public string SaveCity(City city) { City aCity = cityGateway.IsExist(city); if (aCity == null) { int rowAffected = cityGateway.AddCity(city); if (rowAffected > 0) { return("Saved Successfully"); } else { return("Saved Failed"); } } return("City Name Already Existst"); }
public Message Save(City newCity) { Message message = new Message(); if (newCity.Name.Length == 0) { message.Status = "alert alert-warning"; message.Details = "City name is required."; return(message); } bool isCityExists = IsCityExists(newCity); if (isCityExists) { message.Status = "alert alert-danger"; message.Details = "City name [" + newCity.Name + "] is already exists."; return(message); } if (newCity.About.Length == 0) { message.Status = "alert alert-warning"; message.Details = "About field name is required."; return(message); } if (newCity.Location.Length == 0) { message.Status = "alert alert-warning"; message.Details = "Location field name is required."; return(message); } if (newCity.Weather.Length == 0) { message.Status = "alert alert-warning"; message.Details = "Weather field name is required."; return(message); } if (newCity.CountryId == 0) { message.Status = "alert alert-warning"; message.Details = "Select a CountryDropDown of the city."; return(message); } try { aCityGateway.AddCity(newCity); message.Status = "alert alert-success"; message.Details = "City Added Successfully"; } catch (SqlException ex) { message.Status = "alert alert-danger"; message.Details = ex.Message; } return(message); }