().LongName, Douche = 0 }; _db.Clubs.Add(club); await CommitChanges(); foreach (var frenoyLokaal in frenoyClub.GetClubsResponse.ClubEntries.First().VenueEntries) { var lokaal = new ClubLokaal { ClubId = club.Id, Telefoon = frenoyLokaal.Phone, Lokaal = frenoyLokaal.Name, Adres = frenoyLokaal.Street, Postcode = int.Parse(frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(0, frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" "))), Gemeente = frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" ") + 1), Hoofd = 1 }; _db.ClubLokalen.Add(lokaal); } return(club); }
public static int AddClub(ClubEntity club) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AODB"].ConnectionString); string insertStatement = "INSERT into Clubs " + "(ClubCode,ClubName) " + "VALUES (@ClubCode,@ClubName)"; SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand(insertStatement, connection); insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@ClubCode", club.ClubCode); insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@ClubName", club.ClubName); try { connection.Open(); int value = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(value); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint")) { logger.Error("Duplicate:" + club.ClubCode); } return(0); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
private ClubEntity CreateClub(string frenoyClubCode) { Debug.Assert(_isVttl, "or need to write an if"); var frenoyClub = _frenoy.GetClubs(new GetClubs { Club = frenoyClubCode, Season = _options.FrenoySeason }); Debug.Assert(frenoyClub.ClubEntries.Count() == 1); var club = new ClubEntity { CodeVttl = frenoyClubCode, Actief = 1, Naam = frenoyClub.ClubEntries.First().LongName, Douche = 0 }; _db.Clubs.Add(club); CommitChanges(); foreach (var frenoyLokaal in frenoyClub.ClubEntries.First().VenueEntries) { var lokaal = new ClubLokaal { ClubId = club.Id, Telefoon = frenoyLokaal.Phone, Lokaal = frenoyLokaal.Name, Adres = frenoyLokaal.Street, Postcode = int.Parse(frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(0, frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" "))), Gemeente = frenoyLokaal.Town.Substring(frenoyLokaal.Town.IndexOf(" ") + 1), Hoofd = 1 }; _db.ClubLokalen.Add(lokaal); } return club; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var schoolId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["SmacCookie"]["SchoolId"]); var userId = Request.Cookies["SmacCookie"]["UserId"]; if (!IsPostBack) { var clubs = ClubEntity.GetAllClubs(schoolId); var myClubs = ClubEntity.GetMyClubs(schoolId, userId); if (myClubs.Count > 0) { string myClubList = string.Empty; foreach (var club in myClubs) { myClubList += club.ClubId + ";"; } this.myClubNames.Value = myClubList.Substring(0, myClubList.LastIndexOf(";")); } var clubObj = new object[clubs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < clubs.Count; ++i) { var scheds = ClubScheduleEntity.GetClubSchedule(clubs[i].ClubId); scheds.Sort(new DayOfWeekComparer()); var schdObj = new object[scheds.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < scheds.Count; ++j) { var scheduleObj = new { day = scheds[j].Day, times = Helpers.NormalizeTimespanString(scheds[j].TimeSpans) }; schdObj[j] = scheduleObj; } var Cobj = new { id = clubs[i].ClubId, name = clubs[i].ClubName, desc = clubs[i].Description, schedule = schdObj }; clubObj[i] = Cobj; } this.clubScheduleHdn.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clubObj); var list = new List <string> { "ClubId", "ClubName", "ClubDesc" }; DataTable table = new DataTable(); foreach (var item in list) { table.Columns.Add(item, typeof(string)); } //Now add some rows(which will be repeated in the ItemTemplate) foreach (var club in clubs) { table.Rows.Add(club.ClubId.ToString(), club.ClubName, club.Description); } clubListView.DataSource = table; clubListView.DataBind(); } }