public void CanTest2SegmentCircle()
            IFeatureClass fc = CreateLineClass(_testWs, "CanTest2SegmentCircle");

            IFeature row1 = fc.CreateFeature();

            IConstructCircularArc arc = new CircularArcClass();

            arc.ConstructCircle(GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0), 3, false);

            IPolyline polyline = CreatePolyLine((ISegment)arc);

            int  segmentIndex;
            int  newPartIndex;
            bool splitHappened;

            polyline.SplitAtDistance(0.5, true, false,
                                     out splitHappened,
                                     out newPartIndex,
                                     out segmentIndex);

            row1.Shape = polyline;

            var test = new QaMinSegAngle(fc, 0.1, true);

            var runner = new QaContainerTestRunner(1000, test);


            // assert that two segment closed curve does not always report two
            // errors when using linearized segments
            Assert.AreEqual(0, runner.Errors.Count);
Exemple #2
        private ISegment MadeArcSeg_3Point(IPoint pPoint1, IPoint pPoint2, IPoint pPoint3)
            IConstructCircularArc pArc = new CircularArcClass();

            pArc.ConstructThreePoints(pPoint1, pPoint2, pPoint3, true);
Exemple #3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IPoint centerPoint = new PointClass();

            centerPoint.PutCoords(10, 0);
            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

            fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);
            IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

            toPoint.PutCoords(0, 20);
            IConstructCircularArc circularArcConstruction = new CircularArcClass();

            circularArcConstruction.ConstructThreePoints(fromPoint, centerPoint, toPoint, false);
            IConstructMultipoint constructMultipoint = new MultipointClass();

            constructMultipoint.ConstructArcPoints(circularArcConstruction as ICircularArc);
            IPointCollection pointCollection = constructMultipoint as IPointCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                addFeature("point", pointCollection.get_Point(i));

Exemple #4
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IPoint centerPoint = new PointClass();

            centerPoint.PutCoords(10, 0);
            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

            fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);
            IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

            toPoint.PutCoords(0, 20);
            ICircularArc circularArcConstruction = new CircularArcClass();

            circularArcConstruction.PutCoords(centerPoint, fromPoint, toPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
            IConstructMultipoint constructMultipoint = new MultipointClass();

            constructMultipoint.ConstructDivideLength(circularArcConstruction as ICurve, 10);
            IPointCollection pointCollection = constructMultipoint as IPointCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                addFeature("point", pointCollection.get_Point(i));

Exemple #5
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double num    = double.Parse(this.txtXCoor.Text);
            double num2   = double.Parse(this.txtYCoor.Text);
            double radius = double.Parse(this.txtRadio.Text);

            if (this.imap_0.MapUnits != esriUnits.esriKilometers)
                num    *= 1000.0;
                num2   *= 1000.0;
                radius *= 1000.0;
            IPoint centerPoint = new PointClass
                X = num,
                Y = num2
            ICircularArc arc = new CircularArcClass();

            (arc as IConstructCircularArc).ConstructCircle(centerPoint, radius, false);
            ISegmentCollection segments = new PolygonClass();
            object             before   = Missing.Value;

            segments.AddSegment(arc as ISegment, ref before, ref before);
            this.igeometry_0  = segments as IGeometry;
            base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #6
        private ICircularArc CreateCircleArc(IPoint point, double radius, bool isCounterCW)
            ICircularArc           circularArc          = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc2 constructCircularArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc2;

            constructCircularArc.ConstructCircle(point, radius, isCounterCW);
        public static IGeometry GetCircleGeometry(IPoint pPoint, double radius)
            ICircularArc pCircularArc = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc pConstructCircularArc = pCircularArc as IConstructCircularArc;
            pConstructCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pPoint, radius, true);
            return GetCircleGeometry(pCircularArc);

Exemple #8
        public static ICircularArc ConstructCircle(IPoint centerPoint, double radius)
            ICircularArc          circularArc          = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc constructCircluarArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc;

            constructCircluarArc.ConstructCircle(centerPoint, radius, true);
Exemple #9
        public static ICircularArc ConstructCircularArc(IPoint centerPoint, IPoint fromPoint, bool isCCW, double arcDistance)
            ICircularArc          circularArc          = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc constructCircluarArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc;

            constructCircluarArc.ConstructArcDistance(centerPoint, fromPoint, isCCW, arcDistance);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造圆形对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="isCCW"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICircularArc CreateCircleArc(IPoint point, double radius, bool isCCW)
            ICircularArc          circularArc            = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc construtionCircularArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc;

            construtionCircularArc.ConstructCircle(point, radius, isCCW);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过开始点和结束点创建半圆弧片段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromPoint">开始点</param>
        /// <param name="toPoint">结束点</param>
        /// <returns>半圆弧片段</returns>
        public static ISegment CreateHalfCircularArcByTwoPoints(IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint)
            ILine line   = CreateLineByTwoPoints(fromPoint, toPoint);
            ILine normal = new LineClass();

            line.QueryNormal(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, (double)(line.Length / 2.0), normal);
            IConstructCircularArc Constructor = new CircularArcClass();

            Constructor.ConstructThreePoints(fromPoint, normal.ToPoint, toPoint, true);
Exemple #12
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IPoint[] points = new IPoint[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                points[i] = new PointClass();

            points[0].PutCoords(15, 10);
            points[1].PutCoords(20, 60);
            points[2].PutCoords(40, 60);
            points[3].PutCoords(45, 10);
            addFeature("point", points[0]);
            addFeature("point", points[1]);
            addFeature("point", points[2]);
            addFeature("point", points[3]);
            IBezierCurveGEN bezierCurve = new BezierCurveClass();

            bezierCurve.PutCoords(ref points);
            IPoint centerPoint = new PointClass();

            centerPoint.PutCoords(30, 30);
            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

            fromPoint.PutCoords(10, 10);
            IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

            toPoint.PutCoords(50, 10);
            IConstructCircularArc circularArcConstruction = new CircularArcClass();

            circularArcConstruction.ConstructThreePoints(fromPoint, centerPoint, toPoint, false);

            object param0;
            object param1;
            object isTangentPoint;
            IConstructMultipoint constructMultipoint = new MultipointClass();

            constructMultipoint.ConstructIntersection(circularArcConstruction as ISegment, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, bezierCurve as ISegment, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, out param0, out param1, out isTangentPoint);
            IMultipoint      multipoint      = constructMultipoint as IMultipoint;
            IPointCollection pointCollection = multipoint as IPointCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                addFeature("point", pointCollection.get_Point(i));

            axMapControl1.Extent = multipoint.Envelope;
        public CurveConstruction CircleTo([NotNull] IPoint point)
            var      segments            = (ISegmentCollection)Curve;
            ISegment lastSeg             = segments.get_Segment(segments.SegmentCount - 1);
            IConstructCircularArc arc    = new CircularArcClass();
            const bool            atFrom = false;

            arc.ConstructTangentAndPoint(lastSeg, atFrom, point);

            object missing = Type.Missing;

            ((ISegmentCollection)Curve).AddSegment((ISegment)arc, ref missing, ref missing);

Exemple #14
        // 创建弧线
        private IPolyline CreateCirculeArc(IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint, double chordCoef)
            // 如果起点和终点相等,返回一个直线
            if (fromPoint.X == toPoint.X && fromPoint.Y == toPoint.Y)
                object    missing  = Type.Missing;
                IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();
                var       pointCol = (IPointCollection)polyline;
                pointCol.AddPoint(fromPoint, missing, missing);
                pointCol.AddPoint(toPoint, missing, missing);

            // 根据起止点建立直线A方程,
            // 利用A线上的中点建立与A线垂直的线方程,
            // 利用与中点的距离确定直线A两侧对称点
            double midX = (fromPoint.X + toPoint.X) / 2;
            double midY = (fromPoint.Y + toPoint.Y) / 2;
            double k    = (fromPoint.Y - toPoint.Y) / (fromPoint.X - toPoint.X);                                              // 直线斜率
            double h    = Math.Pow(Math.Pow((fromPoint.Y - toPoint.Y), 2.0) + Math.Pow((fromPoint.X - toPoint.X), 2.0), 0.5); // 直线长
            double h2   = h * chordCoef;                                                                                      // 获得0.1, 0.2, 0.3...倍的直线长
            //double sign = Math.Pow(-1, offsetCount - 1); // 左右对称点符号
            double sign = 1;                                                                                                  // 表示正负号

            if (fromPoint.X > toPoint.X)
                sign = -1;
            else if (fromPoint.X == toPoint.X && fromPoint.Y > toPoint.Y)
                sign = -1;
            double x        = midX + sign * (-1) * chordCoef * h2 * k / Math.Pow(1 + k * k, 0.5); // 求解后的x
            double y        = midY + sign * chordCoef * h2 / Math.Pow(1 + k * k, 0.5);            // 求解后的y
            IPoint arcPoint = new PointClass();

            arcPoint.PutCoords(x, y);
            IConstructCircularArc2 circularArc = new CircularArcClass();

            circularArc.ConstructThreePoints(fromPoint, arcPoint, toPoint, true);
            IPolyline circularPolyline = new PolylineClass();
            var       segementColl     = (ISegmentCollection)circularPolyline;
            var       segment          = (ISegment)circularArc;


        private int AddCepGraphic(IPoint point, IList <double> circleRadii)
            //Create a new center point graphic
            IMarkerSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            symbol.Color = EsriColor(Defaults.CepCenterPointColor);
            symbol.Size  = Defaults.CepCenterPointSize;
            IElement centerPoint = new MarkerElementClass();

            ((IMarkerElement)centerPoint).Symbol = symbol;
            centerPoint.Geometry = point;

            //Create a graphic group and add the center point graphic
            IGroupElement group = new GroupElementClass();


            //Add the circles to the group
            for (int i = 0; i < circleRadii.Count; i++)
                IConstructCircularArc arc = new CircularArcClass();
                arc.ConstructCircle(point, circleRadii[i], false);
                IGeometry polygon = new PolygonClass();
                IElement circle = new CircleElementClass();
                circle.Geometry = polygon;
                Color circleColor = Defaults.CepCircleOutlineColors.Length > i
                                  ? Defaults.CepCircleOutlineColors[i]
                                  : Defaults.CepCircleOutlineColors[Defaults.CepCircleOutlineColors.Length - 1];
                double circleWidth = Defaults.CepCircleOutlineWidths.Length > i
                                   ? Defaults.CepCircleOutlineWidths[i]
                                   : Defaults.CepCircleOutlineWidths[Defaults.CepCircleOutlineWidths.Length - 1];
                ((IFillShapeElement)circle).Symbol = GetCircleSymbol(circleColor, circleWidth);

            //Give it the group an id number and add it to the graphics layer
            ((IElementProperties)group).CustomProperty = _elementId;
            ((IGraphicsContainer)GraphicsLayer).AddElement((IElement)group, 0);
Exemple #16
        private ISegmentCollection MadeSegmentCollection(ref IArray PointArray)
            ISegment           pSegment;
            ISegmentCollection pSegmentCollection = new PolylineClass();
            IPoint             fromPoint;
            IPoint             toPoint;
            IPoint             middlePoint;

            object a = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            object b = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < PointArray.Count; i++)
                PointStruct pointStruct;
                pointStruct = (PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i);

                if (pointStruct.Type == 1)
                {                       //获取线起点和端点
                    fromPoint = ((PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i)).Point;
                    toPoint   = ((PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i + 1)).Point;
                    pSegment  = new LineClass();
                    pSegment  = MadeLineSeg_2Point(fromPoint, toPoint);
                    pSegmentCollection.AddSegment(pSegment, ref a, ref b);

                    i = i + 1;
                else if (pointStruct.Type == 2)
                {                   //获取弧起点、中点、端点
                    fromPoint   = ((PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i)).Point;
                    middlePoint = ((PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i + 1)).Point;
                    toPoint     = ((PointStruct)PointArray.get_Element(i + 2)).Point;
                    pSegment    = new CircularArcClass();
                    pSegment    = MadeArcSeg_3Point(fromPoint, middlePoint, toPoint);
                    pSegmentCollection.AddSegment(pSegment, ref a, ref b);

                    i = i + 2;
            }            // end for

        public void CanTestCircle()
            IFeatureClass fc = CreateLineClass(_testWs, "CanTestCircle");

            IFeature row1 = fc.CreateFeature();

            IConstructCircularArc arc = new CircularArcClass();

            arc.ConstructCircle(GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0), 3, false);

            row1.Shape = CreatePolyLine((ISegment)arc);

            var test = new QaMinSegAngle(fc, 0.1, true);

            var runner = new QaContainerTestRunner(1000, test);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, runner.Errors.Count);
Exemple #18
        public override void OnMouseMove(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            IPoint pMovePt = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            pMovePt = GIS.GraphicEdit.SnapSetting.getSnapPoint(pMovePt);
            if (m_lMouseDownCount == 1)
            else if (m_lMouseDownCount == 2)
                m_bCreated = false;

                IEnvelope pEnv = new EnvelopeClass();
                pEnv.UpperLeft  = m_pFirstPoint;
                pEnv.LowerRight = m_pSecondPoint;

                IConstructCircularArc pEllipArc = new CircularArcClass();
                pEllipArc.ConstructThreePoints(m_pFirstPoint, m_pSecondPoint, pMovePt, true);
                m_pCircleArc = pEllipArc as ICircularArc;
                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewForeground, null, null);
Exemple #19
        private static bool CutCurveCircle([NotNull] SegmentProxy segmentProxy,
                                           [NotNull] IPnt circleCenter,
                                           double r2,
                                           [NotNull] out IList <double[]> limits)
            double radius = Math.Sqrt(r2);
            IPoint center = new Point();

            center.PutCoords(circleCenter.X, circleCenter.Y);

            ICircularArc arc = new CircularArcClass();

            arc.PutCoordsByAngle(center, 0, 2 * Math.PI, radius);

            object emptyRef = Type.Missing;

            IPolygon circle = new PolygonClass();

            ((ISegmentCollection)circle).AddSegment(((ISegment)arc), ref emptyRef,
                                                    ref emptyRef);

            limits = GetLimits(segmentProxy, circle);
            return(limits.Count > 0);
Exemple #20
        private void EndDrawArc3P(IPoint pPoint, int shift)
            IGeometry pGeom = null;
            IPolyline pPolyline;
            IPolygon  pPolygon;


            m_pLineFeed = (INewLineFeedback)m_pFeedback;
            if (m_pLineFeed != null)

            IPoint pFromPoint   = (IPoint)pLineArray.get_Element(0);
            IPoint pTempPoint   = ( IPoint)pLineArray.get_Element(2);
            IPoint pToPoint     = (IPoint)pLineArray.get_Element(pLineArray.Count - 1);
            IPoint pCenterPoint = CommonFunction.GetCenter_P123(pFromPoint, pTempPoint, pToPoint);

            m_pPoint1 = pFromPoint;
            m_pPoint2 = pTempPoint;
            m_pPoint3 = pToPoint;

            ICircularArc pArc = new CircularArcClass();

            pArc.PutCoords(pCenterPoint, pFromPoint, pToPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcMajor);

            if (m_bInUse)
                if (shift == 1)                //若果按住shift健就弹出对话框,让用户修改圆周上的坐标值
                    frmCircle3P formCircle3P = new frmCircle3P();

                    if (m_bModify)                    //修改坐标值了
                               pFromPoint = m_pPoint1;
                        pToPoint     = m_pPoint3;
                        pCenterPoint = CommonFunction.GetCenter_P123(m_pPoint1, m_pPoint2, m_pPoint3);
                        m_bModify    = false;

                if (m_Ca < Math.PI)                 //圆心角小于π
                    pPolyline = CommonFunction.ArcToPolyline(pFromPoint, pCenterPoint, pToPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcMinor);
                else                 //圆心角大于π
                    pPolyline = CommonFunction.ArcToPolyline(pFromPoint, pCenterPoint, pToPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcMajor);

                switch (((IFeatureLayer)m_CurrentLayer).FeatureClass.ShapeType)
                case  esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pGeom = (IGeometry)pPolyline;


                case  esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    ILine pCenterToFormPointLine = new LineClass();
                    pCenterToFormPointLine.PutCoords(pCenterPoint, pToPoint);
                    ILine pToPointToCenterLine = new LineClass();
                    pToPointToCenterLine.PutCoords(pFromPoint, pCenterPoint);

                    ISegmentCollection pSegsPolyline;
                    pSegsPolyline = (ISegmentCollection)pPolyline;

                    object a = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                    object b = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                    pSegsPolyline.AddSegment((ISegment)pCenterToFormPointLine, ref a, ref b);
                    pSegsPolyline.AddSegment((ISegment)pToPointToCenterLine, ref a, ref b);

                    pPolygon = CommonFunction.PolylineToPolygon((IPolyline)pSegsPolyline);
                    pGeom    = (IGeometry)pPolygon;

                }                //end switch

                m_pEnvelope = pGeom.Envelope;
                if (m_pEnvelope != null && !m_pEnvelope.IsEmpty)
                    m_pEnvelope.Expand(10, 10, false);
                CommonFunction.CreateFeature(m_App.Workbench, pGeom, m_FocusMap, m_CurrentLayer);


                m_bInUse = false;
            }            //end else if (m_bInUse)
Exemple #21
        private IElement DrawCircle(double radius, double x, double y)
            IPoint centralPoint = new PointClass();
            centralPoint.PutCoords(x, y);
            // 创建园
            ICircularArc circularArc = new CircularArcClass();
            IConstructCircularArc construtionCircularArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc;
            construtionCircularArc.ConstructCircle(centralPoint, radius, true);

            ISegment pSegment1 = circularArc as ISegment;
            ISegmentCollection pSegCollection = new RingClass();
            object o = Type.Missing;
            pSegCollection.AddSegment(pSegment1, ref o, ref o);

            IRing pRing = pSegCollection as IRing;
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryColl = new PolygonClass();
            pGeometryColl.AddGeometry(pRing, ref o, ref o);
            IElement pElement = new CircleElementClass();
            pElement.Geometry = pGeometryColl as IGeometry;

            IFillShapeElement pFillShapeElement = pElement as IFillShapeElement;

            ISimpleFillSymbol pFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            //pFillSymbol.Color = pCircleColor;
            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();

              //  pLineSymbol.Color = DefineColor(0, 255, 0);
            pFillSymbol.Outline = pLineSymbol;

            pFillShapeElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;

            IFillShapeElement circleElement = pElement as IFillShapeElement;
            circleElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;
            IGraphicsContainer pGC = this.axMapControl.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
            pGC.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            axMapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
            return pElement;
Exemple #22
        private ISegmentCollection createSegments(Cell cell, BoostVoronoi bv, ArcConstructionMethods method, ISpatialReference spatialReference)
            List <Cell>   cells    = bv.Cells;
            List <Edge>   edges    = bv.Edges;
            List <Vertex> vertices = bv.Vertices;

            IPoint previousEndPoint = null;

            ISegmentCollection segmentCollection = new PolygonClass()
                SpatialReference = spatialReference

            // As per boost documentation, edges are returned in counter clockwise (CCW) rotation.
            //  voronoi_edge_type* next()	Returns the pointer to the CCW next edge within the corresponding Voronoi cell.  Edges not necessarily share a common vertex (e.g. infinite edges).
            for (int i = cell.EdgesIndex.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Edge edge = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[i]];

                //If the vertex index equals -1, it means the edge is infinite. It is impossible to print the coordinates.
                if (!edge.IsFinite && edge.End < 0)
                    // this is the ending portion of a pair of infinite edges, file the previous edge with Start >= 0
                    Edge previous = null;
                    for (int k = i + 1; k < cell.EdgesIndex.Count; k++)
                        previous = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[k]];
                        if (previous.End >= 0)
                        previous = null;
                    if (previous == null)
                        for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
                            previous = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[k]];
                            if (previous.End >= 0)
                            previous = null;
                    if (previous == null)
                        throw new Exception("No outbound infinite edge could be found");

                    //Add a straight line segment
                    Vertex start     = vertices[previous.End];
                    IPoint FromPoint = new PointClass()
                        X = start.X, Y = start.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                    Vertex end     = vertices[edge.Start];
                    IPoint ToPoint = new PointClass()
                        X = end.X, Y = end.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference

                    segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass()
                        FromPoint = FromPoint, ToPoint = ToPoint, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                    previousEndPoint = ToPoint;
                else if (edge.IsFinite)
                    Vertex start     = vertices[edge.End];
                    IPoint FromPoint = new PointClass()
                        X = start.X, Y = start.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                    if (previousEndPoint != null)
                        if ((Math.Abs(previousEndPoint.X - FromPoint.X) > 0.05 || Math.Abs(previousEndPoint.X - FromPoint.X) > 0.05))
                            throw new Exception("Significant change between last end point and current start point");
                            FromPoint = previousEndPoint;
                    Vertex end     = vertices[edge.Start];
                    IPoint ToPoint = new PointClass()
                        X = end.X, Y = end.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference

                    if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Straight || edge.IsLinear)
                        segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass()
                            FromPoint = FromPoint, ToPoint = ToPoint, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                        previousEndPoint = ToPoint;
                        // We need three points, use start, end, mid-point between focus and directrix
                        Cell twinCell = cells[edges[edge.Twin].Cell];

                        VPoint pointSite; VSegment lineSite;
                        if (cell.ContainsPoint && twinCell.ContainsSegment)
                            pointSite = bv.RetrieveInputPoint(cell);
                            lineSite  = bv.RetrieveInputSegment(twinCell);
                        else if (cell.ContainsSegment && twinCell.ContainsPoint)
                            pointSite = bv.RetrieveInputPoint(twinCell);
                            lineSite  = bv.RetrieveInputSegment(cell);

                            throw new Exception("Invalid edge, curves should only be present between a point and a line");

                        double scaleFactor = Convert.ToDouble(bv.ScaleFactor);
                        IPoint aoPointSite = new Point()
                            X = Convert.ToDouble(pointSite.X) / scaleFactor,
                            Y = Convert.ToDouble(pointSite.Y) / scaleFactor,
                            SpatialReference = spatialReference

                        ISegment aoLineSite = new LineClass()
                            FromPoint = new PointClass()
                                X = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.Start.X) / scaleFactor,
                                Y = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.Start.Y) / scaleFactor,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            ToPoint = new PointClass()
                                X = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.End.X) / scaleFactor,
                                Y = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.End.Y) / scaleFactor,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            SpatialReference = spatialReference

                        if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Approximate)
                            List <Vertex> sampledVerticed = null;
                                sampledVerticed = bv.SampleCurvedEdge(edge, aoLineSite.Length / 10);
                            catch (FocusOnDirectixException e)
                                //Log any exception here is required
                                sampledVerticed = new List <Vertex>()
                                    start, end
                            catch (UnsolvableVertexException e)
                                sampledVerticed = new List <Vertex>()
                                    start, end

                            List <IPoint> discretizedEdge = sampledVerticed.Select(
                                p => new Point()
                                X = p.X, Y = p.Y
                                ).ToList <IPoint>();

                            IPoint prev = discretizedEdge[0];
                            foreach (IPoint v in discretizedEdge.Skip(1))
                                segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass()
                                    FromPoint = new Point()
                                        X = prev.X, Y = prev.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                                    ToPoint = new Point()
                                        X = v.X, Y = v.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                                    SpatialReference = spatialReference
                                prev = v;
                            previousEndPoint = discretizedEdge.Last();
                        else if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Circular)
                            IPoint nearPoint = ((IProximityOperator)aoLineSite).ReturnNearestPoint(aoPointSite, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension);
                            IPoint midpoint  = new PointClass()
                                X = (nearPoint.X + aoPointSite.X) / 2,
                                Y = (nearPoint.Y + aoPointSite.Y) / 2,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference

                            IConstructCircularArc constArc = new CircularArcClass()
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            constArc.ConstructThreePoints(FromPoint, midpoint, ToPoint, false);
                            ICircularArc arc = (ICircularArc)constArc;

                            if (!arc.IsMinor)
                                constArc = new CircularArcClass()
                                    SpatialReference = spatialReference
                                constArc.ConstructEndPointsRadius(FromPoint, ToPoint, !arc.IsCounterClockwise, arc.Radius, true);
                                arc = (ICircularArc)constArc;
                            previousEndPoint = arc.ToPoint;
                        else if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Ellipse)
                            IPoint nearPoint = ((IProximityOperator)aoLineSite).ReturnNearestPoint(aoPointSite, esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangents);
                            nearPoint.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

                            ILine lineToFocus = new LineClass()
                                FromPoint = nearPoint, ToPoint = aoPointSite, SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            ILine semiMajor = new LineClass()
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            lineToFocus.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, 100 * lineToFocus.Length, semiMajor);

                            IPoint center = new PointClass()
                                X = (semiMajor.FromPoint.X + semiMajor.ToPoint.X) / 2,
                                Y = (semiMajor.FromPoint.Y + semiMajor.ToPoint.Y) / 2,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference

                            double minor_length = Math.Sqrt(
                                Math.Pow(distance(semiMajor.FromPoint, ToPoint) + distance(semiMajor.ToPoint, ToPoint), 2)
                                - Math.Pow(semiMajor.Length, 2));

                            IEllipticArc arc = new EllipticArcClass()
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            double rotation = lineToFocus.Angle;
                            double from     = GetAngle(center, FromPoint);

                            arc.PutCoords(false, center, FromPoint, ToPoint, rotation, minor_length / semiMajor.Length, esriArcOrientation.esriArcMinor);

                            previousEndPoint = arc.ToPoint;
Exemple #23
 public void updateMemory()
         //get values
         int                  n          = this.mPath.getLastIndex();
         IPoint               start      = this.mPath[n - 1];
         IPoint               end        = this.mPath[n];
         double               angleMoved = 0;
         double               angleLeft  = 0;
         double               angleRight = 0;
         IPoint               startLeft  = new PointClass();
         IPoint               startRight = new PointClass();
         IPoint               endLeft    = new PointClass();
         IPoint               endRight   = new PointClass();
         IGeometry            g;
         ITopologicalOperator to;
         CircularArcClass     startCurve    = new CircularArcClass();
         CircularArcClass     endCurve      = new CircularArcClass();
         LineClass            line1         = new LineClass();
         LineClass            line2         = new LineClass();
         LineClass            line3         = new LineClass();
         LineClass            line4         = new LineClass();
         PolygonClass         memoryPolygon = new PolygonClass();
         object               Missing       = Type.Missing;
         //get angle from start to end
         angleMoved = System.Math.Atan((start.Y - end.Y) / (start.X - end.X));
         //rotate pi/2
         angleLeft  = angleMoved + Math.PI / 2;
         angleRight = angleMoved - Math.PI / 2;
         //step perceptionDistance forward and back
         startLeft.X  = start.X + this.mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Cos(angleLeft);
         startLeft.Y  = start.Y + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Sin(angleLeft);
         startRight.X = start.X + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Cos(angleRight);
         startRight.Y = start.Y + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Sin(angleRight);
         //repeat for end
         endLeft.X       = end.X + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Cos(angleLeft);
         endLeft.Y       = end.Y + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Sin(angleLeft);
         endRight.X      = end.X + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Cos(angleRight);
         endRight.Y      = end.Y + mPerceptionDist * System.Math.Sin(angleRight);
         line1.FromPoint = startLeft;
         line1.ToPoint   = endLeft;
         line2.FromPoint = endLeft;
         line2.ToPoint   = endRight;
         line3.FromPoint = endRight;
         line3.ToPoint   = startRight;
         line4.FromPoint = startRight;
         line4.ToPoint   = startLeft;
         mLog.Debug("my current location is " + this.getLocation_XY());
         mLog.Debug("StartRight is x,y " + startRight.X.ToString() + " " + startRight.Y.ToString());
         mLog.Debug("startLeft is x,y " + startLeft.X.ToString() + " " + startLeft.Y.ToString());
         mLog.Debug("endRight is x,y " + endRight.X.ToString() + " " + endRight.Y.ToString());
         mLog.Debug("endLeft is x,y " + endLeft.X.ToString() + " " + endLeft.Y.ToString());
         memoryPolygon.SpatialReference = this.Location.SpatialReference;
         memoryPolygon.AddSegment((ISegment)line1, ref Missing, ref Missing);
         memoryPolygon.AddSegment((ISegment)line2, ref Missing, ref Missing);
         memoryPolygon.AddSegment((ISegment)line3, ref Missing, ref Missing);
         memoryPolygon.AddSegment((ISegment)line4, ref Missing, ref Missing);
         if (memoryPolygon.Area < 0.0)
         to = (ITopologicalOperator)end;
         g  = to.Buffer(mPerceptionDist);
         mLog.Debug("adding the step for time step " + this.timeStep.ToString());
         //  this.MapManager.AddMemoryPoly(this.IdNum,memoryPolygon);
         this.MapManager.AddTimeSteps(this.IdNum, memoryPolygon, (IPolygon)g, timeStep, sex);
         if (goingHome)
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         mLog.Debug("error look for error file");
         // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #24
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            // TODO:  Add ToolCreateCircle.OnMouseDown implementation
            if ((m_pMapCtl = ClsGlobal.GetMapControl(m_hookHelper)) == null)
            IPoint pPoint = m_pMapCtl.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            if (Button == 1)
                if (m_NewCircleFeedback == null)
                    m_NewCircleFeedback         = new NewCircleFeedbackClass();
                    m_NewCircleFeedback.Display = m_pMapCtl.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;

                    m_CenterPoint = pPoint;
                        object       Miss = Type.Missing;
                        ICircularArc pArc = m_NewCircleFeedback.Stop();
                        //IGeometry geometry = new PolygonClass();
                        //geometry = m_pMapCtl.TrackCircle();
                        IPolygon           pPolygon = new PolygonClass();
                        ISegment           pArcC    = pArc as ISegment;
                        ISegmentCollection pArcP    = pPolygon as ISegmentCollection;
                        pArcP.AddSegment(pArcC, ref Miss, ref Miss);
                        IFeature pFeature = m_FLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeature();
                        pFeature.Shape = pPolygon;
                        m_NewCircleFeedback = null;
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
            if (Button == 2)
                double                radius        = Math.Sqrt((pPoint.X - m_CenterPoint.X) * (pPoint.X - m_CenterPoint.X) + (pPoint.Y - m_CenterPoint.Y) * (pPoint.Y - m_CenterPoint.Y));
                FrmDrawCircle         frm           = new FrmDrawCircle(radius);
                IConstructCircularArc pArcConstruct = null;
                if (m_NewCircleFeedback == null)

                if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        pArcConstruct = new CircularArcClass();
                        pArcConstruct.ConstructCircle(m_CenterPoint, frm.m_radius, false);
                        if (pArcConstruct != null)
                            IPolygon           pPolygon = new PolygonClass();
                            ISegment           pArcC    = pArcConstruct as ISegment;
                            ISegmentCollection pArcP    = pPolygon as ISegmentCollection;
                            IFeature pFeature = m_FLayer.FeatureClass.CreateFeature();
                            pFeature.Shape = pPolygon;
                            m_NewCircleFeedback = null;
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        if (m_NewCircleFeedback != null)
                        m_NewCircleFeedback = null;
Exemple #25
        public override void OnMouseMove(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            IPoint pMovePt = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
            pMovePt = GIS.GraphicEdit.SnapSetting.getSnapPoint(pMovePt);
            if (m_lMouseDownCount == 1)
            else if (m_lMouseDownCount == 2)
                m_bCreated = false;

                IEnvelope pEnv = new EnvelopeClass();
                pEnv.UpperLeft = m_pFirstPoint;
                pEnv.LowerRight = m_pSecondPoint;

                IConstructCircularArc pEllipArc = new CircularArcClass();
                pEllipArc.ConstructThreePoints(m_pFirstPoint, m_pSecondPoint, pMovePt, true);
                m_pCircleArc = pEllipArc as ICircularArc;
                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewForeground, null, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造圆形对象
 /// </summary>
 /// <params name="point"></params>
 /// <params name="radius"></params>
 /// <params name="isCCW"></params>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ICircularArc CreateCircleArc(IPoint point, double radius, bool isCCW)
     ICircularArc circularArc = new CircularArcClass();
     IConstructCircularArc construtionCircularArc = circularArc as IConstructCircularArc;
     construtionCircularArc.ConstructCircle(point, radius, isCCW);
     return circularArc;
        protected override void OnClick()
            FileType ft = FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse; //start out assuming it is a cogo traverse file
              m_count = 1;
              ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
              ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric;
              ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)pCadEd;
              IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;
              IParcelConstruction pTrav = pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;

              if (!(pParcEditorMan.InTraverseEditMode) && !(pParcEditorMan.InConstructionEditMode))
              {//if this is not a construction or a new parcel, then get out.
            MessageBox.Show("Please create a new parcel or new construction first, and then try again.");

              //Make sure the lines grid is selected
              Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();
              UTILS.SelectCadastralPropertyPage((ICadastralExtensionManager)pCadExtMan, "lines");

              IParcelConstruction3 pTrav3 = (IParcelConstruction3)pTrav;
              IGSParcel pParcel = null;
            pParcel = pTrav.Parcel;
              catch (COMException error)
              //go get a traverse file
              // Display .Net dialog for File selection.
              OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
              // Set File Filter
              openFileDialog.Filter = "Traverse file (*.txt)|*.txt|Comma-delimited(*.csv)|*.csv|All Files|*.*";
              // Disable multi-select
              openFileDialog.Multiselect = false;
              // Don't need to Show Help
              openFileDialog.ShowHelp = false;
              // Set Dialog Title
              openFileDialog.Title = "Load file";
              openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2;
              // Display Open File Dialog
              if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            openFileDialog = null;

              TextReader tr = null;
            tr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog.FileName);
              catch (Exception ex)

              string sCourse = "";
              int iCount = 0;
              string[] sFileLine = new string[0]; //define as dynamic array
              //initialize direction units and format
              esriDirectionType enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
              esriDirectionUnits enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;

              //initialize start and end points
              IPoint StartPoint = new PointClass();
              IPoint EndPoint = new PointClass();
              bool IsLoopTraverse = false;

              //fill the array with the lines from the file
              while (sCourse != null)
            sCourse = tr.ReadLine();
              if (sCourse.Trim().Length >= 1) //test for empty lines
            RedimPreserveString(ref sFileLine, 1);
            sFileLine[iCount] = sCourse;
              sCourse = sCourse.ToLower();
              if (sCourse.Contains("dt"))
            if (sCourse.Contains("qb"))
              enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("na"))
              enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("sa"))
              enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTSouthAzimuth;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("p"))
              enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar;
              if (sCourse.Contains("du"))
            if (sCourse.Contains("dms"))
              enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("dd"))
              enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("g"))
              enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUGons;
            else if (sCourse.Contains("r"))
              enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians;
              if (sCourse.Contains("sp"))
              {//start point
            string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
            double x = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
            double y = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
            StartPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

              if (sCourse.Contains("ep"))
              {//end point
            string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
            double x = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
            double y = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
            EndPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

              if (sCourse.Contains("tometricfactor"))
              {//this handles the comma-separated file case
            string[] sScaleFactor = sCourse.Split(',');
            m_dScaleFactor = Convert.ToDouble(sScaleFactor[1]);
            catch { }
              tr.Close(); //close the file and release resources
              string sFileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog.FileName.TrimEnd());
              if ((sFileExt.ToLower() == ".csv") && (sFileLine[0].Contains(",")))
              {//if it's a comma-delimited file
            ft = FileType.CommaDelimited;

              //Test for loop traverse
              if (!(EndPoint.IsEmpty))
            if (EndPoint.Compare(StartPoint) == 0)
              IsLoopTraverse = true;
              IsLoopTraverse = false;

              //get highest point id number in grid, and get the to point id on the last line.
              IGSLine pParcelLine = null;
              int iFirstToNode = -1;
              int iLastToNode = -1;
              int iHighestPointID = -1;
              for (int i = 0; i < pTrav.LineCount; i++)
            if (pTrav.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine))
              if (iFirstToNode < 0)
            iFirstToNode = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
              iLastToNode = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
              iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.ToPoint ? pParcelLine.ToPoint : iHighestPointID;
              iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.FromPoint ? pParcelLine.FromPoint : iHighestPointID;

              ICadastralUndoRedo pCadUndoRedo = pTrav as ICadastralUndoRedo;
              pCadUndoRedo.StartUndoRedoSession("Load Lines From File");
            IGSLine pLine = null;
            int iLinecount = iCount - 1;
            ISegment pExitTangent = null;
            for (iCount = 0; iCount <= iLinecount; iCount++)
              if (ft == FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse)
              pLine = null;

              ICircularArc pCircArc;//need to use this in the test to handle curves greater than 180
              pLine = CreateGSLine(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType,
                      pExitTangent, out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
              //exit tangent from the previous course is the new entry tangent for the next course

              if (pLine != null)
                if (pCircArc == null)
                {// straight line
                  //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                  if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                    pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                  pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                {//some post-processing needed to figure out if a 180 curve needs to be split
                  if (Math.Abs(pCircArc.CentralAngle) < (Math.PI - 0.000001))//some tolerance for being close to 180
                  { //this curve is OK
                    //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                    if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                      pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                    pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                  {//curve is greater than or equal to 180, special treatment for GSE needed to split curve into 2 parts
                    //first decrement the count
                    m_count -= 1;
                    ISegment pFullSegment = (ISegment)pCircArc; ISegment pFirstHalf; ISegment pSecondHalf;
                    pFullSegment.SplitAtDistance(0.5, true, out pFirstHalf, out pSecondHalf);
                    IConstructCircularArc2 pCircArcConstr1 = new CircularArcClass();
                    ICircularArc pCircArc1 = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                            pFirstHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                    ILine2 pTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    pCircArc1.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                    string sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle,
                            enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                    sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                    string sHalfDelta = Radians_2_Angle(Math.Abs(pCircArc1.CentralAngle), enumDirectionUnits);
                    string sSide = pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise ? " L " : " R ";

                    ISegment EntryTangent = (ISegment)pTangentLine;

                    //construct the string for the first piece
                    // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                    string sFirstCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                          + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                    IGSLine pLineFirstCurve = CreateGSLine(sFirstCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                            out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                    pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineFirstCurve);

                    ICircularArc pCircArc2 = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                            pSecondHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                    pCircArc2.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                    sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle, enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                    sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                    //construct the string for the second piece
                    // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                    string sSecondCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                          + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                    IGSLine pLineSecondCurve = CreateGSLine(sSecondCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                            out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                    //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                    if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                      pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                    pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineSecondCurve);
              else//this is comma-separated version of the grid, so do the following
            pLine = null;
            //apply a point id number offset if there are existing lines in the grid.
            if (iHighestPointID > -1 && iCount >= 3)
              string[] sTraverseCourse = sFileLine[iCount].Split(',');
              if (iCount == 3)
                sTraverseCourse[0] = iLastToNode.ToString();
                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
              else if (iCount > 3)
                sTraverseCourse[0] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[0]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();

              sFileLine[iCount] = sTraverseCourse[0];
              int iAttCount = sTraverseCourse.GetLength(0);
              for (int j = 1; j < iAttCount; j++)
                sFileLine[iCount] += "," + sTraverseCourse[j];

            pLine = CreateGSLineFromCommaSeparatedString(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType);

            if (pLine != null)
              pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
            IParcelConstruction2 pConstr2 = (IParcelConstruction2)pTrav3; //hidden interface
            pConstr2.RecalculatePoints(); //explicit recalculate needed on a construction
            sFileLine = null;
            openFileDialog = null;
              catch(Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,"Load Lines From File");
        public static void CreateJumps(IApplication app, JumpTypes jumpType, double jumpDistance)
            IProgressDialog2 progressDialog = default(IProgressDialog2);

            IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null;
            ITrackCancel trackCancel = null;
            IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null;
            ICursor lineCursor = null;
            IEditor editor = null;
            IFeature lineFeature = null;

            IMxDocument mxdoc = null;
            IMap map = null;

            UID geoFeatureLayerID = null;
            IEnumLayer enumLayer = null;

            IEditLayers eLayers = null;

            List<IFeatureLayer> lineLayers = null;
            ILayer layer = null;
            IFeatureLayer fLayer = null;
            IFeatureSelection fSel = null;

                //Get editor
                editor = Globals.getEditor(app);
                if (editor.EditState != esriEditState.esriStateEditing)
                    MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MustBEditg"), A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsLbl_6"));

                progressDialogFactory = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass();

                // Create a CancelTracker

                trackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass();

                // Set the properties of the Step Progressor
                Int32 int32_hWnd = editor.Parent.hWnd;
                stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd);
                stepProgressor.MinRange = 0;
                // stepProgressor.MaxRange = itotal
                stepProgressor.StepValue = 1;
                stepProgressor.Message = "";

                // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog
                progressDialog = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast

                // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog
                progressDialog.CancelEnabled = false;
                progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsProc_12") +"...";
                progressDialog.Title = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsProc_12");
                progressDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe;

                mxdoc = (IMxDocument)app.Document;
                map = editor.Map;

                //Get enumeration of feature layers
                geoFeatureLayerID = new UIDClass();
                geoFeatureLayerID.Value = "{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E}";
                enumLayer = map.get_Layers(((ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID)geoFeatureLayerID), true);

                //Get enumeration of editable layers
                eLayers = (IEditLayers)editor;

                // Create list of visible line layers with selected feature(s)
                lineLayers = new List<IFeatureLayer>();
                layer = enumLayer.Next();
                while (layer != null)
                    fLayer = (IFeatureLayer)layer;
                    stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsMess_2") + fLayer.Name;
                    if (fLayer.Valid && (fLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                       && (fLayer.Visible))
                        if (eLayers.IsEditable(fLayer))

                            fSel = fLayer as IFeatureSelection;
                            if (fSel.SelectionSet.Count > 0)
                                stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsMess_3") + fLayer.Name;
                    layer = enumLayer.Next();
                if (lineLayers.Count == 0)


                // Create an edit operation enabling undo/redo

                IPointCollection linePointCollection = null;
                ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = null;
                IFeatureCursor featureCursor = null;
                IFeature crossFeature = null;

                ITopologicalOperator topologicalOP = null;
                ITopologicalOperator topologicalOP2 = null;
                IPointCollection intersectPointCollection = null;

                IPoint intersectPoint = null;
                IPoint outPoint = null;
                IPoint beginPoint = null;
                IPoint endPoint = null;
                IActiveView activeView = null;
                IInvalidArea invalid = null;

                IEnvelope ext = null;
                ISegmentCollection testSegmentColl = null;
                ISegment testSegment = null;

                ISegmentCollection segmentColl = null;
                ISegmentCollection segmentCollNew = null;
                IConstructCircularArc constructCircArc = null;
                ISegment curveSegment = null;
                //IProximityOperator proximityOP = null;
                IPolycurve3 selCurve = null;
                IPolycurve3 selCurveB = null;
                IPolycurve3 crossCurve = null;
                IPolycurve3 crossCurveB = null;
                IPolycurve3 testSelCurve = null;
                IPolycurve3 testSelCurveB = null;

                object _missing = null;

                IFeatureSelection lineSel = null;
                ISelectionSet2 sel = null;
                IZAware pZAware = null;
                ISegmentCollection testSegmentColl2 = null;
                ISegment testSegment2 = null;

                IGeometryDef pGeometryDefTest = null;

                IFields pFieldsTest = null;

                IField pFieldTest = null;
                IGeoDataset pDS = null;

                    activeView = map as IActiveView;
                    invalid = new InvalidAreaClass();
                    invalid.Display = editor.Display;

                    linePointCollection = (IPointCollection)new PolylineClass();
                    spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                    intersectPoint = new PointClass();
                    outPoint = new PointClass();

                    //used for curve test on cross feature
                    bool testProjectOnto;
                    bool testCreatePart;
                    bool testSplitHappened;
                    int testNewPartIndex;
                    int testNewSegmentIndex;

                    //used for curve test on selected feature
                    bool testProjectOnto2;
                    bool testCreatePart2;
                    bool testSplitHappened2;
                    int testNewPartIndex2;
                    int testNewSegmentIndex2;

                    //ICurve lineCurve;
                    double totalDistance;
                    double distAlongCurve = 0;
                    double distFromCurve = 0;
                    bool boolRightSide = false;

                    //test the amount of needed space for the inserted curve
                    double remainderDistance = 0;

                    double pointDistance = 0;

                    bool projectOnto;
                    bool createPart;
                    bool splitHappenedBefore;
                    bool splitHappenedAfter;
                    int newPartIndexBegin;
                    int newSegmentIndexBegin;
                    int newPartIndexEnd;
                    int newSegmentIndexEnd;
                    _missing = Type.Missing;

                    // Step through all line layers with selection sets
                    foreach (IFeatureLayer lineLayer in lineLayers)
                        stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsMess_4a") + lineLayer.Name;
                        // Get cursor of selected lines
                        lineSel = (IFeatureSelection)lineLayer;
                        sel = lineSel.SelectionSet as ISelectionSet2;
                        sel.Search(null, false, out lineCursor);

                        // Process each selected line
                        int idx = 0;
                        while ((lineFeature = (IFeature)lineCursor.NextRow()) != null)
                            stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsMess_4b") + idx + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsMess_4c") + lineLayer.Name;
                            if (lineFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                                selCurve = (IPolycurve3)lineFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                pZAware = selCurve as IZAware;
                                if (pZAware.ZAware)
                                    pZAware.ZAware = false;

                                // Get cursor of crossing features
                                spatialFilter.Geometry = selCurve;
                                spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelCrosses;
                                featureCursor = lineLayer.Search(spatialFilter, false);

                                // Process each crossing feature
                                while ((crossFeature = (IFeature)featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                                    topologicalOP = (ITopologicalOperator)crossFeature.Shape;
                                    //topologicalOP2 = (ITopologicalOperator)polylinePointCollection;
                                    topologicalOP2 = (ITopologicalOperator)selCurve;

                                    intersectPointCollection = (IPointCollection)topologicalOP.Intersect((IGeometry)selCurve, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension);

                                    for (int i = 0; i < intersectPointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                                        intersectPoint = intersectPointCollection.get_Point(i);

                                        //Determine if the crossing segement is an arc.
                                        //Continue if it is not.
                                        testProjectOnto = true;
                                        testCreatePart = false;
                                        crossCurve = (IPolycurve3)crossFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                        crossCurve.SplitAtPoint(intersectPoint, testProjectOnto, testCreatePart, out testSplitHappened, out testNewPartIndex, out testNewSegmentIndex);
                                        crossCurveB = (IPolycurve3)crossFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                        testSegmentColl = crossCurveB as ISegmentCollection;
                                        testSegment = testSegmentColl.get_Segment(testNewSegmentIndex - 1);
                                        if (testSegment.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                                            //Determine if the current location of the selected line is an arc.
                                            //Continue if it is not.
                                            testProjectOnto2 = true;
                                            testCreatePart2 = false;
                                            testSelCurve = (IPolycurve3)lineFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                            testSelCurve.SplitAtPoint(intersectPoint, testProjectOnto2, testCreatePart2, out testSplitHappened2, out testNewPartIndex2, out testNewSegmentIndex2);
                                            testSelCurveB = (IPolycurve3)lineFeature.ShapeCopy;

                                            testSegmentColl2 = testSelCurveB as ISegmentCollection;
                                            testSegment2 = testSegmentColl2.get_Segment(testNewSegmentIndex2 - 1);
                                            if (testSegment2.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                                                //Find distance along the original selected line
                                                //focusPolyline = (IPolyline)lineFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                                selCurveB = (IPolycurve3)lineFeature.ShapeCopy;
                                                selCurveB.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, intersectPoint, false, outPoint, ref distAlongCurve, ref distFromCurve, ref boolRightSide);
                                                remainderDistance = selCurveB.Length - distAlongCurve;
                                                totalDistance = distAlongCurve + jumpDistance;

                                                //Continue if there is enough room
                                                if ((selCurveB.Length >= (jumpDistance / 2)) && (remainderDistance >= (jumpDistance / 2)))
                                                    //find the points where the curve will begin and end
                                                    beginPoint = new PointClass();
                                                    endPoint = new PointClass();
                                                    selCurveB.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, (distAlongCurve - (jumpDistance / 2)), false, beginPoint);
                                                    selCurveB.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, (distAlongCurve + (jumpDistance / 2)), false, endPoint);

                                                    //split the original line at the two points (vertices for begin and end of new curve)
                                                    projectOnto = true;
                                                    createPart = false;
                                                    selCurveB.SplitAtPoint(beginPoint, projectOnto, createPart, out splitHappenedBefore, out newPartIndexBegin, out newSegmentIndexBegin);
                                                    selCurveB.SplitAtPoint(endPoint, projectOnto, createPart, out splitHappenedAfter, out newPartIndexEnd, out newSegmentIndexEnd);

                                                    if ((splitHappenedBefore = true) && (splitHappenedAfter = true))
                                                        //Create the curve segment and add it to the polyline
                                                        constructCircArc = new CircularArcClass();
                                                       // proximityOP = (IProximityOperator)intersectPoint;
                                                        //pointDistance = proximityOP.ReturnDistance(beginPoint);
                                                        pointDistance = jumpDistance;

                                                        //check for direction of line to always make the jump on top
                                                        if (jumpType == JumpTypes.Over)
                                                            if (endPoint.X > beginPoint.X)
                                                                    constructCircArc.ConstructChordDistance(intersectPoint, beginPoint, false, (pointDistance));


                                                                    constructCircArc.ConstructChordDistance(intersectPoint, beginPoint, true, (pointDistance));
                                                            if (endPoint.X <= beginPoint.X)
                                                                    constructCircArc.ConstructChordDistance(intersectPoint, beginPoint, false, (pointDistance));
                                                                    constructCircArc.ConstructChordDistance(intersectPoint, beginPoint, true, (pointDistance));
                                                        curveSegment = constructCircArc as ISegment;
                                                        if (curveSegment != null & curveSegment.Length > 0)
                                                            segmentCollNew = (ISegmentCollection)new PolylineClass();
                                                            segmentCollNew.AddSegment(curveSegment, ref _missing, ref _missing);
                                                            segmentColl = (ISegmentCollection)selCurveB;
                                                            segmentColl.ReplaceSegmentCollection(newSegmentIndexBegin, 1, segmentCollNew);

                                                            string sShpName = lineLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;

                                                            pFieldsTest = lineLayer.FeatureClass.Fields;
                                                            int lGeomIndex = pFieldsTest.FindField(sShpName);

                                                            pFieldTest = pFieldsTest.get_Field(lGeomIndex);
                                                            pGeometryDefTest = pFieldTest.GeometryDef;
                                                            bool bZAware;
                                                            bool bMAware;
                                                            //Determine if M or Z aware
                                                            bZAware = pGeometryDefTest.HasZ;
                                                            bMAware = pGeometryDefTest.HasM;

                                                            if (bZAware)

                                                                // IGeometry pGeo = new PolylineClass();
                                                                pZAware = selCurveB as IZAware;
                                                                if (pZAware.ZAware)

                                                                    pZAware.ZAware = true;

                                                                // pZAware.DropZs();
                                                                IZ pZ = selCurveB as IZ;
                                                            if (bMAware)

                                                            pDS = lineLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset;

                                                            selCurveB.SpatialReference = pDS.SpatialReference;

                                                            lineFeature.Shape = (IGeometry)selCurveB;

                                                            //Prepare to redraw area around feature
                                                            ext = curveSegment.Envelope;
                                                            ext.Expand(2, 2, true);


                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsLbl_6") + "\n" + ex.Message, ex.Source);


                    // Refresh
                    if (invalid!= null)

                    linePointCollection = null;
                    spatialFilter = null;
                    if (featureCursor != null)
                    featureCursor = null;
                    crossFeature = null;

                    topologicalOP = null;
                    topologicalOP2 = null;
                    intersectPointCollection = null;

                    intersectPoint = null;
                    outPoint = null;
                    beginPoint = null;
                    endPoint = null;
                    activeView = null;
                    invalid = null;

                    ext = null;
                    testSegmentColl = null;
                    testSegment = null;

                    segmentColl = null;
                    segmentCollNew = null;
                    constructCircArc = null;
                    curveSegment = null;
                    //proximityOP = null;
                    selCurve = null;
                    selCurveB = null;
                    crossCurve = null;
                    crossCurveB = null;
                    testSelCurve = null;
                    testSelCurveB = null;

                    _missing = null;

                    lineSel = null;
                    sel = null;
                    pZAware = null;
                    testSegmentColl2 = null;
                    testSegment2 = null;

                    pGeometryDefTest = null;

                    pFieldsTest = null;

                    pFieldTest = null;
                    pDS = null;


                // Stop the edit operation

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeometryToolsLbl_6") + "\n" + ex.Message, ex.Source);
                if (lineCursor != null)
                // Cleanup
                if (progressDialog != null)

                    //progressDialog = null;
                    //progressDialogFactory = null;
                    //trackCancel = null;
                    //stepProgressor = null;
                    //appCursor = null;

                progressDialog = null;

                progressDialogFactory = null;
                trackCancel = null;
                stepProgressor = null;
                lineCursor = null;
                editor = null;
                lineFeature = null;

                mxdoc = null;
                map = null;

                geoFeatureLayerID = null;
                enumLayer = null;
                eLayers = null;

                lineLayers = null;
                layer = null;
                fLayer = null;
                fSel = null;

Exemple #29
        private void DrawCircle3PMouseDown(IPoint pPoint, int shift)
            IGeometry pGeom = null;
            IPolyline pPolyline;
            IPolygon  pPolygon;
            IPoint    pCenterPoint = new PointClass();

            if (!m_bFirst)           //如果命令没有使用
                     m_pPoint1 = pPoint;
                m_bFirst  = true;
                m_bSecond = false;

                m_pFeedback         = new NewLineFeedbackClass();
                m_pLineFeed         = (INewLineFeedback)m_pFeedback;
                m_pLineFeed.Display = m_pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;

                CommonFunction.DrawPointSMSSquareSymbol(m_MapControl, m_pPoint1);
            else if (!m_bSecond)            //如果命令正在使用
                m_pPoint2 = pPoint;
                m_bSecond = true;
                m_bThree  = false;
                CommonFunction.DrawPointSMSSquareSymbol(m_MapControl, m_pPoint2);

                m_pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, m_pEnvelope);

                m_pFeedback = new NewCircleFeedbackClass();
            else if (!m_bThree)
                m_pPoint3 = m_pPoint;
                m_bFirst  = false;
                m_bThree  = true;

                m_pCenterPoint = CommonFunction.GetCenter_P123(m_pPoint1, m_pPoint2, pPoint);

                m_pCircleFeed         = (NewCircleFeedbackClass)m_pFeedback;
                m_pCircleFeed.Display = m_pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;


                ICircularArc pCircularArc = new CircularArcClass();
                pCircularArc = m_pCircleFeed.Stop();

                pCenterPoint = pCircularArc.CenterPoint;

                if (shift == 1)                //若果按住shift健弹出对话框,让用户修改圆周上的坐标值
                    frmCircle3P formCircle3P = new frmCircle3P();

                    if (m_bModify) //修改坐标值了
                            pCenterPoint = CommonFunction.GetCenter_P123(m_pPoint1, m_pPoint2, m_pPoint3);
                        m_bModify = false;

                switch (((IFeatureLayer)m_CurrentLayer).FeatureClass.ShapeType)
                case  esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pPolyline = CommonFunction.ArcToPolyline(pCircularArc.FromPoint, pCircularArc.CenterPoint, pCircularArc.FromPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
                    pGeom     = pPolyline;

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    pPolyline = CommonFunction.ArcToPolyline(pCircularArc.FromPoint, pCircularArc.CenterPoint, pCircularArc.FromPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
                    pPolygon  = CommonFunction.PolylineToPolygon(pPolyline);
                    pGeom     = pPolygon;

                }                //end switch

                m_pEnvelope = pGeom.Envelope;
                if (m_pEnvelope != null && !m_pEnvelope.IsEmpty)
                    m_pEnvelope.Expand(10, 10, false);
                CommonFunction.CreateFeature(m_App.Workbench, pGeom, m_FocusMap, m_CurrentLayer);

            }            // end if(!m_bThree)

            m_pLastPoint = pPoint;

            m_pSegment = null;
Exemple #30
        private void GeometryCoordConvert(ref IGeometry pConvertGeometry, double A1, double B1, double C1, double A2, double B2, double C2, double A3, double C3)
            object a      = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            object b      = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            bool   isRing = false;

            if (pConvertGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)//如果为线要素或面要素
                IArray pArrayPoint    = new ArrayClass();
                IArray pGeometryArray = new ArrayClass();
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pConvertGeometry as IGeometryCollection;
                for (int i = 0; i < pGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                    IGeometry pGeometry = pGeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);
                    if (pGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)//
                        if (pGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryRing)
                            isRing = true;

                        if (pGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                            pGeometry = CommonFunction.GetPolygonBoundary((IPolygon)pGeometry);

                        ISegmentCollection pSegmentCol    = (ISegmentCollection)pGeometry;
                        ISegmentCollection pNewSegmentCol = new PolylineClass();
                        for (int k = 0; k < pSegmentCol.SegmentCount; k++)//遍历几何形体的每个节(片断)
                            if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol1 = new MultipointClass();
                                ILine            pLine      = (ILine)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                IPoint pFromPoint = pLine.FromPoint;
                                pPointCol1.AddPoint((IPoint)pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToPoint = pLine.ToPoint;
                                pPointCol1.AddPoint((IPoint)pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol1);//对点集做镜像

                                pLine.FromPoint = pPointCol1.get_Point(0);
                                pLine.ToPoint   = pPointCol1.get_Point(1);

                                pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pLine, ref a, ref b);
                            else if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol2 = new MultipointClass();

                                ICircularArc pCircularArc = (ICircularArc)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                    IPoint pCenterPoint = pCircularArc.CenterPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pCenterPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                    IPoint pFromPoint = pCircularArc.FromPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                    IPoint pToPoint = pCircularArc.ToPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                    PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol2);//对点集做镜像

                                    ICircularArc pArc = new CircularArcClass();
                                    pArc.PutCoords(pPointCol2.get_Point(0), pPointCol2.get_Point(1), pPointCol2.get_Point(2),
                                                   (pCircularArc.IsCounterClockwise ? esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise : esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise));

                                    pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pArc, ref a, ref b);
                                catch { }
                            else if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBezier3Curve)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol3   = new MultipointClass();
                                IBezierCurve     pBezierCurve = (IBezierCurve)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                IPoint pFromPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(0, pFromPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pFromTangentPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(1, pFromTangentPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pFromTangentPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToTangentPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(2, pToTangentPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pToTangentPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(3, pToPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol3);//对点集做镜像

                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(0, pPointCol3.get_Point(0));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(1, pPointCol3.get_Point(1));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(2, pPointCol3.get_Point(2));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(3, pPointCol3.get_Point(3));

                                pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pBezierCurve, ref a, ref b);
                        }//end for 遍历几何形体的每个节(片断)

                        CommonFunction.GeometryToArray(pNewSegmentCol as IGeometry, pArrayPoint);

                        IPolycurve2 pPolycurve2 = CommonFunction.BuildPolyLineFromSegmentCollection(pNewSegmentCol);

                        pGeometry = (IGeometry)pPolycurve2;

                    if (pConvertGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)//由线构成面
                        pGeometry = CommonFunction.PolylineToPolygon(pGeometry as IPolyline);
                if (pGeometryArray.Count > 1)
                    pConvertGeometry = pGeometryArray.get_Element(0) as IGeometry;
                    if (isRing == true)
                        for (int i = 1; i < pGeometryArray.Count; i++)
                            pConvertGeometry = CommonFunction.DiffenceGeometry(pConvertGeometry, pGeometryArray.get_Element(i) as IGeometry);
                        for (int i = 1; i < pGeometryArray.Count; i++)
                            pConvertGeometry = CommonFunction.UnionGeometry(pConvertGeometry, pGeometryArray.get_Element(i) as IGeometry);
                    pConvertGeometry = pGeometryArray.get_Element(0) as IGeometry;

                CommonFunction.AddZMValueForGeometry(ref pConvertGeometry, pArrayPoint);
                PointCoordConvert(ref pConvertGeometry, A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3);
Exemple #31
        private void II(StreamWriter sw)
            if (sw != null)


            IRgbColor red = new RgbColor();

            red.Red = 255;

            IRgbColor blue = new RgbColor();

            blue.Blue = 255;

            IRgbColor green = new RgbColor();

            green.Green = 255;

            double        segin   = trkbar_seg.Value;
            double        seg     = conv.ConvertUnits(segin, unit, mapunit);
            List <IPoint> pPoints = new List <IPoint>();


            double disttot = 0;
            double eucltot = 0;

            while (true)
                IPoint pPointSectPrev = pPoints.ElementAt(pPoints.Count - 1);

                ICircularArc circularArc = new CircularArcClass();
                ((IConstructCircularArc2)circularArc).ConstructCircle(pPointSectPrev, seg, true);
                ISegment           Seg           = (ISegment)circularArc;
                ISegmentCollection SegCollection = new PolylineClass() as ISegmentCollection;
                object             Missing       = System.Type.Missing;
                SegCollection.AddSegment(Seg, ref Missing, ref Missing);
                IGeometry pCircle = SegCollection as IGeometry;

                if (chkbox_con.Checked)
                    AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView, pCircle, blue, blue, 1);

                IPointCollection pSectPoints = ((ITopologicalOperator)pCurve).Intersect(pCircle, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IPointCollection;
                IPoint           pPointSect  = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < pSectPoints.PointCount; j++)
                    if (GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pSectPoints.get_Point(j)) >
                        GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSectPrev))
                        if (pPointSect == null)
                            pPointSect = pSectPoints.get_Point(j);
                        else if (GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pSectPoints.get_Point(j)) <
                                 GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSect))
                            pPointSect = pSectPoints.get_Point(j);
                if (pPointSect == null)
                    pPointSect = pCurve.ToPoint;

                if (chkbox_con.Checked)
                    AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView, pPointSect as IGeometry, blue, blue, 1);

                double d1 = GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSectPrev);
                double d2 = GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSect);

                ICurve pSubCurve;
                pCurve.GetSubcurve(d1, d2, false, out pSubCurve);

                double dist = conv.ConvertUnits(pSubCurve.Length, ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.MapUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                double eucl = conv.ConvertUnits(((IProximityOperator)pSubCurve.FromPoint).ReturnDistance(pSubCurve.ToPoint), ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.MapUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                double II   = dist / eucl;

                disttot += dist;
                eucltot += eucl;

                if (sw != null)
                    sw.WriteLine(disttot.ToString("0") + ";" + eucltot.ToString("0") + ";" + II.ToString("0.00"));

                IRgbColor pCol = new RgbColorClass();
                if (II < 1.1)
                    pCol.Green = 255;
                else if (II < 1.25)
                    pCol.Red   = 192;
                    pCol.Green = 255;
                else if (II < 1.5)
                    pCol.Red   = 255;
                    pCol.Green = 255;
                else if (II < 1.75)
                    pCol.Red   = 255;
                    pCol.Green = 192;
                    pCol.Red = 255;

                if (chkbox_cat.Checked)
                    AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView, pSubCurve as IGeometry, pCol, pCol, 2);

                IPolyline pSubLine = new PolylineClass();
                pSubLine.FromPoint = pPointSectPrev;
                pSubLine.ToPoint   = pPointSect;
                if (chkbox_con.Checked)
                    AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView, pSubLine as IGeometry, blue, blue, 1);

                if (GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSect) == pCurve.Length)
                    if (sw != null)
        private ISegmentCollection createSegments(Cell cell,BoostVoronoi bv,ArcConstructionMethods method,ISpatialReference spatialReference)
            List<Cell> cells = bv.Cells;
            List<Edge> edges = bv.Edges;
            List<Vertex> vertices = bv.Vertices;

            IPoint previousEndPoint = null;

            ISegmentCollection segmentCollection = new PolygonClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
            // As per boost documentation, edges are returned in counter clockwise (CCW) rotation.
            //  voronoi_edge_type* next()	Returns the pointer to the CCW next edge within the corresponding Voronoi cell.  Edges not necessarily share a common vertex (e.g. infinite edges).
            for (int i = cell.EdgesIndex.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Edge edge = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[i]];

                //If the vertex index equals -1, it means the edge is infinite. It is impossible to print the coordinates.
                if (!edge.IsFinite && edge.End < 0)
                    // this is the ending portion of a pair of infinite edges, file the previous edge with Start >= 0
                    Edge previous = null;
                    for (int k = i + 1; k < cell.EdgesIndex.Count; k++)
                        previous = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[k]];
                        if (previous.End >= 0)
                        previous = null;
                    if (previous == null)
                        for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
                            previous = edges[cell.EdgesIndex[k]];
                            if (previous.End >= 0)
                            previous = null;
                    if (previous == null)
                        throw new Exception("No outbound infinite edge could be found");

                    //Add a straight line segment
                    Vertex start = vertices[previous.End];
                    IPoint FromPoint = new PointClass() { X = start.X, Y = start.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                    Vertex end = vertices[edge.Start];
                    IPoint ToPoint = new PointClass() { X = end.X, Y = end.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference };

                    segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass() { FromPoint = FromPoint, ToPoint = ToPoint, SpatialReference = spatialReference });
                    previousEndPoint = ToPoint;
                else if (edge.IsFinite)
                    Vertex start = vertices[edge.End];
                    IPoint FromPoint = new PointClass() { X = start.X, Y = start.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                    if (previousEndPoint != null)
                        if ((Math.Abs(previousEndPoint.X - FromPoint.X) > 0.05 || Math.Abs(previousEndPoint.X - FromPoint.X) > 0.05))
                            throw new Exception("Significant change between last end point and current start point");
                            FromPoint = previousEndPoint;
                    Vertex end = vertices[edge.Start];
                    IPoint ToPoint = new PointClass() { X = end.X, Y = end.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference };

                    if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Straight || edge.IsLinear)
                        segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass() { FromPoint = FromPoint, ToPoint = ToPoint, SpatialReference = spatialReference });
                        previousEndPoint = ToPoint;
                        // We need three points, use start, end, mid-point between focus and directrix
                        Cell twinCell = cells[edges[edge.Twin].Cell];

                        VPoint pointSite; VSegment lineSite;
                        if (cell.ContainsPoint && twinCell.ContainsSegment)
                            pointSite = bv.RetrieveInputPoint(cell);
                            lineSite = bv.RetrieveInputSegment(twinCell);
                        else if (cell.ContainsSegment && twinCell.ContainsPoint)
                            pointSite = bv.RetrieveInputPoint(twinCell);
                            lineSite = bv.RetrieveInputSegment(cell);

                            throw new Exception("Invalid edge, curves should only be present between a point and a line");

                        double scaleFactor = Convert.ToDouble(bv.ScaleFactor);
                        IPoint aoPointSite = new Point()
                                X = Convert.ToDouble(pointSite.X) / scaleFactor,
                                Y = Convert.ToDouble(pointSite.Y) / scaleFactor,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference

                        ISegment aoLineSite = new LineClass()
                            FromPoint = new PointClass()
                                    X = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.Start.X) / scaleFactor,
                                    Y = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.Start.Y) / scaleFactor,
                                    SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            ToPoint = new PointClass()
                                    X = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.End.X) / scaleFactor,
                                    Y = Convert.ToDouble(lineSite.End.Y) / scaleFactor,
                                    SpatialReference = spatialReference
                            SpatialReference = spatialReference

                        if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Approximate)
                            List<Vertex> sampledVerticed = null;
                                sampledVerticed = bv.SampleCurvedEdge(edge, aoLineSite.Length / 10);

                            catch (FocusOnDirectixException e)
                                //Log any exception here is required
                                sampledVerticed = new List<Vertex>() { start, end };
                            catch (UnsolvableVertexException e)
                                sampledVerticed = new List<Vertex>() { start, end };

                            List<IPoint> discretizedEdge = sampledVerticed.Select(
                                p => new Point() { X = p.X, Y = p.Y }

                            IPoint prev = discretizedEdge[0];
                            foreach (IPoint v in discretizedEdge.Skip(1))
                                segmentCollection.AddSegment(new LineClass()
                                    FromPoint = new Point() { X = prev.X, Y = prev.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference },
                                    ToPoint = new Point() { X = v.X, Y = v.Y, SpatialReference = spatialReference },
                                    SpatialReference = spatialReference
                                prev = v;
                            previousEndPoint = discretizedEdge.Last();
                        else if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Circular)
                            IPoint nearPoint = ((IProximityOperator)aoLineSite).ReturnNearestPoint(aoPointSite, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension);
                            IPoint midpoint = new PointClass()
                                X = (nearPoint.X + aoPointSite.X) / 2,
                                Y = (nearPoint.Y + aoPointSite.Y) / 2,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference

                            IConstructCircularArc constArc = new CircularArcClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                            constArc.ConstructThreePoints(FromPoint, midpoint, ToPoint, false);
                            ICircularArc arc = (ICircularArc)constArc;

                            if (!arc.IsMinor)
                                constArc = new CircularArcClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                                constArc.ConstructEndPointsRadius(FromPoint, ToPoint, !arc.IsCounterClockwise, arc.Radius, true);
                                arc = (ICircularArc)constArc;
                            previousEndPoint = arc.ToPoint;
                        else if (method == ArcConstructionMethods.Ellipse)
                            IPoint nearPoint = ((IProximityOperator)aoLineSite).ReturnNearestPoint(aoPointSite, esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangents);
                            nearPoint.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

                            ILine lineToFocus = new LineClass() { FromPoint = nearPoint, ToPoint = aoPointSite, SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                            ILine semiMajor = new LineClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                            lineToFocus.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, 100 * lineToFocus.Length, semiMajor);

                            IPoint center = new PointClass()
                                X = (semiMajor.FromPoint.X + semiMajor.ToPoint.X) / 2,
                                Y = (semiMajor.FromPoint.Y + semiMajor.ToPoint.Y) / 2,
                                SpatialReference = spatialReference

                            double minor_length = Math.Sqrt(
                                        Math.Pow(distance(semiMajor.FromPoint, ToPoint) + distance(semiMajor.ToPoint, ToPoint), 2)
                                        - Math.Pow(semiMajor.Length, 2));

                            IEllipticArc arc = new EllipticArcClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                            double rotation = lineToFocus.Angle;
                            double from = GetAngle(center, FromPoint);

                            arc.PutCoords(false, center, FromPoint, ToPoint, rotation, minor_length / semiMajor.Length, esriArcOrientation.esriArcMinor);

                            previousEndPoint = arc.ToPoint;

            return segmentCollection;
Exemple #33
        private void II_analyze(StreamWriter sw)
            if (sw == null)

            List <List <double> > pLevelsDist = new List <List <double> >();
            List <List <double> > pLevelsEucl = new List <List <double> >();
            List <List <double> > pLevelsII   = new List <List <double> >();

            bool lastlevel = false;

            while (!lastlevel)
                double        segin   = trkbar_seg.Value * Math.Pow(2, (pLevelsII.Count));
                double        seg     = conv.ConvertUnits(segin, unit, mapunit);
                List <IPoint> pPoints = new List <IPoint>();

                List <double> pDist = new List <double>();
                List <double> pEucl = new List <double>();
                List <double> pII   = new List <double>();

                bool lastpoint = false;
                while (!lastpoint)
                    IPoint pPointSectPrev = pPoints.ElementAt(pPoints.Count - 1);

                    ICircularArc circularArc = new CircularArcClass();
                    ((IConstructCircularArc2)circularArc).ConstructCircle(pPointSectPrev, seg, true);
                    ISegment           Seg           = (ISegment)circularArc;
                    ISegmentCollection SegCollection = new PolylineClass() as ISegmentCollection;
                    object             Missing       = System.Type.Missing;
                    SegCollection.AddSegment(Seg, ref Missing, ref Missing);
                    IGeometry pCircle = SegCollection as IGeometry;

                    IPointCollection pSectPoints = ((ITopologicalOperator)pCurve).Intersect(pCircle, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IPointCollection;
                    if (pSectPoints.PointCount == 0)
                        lastlevel = true;
                    IPoint pPointSect = null;
                    for (int j = 0; j < pSectPoints.PointCount; j++)
                        if (GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pSectPoints.get_Point(j)) >
                            GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSectPrev))
                            if (pPointSect == null)
                                pPointSect = pSectPoints.get_Point(j);
                            else if (GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pSectPoints.get_Point(j)) <
                                     GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSect))
                                pPointSect = pSectPoints.get_Point(j);
                    if (pPointSect == null)
                        pPointSect = pCurve.ToPoint;
                        lastpoint  = true;


                    double d1 = GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSectPrev);
                    double d2 = GetDistAlong(pCurve as IPolyline, pPointSect);
                    ICurve pSubCurve;
                    pCurve.GetSubcurve(d1, d2, false, out pSubCurve);

                    double dist = conv.ConvertUnits(pSubCurve.Length, ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.MapUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                    double eucl = conv.ConvertUnits(((IProximityOperator)pSubCurve.FromPoint).ReturnDistance(pSubCurve.ToPoint), ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.MapUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                    double II   = dist / eucl;


                if (pII.Count == 0)


            int levels = pLevelsII.Count;

            for (int i = 1; i <= levels; i++)
                double eucl     = conv.ConvertUnits(pLevelsEucl.ElementAt(i - 1).First(), mapunit, unit);
                double eucllast = conv.ConvertUnits(pLevelsEucl.ElementAt(i - 1).Last(), mapunit, unit);
                sw.Write(";" + i.ToString() + "(" + (pLevelsII.ElementAt(i - 1).Count - 1) + " x " + eucl.ToString("0") + " + 1 x " + eucllast.ToString("0") + " " + combox_unit.Text + ")");

            for (int i = 0; i < pLevelsII.ElementAt(0).Count; i++)
                string line = (i + 1).ToString();
                for (int j = 0; j < levels; j++)
                        line = line + ";" + pLevelsII.ElementAt(j).ElementAt(i).ToString("0.00");
                        line = line + ";";
Exemple #34
        public static IPolyline CreatePolyline(object[] paths)
            IPolyline           result   = null;
            IGeometryCollection pGeomCol = new PolylineClass();
            object objMissing            = Type.Missing;

            foreach (object o in paths)//part
                object[] ringpoints = o as object[];
                if (ringpoints != null)
                    ISegmentCollection pSegCol = new PathClass();
                    ISegment           pSeg    = new LineClass();
                    IPoint             pFromPt = new PointClass();
                    IPoint             pToPt   = new PointClass();
                    IPoint             pEndPt  = new PointClass();

                    List <PointObject> poList = new List <PointObject>();
                    foreach (object po in ringpoints)
                        PointObject pObj  = new PointObject();
                        object[]    ptxya = po as object[];
                        if (ptxya != null)
                            if (ptxya.Length == 3)
                                pObj.X = double.Parse(ptxya[0].ToString());
                                pObj.Y = double.Parse(ptxya[1].ToString());
                                pObj.A = int.Parse(ptxya[2].ToString());
                            else if (ptxya.Length == 2)
                                pObj.X = double.Parse(ptxya[0].ToString());
                                pObj.Y = double.Parse(ptxya[1].ToString());
                                pObj.A = 0;
                                throw new Exception("坐标串输入错误!");

                    if (poList.Count < 2)
                        throw new Exception("至少保证两个点来确定一条线!");

                    for (int i = 0; i < poList.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (poList[i].A.Equals(1))//处理狐段
                            PointObject poF = null;
                            PointObject poT = null;
                            PointObject poE = null;
                            if (i - 1 < 0)
                                poF = poList[poList.Count - 2];
                                poF = poList[i - 1];
                            poT = poList[i];
                            poE = poList[i + 1];

                            pFromPt.PutCoords(poF.X, poF.Y);
                            pToPt.PutCoords(poT.X, poT.Y);
                            pEndPt.PutCoords(poE.X, poE.Y);

                            ICircularArc          cirularArc           = new CircularArcClass();
                            IConstructCircularArc constructCircularArc = cirularArc as IConstructCircularArc;
                            constructCircularArc.ConstructThreePoints(pFromPt, pToPt, pEndPt, true);
                            pSeg = cirularArc as ISegment;
                            pSegCol.AddSegment(pSeg, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);
                            if (poList[i + 1].A.Equals(0))//处理直线,否则不处理
                                pFromPt.PutCoords(poList[i].X, poList[i].Y);
                                pToPt.PutCoords(poList[i + 1].X, poList[i + 1].Y);

                                pSeg           = new LineClass();
                                pSeg.FromPoint = pFromPt;
                                pSeg.ToPoint   = pToPt;
                                pSegCol.AddSegment(pSeg, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);

                    pGeomCol.AddGeometry(pSegCol as IGeometry, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);

            result = pGeomCol as IPolyline;

        protected override void OnClick()
            FileType ft = FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse; //start out assuming it is a cogo traverse file

            m_count = 1;
            ICadastralEditor            pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            ICadastralFabric            pCadFabric     = pCadEd.CadastralFabric;
            ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan     = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)pCadEd;
            IParcelEditManager          pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;
            IParcelConstruction         pTrav          = pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;

            if (!(pParcEditorMan.InTraverseEditMode) && !(pParcEditorMan.InConstructionEditMode))
            {//if this is not a construction or a new parcel, then get out.
                MessageBox.Show("Please create a new parcel or new construction first, and then try again.");

            //Make sure the lines grid is selected
            Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();

            UTILS.SelectCadastralPropertyPage((ICadastralExtensionManager)pCadExtMan, "lines");

            IParcelConstruction3 pTrav3  = (IParcelConstruction3)pTrav;
            IGSParcel            pParcel = null;

                pParcel = pTrav.Parcel;
            catch (COMException error)
            //go get a traverse file
            // Display .Net dialog for File selection.
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            // Set File Filter
            openFileDialog.Filter = "Traverse file (*.txt)|*.txt|Comma-delimited(*.csv)|*.csv|All Files|*.*";
            // Disable multi-select
            openFileDialog.Multiselect = false;
            // Don't need to Show Help
            openFileDialog.ShowHelp = false;
            // Set Dialog Title
            openFileDialog.Title       = "Load file";
            openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2;
            // Display Open File Dialog
            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                openFileDialog = null;

            TextReader tr = null;

                tr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog.FileName);
            catch (Exception ex)

            string sCourse = "";
            int    iCount  = 0;

            string[] sFileLine = new string[0]; //define as dynamic array
            //initialize direction units and format
            esriDirectionType  enumDirectionType  = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
            esriDirectionUnits enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;

            //initialize start and end points
            IPoint StartPoint     = new PointClass();
            IPoint EndPoint       = new PointClass();
            bool   IsLoopTraverse = false;

            //fill the array with the lines from the file
            while (sCourse != null)
                sCourse = tr.ReadLine();
                    if (sCourse.Trim().Length >= 1) //test for empty lines
                        RedimPreserveString(ref sFileLine, 1);
                        sFileLine[iCount] = sCourse;
                    sCourse = sCourse.ToLower();
                    if (sCourse.Contains("dt"))
                        if (sCourse.Contains("qb"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("na"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("sa"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTSouthAzimuth;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("p"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar;
                    if (sCourse.Contains("du"))
                        if (sCourse.Contains("dms"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("dd"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("g"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUGons;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("r"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians;
                    if (sCourse.Contains("sp"))
                    {//start point
                        string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
                        double   x  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
                        double   y  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
                        StartPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

                    if (sCourse.Contains("ep"))
                    {//end point
                        string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
                        double   x  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
                        double   y  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
                        EndPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

                    if (sCourse.Contains("tometricfactor"))
                    {//this handles the comma-separated file case
                        string[] sScaleFactor = sCourse.Split(',');
                        m_dScaleFactor = Convert.ToDouble(sScaleFactor[1]);
                catch { }
            tr.Close(); //close the file and release resources
            string sFileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog.FileName.TrimEnd());

            if ((sFileExt.ToLower() == ".csv") && (sFileLine[0].Contains(",")))
            {//if it's a comma-delimited file
                ft = FileType.CommaDelimited;

            //Test for loop traverse
            if (!(EndPoint.IsEmpty))
                if (EndPoint.Compare(StartPoint) == 0)
                    IsLoopTraverse = true;
                    IsLoopTraverse = false;

            //get highest point id number in grid, and get the to point id on the last line.
            IGSLine pParcelLine     = null;
            int     iFirstToNode    = -1;
            int     iLastToNode     = -1;
            int     iHighestPointID = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < pTrav.LineCount; i++)
                if (pTrav.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine))
                    if (iFirstToNode < 0)
                        iFirstToNode = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
                    iLastToNode     = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
                    iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.ToPoint ? pParcelLine.ToPoint : iHighestPointID;
                    iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.FromPoint ? pParcelLine.FromPoint : iHighestPointID;

            ICadastralUndoRedo pCadUndoRedo = pTrav as ICadastralUndoRedo;

            pCadUndoRedo.StartUndoRedoSession("Load Lines From File");
                IGSLine  pLine        = null;
                int      iLinecount   = iCount - 1;
                ISegment pExitTangent = null;
                for (iCount = 0; iCount <= iLinecount; iCount++)
                    if (ft == FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse)
                            pLine = null;

                            ICircularArc pCircArc;//need to use this in the test to handle curves greater than 180
                            pLine = CreateGSLine(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType,
                                                 pExitTangent, out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                            //exit tangent from the previous course is the new entry tangent for the next course

                            if (pLine != null)
                                if (pCircArc == null)
                                {// straight line
                                    //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                    if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                        pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                    pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                                {                                                               //some post-processing needed to figure out if a 180 curve needs to be split
                                    if (Math.Abs(pCircArc.CentralAngle) < (Math.PI - 0.000001)) //some tolerance for being close to 180
                                    {                                                           //this curve is OK
                                      //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                        if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                            pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                                    {//curve is greater than or equal to 180, special treatment for GSE needed to split curve into 2 parts
                                        //first decrement the count
                                        m_count -= 1;
                                        ISegment pFullSegment = (ISegment)pCircArc; ISegment pFirstHalf; ISegment pSecondHalf;
                                        pFullSegment.SplitAtDistance(0.5, true, out pFirstHalf, out pSecondHalf);
                                        IConstructCircularArc2 pCircArcConstr1 = new CircularArcClass();
                                        ICircularArc           pCircArc1       = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                                                                                 pFirstHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                                        ILine2 pTangentLine = new LineClass();
                                        pCircArc1.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                                        string sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle,
                                                                                                enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                                        sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                                        string sHalfDelta = Radians_2_Angle(Math.Abs(pCircArc1.CentralAngle), enumDirectionUnits);
                                        string sSide      = pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise ? " L " : " R ";

                                        ISegment EntryTangent = (ISegment)pTangentLine;

                                        //construct the string for the first piece
                                        // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                                        string sFirstCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                                                             + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                                        IGSLine pLineFirstCurve = CreateGSLine(sFirstCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                                                                               out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineFirstCurve);

                                        ICircularArc pCircArc2 = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                                                                                 pSecondHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                                        pCircArc2.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                                        sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle, enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                                        sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                                        //construct the string for the second piece
                                        // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                                        string sSecondCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                                                              + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                                        IGSLine pLineSecondCurve = CreateGSLine(sSecondCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                                                                                out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                                        //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                        if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                            pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineSecondCurve);
                    else//this is comma-separated version of the grid, so do the following
                        pLine = null;
                        //apply a point id number offset if there are existing lines in the grid.
                        if (iHighestPointID > -1 && iCount >= 3)
                            string[] sTraverseCourse = sFileLine[iCount].Split(',');
                            if (iCount == 3)
                                sTraverseCourse[0] = iLastToNode.ToString();
                                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
                            else if (iCount > 3)
                                sTraverseCourse[0] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[0]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
                                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();

                            sFileLine[iCount] = sTraverseCourse[0];
                            int iAttCount = sTraverseCourse.GetLength(0);
                            for (int j = 1; j < iAttCount; j++)
                                sFileLine[iCount] += "," + sTraverseCourse[j];

                        pLine = CreateGSLineFromCommaSeparatedString(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType);

                        if (pLine != null)
                            pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                IParcelConstruction2 pConstr2 = (IParcelConstruction2)pTrav3; //hidden interface
                pConstr2.RecalculatePoints();                                 //explicit recalculate needed on a construction
                sFileLine      = null;
                openFileDialog = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Load Lines From File");
        private ICircularArc ConstructCurveFromString(string inString, ISegment ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse,
                                                      esriDirectionType inDirectionType, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
                                                      out double outChordLength, out double outChordBearing)
            IConstructCircularArc pConstArc = new CircularArcClass();
            ICircularArc          pArc      = (ICircularArc)pConstArc;
            IPoint pPt = new PointClass();

            pPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
            //initialize the curve params
            bool bHasRadius = false; double dRadius = -1;
            bool bHasChord = false; double dChord = -1;
            bool bHasArc = false; double dArcLength = -1;
            bool bHasDelta = false; double dDelta = -1;
            bool bCCW = false; //assume curve to right unless proven otherwise
            //now initialize bearing types for non-tangent curves
            bool     bHasRadialBearing = false; double dRadialBearing = -1;
            bool     bHasChordBearing = false; double dChordBearing = -1;
            bool     bHasTangentBearing = false; double dTangentBearing = -1;
            ISegment EntryTangentSegment = null;

            int iItemPosition = 0;

            string[] sCourse         = inString.Split(' ');
            int      UpperBound      = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
            bool     bIsTangentCurve = (((string)sCourse.GetValue(0)).ToLower() == "tc");

            foreach (string item in sCourse)
                if (item == null)
                if ((item.ToLower() == "r") && (!bHasRadius) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                      // this r is for radius
                    dRadius    = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasRadius = true; //found a radius
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChord) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                     // this c is for chord length
                    dChord    = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasChord = true; //found a chord length
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "a" && (!bHasArc) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                      // this a is for arc length
                    dArcLength = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasArc    = true; //found an arc length
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "d" && (!bHasDelta) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                     // this d is for delta or central angle
                    dDelta    = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasDelta = true; //found a central angle
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "r" && (!bHasRadialBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3) && (UpperBound > 5))
                {// this r is for radial bearing
                        dRadialBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                        if (!(dRadialBearing == -999))
                            bHasRadialBearing = true;
                        }                                                //found a radial bearing
                    catch { }//this will catch case of final R meaning a curve right and not radial bearing
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChordBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
                {                            // this c is for chord bearing
                    dChordBearing    = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasChordBearing = true; //found a chord bearing
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "t" && (!bHasTangentBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
                {                              // this t is for tangent bearing
                    dTangentBearing    = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasTangentBearing = true; //found a tangent bearing
                    IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
                    pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTangentBearing, 100);
                    ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                    EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

                if ((item.ToLower()) == "l")
                    // this l is for defining a curve to the left
                    bCCW = true;
                iItemPosition += 1;

            if (!(bIsTangentCurve)) //non-tangent curve
            {                       //chord bearing
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dChord, true);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusAngle(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingAngleChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingChordArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                //tangent bearing
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                //radial bearing
                if (bHasRadialBearing)
                    //need to convert radial bearing to tangent bearing by adding/subtracting 90 degrees
                    double dTanBear = 0;
                    if (bCCW)
                        dTanBear = dRadialBearing - (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
                        dTanBear = dRadialBearing + (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
                    IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
                    pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTanBear, 100);
                    ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                    EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
            { //tangent curve
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
            ILine pLine = new LineClass();

                pLine.PutCoords(pArc.FromPoint, pArc.ToPoint);
                outChordLength = -1; outChordBearing = -1;
            outChordLength  = pLine.Length;
            outChordBearing = pLine.Angle;
        private void DrawFanShaped(double x, double y, IActiveView pActiveView)
            double radius = this.radius;
            double small_radius = this.small_radius;
            double start_angle = this.start_angle;
            double central_angle = this.central_angle;

            if (pActiveView != null)
                IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

                IPoint pCenterPoint = new PointClass();
                pCenterPoint.PutCoords(x, y);
                ICircularArc pCircularArc = new CircularArcClass();
                pCircularArc.PutCoordsByAngle(pCenterPoint, start_angle * Math.PI / 180.0, central_angle * Math.PI / 180.0, radius);
                IPoint pStartPoint = pCircularArc.FromPoint;
                IPoint pEndPoint = pCircularArc.ToPoint;
                ILine pLine1 = new LineClass();
                pLine1.PutCoords(pCenterPoint, pStartPoint);
                ILine pLine2 = new LineClass();
                pLine2.PutCoords(pEndPoint, pCenterPoint);
                ISegmentCollection pRing1 = new PolygonClass();
                ISegment pSegment1 = pLine1 as ISegment;
                ISegment pSegment2 = pCircularArc as ISegment;
                ISegment pSegment3 = pLine2 as ISegment;
                ICircularArc pCircularArc1 = new CircularArcClass();
                pCircularArc1.PutCoordsByAngle(pCenterPoint, start_angle * Math.PI / 180.0, central_angle * Math.PI / 180.0, small_radius);
                IPoint pStartPoint1 = pCircularArc1.FromPoint;
                IPoint pEndPoint1 = pCircularArc1.ToPoint;
                ILine pLine3 = new LineClass();
                pLine3.PutCoords(pCenterPoint, pStartPoint1);
                ILine pLine4 = new LineClass();
                pLine4.PutCoords(pEndPoint1, pCenterPoint);
                ISegmentCollection pRing2 = new PolygonClass();
                ISegment pSegment4 = pLine3 as ISegment;
                ISegment pSegment5 = pCircularArc1 as ISegment;
                ISegment pSegment6 = pLine4 as ISegment;
                ITopologicalOperator pTopoLogical1 = pRing1 as ITopologicalOperator;
                ITopologicalOperator pTopoLogical2 = pRing2 as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry geometry = pTopoLogical1.Difference(pTopoLogical2 as IGeometry);
                IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
                rgbColor.Red = 255;
                rgbColor.Green = 0;
                rgbColor.Blue = 0;
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = 1;
                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol;
                simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSDiagonalCross;
                IRgbColor rgbcolor = new RgbColorClass();
                rgbcolor.Red = 0;
                rgbcolor.Green = 0;
                rgbcolor.Blue = 255;
                simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbcolor as IColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Outline = simpleLineSymbol;
                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
                IElement pElement = fillShapeElement as IElement;
                pElement.Geometry = geometry;
                graphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);
                pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
        //private void EndDrawCircleCentRadWihtShift()
        //    frmCentRad formCentRad = new frmCentRad();
        //    formCentRad.ShowDialog();

        //    if( m_bFixRadius )
        //    {
        //        IGeometry pGeom = null;
        //        IPolyline pPolyline;
        //        IPolygon  pPolygon;

        //   IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();
        //        pPoint.X = m_pCenterPoint.X + m_dblRadius;
        //        pPoint.Y = m_pCenterPoint.Y;

        //        pPolyline = CommonFunction.ArcToPolyline(pPoint, m_pCenterPoint, pPoint,esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);

        //        switch (((IFeatureLayer)m_CurrentLayer).FeatureClass.ShapeType)
        //        {
        //            case  esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
        //                pGeom = pPolyline;
        //                break;
        //            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
        //                pPolygon  =  CommonFunction.PolylineToPolygon(pPolyline);
        //                pGeom = pPolygon;                
        //                break;
        //            default:
        //                break;
        //        }//end switch

        //        m_pEnvelope = pGeom.Envelope;
        //        if(m_pEnvelope != null &&!m_pEnvelope.IsEmpty )  m_pEnvelope.Expand(10,10,false);;
        //        CommonFunction.CreateFeature(m_App.Workbench,pGeom, m_FocusMap, m_CurrentLayer);

        //        m_App.Workbench.CommandBarManager.Tools["2dmap.DFEditorTool.Undo"].SharedProps.Enabled = true;

        //    }

        //    Reset();

        private void DrawCircleCentRadMouseDown(IPoint pPoint, int shift)
            Class.Common.DrawPointSMSSquareSymbol(m_MapControl, pPoint);

            if (!m_bInUse)           //如果命令没有使用
                m_bInUse       = true;
                m_pCenterPoint = pPoint;

                m_pFeedback           = new NewCircleFeedbackClass();
                m_pCircleFeed         = (NewCircleFeedbackClass)m_pFeedback;
                m_pCircleFeed.Display = m_pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
            else             //如果命令已经使用使用
                IGeometry    pGeom = null;
                IPolyline    pPolyline;
                IPolygon     pPolygon;
                ICircularArc pCircularArc = new CircularArcClass();

                //if (shift == 1)//若果按住shift健弹出对话框,让用户修改圆周上的坐标值
                //     EndDrawCircleCentRadWihtShift();
                pCircularArc = m_pCircleFeed.Stop();
                m_dblRadius  = pCircularArc.Radius;

                switch (((IFeatureLayer)m_CurrentLayer).FeatureClass.ShapeType)
                case  esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pPolyline = Class.Common.ArcToPolyline(pCircularArc.FromPoint, pCircularArc.CenterPoint, pCircularArc.FromPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
                    pGeom     = pPolyline;

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    pPolyline = Class.Common.ArcToPolyline(pCircularArc.FromPoint, pCircularArc.CenterPoint, pCircularArc.FromPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
                    pPolygon  = Class.Common.PolylineToPolygon(pPolyline);
                    pGeom     = pPolygon;                

                }                        //end switch

                m_pEnvelope = pGeom.Envelope;
                if (m_pEnvelope != null && !m_pEnvelope.IsEmpty)
                    m_pEnvelope.Expand(10, 10, false);

                Class.Common.CreateFeature(pGeom, m_FocusMap, m_CurrentLayer);



            m_pLastPoint = pPoint;
        private ICircularArc ConstructCurveFromString(string inString, ISegment ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse,
          esriDirectionType inDirectionType, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
          out double outChordLength, out double outChordBearing)
              IConstructCircularArc pConstArc = new CircularArcClass();
              ICircularArc pArc = (ICircularArc)pConstArc;
              IPoint pPt = new PointClass();
              pPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
              //initialize the curve params
              bool bHasRadius = false; double dRadius = -1;
              bool bHasChord = false; double dChord = -1;
              bool bHasArc = false; double dArcLength = -1;
              bool bHasDelta = false; double dDelta = -1;
              bool bCCW = false; //assume curve to right unless proven otherwise
              //now initialize bearing types for non-tangent curves
              bool bHasRadialBearing = false; double dRadialBearing = -1;
              bool bHasChordBearing = false; double dChordBearing = -1;
              bool bHasTangentBearing = false; double dTangentBearing = -1;
              ISegment EntryTangentSegment = null;

              int iItemPosition = 0;

              string[] sCourse = inString.Split(' ');
              int UpperBound = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
              bool bIsTangentCurve = (((string)sCourse.GetValue(0)).ToLower() == "tc");
              foreach (string item in sCourse)
            if (item == null)
            if ((item.ToLower() == "r") && (!bHasRadius) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this r is for radius
              dRadius = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasRadius = true; //found a radius
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChord) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this c is for chord length
              dChord = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasChord = true; //found a chord length
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "a" && (!bHasArc) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this a is for arc length
              dArcLength = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasArc = true; //found an arc length
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "d" && (!bHasDelta) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this d is for delta or central angle
              dDelta = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionUnits);
              bHasDelta = true; //found a central angle
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "r" && (!bHasRadialBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3) && (UpperBound > 5))
            {// this r is for radial bearing
            dRadialBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
            if (!(dRadialBearing == -999)) { bHasRadialBearing = true; } //found a radial bearing
              catch { }//this will catch case of final R meaning a curve right and not radial bearing
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChordBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
            {// this c is for chord bearing
              dChordBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
              bHasChordBearing = true; //found a chord bearing
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "t" && (!bHasTangentBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
            {// this t is for tangent bearing
              dTangentBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
              bHasTangentBearing = true; //found a tangent bearing
              IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
              pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTangentBearing, 100);
              ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
              EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
              EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

            if ((item.ToLower()) == "l")
              // this l is for defining a curve to the left
              bCCW = true;
            iItemPosition += 1;

              if (!(bIsTangentCurve)) //non-tangent curve
              {//chord bearing
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dChord, true);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusAngle(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingAngleChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingChordArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            //tangent bearing
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            //radial bearing
            if (bHasRadialBearing)
              //need to convert radial bearing to tangent bearing by adding/subtracting 90 degrees
              double dTanBear = 0;
              if (bCCW)
            dTanBear = dRadialBearing - (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
            dTanBear = dRadialBearing + (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
              IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
              pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTanBear, 100);
              ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
              EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
              EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };
              { //tangent curve
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };
              ILine pLine = new LineClass();
            pLine.PutCoords(pArc.FromPoint, pArc.ToPoint);
            outChordLength = -1; outChordBearing = -1;
            return null;
              outChordLength = pLine.Length;
              outChordBearing = pLine.Angle;
              return pArc;