private IList <Point> FindOpenPositions(IList <Point> roads, CityMap city) { // TODO: This function has an O(n^2) computation power which is likely too slow. Some kind of caching might be useful. var list = new List <Point>(); foreach (var roadPos in roads) { var rX = roadPos.X; var rY = roadPos.Y; var xMin = Math.Max(city.IsRoad(rX - 1, rY) ? rX : rX - 3, 0); var xMax = Math.Min(city.IsRoad(rX + 1, rY) ? rX : rX + 3, city.SizeX - 1); var yMin = Math.Max(city.IsRoad(rX, rY - 1) ? rY : rY - 3, 0); var yMax = Math.Min(city.IsRoad(rX, rY + 1) ? rY : rY + 3, city.SizeY - 1); for (var x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { for (var y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { if (city.Terrain[x, y].ZoneId == _zone.Id && city.Terrain[x, y].Building == null) { list.Add(new Point(x, y)); } } } } return(list.Distinct().ToList()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CityMap map = new CityMap(); initializeCityMap(map); searchConsole(map); }
private void PlaceBuildings(CityMap city, int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } var roadNetwork = FindRoadNetwork(city); var openPositions = FindOpenPositions(roadNetwork, city); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!openPositions.Any()) { return; } // TODO: Maybe multiple positions should be evaluated and the best be chosen. Experiment with it. var id = _rnd.Next(openPositions.Count); var pos = openPositions[id]; // TODO: This should be buildings chosen by the actor, not the zone. city.PlaceBuilding(pos, _zone.GetRandom(_rnd)); openPositions.RemoveAt(id); } }
public void FindShortWayTest() { var a = new CityPlace(new Coordinate(0, 0)); var b = new CityPlace(new Coordinate(1, 4)); var c = new CityPlace(new Coordinate(2, -1)); var d = new CityPlace(new Coordinate(5, -1)); var e = new CityPlace(new Coordinate(6, 4)); var ac = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(a, c, 2); var ab = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(a, b, 5); var cb = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(c, b, 2); var cd = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(c, d, 6); var be = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(b, e, 7); var de = new SelfWeightedCityRoad(d, e, 1); var cityPlaces = new HashSet <ICityPlace> { a, b, c, d, e }; var cityRoads = new HashSet <ICityRoad> { ac, ab, cb, cd, be, de }; var cityMap = new CityMap(cityPlaces, cityRoads); var resolver = new DijkstraResolver(); var resolve = resolver.Resolve(cityMap, a); var expected = new Route(a, e, new [] { ac, cd, de }); var actual = resolve.FindShortRouteTo(e); Assert.Equal(expected.Start, actual.Start); Assert.Equal(expected.End, actual.End); Assert.Equal(expected.Roads, actual.Roads); }
private async void FindADrink(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); string baseUrl = ""; string apiKey = "{API_KEY}"; var result = await httpClient.GetAsync(baseUrl + location.Latitude + "," + location.Longitude + "&radius=1000&type=bar&key=" + apiKey); var responseString = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var responseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RouteModel>(responseString); Random random = new Random(); var randomNumber = random.Next(0, responseObject.results.Count - 1); location = new Xamarin.Essentials.Location(responseObject.results[randomNumber], responseObject.results[randomNumber].geometry.location.lng); Position position = new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); barName = responseObject.results[randomNumber].name; MapSpan mapSpan = new MapSpan(position, 0.01, 0.01); Pin pin = new Pin { Label = barName, Address = responseObject.results[randomNumber].vicinity, Type = PinType.Place, Position = position }; CityMap.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); ResultLabel.Text = "YOUR NEXT DRINK IS AT: " + barName; CityMap.Pins.Clear(); CityMap.Pins.Add(pin); RouteButton.IsVisible = true; }
public static void initializeCityMap(CityMap map) { map.addCity("MUM", "Mumbai"); map.addCity("ST", "Surat"); map.addCity("VAPI", "Vapi"); map.addCity("MON", "Monali"); map.addCity("MAL", "Malad"); }
async void OnStartup() { //var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Best); //location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request); location = new Xamarin.Essentials.Location(50.1118331, 8.6608024); Position position = new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); MapSpan mapSpan = new MapSpan(position, 0.01, 0.01); CityMap.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameMode"/> class. /// </summary> public GameMode(Device Device) { this.Device = Device; this.Time = new Time(); this.Random = new Random(); this.Office = new Office(); this.CityMap = new CityMap(this); this.Puzzle = new Puzzle(this); this.EnergyTimer = new EnergyTimer(this); }
public CityMapDTO(CityMap cityMap) { Id = cityMap.Id; CityMapType = new CityMapTypeDTO(cityMap.CityMapType); CityMapZone = new CityMapZoneDTO(cityMap.CityMapZone); XCoordinate = cityMap.XCoordinate; YCoordinate = cityMap.YCoordinate; Name = cityMap.Name; Level = cityMap.Level; }
public void Update(CityMap city) { // TODO: Growth factor should depend on extra variables. var growthFactor = 0.15f; var count = Math.Floor(_rnd.NextDouble() + growthFactor); PlaceBuildings(city, (int)count); // TODO: Building decay }
public MapWrapper generateWrapperFromMap(CityMap map) { MapWrapper wrapper = new MapWrapper(); wrapper.cities = new List <CityWrapper>(); foreach (City city in map.Cities) { wrapper.cities.Add(generateWrapperFromCity(city)); } return(wrapper); }
private IEnumerable <CityMap> GetCityMapFromDatatable(DataTable dt) { List <CityMap> maps = new List <CityMap>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { CityMap map = GetCityMapFromDataRow(row); maps.Add(map); } return(maps); }
public CityMap generateMapFromWrapper(MapWrapper wrapper) { CityMap map = new CityMap(); foreach (CityWrapper city in wrapper.cities) { Army tempArmy = generateArmyFromWrapper(; City temp = new City(map, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(city.xPosition, city.yPosition),, tempArmy.Owner); temp.SetStationedArmy(tempArmy); //map.Cities.Add(temp); } return(map); }
public static List <Tool> GetTools(CityMap city, ZoneManager zones) { var list = new List <Tool>(); list.Add(new TileTool(new RectangeAreaSelector(), new PlaceZoneEffect(city, zones[0]))); list.Add(new TileTool(new RectangeAreaSelector(), new PlaceZoneEffect(city, zones[1]))); list.Add(new TileTool(new RectangeAreaSelector(), new PlaceZoneEffect(city, zones[2]))); list.Add(new TileTool(new RectangeAreaSelector(), new PlaceZoneEffect(city, zones[3]))); list.Add(new TileTool(new LineAreaSelector(), new PlaceRoadEffect(city, zones[4]))); list.Add(new TileTool(new RectangeAreaSelector(), new DestroyEffect(city))); return(list); }
public Mesh GenerateMesh(Building building, CityMap map) { var factory = new Mesh.Factory(); var plan = _planGenerator.Generate(building.Pos + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), building.Type.Size); plan.NumFloors = _rnd.Next(1, 3); UpdateHeights(plan, map.HeightMap); _wallGenerator.CreateWalls(factory, plan); _roofGenerator.CreateRoof(factory, plan); return(factory.ToMesh()); }
public void resetGame() { PlayerArmy = new Army("Player"); SelectedMap = new CityMap(); EnemyArmy = null; Unit firstUnit = new Unit(); PlayerArmy.addUnit(firstUnit); PlayerArmy.addUnit(new Unit(UnitType.Miku)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PlayerArmy.addUnit(new Unit()); } PlayerArmy.squads[0, 0].addUnit(0, firstUnit); }
public static void searchConsole(CityMap map) { bool isExit = false; Console.WriteLine("Search Console Started for Map...."); while (!isExit) { Console.WriteLine("Select Any Option Below: " + "\n 1. to Search" + "\n 2. Quit" + "\n Enter Your Choice: "); int choice = 0; const int ADD = 1, QUIT = 2; choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case ADD: Console.WriteLine("Enter City Code: "); string cityCode = Console.ReadLine(); Dictionary <City, City> cityMap =; Console.WriteLine("Cities BELOW: "); foreach (KeyValuePair <City, City> city in cityMap) { Console.WriteLine(city.Value); } break; case QUIT: Console.WriteLine("The Program is now closed....!!"); isExit = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You Have toSelect an Option"); break; } } }
private IList <Point> FindRoadNetwork(CityMap city) { // TODO: This function has an O(n^2) computation power which is likely too slow. Some kind of caching might be useful. var list = new List <Point>(); for (var x = 0; x < city.SizeX; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < city.SizeX; y++) { if (city.IsRoad(x, y)) { list.Add(new Point(x, y)); } } } return(list); }
void ReadMap(string _Line, int _Count) { //int m_J = 0; for (int m_I = 0; m_I < _Line.Length; m_I++) { m_TempMap = new CityMap(); m_TempMap.m_Coor.x = m_I; m_TempMap.m_Coor.y = _Count; m_TempMap.m_Character = _Line[m_I]; m_TempMap.m_Colour = Color.grey; m_TempMap.m_Rotation = Random.Range(0, 4); m_Map.Add(m_TempMap); } }
/// <summary> /// Searches for cities that match the given cityName, countryCode and countyName, /// returning a list of matching cities. /// </summary> /// <param name="cityName">Mandatory. Name of the city to search for.</param> /// <param name="countryCode">Optional. Two letter country code for the city to search for.</param> /// <param name="countryName">Optional. Name of the country to search for. </param> public async Task <IList <City> > SearchForCities(string cityName, string countryCode = null, string countryName = null) { string requestUri = string.Empty; if (countryCode == null && countryName != null) { GlobalizationHelper globalizationHelper = new GlobalizationHelper(); countryCode = globalizationHelper.GetCountryCode(countryName); } if (countryCode != null) { requestUri = $"{_serachBaseUrl}{cityName},{countryCode}&type=like&appid={_searchApiKey}"; } else { requestUri = $"{_serachBaseUrl}{cityName}&type=like&appid={_searchApiKey}"; } HttpClient client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(requestUri) }; client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string responseJsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); WeatherSearchResultDto deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherSearchResultDto>(responseJsonString); IDomainMapper <WeatherSearchResultDto, IList <City> > cityMapper = new CityMap(); IList <City> cityList = cityMapper.MapTo(deserializedProduct); return(cityList); } return(null); }
private void TryFillCity(ExchangeAddressDetail detail, AddressDetail addressDetail) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.CityName)) { return; } var citiesValue = CityMap.Where(e => e.Key.CityName == detail.CityName).ToList(); if (!citiesValue.Any()) { return; } if (citiesValue.Count() == 1) { FillAddressDetail(addressDetail, citiesValue.First().Value); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.RegionName)) { return; } citiesValue = citiesValue.Where(e => e.Key.RegionNameConfig.RegionName == detail.RegionName).ToList(); if (!citiesValue.Any()) { return; } if (citiesValue.Count() == 1) { FillAddressDetail(addressDetail, citiesValue.First().Value); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.CountryName)) { return; } citiesValue = citiesValue.Where(e => e.Key.RegionNameConfig.CountryName == detail.CountryName).ToList(); if (citiesValue.Count() == 1) { FillAddressDetail(addressDetail, citiesValue.First().Value); } }
/// <summary> /// Находит ближайший путь до указанного местоположения. /// </summary> /// <param name="cityPlace">Местоположение до которого необходимо получить ближайший путь.</param> /// <returns>Путь <see cref="IRoute"/>.</returns> public IRoute FindShortRouteTo(ICityPlace cityPlace) { if (!CityMap.Places.Contains(cityPlace)) { throw new ArgumentException("Местоположение не относится к текущему городу."); } var roads = new List <ICityRoad>(); var vertex = _dijkstraVertices.GetDijkstraVertex(cityPlace); while (vertex.CityPlace != StartPlace) { var road = CityMap.GetRoadBetween(vertex.CityPlace, vertex.PreviousCityPlace); roads.Add(road); vertex = _dijkstraVertices.GetDijkstraVertex(vertex.PreviousCityPlace); } roads.Reverse(); return(new Route(StartPlace, cityPlace, roads)); }
public static Scene MainScene() { Scene newScene = new Scene("MainScene"); var map = new CityMap(128, 72); var zoomIndicator = new UIFadingLabel() { Text = "10x", Color = Color.White, FontSize = 48, FadeTime = 1f }; zoomIndicator.RectTransform.Rect = new Rectangle(1150, 0, 100, 100); map.ZoomIndicator = zoomIndicator; newScene.AddComponent(map); newScene.AddComponent(zoomIndicator); return(newScene); }
public TkCityRenderer(CityMap cityMap) { _cityMap = cityMap; _heightMapMesh = _cityMap.HeightMap.ToMesh(); _heightMapMesh.Texture = Program.TextureCache["grass.png"]; var waterMeshFactory = new Mesh.Factory(); waterMeshFactory.AddSurface( new Mesh.Vertex { Pos = Vector3.Zero, Normal = Vector3.UnitY, TexCoords = Vector2.Zero }, new Mesh.Vertex { Pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 128), TexCoords = new Vector2(0, 32) }, new Mesh.Vertex { Pos = new Vector3(128, 0, 0), TexCoords = new Vector2(32, 0) }); _waterMesh = waterMeshFactory.ToMesh(); _waterMesh.Texture = Program.TextureCache["water.png"]; }
private CityMap GetCityMapFromDataRow(DataRow row) { // TODO: refactor CityMapType cityMapType = new CityMapType( Convert.ToInt32(row["CityMapTypeId"].ToString()), row["CityMapTypeName"].ToString(), row["CityMapTypeOfficialName"].ToString(), row["CityMapTypeFictionalName"].ToString() ); CityMapType zoneCityMapType = new CityMapType( Convert.ToInt32(row["ZoneMapTypeId"].ToString()), row["ZoneMapTypeName"].ToString(), row["ZoneMapTypeOfficialName"].ToString(), row["ZoneMapTypeFictionaleName"].ToString() ); CityMapZone cityMapZone = new CityMapZone( Convert.ToInt32(row["CityMapZoneId"].ToString()), row["CityMapZoneName"].ToString(), row["CityMapZoneOfficialName"].ToString(), row["CityMapZoneFictionalName"].ToString(), zoneCityMapType ); CityMap city = new CityMap( Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"].ToString()), cityMapType, cityMapZone, Convert.ToInt32(row["XCoordinate"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row["YCoordinate"].ToString()), row["Name"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(row["Level"].ToString()) ); return(city); }
public PlaceRoadEffect(CityMap city, ZoneType zone) { _city = city; _zone = zone; }
public Route(CityMap cities) { this.cities = cities; Initialize(); }
public DestroyEffect(CityMap city) { _city = city; }
public int GetPrice(CityMap map, ushort x, ushort y) { //TODO: Work on this scheme var terrain = map.GetTerrain(x, y); var basePrice = 3000; switch (terrain) { case TerrainType.GRASS: basePrice += 1000; break; case TerrainType.SAND: case TerrainType.SNOW: basePrice += 2000; break; } var price = basePrice; //Altitude increase price var elevation = map.GetElevation(x, y); //$19 for each elevation increment price += (19 * elevation); //+2500 for every water edge var leftLocation = MapCoordinates.Offset(new MapCoordinate(x, y), -1, 0); var leftTerrain = map.GetTerrain(leftLocation.X, leftLocation.Y); var rightLocation = MapCoordinates.Offset(new MapCoordinate(x, y), 1, 0); var rightTerrain = map.GetTerrain(rightLocation.X, rightLocation.Y); var topLocation = MapCoordinates.Offset(new MapCoordinate(x, y), 0, -1); var topTerrain = map.GetTerrain(topLocation.X, topLocation.Y); var bottomLocation = MapCoordinates.Offset(new MapCoordinate(x, y), 0, 1); var bottomTerrain = map.GetTerrain(bottomLocation.X, bottomLocation.Y); if (leftTerrain == TerrainType.WATER) { price += 5000; } if (rightTerrain == TerrainType.WATER) { price += 5000; } if (topTerrain == TerrainType.WATER) { price += 5000; } if (bottomTerrain == TerrainType.WATER) { price += 5000; } //Extra for an island if (bottomTerrain == TerrainType.WATER && topTerrain == TerrainType.WATER && leftTerrain == TerrainType.WATER && rightTerrain == TerrainType.WATER) { price += 10000; } return(price); }
public ShardRealestateDomain(ShardStatusItem shard, CityMap map) { _Map = map; //TODO: Hardcore _Pricing = new BasicLotPricingStrategy(); }
public PlayerInfo(Army playerArmy, CityMap cityMap) { PlayerArmy = playerArmy; SelectedMap = cityMap; EnemyArmy = null; }