Exemple #1
        public Warranty Save(ModelStateDictionary modelState, int userID, int employeeID, int bussinessID, string employeeName = null)
            QueryOutput queryResult;

            if (!Validate(modelState))
                Result = false;
            var query  = "";
            var action = "";
            var id     = ID.ToString();

            if (ID > 0)
                query = String.Format(
                    @"update Warranty 
                    set TransferDate = {1}, ReceivedDate = {2}, ProcessedDate = {3}, ReturnedDate = {4}, FinishDate = {5}, Service = N'{13}', 
                        ProductState = N'{6}', Fee = {7}, Discount = {8}, Other = N'{9}', Note = N'{10}', ContactName = N'{11}', ContactPhone = N'{12}'
                    where ID = {0}",
                    new object[] {
                    ID, TransferDate.DbValue(), ReceivedDate.DbValue(), ProcessedDate.DbValue(), ReturnedDate.DbValue(),
                    FinishDate.DbValue(), ProductState, Fee, Discount, Other, Note, ContactName, ContactPhone, Service
                action = DbAction.Warranty.Modify;
                Code         = NewUniqueCode(userID, employeeID, bussinessID, "Warranty");
                EmployeeID   = employeeID;
                BussinessID  = bussinessID;
                EmployeeName = employeeName;
                SubmitDate   = DateTime.Now;
                var clientID = "@ClientID";
                query = String.Format("declare {0} int = {1}", clientID, ClientID.DbValue());
                if ((!ClientID.HasValue || ClientID <= 0) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientName))
                    query += String.Format(
                        @" declare @client table (ID int)
                        insert Client(BussinessID, Code, Name, Phone, Address, Point, Status)
                        output inserted.ID into @client
                        values ({0}, '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', 0, 'active')
                        set {5} = (select top 1 ID from @client)",
                        bussinessID, String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientCode) ? NewUniqueCode(userID, employeeID, bussinessID, "Client", 3, null) : ClientCode, ClientName, ClientPhone, ClientAddress, clientID);
                query += String.Format(
                    @" declare @output table (ID int)
                    insert Warranty(BussinessID, EmployeeID, WarehouseID, ProductID, Code, SubmitDate, TransferDate, ReceivedDate, ProcessedDate, ReturnedDate, FinishDate, 
                        ProductState, Fee, Discount, Other, Note, Status, ClientID, OrderID, OrderCode, ContactName, ContactPhone, ReceiveWarehouseID, Service) 
                    output inserted.ID into @output
                    values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, N'{4}', {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, N'{11}', {12}, {13}, N'{14}', N'{15}', 'active', {16}, {17}, '{18}', N'{19}', N'{20}', {21}, N'{22}')",
                    new object[] {
                    BussinessID, EmployeeID, WarehouseID, ProductID, Code, SubmitDate.DbValue(), TransferDate.DbValue(), ReceivedDate.DbValue(),
                    ProcessedDate.DbValue(), ReturnedDate.DbValue(), FinishDate.DbValue(), ProductState, Fee, Discount, Other, Note,
                    clientID, OrderID.DbValue(), OrderCode, ContactName, ContactPhone, ReceiveWarehouseID, Service
                id = "(select top 1 ID from @output)";
                if (Transactions != null)
                    foreach (var tran in Transactions)
                        query += tran.AddTransactionQuery(employeeID, TransactionClass.Warranty, ref id);
                action = DbAction.Warranty.Create;
            query += String.Format(
                @" select top 1 w.ID, w.BussinessID, w.EmployeeID, w.WarehouseID, w.ProductID, w.ClientID, w.OrderID, w.Code, w.Service, 
	                w.SubmitDate, w.TransferDate, w.ReceivedDate, w.ProcessedDate, w.ReturnedDate, w.FinishDate, w.ProductState, w.Fee, w.Discount, w.Other, w.Note, 
                    rwh.Name as [ReceiveWarehouseName], wh.Name as [WarehouseName], w.ContactName, w.ContactPhone, e.Name as [EmployeeName], 
                    c.Name as [ClientName], c.Code as [ClientCode], c.Address as [ClientAddress], c.Phone as [ClientPhone], 
	                case when w.OrderID is not null then o.Code else w.OrderCode end as [OrderCode], isnull(sum(t.Amount), 0) as [Paid]
                from Warranty w 
                    join Warehouse wh on w.WarehouseID = wh.ID and w.Status = 'active' and ((select Username from Login where ID = {1}) = 'admin' or wh.ID in (select WarehouseID from LoginWarehouse where LoginID = {1}))
                    join Warehouse rwh on w.ReceiveWarehouseID = rwh.ID
                    join Employee e on w.EmployeeID = e.ID
                    join Product p on p.ID = w.ProductID
                    left join Client c on w.ClientID = c.ID
                    left join [Order] o on w.OrderID = o.ID
                    left join Transactions t on w.ID = t.WarrantyID
                where w.ID = {0} and w.Status = 'active'
                group by w.ID, w.BussinessID, w.EmployeeID, w.WarehouseID, w.ProductID, w.ClientID, w.OrderID, w.Code, w.ContactName, w.ContactPhone, 
                    w.SubmitDate, w.TransferDate, w.ReceivedDate, w.ProcessedDate, w.ReturnedDate, w.FinishDate, w.ProductState, w.Service, 
	                w.Fee, w.Discount, w.Other, w.Note, wh.Name, rwh.Name, e.Name, c.Name, c.Code, c.Address, c.Phone, o.Code, w.OrderCode"    , id, userID);
            var record = Query <Warranty>(new DbQuery(userID, employeeID, action, query, true, id), out queryResult).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Result = (queryResult == QueryOutput.Success))
                Messages = new List <string>()
                    "Lưu thông tin thành công"