Exemple #1
        public CivilianProfile CloneNPC(CivilianProfile NPC)
            CivilianProfile NewNPC = new CivilianProfile();

            NewNPC.name           = NPC.name;
            NewNPC.TalkToResponse = NPC.TalkToResponse;

            NewNPC.inventory = new List <itemInfo>();
            if (NPC.inventory != null)
                foreach (itemInfo item in NPC.inventory)

            NewNPC.Knowledge = new List <Facts>();
            if (NPC.Knowledge != null)
                foreach (Facts fact in NPC.Knowledge)

            NewNPC.HPBonus        = NPC.HPBonus;
            NewNPC.armor          = NPC.armor;
            NewNPC.Money          = NPC.Money;
            NewNPC.willSell       = NPC.willSell;
            NewNPC.willBuy        = NPC.willBuy;
            NewNPC.MerchantType   = NPC.MerchantType;
            NewNPC.QuestCharacter = NPC.QuestCharacter;
            NewNPC.XP             = NPC.XP;
            NewNPC.Donation       = NPC.Donation;
            //NewNPC.ImagePath = NPC.ImagePath;
            //NewNPC.ImageLocation = NPC.ImageLocation;

        public static void PayOff(string EnemyName, int amount)
            int index = 0;
            bool enemyfound = false;

            //LoDConsole.WriteLine("!! Trying to pay off {0} with amount {1} !!\n", EnemyName, amount);

            while (CurrentRoom.Enemy != null && index < CurrentRoom.Enemy.Count)
                if (EnemyName.ToLower() == CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].name.ToLower())
                    enemyfound = true;

                    if (CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].PayOff == 0)
                        LoDConsole.WriteLine(WordWrap(string.Concat(EnemyName, " will not accept a bribe from you\n")));
                    else if (amount >= CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].PayOff)     //enemy will accept more than the bribe amount
                        LoDConsole.WriteLine(WordWrap(string.Concat(EnemyName, " has accepted your bribe. \"", CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].PayOffResponse, "\" says your opponent as they holster their weapon and stand down")));
                        if (CurrentRoom.Civilians == null) CurrentRoom.Civilians = new List<CivilianProfile>();
                        CivilianProfile notHostile = new CivilianProfile(); //convert enemy to non hostile civilian

                        notHostile.name = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].name;
                        notHostile.TalkToResponse = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].PayOffResponse;
                        notHostile.inventory = new List<itemInfo>();
                        notHostile.HPBonus = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].HPBonus;
                        notHostile.armor = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].armor;
                        notHostile.willSell = false;
                        notHostile.Money = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].Money + amount;
                        notHostile.QuestCharacter = false;
                        notHostile.XP = 0;
                        Player.Money = Player.Money - amount;
                        CurrentRoom.Enemy[index] = GainXPfromEnemy(CurrentRoom.Enemy[index]);

                        EventTrigger("payoff", CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].name);

                        LoDConsole.WriteLine(WordWrap(string.Concat("Enemy ", CurrentRoom.Enemy[index].name, " examines the coins and decides you haven't given them enough. They attack in response.\n")));
                        Player.Money = Player.Money - amount;
                        EnemyProfile Enemy = CurrentRoom.Enemy[index];
                        Enemy.Money = Enemy.Money + amount;
                        Enemy.PayOff = 0;
                        CurrentRoom.Enemy[index] = Enemy;
            if (enemyfound == false)
                LoDConsole.WriteLine(WordWrap(string.Concat(EnemyName, " was not found in the current area")));
        public CivilianProfile CloneNPC(CivilianProfile NPC)
            CivilianProfile NewNPC = new CivilianProfile();

            NewNPC.name = NPC.name;
            NewNPC.TalkToResponse = NPC.TalkToResponse;

            NewNPC.inventory = new List<itemInfo>();
            if (NPC.inventory != null) foreach (itemInfo item in NPC.inventory) { NewNPC.inventory.Add(CloneItem(item)); }

            NewNPC.Knowledge = new List<Facts>();
            if (NPC.Knowledge != null) foreach (Facts fact in NPC.Knowledge) { NewNPC.Knowledge.Add(CloneFact(fact)); }

            NewNPC.HPBonus = NPC.HPBonus;
            NewNPC.armor = NPC.armor;
            NewNPC.Money = NPC.Money;
            NewNPC.willSell = NPC.willSell;
            NewNPC.willBuy = NPC.willBuy;
            NewNPC.MerchantType = NPC.MerchantType;
            NewNPC.QuestCharacter = NPC.QuestCharacter;
            NewNPC.XP = NPC.XP;
            NewNPC.Donation = NPC.Donation;
            //NewNPC.ImagePath = NPC.ImagePath;
            //NewNPC.ImageLocation = NPC.ImageLocation;

            return NewNPC;
        public static CivilianProfile GainXPfromNPC(CivilianProfile NPC)
            if (NPC.XP > 0) Player.XP = Player.XP + NPC.XP;
            NPC.XP = 0;

            return NPC;