Exemple #1
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(SetPitchOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            var resultClips = ClipUtilities.CreateEmptyPlaceholderClips(clips);

            int[] pitches;
            if (options.PitchValues.Length > 0)
                pitches = options.PitchValues;
                pitches = options.By.Notes.Select(x => x.Pitch).ToArray();
            if (pitches.Length == 0)
                return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(clips, "SetPitch did nothing, since neither pitches or -by clip was specified."));

            for (var i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++)
                var clip       = clips[i];
                var resultClip = resultClips[i];
                var pitchIx    = 0;
                foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                    var repitchedNote = new NoteEvent(note)
                        Pitch = pitches[pitchIx++ % pitches.Length]
                    ClipUtilities.AddNoteCutting(resultClip, repitchedNote);

            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(resultClips));
Exemple #2
        public static Clip CropClip(Clip clip, decimal start, decimal duration)
            var processedClip = new Clip(duration, clip.IsLooping);

            processedClip.Notes.AddRange(ClipUtilities.GetSplitNotesInRangeAtPosition(start, start + duration, clip.Notes, 0));
Exemple #3
    public void TestMonophonize()
        var clip1 = new Clip(1, true)
            Notes = new SortedList <NoteEvent>()
                new NoteEvent(60, 0, 1, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 0, 0.2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 0.3m, 0.2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 0.5m, 0.2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 0.8m, 0.2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(60, 1, 1, 100),

        Assert.AreEqual(6, clip1.Notes.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(2, clip1.Notes.Count);

        clip1 = new Clip(1, true)
            Notes = new SortedList <NoteEvent>()
                new NoteEvent(60, 0, .2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, .1m, .2m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, .2m, .2m, 100)
        Assert.AreEqual(3, clip1.Notes.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(2, clip1.Notes.Count);
Exemple #4
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(ScaleOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            if (options.By != null)
                clips = clips.Prepend(options.By).ToArray();
            if (clips.Length < 2)
                return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(clips));
            var masterClip     = clips[0];
            var slaveClips     = clips.Skip(1).ToArray();
            var processedClips = slaveClips.Select(c => new Clip(c.Length, c.IsLooping)).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < slaveClips.Length; i++)
                var slaveClip = slaveClips[i];
                foreach (var note in slaveClip.Notes)
                    var constrainedNote = new NoteEvent(note);
                    constrainedNote.Pitch = options.Strict ?
                                            ClipUtilities.FindNearestNotePitchInSet(note, masterClip.Notes) :
                                            ClipUtilities.FindNearestNotePitchInSetMusical(note, masterClip.Notes);
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips));
Exemple #5
    public static Clip AddEchoes(Clip clip, decimal[] lengths, int[] echoes)
        var lengthIx = 0;
        var echoIx   = 0;
        var newNotes = new List <NoteEvent>();

        foreach (var noteEvent in clip.Notes)
            var delayTime       = lengths[lengthIx++ % lengths.Length];
            var echoCount       = Math.Max(echoes[echoIx++ % echoes.Length], 2);
            var velocityFalloff = (int)Math.Round((noteEvent.Velocity - 10) / (echoCount - 1));
            if (noteEvent.Duration > delayTime)
                noteEvent.Duration = delayTime;
            for (var i = 0; i < echoCount; i++)
                var echoedNote = noteEvent with {
                echoedNote.Start    += delayTime * i;
                echoedNote.Velocity -= velocityFalloff * i;
        foreach (var newNote in newNotes)
            ClipUtilities.AddNoteCutting(clip, newNote);
        // todo: handle wrapping echoes outside the length of the clip
Exemple #6
 public void MyTestMethod()
     for (var i = 10; i < 36; i += 5)
         Console.WriteLine($"pitch {i} nearest: {ClipUtilities.FindNearestNotePitchInSet(i, new int[] { 0,12,24,32 })}");
Exemple #7
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(Command command, params Clip[] clips)
            (var success, var msg) = OptionParser.TryParseOptions(command, out ScanOptions options);
            if (!success)
                return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(msg));
            var processedClips = new Clip[clips.Length];

            for (var c = 0; c < clips.Length; c++)
                var     clip          = clips[c];
                var     processedClip = new Clip(options.Window * options.Count, clip.IsLooping);
                decimal delta         = clip.Length / options.Count,
                        curPos        = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < options.Count; i++)
                    processedClip.Notes.AddRange(ClipUtilities.GetSplitNotesInRangeAtPosition(curPos, curPos + options.Window, clip.Notes, options.Window * i));
                    curPos += delta;
                processedClips[c] = processedClip;

            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips));
Exemple #8
 public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(LoopOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
     foreach (var clip in clips)
         ClipUtilities.EnlargeClipByLooping(clip, options.Length * clip.Length);
     return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(clips));
Exemple #9
        // TODO: Add option to cut overlapping events, so that more of the original clip is preserved

        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(params Clip[] clips)
            var processedClips = new List <Clip>();

            foreach (var clip in clips)
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips.ToArray()));
Exemple #10
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(SliceOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        var processedClips = new List <Clip>();

        foreach (var clip in clips)
            processedClips.Add(ClipUtilities.SplitNotesAtEvery(clip, options.Lengths));
        return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(processedClips.ToArray()));
Exemple #11
        // Add option to dynamically set # of events that should be rescaled to another note, probably via velocity.
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(ArpeggiateOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            Clip arpSequence = ClipUtilities.Monophonize(options.By ?? clips[0]);

            foreach (var clip in clips)
            var processedClips = new List <Clip>(clips.Length);

            // If arp sequence doesn't start at zero and remove offset is specified, make it start at zero
            if (arpSequence.Notes[0].Start != 0 && options.RemoveOffset)
                foreach (var arpNote in arpSequence.Notes)
                    arpNote.Start -= arpSequence.Notes[0].Start;

            var count        = Math.Min(arpSequence.Notes.Count, options.Rescale);
            var arpNotes     = arpSequence.Notes.Take(count);
            var actualLength = arpNotes.Last().Start + arpNotes.Last().Duration;

            // Rescale arp events to the range 0-1
            foreach (var arpNote in arpNotes)
                arpNote.Start    = arpNote.Start / actualLength;
                arpNote.Duration = arpNote.Duration / actualLength;

            foreach (var clip in clips)
                var resultClip = new Clip(clip.Length, clip.IsLooping);
                for (var i = 0; i < clip.Notes.Count; i++)
                    var note           = clip.Notes[i];
                    var processedNotes = new List <NoteEvent>(count);

                    int ix = 0;
                    foreach (var currentArpNote in arpNotes)
                        NoteEvent processedNote = new NoteEvent(currentArpNote);
                        processedNote.Start     = note.Start + (processedNote.Start * note.Duration);
                        processedNote.Duration *= note.Duration;
                        processedNote.Pitch     = note.Pitch + arpSequence.RelativePitch(ix);
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips.ToArray()));
Exemple #12
    // # desc: Concatenates two or more clips together.
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(params Clip[] clips)
        Clip    resultClip = new Clip(clips.Select(c => c.Length).Sum(), true);
        decimal pos        = 0;

        foreach (var clip in clips)
            resultClip.Notes.AddRange(ClipUtilities.GetNotesInRangeAtPosition(0, clip.Length, clip.Notes, pos));
            pos += clip.Length;
        return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(new[] { resultClip }));
Exemple #13
    // TODO: Add option to cut overlapping events, so that more of the original clip is preserved

    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(params Clip[] clips)
        var resultClips = ClipUtilities.CreateEmptyPlaceholderClips(clips);

        for (var i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++)
            var clip       = clips[i];
            var resultClip = resultClips[i];
            foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                AddNoteCutting(resultClip, note with {
Exemple #14
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(SetRhythmOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            if (options.By != null)
                clips = clips.Prepend(options.By).ToArray();

            if (clips.Length < 2)
                return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(clips, $"SetRhythm: Skipped command because it needs 2 clips, and {clips.Length} were passed in."));

            var resultClips  = new Clip[clips.Length - 1];
            var byClip       = clips[0];
            var byIndex      = 0;
            var resultClipIx = 0;

            for (var i = 1; i < clips.Length; i++)
                var clip       = clips[i];
                var resultClip = new Clip(0, clip.IsLooping);

                foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                    var byNote = byClip.Notes[byIndex % byClip.Count];

                    // special case: add silence between start of clip and first note, but only the first time, since subsequent silences are handled by DurationUntilNextNote
                    if (resultClip.Length == 0 && byIndex == 0)
                        resultClip.Length = byNote.Start;

                    resultClip.Add(new NoteEvent(note.Pitch, resultClip.Length, byNote.Duration, note.Velocity));
                    resultClip.Length += byClip.DurationUntilNextNote(byIndex % byClip.Count);

                // stacked/overlapping notes will lead to incorrect final length of clip, so check if this is the case
                var latestNoteEnd = resultClip.Notes.Max(x => x.End);
                if (latestNoteEnd > resultClip.Length)
                    resultClip.Length = latestNoteEnd;

                resultClip.Length           = Utilities.RoundUpToNearestSixteenth(resultClip.Length); // quantize clip length to nearest 1/16, or Live won't accept it
                resultClips[resultClipIx++] = resultClip;

            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(resultClips));
Exemple #15
    public void TestNormalizeClipLengths()
        var clip1 = new Clip(1, true)
            Notes = new SortedList <NoteEvent>()
                new NoteEvent(60, 0, .25m, 100),
                new NoteEvent(60, .4m, .1m, 100),
        var clip2 = new Clip(4, true)
            Notes = new SortedList <NoteEvent>()
                new NoteEvent(62, 0, 1, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 1, 1, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 2, 1, 100),
                new NoteEvent(62, 3, 1, 100)
        var clip3 = new Clip(2, true)
            Notes = new SortedList <NoteEvent>()
                new NoteEvent(64, .5m, 1, 100),
                new NoteEvent(64, 1.5m, .5m, 100),

        ClipUtilities.NormalizeClipLengths(new[] { clip1, clip2, clip3 });
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[0].Start, 0);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[1].Start, .4m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[2].Start, 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[3].Start, 1.4m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[4].Start, 2);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[5].Start, 2.4m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[6].Start, 3);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes[7].Start, 3.4m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip1.Notes.Count, 8);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip2.Notes[0].Start, 0);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip2.Notes[1].Start, 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip2.Notes[2].Start, 2);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip2.Notes[3].Start, 3);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip2.Notes.Count, 4);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip3.Notes[0].Start, .5m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip3.Notes[1].Start, 1.5m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip3.Notes[2].Start, 2.5m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip3.Notes[3].Start, 3.5m);
        Assert.AreEqual(clip3.Notes.Count, 4);
Exemple #16
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(SetLengthOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        var resultClips = ClipUtilities.CreateEmptyPlaceholderClips(clips);

        for (var index = 0; index < clips.Length; index++)
            var clip          = clips[index];
            var resultClip    = resultClips[index];
            var lengthCounter = 0;
            foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                ClipUtilities.AddNoteCutting(resultClip, note with
                    Duration = options.Lengths[lengthCounter++ % options.Lengths.Length]
Exemple #17
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(CropOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            var processedClips = new Clip[clips.Length];
            var start          = options.Lengths.Length > 1 ? options.Lengths[0] : 0;
            var duration       = options.Lengths.Length > 1 ? options.Lengths[1] : options.Lengths[0];
            var i = 0;

            foreach (var clip in clips)
                var processedClip = new Clip(duration, clip.IsLooping);
                processedClip.Notes.AddRange(ClipUtilities.GetSplitNotesInRangeAtPosition(start, start + duration, clip.Notes, 0));
                processedClips[i++] = processedClip;
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips));
Exemple #18
        // TODO: Add option to cut overlapping events, so that more of the original clip is preserved

        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(params Clip[] clips)
            var resultClips = ClipUtilities.CreateEmptyPlaceholderClips(clips);

            for (var i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++)
                var clip       = clips[i];
                var resultClip = resultClips[i];
                foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                    var newNote = new NoteEvent(note);
                    AddNoteCutting(resultClip, newNote);

            return(Filter.Apply(new FilterOptions(), resultClips));
Exemple #19
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(QuantizeOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        var maxLen = clips.Max(x => x.Length);

        if (options.By != null)
            if (options.By.Length < maxLen)
                ClipUtilities.EnlargeClipByLooping(options.By, maxLen);
            options.Divisions = options.By.Notes.Select(x => x.Start).Distinct().ToArray();
            var currentPos        = 0m;
            var quantizePositions = new List <decimal>();
            var i = 0;
            while (currentPos <= maxLen)
                currentPos += options.Divisions[i % options.Divisions.Length];
            options.Divisions = quantizePositions.ToArray();
        options.Amount = Math.Clamp(options.Amount, 0, 1);
        var resultClips = new Clip[clips.Length];

        for (var i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++)
            var clip       = clips[i];
            var resultClip = new Clip(clip.Length, clip.IsLooping);

            foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                var constrainedNote = note with {
                var newStart        = ClipUtilities.FindNearestNoteStartInDecimalSet(note, options.Divisions);
                constrainedNote.Start += (newStart - constrainedNote.Start) * options.Amount;
            resultClips[i] = resultClip;
        return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(resultClips));
Exemple #20
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(VelocityScaleOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            var processedClips = new Clip[clips.Length];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var clip in clips)
                var processedClip = new Clip(clip.Length, clip.IsLooping);

                processedClip.Notes.AddRange(ClipUtilities.GetSplitNotesInRangeAtPosition(0, clip.Length, clip.Notes, 0));

                foreach (var item in processedClip.Notes)
                    item.Velocity = System.Math.Min(FullMidiVelocityRange, System.Math.Abs((int)System.Math.Floor(item.Velocity * options.Strength)));
                processedClips[i++] = processedClip;
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(processedClips));
Exemple #21
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(ScaleOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        if (options.By != null)
            clips = clips.Prepend(options.By).ToArray();
        if (clips.Length < 2)
            return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(clips));
        var masterClip     = clips[0];
        var slaveClips     = clips.Skip(1).ToArray();
        var processedClips = slaveClips.Select(c => new Clip(c.Length, c.IsLooping)).ToArray();

        for (var i = 0; i < slaveClips.Length; i++)
            var slaveClip = slaveClips[i];
            foreach (var note in slaveClip.Notes)
                var masterNotes = SortedList <NoteEvent> .Empty;
                if (options.PositionAware)
                    masterNotes = masterClip.Notes.Where(x => x.StartsInsideIntervalInclusive(note.Start, note.End) || x.CoversInterval(note.Start, note.End)).ToSortedList();
                if (masterNotes.Count == 0)
                    masterNotes = masterClip.Notes;

                var constrainedNote   = note with {
                constrainedNote.Pitch = options.Strict ?
                                        ClipUtilities.FindNearestNotePitchInSet(note, masterNotes) :
                                        ClipUtilities.FindNearestNotePitchInSetMusical(note, masterNotes);
        return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(processedClips));
Exemple #22
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(RemapOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        var resultClips = ClipUtilities.CreateEmptyPlaceholderClips(clips);

        for (var i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++)
            var clip          = clips[i];
            var resultClip    = resultClips[i];
            var sourcePitches = clip.Notes.Select(x => x.Pitch).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
            var destPitches   = options.To.Count > 0
                ? options.To.Notes.Select(x => x.Pitch).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList()
                : Enumerable.Range(36, Math.Min(sourcePitches.Count, 128 - 36)).ToList();
            var inc = 1f;

            if (destPitches.Count < sourcePitches.Count)
                inc = (float)destPitches.Count / sourcePitches.Count;

            var map    = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var destIx = 0f;
            foreach (var sourcePitch in sourcePitches)
                map[sourcePitch] = destPitches[(int)Math.Floor(destIx)];
                destIx          += inc;

            foreach (var note in clip.Notes)
                var remappedNote = note with {
                    Pitch = map[note.Pitch]
                ClipUtilities.AddNoteCutting(resultClip, remappedNote);
        return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>(resultClips));
Exemple #23
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(RatchetOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
            options.Strength = Math.Clamp(options.Strength, 0, 1);
            if (options.By != null)
                clips = clips.Prepend(options.By).ToArray();
            if (clips.Length < 2)
                clips = new[] { clips[0], clips[0] };
            Clip controlSequence = new Clip(clips[0]);

            Clip[] targetSequences = clips.Skip(1).Select(x => new Clip(x)).ToArray();
            Clip[] resultSequences = new Clip[targetSequences.Length];

            if (options.RatchetValues.Length > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < options.RatchetValues.Length; i++)
                    if (options.RatchetValues[i] < 1)
                        options.RatchetValues[i] = 1;                               // todo: should be handled by optionparser and min max values in optioninfo
                for (var i = 0; i < targetSequences.Length; i++)
                    var targetSequence = targetSequences[i];
                    resultSequences[i] = DoManualRatchet(options.RatchetValues, targetSequence, options.Strength, options.VelocityToStrength, options.Shape,
                var(controlMin, controlMax, targetRange) = options.Mode == RatchetMode.Pitch
                    ? GetControlValuesFromPitch(options, controlSequence)
                    : GetControlValuesFromVelocity(options, controlSequence);

                float controlRange = Math.Max(controlMax - controlMin, 1);

                // set pitch for each note in control sequence
                if (options.Mode == RatchetMode.Pitch)
                    foreach (var note in controlSequence.Notes)
                        note.Pitch = (int)Math.Round((note.Pitch - controlMin) / controlRange * targetRange) + 1;
                    foreach (var note in controlSequence.Notes)
                        note.Velocity = (int)Math.Round((Math.Clamp(note.Velocity, controlMin, controlMax) - controlMin) / controlRange * targetRange) + 1;
                for (var i = 0; i < targetSequences.Length; i++)
                    var targetSequence = targetSequences[i];
                    resultSequences[i] = DoRatchet(controlSequence, targetSequence, (float)options.Strength, options.VelocityToStrength, options.Shape,

            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(resultSequences));
Exemple #24
    public static ProcessResult <Clip[]> Apply(ShuffleOptions options, params Clip[] clips)
        if (options.By.Notes.Count == 0)
            options.By = clips[0];
        if (options.By.Count == 0 && options.ShuffleValues.Length == 0)
            return(new ProcessResult <Clip[]>("No -by clip or shuffle values specified."));

        var targetClips = new Clip[clips.Length];

        int[] shuffleValues;
        if (options.ShuffleValues.Length == 0)
            int minPitch = options.By.Notes.Min(x => x.Pitch);
            shuffleValues = options.By.Notes.Select(x => x.Pitch - minPitch).ToArray();
            shuffleValues = options.ShuffleValues.Select(x => Math.Clamp(x, 1, 100) - 1).ToArray();

        var c = 0;

        foreach (var clip in clips) // we only support one generated clip since these are tied to a specific clip slot. Maybe support multiple clips under the hood, but discard any additional clips when sending the output is the most flexible approach.
            targetClips[c] = new Clip(clip.Length, clip.IsLooping);

            var numShuffleIndexes = shuffleValues.Length;
            if (numShuffleIndexes < clip.Notes.Count)
                numShuffleIndexes = clip.Notes.Count;
            var indexes = new int[numShuffleIndexes];

            for (var i = 0; i < numShuffleIndexes; i++)
                // Calc shuffle indexes as long as there are notes in the source clip. If the clip to be shuffled contains more events than the source, add zero-indexes so that the rest of the sequence is produced sequentially.
                if (i < shuffleValues.Length)
                    indexes[i] = (int)Math.Floor(((float)shuffleValues[i] / clip.Notes.Count) * clip.Notes.Count);
                    indexes[i] = 0;

            // preserve original durations until next note
            var durationUntilNextNote = new List <decimal>(clip.Notes.Count);
            for (var i = 0; i < clip.Notes.Count; i++)

            // do shuffle
            var     j   = 0;
            decimal pos = 0m;
            while (clip.Notes.Count > 0)
                int currentIx = indexes[j++] % clip.Notes.Count;
                    clip.Notes[currentIx] with {
                    Start = pos
Exemple #25
        public static ProcessResultArray <Clip> Apply(InterleaveOptions options, ClipMetaData metadata, params Clip[] clips)
            if (clips.Length < 2)
                clips = new[] { clips[0], clips[0] };
            decimal position     = 0;
            int     repeatsIndex = 0;
            Clip    resultClip   = new Clip(4, true);

            switch (options.Mode)
            case Event:
                if (options.ChunkChords)
                    foreach (var clip in clips)
                var noteCounters = clips.Select(c => new IntCounter(c.Notes.Count)).ToArray();
                position = clips[0].Notes[0].Start;

                while (noteCounters.Any(nc => !nc.Overflow))
                    for (var clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < clips.Length; clipIndex++)
                        var clip = clips[clipIndex];
                        var currentNoteCounter = noteCounters[clipIndex];

                        for (var repeats = 0; repeats < options.Repeats[repeatsIndex % options.Repeats.Length]; repeats++)
                            var note = clip.Notes[currentNoteCounter.Value];

                            if (!options.Solo || clip.ClipReference.Track == metadata.TrackNumber)
                                var newNote = new NoteEvent(note);
                                newNote.Start = position;
                            position += clip.DurationUntilNextNote(currentNoteCounter.Value);
                        if (options.Skip)
                            foreach (var noteCounter in noteCounters)
                if (options.ChunkChords)

            case Time:
                var srcPositions   = clips.Select(c => new DecimalCounter(c.Length)).ToArray();
                int timeRangeIndex = 0;

                while (srcPositions.Any(c => !c.Overflow))
                    for (var clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < clips.Length; clipIndex++)
                        var clip             = clips[clipIndex];
                        var currentTimeRange = options.Ranges[timeRangeIndex];
                        for (var repeats = 0; repeats < options.Repeats[repeatsIndex % options.Repeats.Length]; repeats++)
                            if (!options.Solo || clip.ClipReference.Track == metadata.TrackNumber)
                                        srcPositions[clipIndex].Value + currentTimeRange,
                            position += currentTimeRange;
                        if (options.Skip)
                            foreach (var srcPosition in srcPositions)
                        timeRangeIndex = (timeRangeIndex + 1) % options.Ranges.Length;     // this means that you cannot use the Counts parameter to have varying time ranges for each repeat
            resultClip.Length = position;
            return(new ProcessResultArray <Clip>(new[] { resultClip }));