public ActionResult savedocuments(FileUploadEntity fileUploadEntity, string SendCompanyName) { ClientBLL clientBLL = new ClientBLL(); string path = Server.MapPath("~/Documents/"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string DocumentName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName); string Extention = Path.GetExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName).Replace(".", ""); string Ext = Path.GetExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName); string fileName = DocumentName + Ext; fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.SaveAs(path + fileName); fileUploadEntity.DocumentName = DocumentName; fileUploadEntity.Extension = Extention; if (fileUploadEntity.Monthly != "") { fileUploadEntity.Quaterly = ""; } if (fileUploadEntity.Quaterly != "") { fileUploadEntity.Monthly = ""; } if (fileUploadEntity.DocumentType == "Other") { fileUploadEntity.DocumentType = fileUploadEntity.OtherDocuments; } clientBLL.Savedocuments(fileUploadEntity); clientBLL.InsertDocumentType(fileUploadEntity.DocumentType); //clientBLL.InsertDocumentType(fileUploadEntity.DocumentType); tblUser tbluser = pablaAccountsEntities.tblUsers.SingleOrDefault(b => b.UserId == fileUploadEntity.UserId); string htmlBody = ""; string headerText = "Hi <b> " + tbluser.FirstName + " " + tbluser.LastName + " ,</b>"; string startTable = "<table>"; string emailText = "<tr><td><br/>A document has been uploaded for the person name <b> " + fileUploadEntity.PersonName + " </b> of the company " + SendCompanyName + " with document type <b> " + fileUploadEntity.DocumentType + " </b>. Please find an attachment below:-</br></br></td></tr>"; emailText += "<tr><td>Regards</td></tr>"; emailText += "<tr><td><b>Pabla Accounting And Tax Services</b></td></tr>"; string endTable = "<br/></table> </br> </br> Thanks"; htmlBody = headerText + startTable + emailText + endTable; string fullfilepath = path + fileName; customMethod.SendEmail(tbluser.Email, "Document Uploaded", htmlBody, fullfilepath); TempData["Message"] = "3"; return(RedirectToAction("client_view", new { ClientId = fileUploadEntity.UserId })); }
public ActionResult add_document(FileUploadEntity fileUploadEntity) { ClientBLL clientBLL = new ClientBLL(); string path = Server.MapPath("~/Documents/"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string DocumentName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName); string Extention = Path.GetExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName).Replace(".", ""); string Ext = Path.GetExtension(fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.FileName); string fileName = DocumentName + Ext; fileUploadEntity.UploadFile.SaveAs(path + fileName); fileUploadEntity.DocumentName = DocumentName; fileUploadEntity.Extension = Extention; if (fileUploadEntity.DocumentType == "Other") { fileUploadEntity.DocumentType = fileUploadEntity.Other; } clientBLL.Savedocuments(fileUploadEntity); clientBLL.InsertDocumentType(fileUploadEntity.DocumentType); var result = pablaAccountsEntities.tbl_RequestedDocument.SingleOrDefault(b => b.RequestDocumentId == fileUploadEntity.RequestedDocumentId); tblUser tbluser = new tblUser(); if (result != null) { result.IsUploaded = true; pablaAccountsEntities.SaveChanges(); tbluser = pablaAccountsEntities.tblUsers.SingleOrDefault(b => b.UserId == result.RequestedBy); } string htmlBody = ""; string headerText = "Hi <b> " + tbluser.FirstName + " " + tbluser.LastName + " ,</b>"; string startTable = "<table>"; string emailText = "<tr><td><br/>As per Your request for addition of document named as <b> " + result.DocumentName + " </b> of Document Type <b> " + result.DocumentType + " </b> for <b> " + fileUploadEntity.PersonName + " </b> , We have uploaded a document, Please find an attachment below:-</br></br></td></tr>"; emailText += "<tr><td>Regards</td></tr>"; emailText += "<tr><td><b>Pabla Accounting And Tax Services</b></td></tr>"; string endTable = "<br/></table> </br> </br> Thanks"; htmlBody = headerText + startTable + emailText + endTable; string fullfilepath = path + fileName; customMethod.SendEmail(tbluser.Email, "Document Uploaded", htmlBody, fullfilepath); TempData["Messsage"] = "3"; return(RedirectToAction("requested_document", "admin")); }