Exemple #1
        // Constructor Override, allows the state to be set
        public Civilian(Vector2 origin, Vector2 heading, CivilianStates state, Texture2D texture)
            : base(origin, texture)
            lifeTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            this.Heading = heading;
            CivilianState = state;
            shot = false;

            Random gen = new Random();
            headingChangeMillis = Constants.gen.Next(500,1000);
Exemple #2
        // Constructor Override, allows the state to be set
        public Civilian(Vector2 origin, Vector2 heading, CivilianStates state, Texture2D texture, float speed = 1.0f)
            : base(origin, texture)
            lifeTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            this.Heading = heading;
            this.civilianState = state;
            this.speed = speed;

            Random gen = new Random();
            headingChangeMillis = gen.Next(500,1000);