void Initialize() { if (init) { return; } init = true; //Navigation button event handlers if (BackButton != null) { BackButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveBack(); }); } if (HomeButton != null) { HomeButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveToCollections(true); }); } //Carousel events Carousel.AddEventListener("onload", () => { SelectDefault(); isReady = true; ItemLoaded(); }); Carousel.AddEventListener("onselect", () => { if (Textures == null) { return; } Colors.Selected = Textures[Carousel.Selected]; CurrentTexture = Textures[Carousel.Selected]; }); //Color icon select event Colors.AddEventListener("onselect", () => { if (Textures == null) { return; } Carousel.Selected = Textures.IndexOf(Colors.SelectedModelTexture); CurrentTexture = Colors.SelectedModelTexture; }); Link.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { if (Model != null) { Application.OpenURL(Model.Link); } }); ViewInHome.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { if (CurrentTexture != null) { App.MoveToARView(CurrentTexture); } }); }
void Awake() { BackButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveToCollections(); }); HomeButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveToCollections(true); }); }
//Add event listeners to buttons void Awake() { if (BackButton != null) { BackButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveTo(App.ProductPage); ARScene.Clear(); }); } if (HomeButton != null) { HomeButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveToCollections(true); ARScene.Clear(); }); } AddButton.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { App.MoveToCollections(true); }); Reset.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { ARScene.Reset(); }); Info.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { ARToolPanel.ARProductInfo.Build(ARScene.ModelTexturesInScene); ARToolPanel.ARProductInfo.SetScrollPosition("top"); ARToolPanel.ARProductInfo.OnSelect = (model) => { Variant v = model.GetParent <Variant>(); ARToolPanel.Mode = ARTool.Hidden; App.MoveToInfo(v); }; ARToolPanel.Mode = ARTool.ProductInfo; }); Help.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { ARToolPanel.Mode = ARTool.Help; }); Color.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { ARModel toReplace = ARScene.SelectedModel; ARToolPanel.ARColorPicker.Build(ARScene.SelectedModelTexture); ARToolPanel.ARColorPicker.SetScrollPosition("top"); ARToolPanel.ARColorPicker.OnSelect = (model) => { ARScene.AddModel(model, toReplace); }; ARToolPanel.Mode = ARTool.ColorPicker; }); }
public void AddModel(ModelTexture modeltexture, string title) { GameObject textGO = MakeText(title); ClickBox clickBox = textGO.GetComponent <ClickBox>(); clickBox.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { if (OnSelect != null) { OnSelect(modeltexture); } }); Grid.AddElement(textGO); Grid.AddElement(Instantiate(HLine)); }
void Awake() { if (IconClickBox != null) { IconClickBox.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { if (Mode == CenterIcon.Screenshot) { Flash.hold = true; Flash.Start(); NativeAid.SavePhoto(capture); NativeAid.HapticEvent(HEvent.Success); Flash.hold = false; } }); } }
public Vector2 SetBoxSize() { Vector2 size = new Vector2(-1, -1); if (Text == null) { return(size); } //Get text bounding box and text rect transform RectTransform rect = Text.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (rect == null) { return(size); } size = TextBBox; //Set text title, font size a rect size Text.text = Title; Text.fontSize = fontSize_px; Text.font = Font; rect.sizeDelta = size; if (ButtonBackground == null) { return(size); } if (clickBox == null) { clickBox = ButtonBackground.gameObject.GetComponent <ClickBox>(); if (clickBox != null) { clickBox.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { RunEvent("onclick"); }); } } size += 2 * buttonPadding_px; ButtonBackground.sizeDelta = size; return(size); }
public void Build(Collection assets) { Instagram.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { Application.OpenURL($"instagram://user?username={instagramAccountName}"); }); Facebook.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { #if UNITY_IOS Application.OpenURL($"fb://profile/{facebookPageId}"); #elif UNITY_ANDROID Application.OpenURL($"fb://page/{facebookPageId}"); #endif }); List <Collection> cols = assets.Children <Collection>(); List <Collection> imcols = new List <Collection>(); foreach (Collection col in cols) { if (col.Thumbnail.Texture != null) { imcols.Add(col); } } carousel.Build <Collection>(imcols); }
void Awake() { if (ImageClickBox == null) { return; } ImageClickBox.AddEventListener("onclick", () => { if (FolderCarousel == null) { return; } GameObject obj = FolderCarousel.SelectedObject; if (obj == null) { return; } FolderImage image = obj.GetComponent <FolderImage>(); if (image == null) { return; } Folder folder = image.Folder; if (folder == null) { return; } if (folder.GetType() == typeof(Collection)) { SelectedCollection = (Collection)(object)folder; RunEvent("oncollection"); } }); }