public void Minimal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var notice = new HoptoadNotice();
            notice.ApiKey = "123456";
            notice.Error = new HoptoadError {
                Class = "TestError",
                Message = "something blew up",
                Backtrace = new[] {
                    new TraceLine() { File = "unknown.cs", LineNumber = 0, Method = "unknown" }
            notice.Notifier = new HoptoadNotifier {
                Name = "hopsharp",
                Version = "2.0",
                Url = ""
            notice.ServerEnvironment = new HoptoadServerEnvironment {
                ProjectRoot = "/test",
                EnvironmentName = "staging"

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<HoptoadNotice>();
            var xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

        public void Minimal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice();

            notice.ApiKey = "123456";
            notice.Error  = new AirbrakeError
                Class     = "TestError",
                Message   = "something blew up",
                Backtrace = new[]
                    new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                        Method = "unknown"
            notice.Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                Name    = "hopsharp",
                Version = "2.0",
                Url     = ""
            notice.ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Exemple #3
        public void Notice_missing_error_fails_validation()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri(""), GetType().FullName)
                    Action = "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url     = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            TestDelegate throwing = () => AirbrakeValidator.ValidateSchema(xml);
            XmlSchemaValidationException exception = Assert.Throws <XmlSchemaValidationException>(throwing);


            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("notice"));
            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("error"));
            Assert.That(exception.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(18));
            Assert.That(exception.LinePosition, Is.EqualTo(3));
        public void Minimal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice();
            notice.ApiKey = "123456";
            notice.Error = new AirbrakeError
                                   Class = "TestError",
                                   Message = "something blew up",
                                   Backtrace = new[]
                                                       new AirbrakeTraceLine ("unknown.cs", 0) { Method = "unknown"}
            notice.Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                                      Name = "hopsharp",
                                      Version = "2.0",
                                      Url = ""
            notice.ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                                               ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Exemple #5
        public void Minimal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance <AirbrakeError>();

            error.Class     = "TestError";
            error.Message   = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                    Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey   = "123456",
                Error    = error,
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url     = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

        public void Notice_contains_Request()
            AirbrakeNotice notice  = null;
            const string   url     = "";
            const string   referer = "";
            string         physicalApplicationPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            var            httpSimulator           = new HttpSimulator("/", physicalApplicationPath)
                                                     .SetFormVariable("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1")
                                                     .SetFormVariable("Form.Key2", "Form.Value2")
                                                     .SetHeader("Header.Key1", "Header.Value1")
                                                     .SetHeader("Header.Key2", "Header.Value2")
                                                     .SetReferer(new Uri(referer))
                                                     .SimulateRequest(new Uri(url));

            using (httpSimulator)
                    Thrower.Throw(new Exception("Halp!"));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    AirbrakeError error = this.builder.ErrorFromException(exception);
                    notice = this.builder.Notice(error);


            Assert.That(notice, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.Error, Is.Not.Null);

#if !NET35
            // We have defined a NET35 constant in the Visual Studio 2008 project so the below code isn't executed,
            // since it requires HttpSimulator which in turn requires .NET 4.0, which in turn requires Visual Studio 2010.
            Assert.That(notice.Request, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Url, Is.EqualTo(url));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Component, Is.EqualTo(typeof(Thrower).FullName));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Action, Is.EqualTo("Throw"));

                        Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")));
                        Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Header.Key1", "Header.Value1")));
                        Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Header.Key2", "Header.Value2")));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.CgiData, Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Referer", referer)));

                        Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", physicalApplicationPath)));
                        Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("QUERY_STRING", "Query.Key1=Query.Value1&Query.Key2=Query.Value2")));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Params, Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1")));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Params, Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key2", "Form.Value2")));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Params, Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Query.Key1", "Query.Value1")));
            Assert.That(notice.Request.Params, Contains.Item(new AirbrakeVar("Query.Key2", "Query.Value2")));
Exemple #7
        public void Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance <AirbrakeError>();

            error.Class     = "TestError";
            error.Message   = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                    Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Error   = error,
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri(""), GetType().FullName)
                    Action    = "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML",
                    Component = "MyApp.HomeController",
                    CgiData   = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST"),
                    Params = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1"),
                    Session = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("UserId", "1"),
                    Url = "",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url     = "",
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Exemple #8
        public void XmlContainsNoFluff()
            var notice = new TestNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Version = "2.0"

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<TestNotice>();
            var xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            Assert.AreEqual(xml, "<notice version=\"2.0\"><api-key>123456</api-key></notice>");
        public void Xml_contains_no_fluff()
            var notice = new TestNotice
                                 ApiKey = "123456",
                                 Version = "2.0"

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<TestNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            const string expected = @"<notice version=""2.0""><api-key>123456</api-key></notice>";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, xml);
Exemple #10
        public void Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance<AirbrakeError>();
            error.Class = "TestError";
            error.Message = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0, "unknown")

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Error = error,
                Request =
                    new AirbrakeRequest("", GetType().FullName, "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML")
                        Component = "MyApp.HomeController",
                        CgiData = new[]
                            new AirbrakeVar("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST")
                        Params = new[]
                            new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1")
                        Session = new[]
                            new AirbrakeVar("UserId", "1")
                        Url = "",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url = "",
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Exemple #11
        private void SetRequestBody(WebRequest request, AirbrakeNotice notice)
            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            this.log.Debug(f => f("Sending the following to '{0}':\n{1}", request.RequestUri, xml));

            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;

            using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
Exemple #12
        public void Xml_contains_no_fluff()
            var notice = new TestNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Version = "2.0"

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <TestNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            const string expected = @"<notice version=""2.0"">

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, xml);
        public void Notice_missing_error_fails_validation()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri(""), GetType().FullName)
                    Action = "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name = "hopsharp",
                    Version = "2.0",
                    Url = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            TestDelegate throwing = () => AirbrakeValidator.ValidateSchema(xml);
            XmlSchemaValidationException exception = Assert.Throws<XmlSchemaValidationException>(throwing);

            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("notice"));
            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("error"));
            Assert.That(exception.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(17));
            Assert.That(exception.LinePosition, Is.EqualTo(3));
        private void SetRequestBody(WebRequest request, AirbrakeNotice notice)
            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            //this.log.Debug(f => f("Sending the following to '{0}':\n{1}", request.RequestUri, xml));

            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;

            using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
Exemple #15
        public void Minimal_notice_with_request_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance<AirbrakeError>();
            error.Class = "TestError";
            error.Message = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0, "unknown")

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Error = error,
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest("", GetType().FullName, "")
                    Session = new AirbrakeVar[0]
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

        private void SetRequestBody(WebRequest request, AirbrakeNotice notice)
            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            //string validationErrors;

            //if(!AirbrakeValidator.IsValidXml(xml,out validationErrors))
            //    this.log.Debug(f => f("Schema validation errors '{0}':\n{1}\n:{2}", request.RequestUri, xml, validationErrors));

            "Sending the following to '{0}':\n{1}".TraceDebug(request.RequestUri, xml);

            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;

            using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
Exemple #17
        public void Notice_missing_error_fails_validation()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest("", GetType().FullName, "")
                    Action = "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            TestDelegate throwing = () => Util.ValidateSchema(xml);
            var exception = Assert.Throws<XmlSchemaValidationException>(throwing);


            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("notice"));
            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("error"));
            Assert.That(exception.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(18));
            Assert.That(exception.LinePosition, Is.EqualTo(3));
        public void NoticeMissingErrorFailsValidation()
            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",

                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri(""), GetType().FullName)
                    Action = "NoticeMissingErrorFailsValidation",

                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "",
                    Url     = ""

                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml       = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            TestDelegate throwing = () => AirbrakeValidator.ValidateSchema(xml);

            var exception = Assert.Throws<XmlSchemaValidationException>(throwing);


            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("notice"));
            Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.StringContaining("error"));
        public void MaximalNoticeGeneratesValidXml()
            var error  = new AirbrakeError
                Class   = "TestError",
                Message = "something blew up",

                Backtrace = new[]
                    new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                        Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Error  = error,

                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri(""), GetType().FullName)
                    Action    = "MaximalNoticeGeneratesValidXml",
                    Component = "MyApp.HomeController",
                    Url       = "",

                    CgiData = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST"),

                    Params = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1"),

                    Session = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("UserId", "1"),

                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "",
                    Url     = "",

                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

        public void MinimalNoticeGeneratesValidXml()
            var error = new AirbrakeError
                Class   = "TestError",
                Message = "something blew up",

                Backtrace = new[]
                    new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                        Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Error  = error,

                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "",
                    Url     = ""

                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            var xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

        public void Minimal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance<AirbrakeError>();
            error.Class = "TestError";
            error.Message = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0) { Method = "unknown" }

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey = "123456",
                Error = error,
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url = ""
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Exemple #22
        private static void SetRequestBody(WebRequest request, HoptoadNotice notice)
            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<HoptoadNotice>();
            string xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;

            using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
Exemple #23
        private string SetRequestBody(HttpWebRequest request, HoptoadNotice notice)
            var serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer<HoptoadNotice>();
            var xml = "";
            if (this.builder.Configuration.UseRedMine == true)
                 xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + serializer.ToXml(notice);
                xml = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            var payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;
            //HttpWebResponse HttpWResp = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            // Insert code that uses the response object.
               // HttpWResp.Close();

            using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                string contents = reader.ReadToEnd();
                return contents;
            catch (Exception e)
                return string.Format("RedHopToad Error {0}: Bug not reported", e.Message);