/// <summary> /// Generate a DPWSClientProxy source file from a wsdl service description. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceDesc">A valid wsdl service description.</param> public void GenerateClientProxy(ServiceDescription serviceDesc, TargetPlatform platform) { // Well here's a nasty used in an attempt to make up a name string clientProxyClassName = serviceDesc.Name; string clientProxyNs = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(serviceDesc.TargetNamespace); string filename = serviceDesc.Name + "ClientProxy.cs"; ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(clientProxyNs); foreach (PortType portType in serviceDesc.PortTypes) { ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, platform); foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations) { // Create action names // Apply special naming rules if this is a notification (event) operation string inAction = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace + "/" + operation.Name + "Request"; string outAction = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace + "/" + operation.Name + ((operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) ? "" : "Response"); clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } foreach (Message message in serviceDesc.Messages) { clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) clientProxies.Add(clientProxy); } ClientProxyGenerator clientProxyGen = new ClientProxyGenerator(); clientProxyGen.GenerateCode(filename, clientProxies); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a DPWSClientProxy source file from a wsdl service description. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceDesc">A valid wsdl service description.</param> public void GenerateClientProxy(ServiceDescription serviceDesc, TargetPlatform platform) { // Well here's a nasty used in an attempt to make up a name string clientProxyClassName = serviceDesc.Name; string clientProxyNs = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(serviceDesc.TargetNamespace); string filename = serviceDesc.Name + "ClientProxy.cs"; ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(clientProxyNs); string ns = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace.Trim(); if (!ns.EndsWith("/")) { ns += "/"; } foreach (PortType portType in serviceDesc.PortTypes) { ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, platform); foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations) { // Create action names // Apply special naming rules if this is a notification (event) operation string inAction = ns + operation.Name + "Request"; string outAction = ns + operation.Name + ((operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) ? "" : "Response"); clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } foreach (Message message in serviceDesc.Messages) { clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) { clientProxies.Add(clientProxy); } } ClientProxyGenerator clientProxyGen = new ClientProxyGenerator(); clientProxyGen.GenerateCode(filename, clientProxies); }
/// <summary> /// CreateSourceFiles - Parse Wsdl Schema and generate DataContract, DataContractSerializer types, /// HostedServices and Client Proxies. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Currently only generates C# source files.</remarks> /// <param name="contractFilename">The name of a contract source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="hostedServiceFilename">The name of a hosted service source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="clientProxyFilename">The name of a client proxy source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="targetPlatform">Specifies the target runtime platform.</param> public void CreateSourceFiles(string contractFilename, string hostedServiceFilename, string clientProxyFilename, TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { m_platform = targetPlatform; Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal); Logger.WriteLine("Generating contract source: " + contractFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); if (contractFilename == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("codeFilename", "You must pass a valid code filename."); if (m_svcDesc.Types == null) { throw new Exception("No wsdl types found."); } string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(contractFilename).Trim(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } // Create code file stream FileStream dcStream = new FileStream(contractFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); StreamWriter dcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(dcStream); // Write the auto generated header dcStreamWriter.Write(AutoGenTextHeader.Message); try { // Set up data contract code generator CSharpCodeProvider cSharpCP = new CSharpCodeProvider(); ICodeGenerator codeGen = cSharpCP.CreateGenerator(dcStreamWriter); CodeGeneratorOptions codeGenOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions(); codeGenOptions.BracingStyle = "C"; // Cobble up a valid .net namespace. Turn any progression that's not a-z or A-Z to a single '.' string targetNamespaceName = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace); // For some reason we have to force schemas to compile. Though it was suppose to automatically. Huh! foreach (XmlSchema schema in m_svcDesc.Types.Schemas) { XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); schemaSet.Add(schema); schemaSet.Compile(); } // Create new code namespace CodeNamespace targetNamespace = new CodeNamespace(targetNamespaceName); // Add data contract using directives CodeSnippetCompileUnit compileUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit("using System;"); codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using System.Xml;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); if (m_platform == TargetPlatform.MicroFramework) { compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext.Xml;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); } compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.ServiceModel;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Mtom;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Serialization;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlElement = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlNode;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlAttribute = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlAttribute;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlConvert = Ws.Services.Serialization.WsXmlConvert;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = ""; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Namespaces.Add(targetNamespace); m_dcCodeGen.CodeNamespaces = compileUnit.Namespaces; Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal); // Create HostedServices and ClientProxies collections HostedServices hostedServices = new HostedServices(targetNamespaceName); ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(targetNamespaceName); // For each PortType process foreach (PortType portType in m_svcDesc.PortTypes) { // For each operation in the port type: // Get input and output message parts. // If the message part is a simple type: // Build HostedService operation. // Else if the message part is an element: // Find elements in Schema // If element type is native xml type: // Build HostedService operation. // Else if element references a simple or complex type: // If simpleType is base xml type with restrictions: // Build HostedService operation. // Else // Build DataContract and DataContractSerializer. // Build HostedService Operation. // if (!CodeGenUtils.IsSoapBinding(portType, m_svcDesc)) { continue; } // Create instance of a HostedService to hold the port type details HostedService hostedService = new HostedService(portType.Name, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, m_platform); // Create instance of ClientProxyGenerator ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, m_platform); // Create service contract interface CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name); CodeAttributeArgument codeAttr = new CodeAttributeArgument("Namespace", new CodePrimitiveExpression(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace)); CodeAttributeDeclaration codeAttrDecl = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ServiceContract", codeAttr); serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(codeAttrDecl); // Check for Policy assertions. If found add policy assertion attributes. Policy assertion attributes // are required to regenerate policy assertions when converting a service to Wsdl. List<PolicyAssertion> policyAssertions = GetPolicyAssertions(); bool OptimizedMimeEncoded = false; foreach (PolicyAssertion assert in policyAssertions) { serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(CreatePolicyAssertions(assert.Name, assert.Namespace.ToString(), assert.PolicyID)); // if Optimized Mime assertion id found set a processing flag if (assert.Name == "OptimizedMimeSerialization") { OptimizedMimeEncoded = true; } } // Add type declaration serviceCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public; serviceCodeType.IsInterface = true; // Create service contract callback client interface CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCallbackCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name + "Callback"); // Add type declaration serviceCallbackCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public; serviceCallbackCodeType.IsInterface = true; // If the binding contains a ref to Mtom encoding type set the Mtom flag if (OptimizedMimeEncoded) { m_dcCodeGen.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; hostedService.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; clientProxy.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; } // Step through port operations, get method names and parse elements. for (int pt_index = 0; pt_index < portType.Operations.Count; ++pt_index) { Operation operation = portType.Operations[pt_index]; string operationName = operation.Name; string inputMessageName = null; string outputMessageName = null; MessagePartCollection inputMessageParts = null; MessagePartCollection outputMessageParts = null; string inAction = null; string outAction = null; GetAction(portType, operation, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, ref inAction, ref outAction); // Oneway request port type if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.OneWay) { OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input; inputMessageName = input.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Twoway request/response pattern else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.RequestResponse) { OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input; inputMessageName = input.Message.Name; OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output; outputMessageName = output.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Event pattern else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) { OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output; outputMessageName = output.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Find input and output message parts collection in messages collection // and store for later. foreach (Message message in m_svcDesc.Messages) { if (inputMessageName != null) if (message.Name == inputMessageName) { inputMessageParts = message.Parts; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.Messages.Add(message); // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } if (outputMessageName != null) if (message.Name == outputMessageName) { outputMessageParts = message.Parts; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.Messages.Add(message); // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } } try { // Try to generate Data Contracts and DataContractSerializers GenerateTypeContracts(operation, inputMessageParts, outputMessageParts); // If operation flow is notification (event) add OperationContract to ServiceContractCallback // else add OperationContract to ServiceContract if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) { AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, outAction, serviceCallbackCodeType); } else AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, inAction, serviceCodeType); } catch (Exception e) { dcStreamWriter.Close(); File.Delete(contractFilename); Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal); return; } } // Add serviceCodeType Service Contract interface to namespace // A serviceCodeType is added even if the wsdl only contains notifications. In that case // the contract will be empty but the ServiceContract attribute and CallbackContract argument // will be used to point to the notification or callback contract interace targetNamespace.Types.Add(serviceCodeType); // If service contract callback type contains members add callback contract to namespace // and add CallbackContract reference attribute to serviceCodeType contract. if (serviceCallbackCodeType.Members.Count > 0) { // Add the callback argument to the service description attribute CodeAttributeArgument callbackArg = new CodeAttributeArgument("CallbackContract", new CodeTypeOfExpression(serviceCallbackCodeType.Name) ); serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes[0].Arguments.Add(callbackArg); // Add the callback interface to namespace targetNamespace.Types.Add(serviceCallbackCodeType); } // If the hosted service has opeations add to Hosted Services collection for Code Gen if (hostedService.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) hostedServices.Add(hostedService); // If the client Proxy service has opeations add to client proxy collection for Code Gen if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) clientProxies.Add(clientProxy); } // MOD: 12-02-08 Added code to handle multiple type namespaces // Generate contract source file foreach (CodeNamespace codeNamespace in compileUnit.Namespaces) { codeGen.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); } dcStreamWriter.Flush(); dcStreamWriter.Close(); // Generate Hosted Service code Logger.WriteLine("Generating Hosted Service source: " + hostedServiceFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); HostedServiceGenerator hsGen = new HostedServiceGenerator(); hsGen.GenerateCode(hostedServiceFilename, hostedServices); // Generate Client proxy code Logger.WriteLine("Generating Client Proxy source: " + clientProxyFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); ClientProxyGenerator cpGen = new ClientProxyGenerator(); cpGen.GenerateCode(clientProxyFilename, clientProxies); } catch (Exception e) { dcStreamWriter.Close(); File.Delete(contractFilename); Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal); throw new Exception("Failed to generate service code. ", e); } }
/// <summary> /// CreateSourceFiles - Parse Wsdl Schema and generate DataContract, DataContractSerializer types, /// HostedServices and Client Proxies. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Currently only generates C# source files.</remarks> /// <param name="contractFilename">The name of a contract source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="hostedServiceFilename">The name of a hosted service source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="clientProxyFilename">The name of a client proxy source code (.cs) file.</param> /// <param name="targetPlatform">Specifies the target runtime platform.</param> public void CreateSourceFiles(string contractFilename, string hostedServiceFilename, string clientProxyFilename, TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { m_platform = targetPlatform; Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal); Logger.WriteLine("Generating contract source: " + contractFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); if (contractFilename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("codeFilename", "You must pass a valid code filename."); } if (m_svcDesc.Types == null) { throw new Exception("No wsdl types found."); } string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(contractFilename).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } // Create code file stream FileStream dcStream = new FileStream(contractFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); StreamWriter dcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(dcStream); // Write the auto generated header dcStreamWriter.Write(AutoGenTextHeader.Message); try { // Set up data contract code generator CSharpCodeProvider cSharpCP = new CSharpCodeProvider(); ICodeGenerator codeGen = cSharpCP.CreateGenerator(dcStreamWriter); CodeGeneratorOptions codeGenOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions(); codeGenOptions.BracingStyle = "C"; // Cobble up a valid .net namespace. Turn any progression that's not a-z or A-Z to a single '.' string targetNamespaceName = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace); // For some reason we have to force schemas to compile. Though it was suppose to automatically. Huh! foreach (XmlSchema schema in m_svcDesc.Types.Schemas) { XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); schemaSet.Add(schema); schemaSet.Compile(); } // Create new code namespace CodeNamespace targetNamespace = new CodeNamespace(targetNamespaceName); // Add data contract using directives CodeSnippetCompileUnit compileUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit("using System;"); codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using System.Xml;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); if (m_platform == TargetPlatform.MicroFramework) { compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext.Xml;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); } compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.ServiceModel;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Mtom;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Serialization;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlElement = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlNode;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlAttribute = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlAttribute;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = "using XmlConvert = Ws.Services.Serialization.WsXmlConvert;"; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Value = ""; codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); compileUnit.Namespaces.Add(targetNamespace); m_dcCodeGen.CodeNamespaces = compileUnit.Namespaces; Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal); // Create HostedServices and ClientProxies collections HostedServices hostedServices = new HostedServices(targetNamespaceName); ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(targetNamespaceName); // For each PortType process foreach (PortType portType in m_svcDesc.PortTypes) { // For each operation in the port type: // Get input and output message parts. // If the message part is a simple type: // Build HostedService operation. // Else if the message part is an element: // Find elements in Schema // If element type is native xml type: // Build HostedService operation. // Else if element references a simple or complex type: // If simpleType is base xml type with restrictions: // Build HostedService operation. // Else // Build DataContract and DataContractSerializer. // Build HostedService Operation. // // Create instance of a HostedService to hold the port type details HostedService hostedService = new HostedService(portType.Name, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, m_platform); // Create instance of ClientProxyGenerator ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, m_platform); // Create service contract interface CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name); CodeAttributeArgument codeAttr = new CodeAttributeArgument("Namespace", new CodePrimitiveExpression(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace)); CodeAttributeDeclaration codeAttrDecl = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ServiceContract", codeAttr); serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(codeAttrDecl); // Check for Policy assertions. If found add policy assertion attributes. Policy assertion attributes // are required to regenerate policy assertions when converting a service to Wsdl. List <PolicyAssertion> policyAssertions = GetPolicyAssertions(); bool OptimizedMimeEncoded = false; foreach (PolicyAssertion assert in policyAssertions) { serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(CreatePolicyAssertions(assert.Name, assert.Namespace.ToString(), assert.PolicyID)); // if Optimized Mime assertion id found set a processing flag if (assert.Name == "OptimizedMimeSerialization") { OptimizedMimeEncoded = true; } } // Add type declaration serviceCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public; serviceCodeType.IsInterface = true; // Create service contract callback client interface CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCallbackCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name + "Callback"); // Add type declaration serviceCallbackCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public; serviceCallbackCodeType.IsInterface = true; // If the binding contains a ref to Mtom encoding type set the Mtom flag if (OptimizedMimeEncoded) { m_dcCodeGen.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; hostedService.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; clientProxy.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom; } // Step through port operations, get method names and parse elements. for (int pt_index = 0; pt_index < portType.Operations.Count; ++pt_index) { Operation operation = portType.Operations[pt_index]; string operationName = operation.Name; string inputMessageName = null; string outputMessageName = null; MessagePartCollection inputMessageParts = null; MessagePartCollection outputMessageParts = null; string inAction = null; string outAction = null; GetAction(portType, operation, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, ref inAction, ref outAction); // Oneway request port type if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.OneWay) { OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input; inputMessageName = input.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Twoway request/response pattern else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.RequestResponse) { OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input; inputMessageName = input.Message.Name; OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output; outputMessageName = output.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Event pattern else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) { OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output; outputMessageName = output.Message.Name; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); // Add method for ClientProxy code generation clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction); } // Find input and output message parts collection in messages collection // and store for later. foreach (Message message in m_svcDesc.Messages) { if (inputMessageName != null) { if (message.Name == inputMessageName) { inputMessageParts = message.Parts; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.Messages.Add(message); // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } } if (outputMessageName != null) { if (message.Name == outputMessageName) { outputMessageParts = message.Parts; // Add operation for HostedService code generation hostedService.Messages.Add(message); // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later clientProxy.Messages.Add(message); } } } try { // Try to generate Data Contracts and DataContractSerializers GenerateTypeContracts(operation, inputMessageParts, outputMessageParts); // If operation flow is notification (event) add OperationContract to ServiceContractCallback // else add OperationContract to ServiceContract if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) { AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, outAction, serviceCallbackCodeType); } else { AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, inAction, serviceCodeType); } } catch (Exception e) { dcStreamWriter.Close(); File.Delete(contractFilename); Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal); return; } } // Add serviceCodeType Service Contract interface to namespace // A serviceCodeType is added even if the wsdl only contains notifications. In that case // the contract will be empty but the ServiceContract attribute and CallbackContract argument // will be used to point to the notification or callback contract interace targetNamespace.Types.Add(serviceCodeType); // If service contract callback type contains members add callback contract to namespace // and add CallbackContract reference attribute to serviceCodeType contract. if (serviceCallbackCodeType.Members.Count > 0) { // Add the callback argument to the service description attribute CodeAttributeArgument callbackArg = new CodeAttributeArgument("CallbackContract", new CodeTypeOfExpression(serviceCallbackCodeType.Name) ); serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes[0].Arguments.Add(callbackArg); // Add the callback interface to namespace targetNamespace.Types.Add(serviceCallbackCodeType); } // If the hosted service has opeations add to Hosted Services collection for Code Gen if (hostedService.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) { hostedServices.Add(hostedService); } // If the client Proxy service has opeations add to client proxy collection for Code Gen if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0) { clientProxies.Add(clientProxy); } } // MOD: 12-02-08 Added code to handle multiple type namespaces // Generate contract source file foreach (CodeNamespace codeNamespace in compileUnit.Namespaces) { codeGen.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions); } dcStreamWriter.Flush(); dcStreamWriter.Close(); // Generate Hosted Service code Logger.WriteLine("Generating Hosted Service source: " + hostedServiceFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); HostedServiceGenerator hsGen = new HostedServiceGenerator(); hsGen.GenerateCode(hostedServiceFilename, hostedServices); // Generate Client proxy code Logger.WriteLine("Generating Client Proxy source: " + clientProxyFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal); ClientProxyGenerator cpGen = new ClientProxyGenerator(); cpGen.GenerateCode(clientProxyFilename, clientProxies); } catch (Exception e) { dcStreamWriter.Close(); File.Delete(contractFilename); Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal); throw new Exception("Failed to generate service code. ", e); } }