Exemple #1
        protected void gvTm_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "TmPayClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string og_transID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int succ = 0;

                isw_fields = ret.getISWtransactionByTransactionID(og_transID);
                //Get the hash value
                // string get_trans_hash = hash_value.GetGetSHA512String(inputString);

                isr = tx.myRedirect(check_trans_page + "?productid=" + isw_fields.product_id + "&transactionreference=" + isw_fields.txn_ref + "&amount=" + isw_fields.amount, "Hash", isw_fields.hash);

                string xpay_status = "";
                succ = reg.updateInterSwitchRecords(isw_fields.txn_ref, isw_fields.pay_ref, isw_fields.ret_ref, isr.ResponseCode, isr.TransactionDate, isr.MerchantReference, isr.ResponseDescription);
                if ((isr.ResponseCode == "") || (isr.ResponseCode == null))
                    xpay_status = "2";//Pending
                else if (isr.ResponseCode == "00")
                    xpay_status = "1";//Successfull
                    xpay_status = "3";//Error
                string new_local_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:MM:ss");
                reg.updateInterSwitchPostFieldsDate(isw_fields.txn_ref, new_local_date);
                if (succ != 0)
                    // sendAlert();


            if (e.CommandName == "TmDeleteClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string og_transID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int succ = 0;
                succ = reg.updateInterSwitchVisibleStatus(og_transID, "0");

                //if (succ != 0){    sendAlert();    }

            if (e.CommandName == "TmDetailsClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string tnxref = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
                lt_twall = ret.getTwalletByMemberID(adminID, tnxref, Session["agentType"].ToString());
                if (lt_twall.Count > 0)
                    string pay_status = lt_twall[0].xpay_status;
                    lt_fdets = ret.getFee_detailsByTwalletID(lt_twall[0].xid);

                    Session["transID"] = tnxref; Session["memberID"] = adminID;
                    show_inv = 1;
                    if (pay_status == "0")
                    { pay_status = "PAYMENT UNCOMPLETED!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "1") { pay_status = "PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "2") { pay_status = "PAYMENT PENDING!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "3") { pay_status = "PAYMENT UNSUCCESSFUL!!!"; }

Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if ((Session["pwalletID"] != null) && (Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != ""))
            //{ this.adminID = Session["pwalletID"].ToString(); }
            //{ base.Response.Redirect("../../../a_login.aspx"); }

            xstring = new StringBuilder();
            product_id = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pd_product_id"];
            mackey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pd_mackey"];
            check_trans_page = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pd_get_trans_json_page"];

            if ((Request.Form["txnRef"] != null) && (Request.Form["txnRef"] != "")) { txnref = Request.Form["txnRef"].ToString(); Session["transID"] = txnref; }
            if ((Request.Form["payRef"] != null) && (Request.Form["payRef"] != "")) { payRef = Request.Form["payRef"].ToString(); }
            if ((Request.Form["retRef"] != null) && (Request.Form["retRef"] != "")) { retRef = Request.Form["retRef"].ToString(); }
            if ((Request.Form["cardNum"] != null) && (Request.Form["cardNum"] != "")) { cardNum = Request.Form["cardNum"].ToString(); }
            if ((Request.Form["apprAmt"] != null) && (Request.Form["apprAmt"] != "")) { apprAmt = Request.Form["apprAmt"].ToString(); }
            if ((Request.Form["resp"] != null) && (Request.Form["resp"] != "")) { resp = Request.Form["resp"].ToString(); }
            if ((Request.Form["desc"] != null) && (Request.Form["desc"] != "")) { desc = Request.Form["desc"].ToString(); }

            if (!IsPostBack)
                isw_fields = ret.getISWtransactionByTransactionID(txnref);
                xstring.AppendLine("Transaction reference= " + txnref + " Payment reference= " + payRef + " Switching Bank Reference number= " + retRef + " card No= " + cardNum + " apprAmt= " + apprAmt);

                inputString = product_id + txnref + mackey;
                //Get the hash value
                string get_trans_hash = hash_value.GetGetSHA512String(inputString);

                isr = tx.myRedirect(check_trans_page + "?productid=" + product_id + "&transactionreference=" + txnref + "&amount=" + isw_fields.amount, "Hash", get_trans_hash);

                 if ((isr.ResponseCode != "") && (isr.ResponseCode != null))
                    err_desc = eh.getErrorDesc(isr.ResponseCode);
                    if ((err_desc != "") && (err_desc != null) && (err_desc != "NA"))
                        isr.ResponseDescription = err_desc;
                    xstring.AppendLine("Sent Amount: " + isw_fields.amount + "\r\n Product ID: " + product_id + "\r\n Hash: " + get_trans_hash + "\r\n Amount: " + isr.Amount + "\r\n CardNumber: " + isr.CardNumber + "\r\n MerchantReference: " + isr.MerchantReference
                     + "\r\n PaymentReference: " + isr.PaymentReference + "\r\n RetrievalReferenceNumber: " + isr.RetrievalReferenceNumber
                     + "\r\n LeadBankCbnCode: " + isr.LeadBankCbnCode + "\r\n TransactionDate: " + isr.TransactionDate
                     + "\r\n ResponseCode: " + isr.ResponseCode + "\r\n ResponseDescription: " + isr.ResponseDescription + "\r\n Json Page: " + check_trans_page
                     + "\r\n Form Response: " + resp + "\r\n Form Description: " + desc

                    //Log the info in a file
                    if (txnref != "")
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "InterLogs/" + txnref + ".txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "InterLogs/xxx.txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);
                    //Update the DB Record

                    succ = reg.updateInterSwitchRecords(txnref, payRef, retRef, isr.ResponseCode, isr.TransactionDate, isr.MerchantReference,isr.ResponseDescription);
                     if (isr.ResponseCode == "00")
                        xpay_status = "1";//Successfull
                        xpay_status = "3";//Error
                    reg.updateTwalletPaymentStatus(txnref, xpay_status);
                    if (succ != 0)
                    string rc = "None"; string rd = "None";

                    xstring.AppendLine("Sent Amount: " + isw_fields.amount + "\r\n Product ID: " + product_id + "\r\n Hash: " + get_trans_hash + "\r\n Amount: None\r\n CardNumber: None\r\n MerchantReference: None\r\n PaymentReference: None\r\n RetrievalReferenceNumber: None\r\n LeadBankCbnCode: None\r\n TransactionDate: None\r\n ResponseCode: " + rc + "\r\n ResponseDescription: " + rd + "\r\n Json Page: " + check_trans_page
                   + "\r\n Form Response: " + resp + "\r\n Form Description: " + desc

                    //Log the info in a file
                    if (txnref != "")
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "InterLogs/" + txnref + ".txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "InterLogs/xxx.txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);
                    xpay_status = "3";//Error
                    reg.updateTwalletPaymentStatus(txnref, xpay_status);
                    //No internet Connection at this time
                    if (desc == ""){isr.ResponseDescription = "Transaction Pending"; } else { isr.ResponseDescription = desc;}
                    if (resp == "") { isr.ResponseCode = "XXXX"; } else { isr.ResponseCode = resp; }
        protected void gvTm_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if ((Session["tm_cnt"] != null) && (Session["tm_cnt"].ToString() != "")) { tm_cnt = Convert.ToInt32(Session["tm_cnt"]); }
            if ((Session["lt_ri"] != null) && (Session["lt_ri"].ToString() != "")) { lt_ri = (List<Classes.XObjs.ReportItem>)Session["lt_ri"]; }
            gvTm.DataSource = lt_ri;

            if (e.CommandName == "TmPayClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string tnxref = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

                xispf = ret.getISWtransactionByTransactionID(tnxref);

                if ((xispf.xid != null) && (xispf.xid != null))
                    Session["xispf"] = xispf;

            if (e.CommandName == "TmReqClick")
                string new_local_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:MM:ss");
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string og_transID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int succ = 0;

                isw_fields = ret.getISWtransactionByTransactionID(og_transID);
                //Get the hash value
                string inputString = isw_fields.product_id + isw_fields.txn_ref + isw_fields.mackey;

                string get_trans_hash = hash_value.GetGetSHA512String(inputString);
                isr = tx.myRedirect(check_trans_page + "?productid=" + isw_fields.product_id + "&transactionreference=" + isw_fields.txn_ref + "&amount=" + isw_fields.amount, "Hash", get_trans_hash);
                if ((isr.ResponseCode != "") && (isr.ResponseCode != null) &&
                    (isr.PaymentReference != "") && (isr.PaymentReference != null) &&
                    (isr.ResponseDescription != "") && (isr.ResponseDescription != null)
                    if (isw_fields.txn_ref == null) { isw_fields.txn_ref = ""; };
                    if (isw_fields.pay_ref == null) { isw_fields.pay_ref = ""; };
                    if (isw_fields.ret_ref == null) { isw_fields.ret_ref = ""; };
                    if (isr.ResponseCode == null) { isr.ResponseCode = ""; };
                    if (isr.TransactionDate == null) { isr.TransactionDate = ""; };
                    if (isr.MerchantReference == null) { isr.MerchantReference = ""; };
                    if (isr.ResponseDescription == null) { isr.ResponseDescription = ""; };

                    xstring.AppendLine("Sent Amount: " + isw_fields.amount + "\r\n Product ID: " + isw_fields.product_id + "\r\n Hash: " + get_trans_hash + "\r\n Amount: " + isr.Amount + "\r\n CardNumber: " + isr.CardNumber + "\r\n MerchantReference: " + isr.MerchantReference
                          + "\r\n PaymentReference: " + isr.PaymentReference + "\r\n RetrievalReferenceNumber: " + isr.RetrievalReferenceNumber
                          + "\r\n LeadBankCbnCode: " + isr.LeadBankCbnCode + "\r\n TransactionDate: " + isr.TransactionDate
                          + "\r\n ResponseCode: " + isr.ResponseCode + "\r\n ResponseDescription: " + isr.ResponseDescription + "\r\n Json Page: " + check_trans_page);
                    //Log the info in a file
                    if (isw_fields.txn_ref != "")
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "LiveInterLogs/Ag/" + isw_fields.txn_ref + ".txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);
                        docpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/") + "LiveInterLogs/Ag/xxx.txt";
                        succ = x.WriteToFile(xstring.ToString(), docpath);

                    if ((isr.ResponseCode == "") || (isr.ResponseCode == null))
                        xpay_status = "2";//Pending
                    else if (isr.ResponseCode == "00")
                        xpay_status = "1";//Successfull
                        xpay_status = "3";//Error
                    succ = reg.updateInterSwitchRecords(isw_fields.txn_ref, isw_fields.pay_ref, isw_fields.ret_ref, isr.ResponseCode, isr.TransactionDate, isr.MerchantReference, isr.ResponseDescription);
                    reg.updateTwalletPaymentStatus(isw_fields.txn_ref, xpay_status);

                    reg.updateInterSwitchPostFieldsDate(isw_fields.txn_ref, new_local_date);
                    if (succ != 0)

            if (e.CommandName == "TmDeleteClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string og_transID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int succ = 0;
                succ = reg.updateInterSwitchVisibleStatus(og_transID, "0");
                //if (succ != 0){    sendAlert();    }

            if (e.CommandName == "TmDetailsClick")
                GridViewRow rowSelect = (GridViewRow)(((ImageButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                int rowindex = rowSelect.RowIndex;
                string tnxref = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
                lt_twall = ret.getTwalletByMemberID(adminID, tnxref, Session["agentType"].ToString());
                if (lt_twall.Count > 0)
                    string pay_status = lt_twall[0].xpay_status;
                    lt_fdets = ret.getFee_detailsByTwalletID(lt_twall[0].xid);
                    Session["transID"] = tnxref; Session["memberID"] = adminID;
                    show_inv = 1;
                    if (pay_status == "0")
                    { pay_status = "PAYMENT UNCOMPLETED!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "1") { pay_status = "PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "2") { pay_status = "PAYMENT PENDING!!!"; }
                    else if (pay_status == "3") { pay_status = "PAYMENT UNSUCCESSFUL!!!"; }