private void SaveAndApplyOptions() { SaveOptions(); ClockType clockType = ClockType.Digital; // Apply on MainForm(s) switch (Options.ClockType) { case "Digital": clockType = ClockType.Digital; break; case "Analog": clockType = ClockType.Analog; break; case "DoubleDigital": clockType = ClockType.DoubleDigital; break; default: break; } ApplyOnGame(rdbClocks_N_1d4.Checked, clockType); OnOptionsApplied(); }
internal bool AddReminder(BarFactoryItem item, DateTime dateTime, ClockType type) { bool created = false; SortedList <long, List <BarFactoryItem> > slistByBarSize; if (!this.reminderTable.TryGetValue(dateTime, out slistByBarSize)) { slistByBarSize = new SortedList <long, List <BarFactoryItem> >(); this.reminderTable.Add(dateTime, slistByBarSize); created = true; } List <BarFactoryItem> list; if (!slistByBarSize.TryGetValue(item.barSize, out list)) { list = new List <BarFactoryItem>(); slistByBarSize.Add(item.barSize, list); } list.Add(item); if (created) { var clock = type == ClockType.Exchange ? this.framework.ExchangeClock : this.framework.Clock; return(clock.AddReminder(OnReminder, dateTime)); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Verifica quanto tempo foi passado /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType">Tipo do relógio (StopWatcher|Countdown)</param> /// <returns></returns> public int ElapsedTime(ClockType clockType) { if (clockType == ClockType.StopWatch) return Mathf.CeilToInt(m_ElapsedTime); return Mathf.CeilToInt(m_TotalSeconds - m_ElapsedTime); }
public void Test() { var brand = new Brand { Title = "Brand 1" }; var clockType = new ClockType { Title = "Clock Type 1" }; var payment = new Payment { Title = "Payment 1" }; var delivery = new Delivery { Title = "Delivery 1" }; _brandRepository.Add(brand); _clockTypeRepository.Add(clockType); _paymentRepository.Add(payment); _deliveryRepository.Add(delivery); }
public void Remove(Instrument instrument, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local) { BarFactoryItem item; switch (barType) { case BarType.Time: item = new TimeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, type, -1); break; case BarType.Tick: item = new TickBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, -1); break; case BarType.Volume: item = new VolumeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, -1); break; case BarType.Range: item = new RangeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, -1); break; case BarType.Session: throw new ArgumentException( "BarFactory::Remove Can not create SessionBarFactoryItem without session parameters"); default: throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown bar type - {barType}"); } Remove(item); }
public void ClockTypeExtensionsClass_SetControlsVisibleIn12HourModeMethod_DoesNotCrash_IfSecondParameterIsNull() { ClockType testValue = _rnd.NextBoolean() ? ClockType.TwelveHourClock : ClockType.TwentyFourHourClock; IList <Control> testParam1 = null; testValue.SetControlsVisibleIn12HourMode(testParam1); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override bool IsValid(ClockType mode = ClockType.TwelveHour) { return(mode switch { ClockType.TwelveHour => Time.IsValidTimeOfDay(13), ClockType.TwentyFourHour => throw new NotSupportedException("A qualified time of day cannot be judged based on a twenty four hour clock style."), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mode), mode, null) });
public void Add(InstrumentList instruments, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) { foreach (var i in instruments) { Add(i, barType, barSize, barInput, type, providerId); } }
public void Add(string[] symbols, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) { foreach (var symbol in symbols) { Add(this.framework.InstrumentManager.Get(symbol), barType, barSize, barInput, type, providerId); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the value of the <see cref="TimeSpan"/> is valid for the given <see cref="ClockType"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="time">The time to perform the action on</param> /// <param name="clockType">The clock type used to judge</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> that determines if the time is valid</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception> public static bool IsValidTimeOfDay(this TimeSpan time, ClockType clockType) { return(clockType switch { ClockType.TwelveHour => time.IsValidTimeOfDay(13), //thirteen because 12:34 is a valid time ClockType.TwentyFourHour => time.IsValidTimeOfDay(24), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(clockType), clockType, null) });
/// <summary> /// Checks if the time represented is valid. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">Sets the mode to judge the time by.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> that indicates whether the time is valid.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception> public virtual bool IsValid(ClockType mode = ClockType.TwelveHour) { return(mode switch { ClockType.TwelveHour => Time.IsValidTimeOfDay(13), ClockType.TwentyFourHour => Time.IsValidTimeOfDay(24), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mode), mode, null) //resharper on crack? dont know });
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { if (firstRender) { await ElementReferenceId.SetAnalogClock(JSRuntimeObj, ClockType.GetHashCode()); base.StateHasChanged(); } }
/// <summary> /// Tells the AMPS box which clock to use: external or internal /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType"> /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="Task"/>. /// </returns> public async Task <Unit> SetClock(ClockType clockType) { var ampsmessage = Message.Create(AmpsCommand.STBLCLK, clockType.ToString()); messageQueue.Enqueue(ampsmessage); await ProcessQueue(); return(Unit.Default); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for a GameTimer /// </summary> /// <param name="clock">Real Time or Game Time</param> /// <param name="seconds">Seconds to time out on</param> public GameTimer(ClockType clock, double seconds) { this.clock = clock; this.seconds = seconds; if (this.seconds == 0) { this.seconds = 1.0f; } }
private static DocumentOptions GetDocumentOptions(ClockType clockType) { return(new DocumentOptions { ClockType = clockType, DisplayTrainLabelsOnGraphs = _rnd.NextBoolean(), GraphEditStyle = _rnd.NextBoolean() ? GraphEditStyle.Free : GraphEditStyle.PreserveSectionTimes, }); }
//Type of OR-Clock -> analog, digital public Clock(STFReader stf, string shapePath) { stf.MustMatch("("); Name = shapePath + stf.ReadString(); if (EnumExtension.GetValue(stf.ReadString(), out ClockType type)) { ClockType = type; } stf.SkipRestOfBlock(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType">Type of clock to use.</param> /// <param name="conventionalMoves">Number of moves that must be taken before time runs out with the conventional clock.</param> /// <param name="conventionalTime">Amount of time a player has to take the specified amount of moves with the conventional clock.</param> /// <param name="incrementStartTime">Start time if using the incremental clock.</param> /// <param name="incrementPlusTime">Time added for avery move taken with the incremental clock.</param> public ClockConfiguration(ClockType clockType, int conventionalMoves, TimeSpan conventionalTime, TimeSpan incrementStartTime, TimeSpan incrementPlusTime) { m_clockType = clockType; m_conventionalMoves = conventionalMoves; m_conventionalTime = conventionalTime; m_incrementStartTime = incrementStartTime; m_incrementPlusTime = incrementPlusTime; }
public QBTimeBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, long barSize, bool enableLog = false) : base(instrument, barSize, BarInput.Trade, ClockType.Exchange) { _enableLog = enableLog; if (_enableLog) { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("tbf." + instrument.Symbol); } _clockType = ClockType.Exchange; LoadTradingTimeRange(); }
public QBTimeBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, long barSize, bool enableLog = false) : base(instrument, barSize, BarInput.Trade, ClockType.Exchange) { _enableLog = enableLog; if (_enableLog) { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("tbg." + instrument.Symbol); } IncludeFirstTick = true; _timeRange = MarketDataFilter.Instance.GetFilter(instrument); _clockType = ClockType.Exchange; }
/// <summary> /// Extension method that takes a list of <see cref="Control" /> objects and sets them to visible if the <see cref="ClockType" /> is the 12-hour clock. /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType">The <see cref="ClockType" /> to use to determine the objects' visibility.</param> /// <param name="controls">The <see cref="Control" /> objects to control the visibility of.</param> public static void SetControlsVisibleIn12HourMode(this ClockType clockType, IList <Control> controls) { if (controls is null) { return; } bool visibility = clockType == ClockType.TwelveHourClock; foreach (Control control in controls) { control.Visible = visibility; } }
public Clock(Framework framework, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, bool isStandalone = false) { this.framework = framework; Type = type; this.isStandalone = isStandalone; this.dateTime = DateTime.MinValue; this.mode = this.framework.Mode == FrameworkMode.Realtime ? ClockMode.Realtime : ClockMode.Simulation; this.initTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; this.stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (this.isStandalone) { throw new NotImplementedException("don't know when to use it"); } }
public Lap(int LapNumber, ClockType ClockType, int Hour, int Minute, float Second) { assignLapNumber(LapNumber); if (ClockType == ClockType.Lap) { this.lapTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(Hour) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Minute) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Round(Second, 3)); } if (ClockType == ClockType.Split) { this.splitTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(Hour) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Minute) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Round(Second, 3)); } }
public void NewGame() { ClockType = ClockType.Digital; lblWhiteTime.ForeColor = Color.White; lblBlackTime.ForeColor = Color.White; SetClockType(); ResizeWhite(); ResizeBlack(); RefreshClock(); SetMinSize(); }
public void TimeOfDayExtensionsClass_SetTimeMethod_ThrowsArgumentNullException_IfSecondParameterIsNull() { TimeOfDay testObject = new TimeOfDay(); TextBox testParam1 = null; using (TextBox testParam2 = new TextBox()) using (ComboBox testParam3 = new ComboBox()) { ClockType testParam4 = _rnd.NextBoolean() ? ClockType.TwelveHourClock : ClockType.TwentyFourHourClock; testObject.SetTime(testParam1, testParam2, testParam3, testParam4); Assert.Fail(); } }
private void ApplyOnGame(bool isSingleNotation, ClockType clockType) { MainForm mainForm = null; foreach (Form frm in Application.OpenForms) { if (frm.GetType().BaseType == typeof(MainForm)) { mainForm = frm as MainForm; mainForm.Game.Notations.DisplayNotation(isSingleNotation); mainForm.ClockUc.ClockType = clockType; mainForm.ClockUc.RefreshClock(); } } }
public Clock(ClockParams value, System.Action _callBack) { this.type = value.type; switch (this.type) { case ClockType.UnityTimeClock: this.endSecond = Time.time + value.second; break; case ClockType.UnityRealTimeClock: this.endSecond = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + value.second; break; case ClockType.DateTimeClock: this.endDateTime = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan((int)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * value.second)); break; default: break; } this.repeat = value.repeat; this.interval = value.interval; if (repeat) { switch (this.type) { case ClockType.UnityTimeClock: this.nextAlarmSecond = Time.time + value.interval; break; case ClockType.UnityRealTimeClock: this.nextAlarmSecond = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + value.interval; break; case ClockType.DateTimeClock: this.endDateTime = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan((int)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * value.interval)); break; default: break; } } this.onAlarm = _callBack; }
protected override void Seed(ClockRestorationContext context) { var adminRole = new IdentityRole(); adminRole.Name = "admin"; var userRole = new IdentityRole(); userRole.Name = "user"; var admin = new ApplicationUser(); admin.UserName = "******"; admin.FirstName = "Admin"; admin.LastName = "Admin"; admin.PhoneNumber = "+123123123"; admin.Email = "*****@*****.**"; admin.PasswordHash = "PAssword123".GetHashCode().ToString(); admin.Role = UserRole.Admin; var brand = new Brand(); brand.Title = "Brand 1"; var clockType = new ClockType(); clockType.Title = "Clock Type 1"; var payment = new Payment(); payment.Title = "Payment 1"; var delivery = new Delivery(); delivery.Title = "Delivery 1"; context.Payments.Add(payment); context.Roles.Add(adminRole); context.Roles.Add(userRole); context.Users.Add(admin); context.Brands.Add(brand); context.ClockTypes.Add(clockType); context.Deliveries.Add(delivery); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void TimeOfDayExtensionsClass_SetTimeMethod_ThrowsArgumentNullExceptionWithCorrectParamNameProperty_IfSecondParameterIsNull() { TimeOfDay testObject = new TimeOfDay(); TextBox testParam1 = null; using (TextBox testParam2 = new TextBox()) using (ComboBox testParam3 = new ComboBox()) { ClockType testParam4 = _rnd.NextBoolean() ? ClockType.TwelveHourClock : ClockType.TwentyFourHourClock; try { testObject.SetTime(testParam1, testParam2, testParam3, testParam4); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.AreEqual("tbHour", ex.ParamName); } } }
/// <summary> /// Convert this object into a pair of strings, one for the start time and one for the finish time. /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType">Whether to use the 12-hour or 24-hour clock format.</param> /// <returns>An array of strings of two elements, element 0 being the formatted start time and element 1 being the formatted finish time.</returns> public string[] ToStrings(ClockType clockType) { string timeFormatFormat; string noTokenWarning; if (clockType == ClockType.TwelveHourClock) { timeFormatFormat = "ht{0}mm"; noTokenWarning = string.Empty; } else { timeFormatFormat = "HH{0}mm"; noTokenWarning = " "; } string startTime = FormatTime(StartTime, timeFormatFormat, noTokenWarning); string endTime = FormatTime(EndTime, timeFormatFormat, noTokenWarning); return(new[] { startTime, endTime }); }
public void CheckClocktype() { var clocksType = _clockTypeRepository.GetAll(); if (clocksType.Count != 3) { _clockTypeRepository.DeleteRange(clocksType); var clockType1 = new ClockType(); clockType1.Title = "Наручные часы"; var clockType2 = new ClockType(); clockType2.Title = "Интерьерные часы"; var clockType3 = new ClockType(); clockType3.Title = "Карманные часы"; _clockTypeRepository.Add(clockType1); _clockTypeRepository.Add(clockType2); _clockTypeRepository.Add(clockType3); } }
private void SetClockType() { ClockType clockType = ClockType.Digital; switch (Ap.Options.ClockType) { case "Digital": clockType = ClockType.Digital; break; case "Analog": clockType = ClockType.Analog; break; case "DoubleDigital": clockType = ClockType.DoubleDigital; break; default: break; } this.SetClockType(clockType); }
public void Add(string symbol, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) { Add(this.framework.InstrumentManager[symbol], barType, barSize, barInput, type, providerId); }
public SessionBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, BarInput barInput, ClockType type, TimeSpan session1, TimeSpan session2, int providerId = -1) : base(instrument, BarType.Session, (long)(session2 - session1).TotalSeconds, barInput, session1, session2, providerId) { this.type = type; }
private void labelFlash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.previewClockType = ClockType.Flash; this.picBoxPreview.Invalidate(); }
internal bool AddReminder(BarFactoryItem item, DateTime dateTime, ClockType type) { bool created = false; SortedList<long, List<BarFactoryItem>> slistByBarSize; if (!this.reminderTable.TryGetValue(dateTime, out slistByBarSize)) { slistByBarSize = new SortedList<long, List<BarFactoryItem>>(); this.reminderTable.Add(dateTime, slistByBarSize); created = true; } List<BarFactoryItem> list; if (!slistByBarSize.TryGetValue(item.barSize, out list)) { list = new List<BarFactoryItem>(); slistByBarSize.Add(item.barSize, list); } list.Add(item); if (created) { var clock = type == ClockType.Exchange ? this.framework.ExchangeClock : this.framework.Clock; return clock.AddReminder(OnReminder, dateTime); } return true; }
public void Add(string symbol, BarInput barInput, ClockType type, TimeSpan session1, TimeSpan session2, int providerId = -1) { Add(this.framework.InstrumentManager[symbol], BarType.Session, (session2 - session1).Seconds, barInput, type, session1, session2, providerId); }
public void Add(string symbol, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput, ClockType type, TimeSpan session1, TimeSpan session2, int providerId = -1) { Add(this.framework.InstrumentManager[symbol], barType, barSize, barInput, type, session1, session2, providerId); }
public void Add(InstrumentList instruments, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) { foreach (var i in instruments) Add(i, barType, barSize, barInput, type, providerId); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the timespec to desired clock type. /// </summary> public Timespec ToClockType(ClockType targetClock) { return Native.gprsharp_convert_clock_type(this, targetClock); }
private void labelRecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.previewClockType = ClockType.NewRecord; this.picBoxPreview.Invalidate(); }
public Timespec(long tv_sec, int tv_nsec, ClockType clock_type) { this.tv_sec = tv_sec; this.tv_nsec = tv_nsec; this.clock_type = clock_type; }
public void Add(string[] symbols, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) { foreach (var symbol in symbols) Add(this.framework.InstrumentManager.Get(symbol), barType, barSize, barInput, type, providerId); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the clock frequency of the specified clock. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The clock frequency, if successful; Otherwise, -1. /// </returns> /// <param name="type"> /// The clock type to get the frequency of. /// </param> public static long GetClockFrequency(ClockType type) { return GetClockFrequency(Enum.GetName(typeof(ClockType), type).ToLower()); }
public void Add(Instrument instrument, BarType barType, long barSize, BarInput barInput, ClockType type, TimeSpan session1, TimeSpan session2, int providerId = -1) { BarFactoryItem item; switch (barType) { case BarType.Time: item = new TimeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, type, session1, session2, providerId); break; case BarType.Tick: item = new TickBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, session1, session2, providerId); break; case BarType.Volume: item = new VolumeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, session1, session2, providerId); break; case BarType.Range: item = new RangeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize, barInput, session1, session2, providerId); break; case BarType.Session: item = new SessionBarFactoryItem(instrument, barInput, type, session1, session2, providerId); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown bar type - {barType}"); } Add(item); }
protected virtual DateTime GetDataObjectDateTime(DataObject obj, ClockType type) { return type == ClockType.Local ? obj.DateTime : ((Tick)obj).ExchangeDateTime; }
protected bool AddReminder(DateTime datetime, ClockType type) => this.factory.AddReminder(this, datetime, type);
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new ClockEventArgs, /// </summary> /// <param name="clockType">Type of clock raising the event.</param> /// <param name="time">Time of the clock.</param> /// <param name="timeOut">True if time has run out, false otherwise.</param> internal ClockEventArgs(ClockType clockType, TimeSpan time, bool timeOut) { m_clockType = clockType; m_time = time; m_timeOut = timeOut; }
public TimeBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, long barSize, BarInput barInput = BarInput.Trade, ClockType type = ClockType.Local, int providerId = -1) : base(instrument, BarType.Time, barSize, barInput, providerId) { this.type = type; }
public void LogClock(DateTime timeStamp, ClockType clockType, bool isOverride) { Debug.WriteLine(clockType + ": " + timeStamp + " - " + isOverride); }
public TimeBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, long barSize, BarInput barInput, ClockType type, TimeSpan session1, TimeSpan session2, int providerId = -1) : base(instrument, BarType.Time, barSize, barInput, session1, session2, providerId) { this.type = type; }
private void labelNoLoaded_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.previewClockType = ClockType.NoRun; this.picBoxPreview.Invalidate(); }
private void labelBehindLosing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.previewClockType = ClockType.BehindLosing; this.picBoxPreview.Invalidate(); }