Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if there should be a line through the note head because it is off the staff
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pitch">The pitch to check for a line</param>
        /// <param name="clefSign">The clef that is affecting the staff</param>
        /// <returns>True if there should be a line, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool LineThroughNoteHead(Pitch pitch, ClefSign clefSign)
            Pitch bottomOfStaff = null;
            Pitch topOfStaff    = null;

            switch (clefSign)
            case ClefSign.G:
                bottomOfStaff = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.BOTTOM_OF_STAFF;
                topOfStaff    = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.TOP_OF_STAFF;

            case ClefSign.F:
                //todo: F values

            case ClefSign.C:
                //todo: C values
                //todo: all clefs
            if (bottomOfStaff == null || topOfStaff == null)

            int bottomCompare = PitchComparer.CompareStatic(pitch, bottomOfStaff);
            int topCompare    = PitchComparer.CompareStatic(pitch, topOfStaff);

            return((bottomCompare < 0 && bottomCompare % 2 == 0) ||
                   topCompare > 0 && topCompare % 2 == 0);
Exemple #2
        public Clef(ClefSign sign, string line)
            if (line == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("line");

            this.Sign = sign;
            this.Line = line;
Exemple #3
        public static Attributes CreateAttribute(AttributeProperties ai)
            ObjectFactory factory    = new ObjectFactory();
            Attributes    attributes = factory.createAttributes();
            //create a key
            Key key = factory.createKey();
            //create a time element
            Time time = factory.createTime();
            //create a clef element
            Clef clef = factory.createClef();

            //set the staffs
            attributes.setStaves(new BigInteger(ai.staves.ToString()));

            //now add the elements to the attributes

            if (ai.divisions != 0)
                //set the divisions
                attributes.setDivisions(new BigDecimal(ai.divisions));
            if (ai.fifths != "")
                //set the key
                key.setFifths(new BigInteger(ai.fifths));

                //add the key
            if (ai.BeatsPerMeasure != "")
                //set the time signature

                // add the time signature
            // add the cleff
            if (ai.ClefSign != "")
                //set the clef
                clef.setLine(new BigInteger(ai.ClefLine));
                clef.setNumber(new BigInteger(ai.ClefStaff.ToString()));

Exemple #4
        private static Pitch GetDefaultPitch(ClefSign clefSign)
            Pitch pitch = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH;

            switch (clefSign)
            case ClefSign.C:

            case ClefSign.F:

            case ClefSign.G:
                pitch = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH;
                //todo: bass clef
                //todo: more clef signs
Exemple #5
 public Clef(ClefSign sign, int line)
     this.Sign = sign;
     this.Line = line.ToString();
Exemple #6
        //todo: put note rendering into its own class
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the contents of a note and prepare the basic label
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="note">The note to parse and create a label for</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">The size of the font being used</param>
        /// <param name="clefSign">The sign of the clef for this note. Default is G</param>
        /// <returns>A label with the note in it</returns>
        public static Panel RenderNoteOrRest(Note note, double fontSize, ClefSign clefSign = ClefSign.G)
            double yOffset = WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(-2, fontSize); //offset cause not exactly in right spot
            //todo: Render appropriate connectors
            //todo: render barline
            //todo: tuplets, triplets, beams

            //todo: likely remove this whole function because will need to draw own notes due to stem when beaming
            String noteChar = Constants.Note.Characters.WHOLE_NOTE;
            Panel  grid     = WPFRendering.CreateAutoSizingGrid();

            //todo: if it has a rest, then parse as rest, otherwise parse as note
            bool isRest = note.Items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.GetType() == typeof(Rest)) != null;

            if (!isRest)
                FrameworkElement noteHead = RenderNoteHead(note, fontSize);
                noteHead.Margin = new Thickness(noteHead.Margin.Left, noteHead.Margin.Top + yOffset, noteHead.Margin.Right, noteHead.Margin.Bottom);

                //todo: stems when beamed... This will likely require stems to be drawn after the note heads of the beaming
                //      however, beaming is not supposed to go over measures so this will save some of the problems that this could have

                //get pitch object
                Pitch pitch = (Pitch)note.Items.SingleOrDefault(t => t.GetType() == typeof(Pitch));

                if (pitch != null)
                    //todo: make into function
                    //move grid up or down appropriately
                    Pitch clefDefaultPitch = GetDefaultPitch(clefSign);

                    int stepDifference = clefDefaultPitch.step - pitch.step + (int.Parse(Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH.octave) - int.Parse(pitch.octave)) * 8;
                    if (pitch.step == Step.A || pitch.step == Step.B)
                        stepDifference -= 7;

                    // todo: octave
                    var difference = (int.Parse(pitch.octave) - int.Parse(clefDefaultPitch.octave));
                    if (difference != 0)
                        difference     *= 7;
                        stepDifference += (difference < 0) ? difference : -difference;

                    const double stepDistance = 5.5;
                    double       topOffset    = WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(39, fontSize);
                    double       marginTop    = noteHead.Margin.Top + (stepDifference * WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(stepDistance, fontSize)) + topOffset;

                    // create and add note stem
                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line noteStem = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                    if (note.stem.Value != stemvalue.none)
                        noteStem = CreateNoteStem(yOffset, note, noteHead, fontSize);

                    // add the note head
                    noteHead.Margin = new Thickness(noteHead.Margin.Left, marginTop, noteHead.Margin.Right, noteHead.Margin.Bottom);
                    noteStem.Margin = new Thickness(noteStem.Margin.Left, marginTop, noteStem.Margin.Right, noteStem.Margin.Bottom);

                    //debug: remove
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("default: " + Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH.step + "  " + pitch.step + pitch.octave + "   " + stepDifference);

                // render ledger line if necessary
                if (LineThroughNoteHead(pitch, clefSign))
                    FrameworkElement ledgerLine = RenderLedgerLine(noteHead, fontSize);

                //todo: accidentals
                //todo: clef change on note
                //todo: other notes?

                //todo: make into function
                //todo: if is above half of the staff, rotate so everything points down
                // rotate head

                 * RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(180);
                 * rt.CenterX = noteHead.ActualWidth / 2;
                 * rt.CenterY = 10 * 3 / 4; //todo: use note height calculation from render notehead
                 * grid.RenderTransform = rt;
                FrameworkElement restElement = RenderRest(note, fontSize);
                restElement.Margin = new Thickness(0, -WPFRendering.GetFontHeight(fontSize, Constants.MusicFonts.DEFAULT) / 4, 0, 0);

            //grid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if there should be a line through the note head because it is off the staff
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pitch">The pitch to check for a line</param>
        /// <param name="clefSign">The clef that is affecting the staff</param>
        /// <returns>True if there should be a line, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool LineThroughNoteHead(Pitch pitch, ClefSign clefSign)
            Pitch bottomOfStaff = null;
            Pitch topOfStaff = null;

                case ClefSign.G:
                    bottomOfStaff = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.BOTTOM_OF_STAFF;
                    topOfStaff = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.TOP_OF_STAFF;
                case ClefSign.F:
                    //todo: F values
                case ClefSign.C:
                    //todo: C values
                    //todo: all clefs
            if(bottomOfStaff == null || topOfStaff == null)
                return false;

            int bottomCompare = PitchComparer.CompareStatic(pitch, bottomOfStaff);
            int topCompare = PitchComparer.CompareStatic(pitch, topOfStaff);

            return ((bottomCompare < 0 && bottomCompare%2 == 0) ||
                    topCompare > 0 && topCompare%2 == 0);
 private static Pitch GetDefaultPitch(ClefSign clefSign)
     Pitch pitch = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH;
     switch (clefSign)
         case ClefSign.C:
         case ClefSign.F:
         case ClefSign.G:
             pitch = Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH;
         //todo: bass clef
         //todo: more clef signs
     return pitch;
        //todo: put note rendering into its own class
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the contents of a note and prepare the basic label
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="note">The note to parse and create a label for</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">The size of the font being used</param>
        /// <param name="clefSign">The sign of the clef for this note. Default is G</param>
        /// <returns>A label with the note in it</returns>
        public static Panel RenderNoteOrRest(Note note, double fontSize, ClefSign clefSign = ClefSign.G)
            double yOffset = WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(-2, fontSize); //offset cause not exactly in right spot
            //todo: Render appropriate connectors
            //todo: render barline
            //todo: tuplets, triplets, beams

            //todo: likely remove this whole function because will need to draw own notes due to stem when beaming
            String noteChar = Constants.Note.Characters.WHOLE_NOTE;
            Panel grid = WPFRendering.CreateAutoSizingGrid();

            //todo: if it has a rest, then parse as rest, otherwise parse as note
            bool isRest = note.Items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.GetType() == typeof(Rest)) != null;
            if (!isRest)
                FrameworkElement noteHead = RenderNoteHead(note, fontSize);
                noteHead.Margin = new Thickness(noteHead.Margin.Left, noteHead.Margin.Top + yOffset, noteHead.Margin.Right, noteHead.Margin.Bottom);

                //todo: stems when beamed... This will likely require stems to be drawn after the note heads of the beaming
                //      however, beaming is not supposed to go over measures so this will save some of the problems that this could have

                //get pitch object
                Pitch pitch = (Pitch)note.Items.SingleOrDefault(t => t.GetType() == typeof (Pitch));

                if (pitch != null)
                    //todo: make into function
                    //move grid up or down appropriately
                    Pitch clefDefaultPitch = GetDefaultPitch(clefSign);

                    int stepDifference = clefDefaultPitch.step - pitch.step + (int.Parse(Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH.octave) - int.Parse(pitch.octave)) * 8;
                    if(pitch.step == Step.A || pitch.step == Step.B)
                        stepDifference -= 7;

                    // todo: octave
                    var difference = (int.Parse(pitch.octave) - int.Parse(clefDefaultPitch.octave));
                    if (difference != 0)
                        difference *= 7;
                        stepDifference += (difference < 0) ? difference : -difference;

                    const double stepDistance = 5.5;
                    double topOffset = WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(39, fontSize);
                    double marginTop = noteHead.Margin.Top + (stepDifference * WPFRendering.GetFontFraction(stepDistance, fontSize)) + topOffset;

                    // create and add note stem
                    System.Windows.Shapes.Line noteStem = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                    if (note.stem.Value != stemvalue.none)
                        noteStem = CreateNoteStem(yOffset, note, noteHead, fontSize);

                    // add the note head
                    noteHead.Margin = new Thickness(noteHead.Margin.Left, marginTop, noteHead.Margin.Right, noteHead.Margin.Bottom);
                    noteStem.Margin = new Thickness(noteStem.Margin.Left, marginTop, noteStem.Margin.Right, noteStem.Margin.Bottom);

                    //debug: remove
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("default: " + Constants.Note.TrebelDefaults.PITCH.step + "  " + pitch.step + pitch.octave + "   " + stepDifference);

                // render ledger line if necessary
                if(LineThroughNoteHead(pitch, clefSign))
                    FrameworkElement ledgerLine = RenderLedgerLine(noteHead, fontSize);

                //todo: accidentals
                //todo: clef change on note
                //todo: other notes?

                //todo: make into function
                //todo: if is above half of the staff, rotate so everything points down
                // rotate head
                RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(180);
                rt.CenterX = noteHead.ActualWidth / 2;
                rt.CenterY = 10 * 3 / 4; //todo: use note height calculation from render notehead
                grid.RenderTransform = rt;
                FrameworkElement restElement = RenderRest(note, fontSize);
                restElement.Margin = new Thickness(0, -WPFRendering.GetFontHeight(fontSize, Constants.MusicFonts.DEFAULT) / 4, 0, 0);

            //grid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            return grid;