Exemple #1
 public IEnumerable<Client> UseClientRepository()
     var repository = new ClientRepository();
     return repository
         .FindAllBy(x => x.Name.Contains("111"))
 private static async Task<AuthClient> GetClient(string clientId)
     using (var repository = new ClientRepository())
         return await repository.GetClientAsync(clientId);
        public static void Clear()
            IRepository<Client> _clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
            IRepository<Product> _productRepository = new ProductRepository();
            IRepository<Manager> _managerRepository = new ManagerRepository();

            IEnumerable<Client> clientRepository = _clientRepository.GetItems();
            IEnumerable<Product> productRepository = _productRepository.GetItems();
            IEnumerable<Manager> managerRepository = _managerRepository.GetItems();

            foreach (var item in clientRepository)

            foreach (var item in productRepository)

            foreach (var item in managerRepository)
Exemple #4
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

            var clientData = new ClientData("test", "test", "test", "test");
            var client = new Client { ClientData = clientData };
            var repo = new ClientRepository();

            var features = new List<Feature>();
            var room = new Room { Quality = RoomQuality.Average, Features = features, Type = RoomType.HotelRoom };

            var roomRepo = new RoomRepository();

            var features2 = new List<Feature>();
            var room2 = new Room { Quality = RoomQuality.Good, Features = features2, Type = RoomType.HotelRoom };


            var duration = new DayDuration(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
            var reservation = new Reservation(client, room, duration);
            var reservationRepo = new ReservationRepository();
 public void GetFirstCustomerStartWithTest()
     var target = new ClientRepository(_unitOfWork);
     const string start = "a";
     var actual = target.GetFirstCustomerStartWith(start);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(null, actual);
Exemple #6
 public void DeleteClient(string clientId)
     ClientRepository repo = new ClientRepository(unitOfWork);
     repo.Delete(x=>x.ClientId== clientId);
 /// Gets the answer
 public SmallBalanceJob()
     : base()
     _jobsinfoRep = new JobsInfoRepository();
     _paymantsRep = new PaymantsRepository();
     _clientRep = new ClientRepository();
     _sendemailjobinfoRep = new SendEmailJobInfoRepository();
 public void TestClient()
     var repo = new ClientRepository();
       var results = repo.FindAll()
     .Where(a => a.LastName == " DiPasquale");
       var count = results.Count();
       Assert.IsTrue(count == 1);
            public void Before_each_test()
                clientLicenseRepoistory = new ClientLicenseRepository(objectSerializationProvider, symmetricEncryptionProvider);
                clientLicenseService = new ClientLicenseService(clientLicenseRepoistory);
                serviceProductsRepository = new ServiceProductsRepository(new ScutexServiceEntities());
                symmetricEncryptionProvider = new SymmetricEncryptionProvider();
                asymmetricEncryptionProvider = new AsymmetricEncryptionProvider();
                hashingProvider = new HashingProvider();
                objectSerializationProvider = new ObjectSerializationProvider();
                numberDataGenerator = new NumberDataGenerator();
                packingService = new PackingService(numberDataGenerator);
                commonRepository = new CommonRepository(new ScutexServiceEntities());
                clientRepository = new ClientRepository(new ScutexServiceEntities());
                keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(symmetricEncryptionProvider, asymmetricEncryptionProvider, hashingProvider);
                masterService = new MasterService(commonRepository);
                activationLogRepository = new ActivationLogRepoistory(new ScutexServiceEntities());

                activationLogService = new ActivationLogService(activationLogRepository, hashingProvider);
                keyService = new KeyManagementService(clientRepository, licenseKeyService, activationLogService, hashingProvider, serviceProductsRepository);
                commonService = new CommonService();

                string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
                path = path.Replace("file:\\", "");

                var mockCommonService = new Mock<ICommonService>();
                mockCommonService.Setup(common => common.GetPath()).Returns(path + "\\Data\\Client\\");

                string masterServiceDataText;

                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path + "\\Data\\MasterService.dat"))
                    masterServiceDataText = reader.ReadToEnd().Trim();

                masterServiceData = objectSerializationProvider.Deserialize<MasterServiceData>(masterServiceDataText);

                var mockCommonRepository = new Mock<ICommonRepository>();
                mockCommonRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetMasterServiceData()).Returns(masterServiceData);

                keyPairService = new KeyPairService(mockCommonService.Object, mockCommonRepository.Object);
                controlService = new ControlService(symmetricEncryptionProvider, keyPairService, packingService, masterService, objectSerializationProvider, asymmetricEncryptionProvider);
                servicesRepository = new ServicesRepository(new ScutexEntities());
                serviceStatusProvider = new ServiceStatusProvider(symmetricEncryptionProvider, objectSerializationProvider, asymmetricEncryptionProvider);
                licenseActiviationProvider = new LicenseActiviationProvider(asymmetricEncryptionProvider, symmetricEncryptionProvider, objectSerializationProvider);
                servicesService = new ServicesService(servicesRepository, serviceStatusProvider, packingService, licenseActiviationProvider, null, null, null, null, null);
                licenseKeyService = new LicenseKeyService(keyGenerator, packingService, clientLicenseService);
                activationService = new ActivationService(controlService, keyService, keyPairService, objectSerializationProvider, asymmetricEncryptionProvider, null, null);

                string serviceData;

                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path + "\\Data\\Service.dat"))
                    serviceData = reader.ReadToEnd().Trim();

                service = objectSerializationProvider.Deserialize<Service>(serviceData);
Exemple #10
 public DAO()
     Log.Trace("DAO start creating.");
     Context = new StoreContext();
     ClientRepository = new ClientRepository(Context);
     GoodsRepository = new GoodsRepository(Context);
     ManagerRepository = new ManagerRepository(Context);
     SaleRepository = new SaleRepository(Context);
     Log.Trace("DAO created.");
Exemple #11
 public ClientModel SaveClient(ClientModel model)
     ClientRepository repo = new ClientRepository(unitOfWork);
     Client client = new Client();
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(model, client);
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(client, model);
     return model;
 public void RememberClientTest()
     IRepository<Client> _clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
     Client client = new Client(2, "Petr Petrov");
     Client actual = _clientRepository.GetItem(client.id);
     Assert.AreEqual(client.id, actual.id);
     Assert.AreEqual(client.name, actual.name);
 public RequestRepository()
     _clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
     _itemRepository = new ItemRepository();
     _unitOfIssueRepository = new UnitRepository();
     _modeService = new ModeService();
     _paymentTermService = new PaymentTermRepository();
     _orderStatusService = new OrderStatusService();
     _manufacturerRepository = new ManufacturerRepository();
     _physicalStoreRepository = new PhysicalStoreRepository();
     _activityRepository = new ActivityRepository();
Exemple #14
 public List<ClientModel> GetAllClients()
     ClientRepository repo = new ClientRepository(unitOfWork);
     List<ClientModel> clientList = new List<ClientModel>();
     List<Client> client = new List<Client>();
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(clientList, client);
     client = repo.GetAll().ToList();
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(client, clientList);
     return clientList;
 public static void ConfigureClients(IEnumerable<Client> clients, DocumentDbServiceOptions options)
     ClientRepository clientRepository = new ClientRepository(options.ToConnectionSettings());
     var allClients = clientRepository.GetAllClients().Result;
     if (!allClients.Any())
         foreach (var c in clients)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<MyContext>());

            var uow = new UnitOfWork(new MyContext());
            var clientRepository = new ClientRepository(uow);


 public void CollectionInsertTest()
     var customer = new Client {Name = "Customer-LazyLoad", Family = "CustomerA1"};
     var ClientRepository = new ClientRepository(_unitOfWork);
     var account1 = new Account {Client = customer, Balance = 10, OpendedDate = DateTime.Now};
     var account2 = new Account {Client = customer, Balance = 100, OpendedDate = DateTime.Now};
     customer.Accounts = new Collection<Account> {account1, account2};
     customer = ClientRepository.FindByID(customer.ClientID);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, customer.Accounts.Count);
Exemple #18
 public ClientModel GetClientById(string clientId)
     ClientRepository repo = new ClientRepository(unitOfWork);
     ClientModel clientModel = new ClientModel();
     Client client = new Client();
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(clientModel, client);
      client = repo.GetAll().Where(x => x.ClientId == clientId).FirstOrDefault();
     AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(client, clientModel);
     return clientModel;
        public TestMongoRepository(string db_name)

            this.cr = new ClientRepository(db);
            this.br = new BookRepository(db);
            this.or = new OrderRepository(db);

        public void IsExistingClientTest()
            IRepository<Client> _clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
            _clientRepository.Add(new Client(1, "Ivan Ivanov"));
            IEnumerable<Client> clientRepository = _clientRepository.GetItems();

            Client client = new Client(2, "Petr Petrov");
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = Realtor.IsExistingClient(clientRepository, client.name);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
 public static int AddClient(Client client)
     ClientRepository clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
         return clientRepository.GetAll().Where(_client => _client.name.Split(' ')[0] == client.name).First().id;
         new ClientRepository().Add(client);
         return client.id;
        static void AutoFilling()
            Product[] product = new Product[10];
            Client[] client = new Client[10];
            Manager[] manager = new Manager[10];

            product[0] = new Product(1, "House", "Moskovskaya, 320", "for sale");
            product[1] = new Product(2, "Office", "MOPRa, 30", "for sale");
            product[2] = new Product(3, "House", "Belorusskaya, 10", "for sale");
            product[3] = new Product(4, "Bar", "MOPRa, 3", "for sale");
            product[4] = new Product(5, "House", "Leningradskaya, 35", "for sale");
            product[5] = new Product(6, "Cafe", "Molodogvardeiskaya, 70", "for sale");
            product[6] = new Product(7, "House", "Moskovskaya, 30", "for sale");
            product[7] = new Product(8, "Club", "Zelenaya, 11", "for sale");
            product[8] = new Product(9, "House", "Lugivaja, 11", "for sale");
            product[9] = new Product(10, "Pizzeria", "Pionerskaya, 4", "for sale");

            client[0] = new Client(1, "Fedor Dvinyatin");
            client[1] = new Client(2, "Alexei Volkov");
            client[2] = new Client(3, "Ivan Ivanov");
            client[3] = new Client(4, "Petr Bojko");
            client[4] = new Client(5, "Egor Valedinsky");
            client[5] = new Client(6, "Alexander Evtuh");
            client[6] = new Client(7, "Alexei Lohnitsky");
            client[7] = new Client(8, "Mokin Alexander");
            client[8] = new Client(9, "Pavlovets Sergey");
            client[9] = new Client(10, "Igor Pujko");

            manager[0] = new Manager(1, "Viktor Oniskevich");
            manager[1] = new Manager(2, "Petr Glinskij");
            manager[2] = new Manager(3, "Fedor Yakubuk");
            manager[3] = new Manager(4, "Vasily Sapon");
            manager[4] = new Manager(5, "Igor Ivanovskiy");
            manager[5] = new Manager(6, "Alexander Dubrovsky");
            manager[6] = new Manager(7, "Olga Golub");
            manager[7] = new Manager(8, "Egor Pirozhkov");
            manager[8] = new Manager(9, "Boris Zhukovich");
            manager[9] = new Manager(10, "Igor Stepanchuk");

            IRepository<Client> _clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
            IRepository<Product> _productRepository = new ProductRepository();
            IRepository<Manager> _managerRepository = new ManagerRepository();

            for (int  i=0 ; i<=9 ; i++)
Exemple #23
 public bool CheckExistance(string clientId )
     ClientRepository repo = new ClientRepository(unitOfWork);
     var client = repo.GetAll().Where(x => x.ClientId == clientId).Count();
     if (client > 0)
         return true;
         return false;
Exemple #24
        public MainWindow()

            model = new EzBillingModel();
            clientRepository = new ClientRepository(model);
            companyRepository = new CompanyRepository(model);
            billRepository = new BillRepository(model);

            excelConnection = new ExcelConnection();
            billManager = new BillManager();

            clientWindow = new clientWindow(clientRepository, billRepository, billManager);
            companyWindow = new companyWindow(companyRepository, billRepository, billManager);

            clientWindow.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(window_Closing);
            companyWindow.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(window_Closing);

            ClientViewModel = new InformationWindowViewModel<Client>();
            ClientViewModel.Items = new ObservableCollection<Client>(clientRepository.All.ToList());

            CompanyViewModel = new InformationWindowViewModel<Company>();
            CompanyViewModel.Items = new ObservableCollection<Company>(companyRepository.All.ToList());
            CompanyViewModel.PropertyChanged += CompanyViewModel_PropertyChanged;

            ProductViewModel = new InformationWindowViewModel<Product>();
            ProductViewModel.Items = new ObservableCollection<Product>();
            ProductViewModel.PropertyChanged += ProductViewModel_PropertyChanged;

            BillViewModel = new InformationWindowViewModel<Bill>();
            BillViewModel.Items = new ObservableCollection<Bill>();
            BillViewModel.PropertyChanged += BillViewModel_PropertyChanged;

            this.Closing += MainWindow_Closing;

            productSectionInputFields = new TextBox[]

            DataContext = this;

        public void ClientRepositoryTest()
            ClientRepository repository = new ClientRepository();
            Client expectedClient = new Client { name = "clientsomeclient" };


            Client realClient = repository.GetAll().Last();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedClient, realClient);


            realClient = repository.GetAll().Last();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expectedClient.name, realClient.name);
        public void ClientRepositoryTest()
            ClientRepository repository = new ClientRepository();
            Client expectedClient = new Client(repository.GetAll().Count() + 1, "clientsomeclient");


            Client realClient = repository.GetItem(expectedClient.id);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedClient, realClient);


            realClient = repository.GetItem(expectedClient.id);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, realClient);
        public void InsertDeleteAndUpdateTest()
            var ClientRepository = new ClientRepository(_unitOfWork);
            Client customer = ClientRepository.FindByID(10);
            customer.Name = "Updated";
            var accountRepository = new AccountRepository(_unitOfWork);
            var accountList = accountRepository.GetCustomerAccounts(customer.ClientID);
            foreach (var account in accountList)

            var deletedAccountList = accountRepository.GetCustomerAccounts(customer.ClientID);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, deletedAccountList.Count);
        public ActionResult MakeContract(MakeContractModel contract)
            Clients client;

            //если клиент с таким именем уже существует, то берем его
            //если нет то создаем новый
                client = new ClientRepository()
                   .Where(x => x.name.TrimEnd() == contract.clientName).First();
                //создаем клиента
                client = new Clients
                    name = contract.clientName

            Projects project = new Projects
                description = contract.projectDescription,
                name = contract.projectName,
                deadline = DateTime.Now.AddDays(20.0)

            Agents agent = new AgentRepository().GetAll().Where(x => x.name.TrimEnd() == contract.agentName).First();

            Builders builder = new BuilderRepository().GetAll().Where(x => x.name.TrimEnd() == contract.builderName).First();

            Contracts contractToAdd = new Contracts()
                agentId = agent.id,
                builderId = builder.id,
                clientId = client.id,
                Clients = client,
                projectId = project.id,
                Projects = project

            new ContractRepository().Save(contractToAdd);

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public async Task AllAsync_ShouldReturnAllClients_UsingMoq()

            var data = new List<ClientSupplier>
                new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 1 },
                new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 2 },
                new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 3 }

            var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<ClientSupplier>>();
                .Setup(m => m.GetAsyncEnumerator())
                .Returns(new FakeDbAsyncEnumerator<ClientSupplier>(data.GetEnumerator()));

                .Setup(m => m.Provider)
                .Returns(new FakeDbAsyncQueryProvider<ClientSupplier>(data.Provider));

            mockSet.As<IQueryable<ClientSupplier>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<ClientSupplier>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<ClientSupplier>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(data.GetEnumerator());

            var mockContext = new Mock<IClientContext<ClientContext>>();
            mockContext.Setup(c => c.ClientSuppliers).Returns(mockSet.Object);

            var uow =
               new Mock<IUnitOfWork<ClientContext>>();
            uow.Setup(x => x.Context).Returns(mockContext.Object);

            _repository = new ClientRepository(uow.Object);

            var result = await _repository.AllAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].ClientID);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[1].ClientID);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result[2].ClientID);
        public async Task AllAsync_ShouldReturnAllClients_UsingFakes()
            var context = new FakeClientContext();

            context.ClientSuppliers.Add(new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 1 });
            context.ClientSuppliers.Add(new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 2 });
            context.ClientSuppliers.Add(new ClientSupplier { ClientID = 3 });

            var uow =
                new Mock<IUnitOfWork<ClientContext>>();
            uow.Setup(x => x.Context).Returns(context);

            _repository = new ClientRepository(uow.Object);

            var result = await _repository.AllAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].ClientID);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[1].ClientID);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result[2].ClientID);
Exemple #31
 public FifthForm()
     _querySession = new ClientRepository();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RestApp.Controllers.ClientsController"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public ClientsController()
     _repository = new ClientRepository();
Exemple #33
 public static int DeleteClient(Client client)
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// 编辑客户端信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto">客户端信息输入DTO</param>
 /// <returns>业务操作结果</returns>
 public virtual Task <OperationResult> UpdateClient(TClientInputDto dto)
     return(ClientRepository.UpdateAsync(new[] { dto }));
Exemple #35
 public OrderWorkplace(ClientRepository clientRepository)
     clientDB         = clientRepository;
     workplaceDB      = new WorkplaceRepository();
     workplaceOrderDB = new WorkplaceOrderRepository();
Exemple #36
 public ClientController(ApplicationDbContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
     _clientRepository = new ClientRepository(context);
     _userRepository   = new UserRepository(context, configuration);
        public async Task <List <ClientModel> > GetClients([FromServices] RhNetContext rhNetContext, [FromServices] UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager)
            ClientRepository repository = new ClientRepository();

            return(await repository.GetClients(rhNetContext, userManager, this.User.Identity.Name));
Exemple #38
 public ClientsController()
     this._clientRepository = new ClientRepository(new HotelReservationsManagerDb());
        public static void AutoFilling()
            Product[] product = new Product[10];
            Client[]  client  = new Client[10];
            Manager[] manager = new Manager[10];

            product[0] = new Product(1, "House", "Moskovskaya, 320", "for sale");
            product[1] = new Product(2, "Office", "MOPRa, 30", "for sale");
            product[2] = new Product(3, "House", "Belorusskaya, 10", "for sale");
            product[3] = new Product(4, "Bar", "MOPRa, 3", "for sale");
            product[4] = new Product(5, "House", "Leningradskaya, 35", "for sale");
            product[5] = new Product(6, "Cafe", "Molodogvardeiskaya, 70", "for sale");
            product[6] = new Product(7, "House", "Moskovskaya, 30", "for sale");
            product[7] = new Product(8, "Club", "Zelenaya, 11", "for sale");
            product[8] = new Product(9, "House", "Lugivaja, 11", "for sale");
            product[9] = new Product(10, "Pizzeria", "Pionerskaya, 4", "for sale");

            client[0] = new Client(1, "Fedor Dvinyatin");
            client[1] = new Client(2, "Alexei Volkov");
            client[2] = new Client(3, "Ivan Ivanov");
            client[3] = new Client(4, "Petr Bojko");
            client[4] = new Client(5, "Egor Valedinsky");
            client[5] = new Client(6, "Alexander Evtuh");
            client[6] = new Client(7, "Alexei Lohnitsky");
            client[7] = new Client(8, "Mokin Alexander");
            client[8] = new Client(9, "Pavlovets Sergey");
            client[9] = new Client(10, "Igor Pujko");

            manager[0] = new Manager(1, "Viktor Oniskevich");
            manager[1] = new Manager(2, "Petr Glinskij");
            manager[2] = new Manager(3, "Fedor Yakubuk");
            manager[3] = new Manager(4, "Vasily Sapon");
            manager[4] = new Manager(5, "Igor Ivanovskiy");
            manager[5] = new Manager(6, "Alexander Dubrovsky");
            manager[6] = new Manager(7, "Olga Golub");
            manager[7] = new Manager(8, "Egor Pirozhkov");
            manager[8] = new Manager(9, "Boris Zhukovich");
            manager[9] = new Manager(10, "Igor Stepanchuk");

            IRepository <Client>  _clientRepository  = new ClientRepository();
            IRepository <Product> _productRepository = new ProductRepository();
            IRepository <Manager> _managerRepository = new ManagerRepository();

            IEnumerable <Client>  clientRepository  = _clientRepository.GetItems();
            IEnumerable <Product> productRepository = _productRepository.GetItems();
            IEnumerable <Manager> managerRepository = _managerRepository.GetItems();

            foreach (var item in clientRepository)

            foreach (var item in productRepository)

            foreach (var item in managerRepository)

            for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
Exemple #40
        public async Task <ActionResult <dynamic> > Login([FromServices] UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, [FromServices] RoleManager <ApplicationRole> roleManager, [FromServices] RhNetContext rhNetContext, [FromBody] LoginModel model)
            ApplicationUser user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Username);

            if (user == null)
                if (model.Username == "master" && model.Password == "Mm123456*")
                    await userManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationUser()
                        Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", Cpf = "11111111111"
                    }, "Mm123456*");

                    user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Username);

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Master", Description = "Acesso Total ao sistema. Pode cadastrar novos usuários, clientes e empresas."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Administrador", Description = "Acesso e cadastro das tabelas em comum do sistema. Pode cadastrar Super Usuários."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Super Usuário", Description = "Cadastra Usuário do RH."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "RH", Description = "Cadastra funcionários, atualiza dados dos funcionários e tabelas específicas."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Gestor Mediato", Description = "Responsável por autorizar as solicitações do Superior Mediato."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Gestor Imediato", Description = "Responsável por autorizar as solicitações de seus suborinados, lançamento de férias, entre outros."

                    await roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                        Name = "Funcionário", Description = "Consulta informações próprias no sistema, entre outros."

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Master");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Administrador");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Super Usuário");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "RH");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Gestor Mediato");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Gestor Imediato");

                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Funcionário");
                    return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Usuário não cadastrado."));

            bool isValid = await userManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, model.Password);

            if (!isValid)
                return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Senha incorreta."));

            UserRepository repository = new UserRepository();

            var clients = await repository.GetClientsAsync(rhNetContext, user.Id);

            if (clients.Count() == 0)
                if (user.UserName == "master")
                    ClientRepository clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
                    clients = await clientRepository.GetAllClients(rhNetContext);
                    return(BadRequest("Cliente não associado a um cliente"));

            if (clients.Count() > 1 && model.SelectedClient == null)
                return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, clients));

            ClientModel selectedClient = null;

            if (clients.Count() == 1)
                selectedClient = clients[0];
                for (var i = 0; i < clients.Count; i++)
                    if (model.SelectedClient.Cnpj == clients[i].Cnpj)
                        selectedClient = clients[i];

            if (selectedClient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Cliente não associado a um cliente ou cliente selecionado incorreto"));

            if (selectedClient.Situation == Enums.ClientSituation.Bloqueado && user.UserName != "master")
                return(BadRequest("Cliente bloqueado. Entre em contato com um administrador do sistema"));

            if (selectedClient.Situation == Enums.ClientSituation.Inativo && user.UserName != "master")
                return(BadRequest("Cliente inativo. Entre em contato com um administrador do sistema"));

            var profiles = (await repository.GetRolesAsync(userManager, rhNetContext, user.UserName, selectedClient.Id)).ToList();
            var claims   = (await repository.GetClaimsAsync(userManager, rhNetContext, user.UserName, selectedClient.Id)).ToList();

            // Gera o Token
            var token = TokenService.GenerateToken(user, profiles, claims);

            var loginUser = new UserModel()
                Username      = user.UserName,
                Email         = user.Email,
                Token         = token,
                Profiles      = profiles,
                CurrentClient = selectedClient

            return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, loginUser));
 public TaskStatusController()
     Repository = new ClientRepository();
Exemple #42
 public static ClientCollection GetClients()
 public static int DeleteClient(Client client) => ClientRepository.DeleteClient(client);
Exemple #44
 public TaskOriginController()
     Repository = new ClientRepository();
Exemple #45
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InsuranceHandler  insuranceHandler  = new InsuranceHandler();
            ClientRepository  clientRepository  = new ClientRepository();
            ProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository();

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter one of client's names -> Anna or Juris or Zinta");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string name          = Console.ReadLine();
            Client clientsClient = clientRepository.GetClientByName(name);

            Console.WriteLine($"You selected Client is -> {clientsClient.Name}, {clientsClient.Surname}, {clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber}, {clientsClient.Sex}, {clientsClient.Address}");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter product id  -> 1 or 2 or 3");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string  id      = Console.ReadLine();
            Product product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: id);

            Console.WriteLine($"Your selected Product is {product.ProductName}, cost -> {product.Premium}");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            decimal premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: product);
            //Console.WriteLine("Your selected Product Premium is  -> {0}", premiumResult);

            string policyNumber = insuranceHandler.GetPolicy(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            //Console.WriteLine("Your Policy number is  -> {0}", policyNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
            Console.WriteLine("OFFER: ->  {0}'s {1} Policy Premium will be {2} ", name, product.ProductName, premiumResult);
            Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            Policy policy = insuranceHandler.GetPolicyData(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Policy start date = {policy.StartDate}, end date = {policy.EndDate}, state = {policy.State}, client = {policy.Client}");

            Console.WriteLine("If you would like to buy this Policy , then write  -> Y ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();

            if (answer == "Y")
                //BuyInsurance will change state to Active and call SavePolicy method
                Policy policy1 = insuranceHandler.BuyInsurance(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

                //Policy presentation
                Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Your client '{clientsClient.Name.ToUpper()} {clientsClient.Surname.ToUpper()}' bought '{product.ProductName}' Policy and Policy details are:");
                Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Policy Number = {policy1.PolicyNumber}, ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Start date = {policy1.StartDate}");
                Console.WriteLine($"End date = {policy1.EndDate}");
                Console.WriteLine($"client name = {policy1.Client}");
                Console.WriteLine($"State = {policy1.State.ToUpper()}");
                // Console.WriteLine($"client = {policy1.Client}, State = {policy1.State}, Start date = {policy1.StartDate}, End date = {policy1.EndDate}");
                Console.WriteLine("See you next time!");


            //parbauda, vai stuss ir draft
            // izsauc metodi buyinsurance,
            //atrod polisi, parbauda vai statuss ir active
            // 1. getprice metode jaatgriez policy tips
            // 2. test piemera cenu jaizgust no polises
 public static ClientCollection GetAllClients() => ClientRepository.GetAllClients();
Exemple #47
 public ClientController()
     Repository = new ClientRepository();
        public async Task <List <ClientModel> > GetAllClients([FromServices] RhNetContext rhNetContext)
            ClientRepository repository = new ClientRepository();

            return(await repository.GetAllClients(rhNetContext));