Exemple #1
            protected override SecProp ShapeSecProp()
                CircularArc bendl = new CircularArc {
                    Material = Material, r = r1, t = t, phi = 90 * Math.PI / 180, point = "j", xp = 0, yp = 0, theta = -(45 + 90) * Math.PI / 180
                CircularArc bendu = new CircularArc {
                    Material = Material, r = r2, t = t, phi = 90 * Math.PI / 180, point = "j", xp = t, yp = h, theta = 45 * Math.PI / 180
                Rectangle recl = new Rectangle {
                    Material = Material, b = b1 - r1 - t, t = t, point = "a", xp = t + r1, yp = 0, theta = 0
                Rectangle recu = new Rectangle {
                    Material = Material, b = b2 - r2 - t, t = t, point = "e", xp = -r2, yp = h, theta = 0
                Rectangle vert = new Rectangle {
                    Material = Material, b = h - r1 - r2 - 2 * t, t = t, point = "c", xp = 0, yp = r1 + t, theta = 90 * Math.PI / 180

                Section FZ = new Section();


Exemple #2
        private void CircularArcToolActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CircularArc arc = new CircularArc(new RectangleF(0, 0, 50, 50));

            diagramComponent.Controller.NodeToInsert = arc;
Exemple #3
        public static CircularArc ConnectShapesArc(Shape Start, Shape End, ICapStyle StartCapStyle, ICapStyle EndCapStyle, Object Tag,
                                                   Dataweb.NShape.WinFormsUI.Display Display, Dataweb.NShape.Project Project, ILineStyle LineStyle, Layer Layer)
            CircularArc arc = (CircularArc)Project.ShapeTypes["CircularArc"].CreateInstance();

            arc.LineStyle          = LineStyle;
            arc.Tag                = Tag;
            arc.SecurityDomainName = 'B';

            arc.StartCapStyle = StartCapStyle;
            arc.EndCapStyle   = EndCapStyle;
            arc.Connect(ControlPointId.FirstVertex, Start, ControlPointId.Reference);
            arc.Connect(ControlPointId.LastVertex, End, ControlPointId.Reference);

            Point firstPt = arc.GetControlPointPosition(ControlPointId.FirstVertex);
            Point lastPt  = arc.GetControlPointPosition(ControlPointId.LastVertex);
            Point dstPos  = Point.Empty;

            dstPos.X = ((firstPt.X + lastPt.X) / 2) + 1;
            dstPos.Y = ((firstPt.Y + lastPt.Y) / 2) + 1;

            arc.InsertVertex(ControlPointId.LastVertex, dstPos.X, dstPos.Y);

            Display.Diagram.AddShapeToLayers(arc, Layer.Id);

            Project.Repository.Insert((Shape)arc, Display.Diagram);

Exemple #4
        private ICircularArc method_8(IPoint point, double num, bool flag)
            IConstructCircularArc constructCircularArc = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;

            constructCircularArc.ConstructCircle(point, num, flag);
Exemple #5
        public static ICircularArc CreateCircArc(IPoint pCenter, IPoint pFrom, ref IPoint pTo)
            ICircularArc circularArcClass = null;

            circularArcClass = new CircularArc();
            circularArcClass.PutCoords(pCenter, pFrom, pTo, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
Exemple #6
        private void carcToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CircularArc carc = new CircularArc(new RectangleF(300, 300, 100, 70));

            // set your custom node to the NodeToInsert property
            this.diagram1.Controller.NodeToInsert = carc;
 public AGSCircularArcSegment(CircularArc srcSeg)
     base.StartPoint         = new AGSPoint(srcSeg.FromPoint as PointN);
     base.EndPoint           = new AGSPoint(srcSeg.ToPoint as PointN);
     this.Center             = new AGSPoint(srcSeg.CenterPoint as PointN);
     this.FromAngle          = srcSeg.FromAngle;
     this.ToAngle            = srcSeg.ToAngle;
     this.IsMinor            = srcSeg.IsMinor;
     this.IsCounterClockwise = srcSeg.IsCounterClockwise;
        private static Entity DrawCircle(CircularArc arc, double defaultElevation)
            PointN  pointN  = arc.FromPoint as PointN;
            PointN  pointN2 = arc.CenterPoint as PointN;
            double  num     = Math.Sqrt((pointN.X - pointN2.X) * (pointN.X - pointN2.X) + (pointN.Y - pointN2.Y) * (pointN.Y - pointN2.Y));
            Point3d point3d = new Point3d(pointN2.X, pointN2.Y, pointN2.Z);
            Entity  entity  = new Circle(point3d, Vector3d.ZAxis, num);

            entity.ColorIndex = (256);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过开始点和结束点创建半圆弧片段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromPoint">开始点</param>
        /// <param name="toPoint">结束点</param>
        /// <returns>半圆弧片段</returns>
        public static ISegment CreateHalfCircularArcByTwoPoints(IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint)
            ILine line   = CreateLineByTwoPoints(fromPoint, toPoint);
            ILine normal = new Line();

            line.QueryNormal(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, (double)(line.Length / 2.0), normal);
            IConstructCircularArc Constructor = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;

            Constructor.ConstructThreePoints(fromPoint, normal.ToPoint, toPoint, true);
        private static Entity DrawCircularArc(CircularArc arc, double defaultElevation, Point[] densifiedPoints)
            PointN  pointN      = arc.FromPoint as PointN;
            PointN  pointN2     = arc.ToPoint as PointN;
            PointN  pointN3     = arc.CenterPoint as PointN;
            Point3d point3d     = new Point3d(pointN.X, pointN.Y, pointN.Z);
            Point3d point3d2    = new Point3d(pointN3.X, pointN3.Y, pointN3.Z);
            Point3d point3d3    = new Point3d(pointN2.X, pointN2.Y, pointN2.Z);
            Point2d centerPoint = new Point2d(pointN3.X, pointN3.Y);
            Point2d point2d     = new Point2d(pointN.X, pointN.Y);

            CircularArc3d circArc;

            if (densifiedPoints != null)
                int    num     = densifiedPoints.Length / 2;
                PointN pointN4 = (PointN)densifiedPoints[num];
                if (arc.IsCounterClockwise)
                    PointN arg_CC_0 = (PointN)densifiedPoints[0];
                    PointN arg_D9_0 = (PointN)densifiedPoints[densifiedPoints.Length - 1];
                    PointN arg_E4_0 = (PointN)densifiedPoints[0];
                    PointN arg_F1_0 = (PointN)densifiedPoints[densifiedPoints.Length - 1];
                Point3d point3d4 = new Point3d(pointN4.X, pointN4.Y, pointN4.Z);
                circArc = new CircularArc3d(point3d, point3d4, point3d3);
                Point2d point2d2 = new Point2d(point3d.X, point3d.Y);
                Point2d point2d3 = new Point2d(point3d3.X, point3d3.Y);
                double  num2     = GIS2CAD.CalcThetaFromVectors(point2d2, point2d3, centerPoint, arc.IsCounterClockwise);
                double  num3     = Math.Tan(num2 / 4.0);
                if (!arc.IsCounterClockwise)
                    num3 *= -1.0;
                CircularArc2d circularArc2d = new CircularArc2d(point2d2, point2d3, num3, false);
                Point2d[]     samplePoints  = circularArc2d.GetSamplePoints(3);
                Point3d       point3d5      = new Point3d(samplePoints[1].X, samplePoints[1].Y, point3d2.Z);
                circArc = new CircularArc3d(point3d, point3d5, point3d3);
            new Point3d(pointN3.X, pointN3.Y, pointN3.Z);
            Arc arc2 = GIS2CAD.CreateFromCircularArc(circArc);

            arc2.ColorIndex = (256);
Exemple #11
 public AGSPath(Path srcP)
     this.Segments = new List <AGSSegment>();
     if (srcP.SegmentArray != null)
         Segment[] segmentArray = srcP.SegmentArray;
         for (int i = 0; i < segmentArray.Length; i++)
             Segment     segment     = segmentArray[i];
             Line        line        = segment as Line;
             CircularArc circularArc = segment as CircularArc;
             EllipticArc ellipticArc = segment as EllipticArc;
             BezierCurve bezierCurve = segment as BezierCurve;
             if (line != null)
                 this.Segments.Add(new AGSLineSegment(line));
             else if (circularArc != null)
                 if (circularArc.IsLine)
                     this.Segments.Add(new AGSLineSegment(circularArc.FromPoint as PointN, circularArc.ToPoint as PointN));
                     this.Segments.Add(new AGSCircularArcSegment(circularArc));
             else if (ellipticArc != null)
                 this.Segments.Add(new AGSEllipticalArcSegment(ellipticArc));
             else if (bezierCurve != null)
                 this.Segments.Add(new AGSBezierSegment(bezierCurve));
     if (srcP.PointArray != null)
         int      num = srcP.PointArray.Length;
         AGSPoint f   = new AGSPoint(srcP.PointArray[0] as PointN);
         for (int j = 1; j < num; j++)
             AGSPoint aGSPoint = new AGSPoint(srcP.PointArray[j] as PointN);
             this.Segments.Add(new AGSLineSegment(f, aGSPoint));
             f = aGSPoint;
Exemple #12
        private IPoint ComputeCenterPointFromRadius(IPolyline ThePolyline, double NewRadius, bool IsMinorCurve)
            IConstructCircularArc pCircArcConst = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;

            pCircArcConst.ConstructEndPointsRadius(ThePolyline.FromPoint, ThePolyline.ToPoint,
                                                   (NewRadius < 0), Math.Abs(NewRadius), IsMinorCurve);
            ICircularArc pCircArc  = pCircArcConst as ICircularArc;
            IPoint       pCtrPoint = pCircArc.CenterPoint;
            IZAware      pZAw      = pCtrPoint as IZAware;

            pZAw.ZAware = true;
            pCtrPoint.Z = 0;
Exemple #13
        public override void OnMouseDown(int button, int Shift, int x, int y)
            if (button != 1)
            if (this._context.ActiveView is IPageLayout)
                IPoint location = this._context.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y);
                IMap   map      = this._context.ActiveView.HitTestMap(location);
                if (map == null)
                if (map != this._context.FocusMap)
                    this._context.ActiveView.FocusMap = map;
            IPoint point = ((IActiveView)this._context.FocusMap).ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x,

            frmInputText frm = new frmInputText();

            frm.txtText.Properties.EditFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Numeric;
            frm.Label = "输入半径";
            if (frm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                double radius = Convert.ToDouble(frm.txtText.EditValue);
                IConstructCircularArc2 arc2 = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc2;
                arc2.ConstructCircle(point, radius, false);
                IPolygon polygon = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                object   value   = Missing.Value;
                (polygon as ISegmentCollection).AddSegment(arc2 as ISegment, ref value, ref value);
                _plugin.FireFenceAdded(new FenceAddedArgs((IGeometry)polygon));
                IActiveView activeView = this._context.FocusMap as IActiveView;
                activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, polygon.Envelope);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #14
            protected override SecProp ShapeSecProp()
                CircularArc bend = new CircularArc {
                    Material = Material, r = r, t = t, phi = 90 * Math.PI / 180, point = "j", xp = 0, yp = 0, theta = -(45 + 90) * Math.PI / 180
                Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle {
                    Material = Material, b = b1 - r - t, t = t, point = "a", xp = t + r, yp = 0, theta = 0
                Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle {
                    Material = Material, b = b2 - r - t, t = t, point = "c", xp = 0, yp = r + t, theta = 90 * Math.PI / 180

                Section FA = new Section();


        private ICircularArc method_1(IPoint ipoint_1, IPoint ipoint_2, IPoint ipoint_3)
            ICircularArc circularArc;

                IConstructCircularArc circularArcClass = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                circularArcClass.ConstructThreePoints(ipoint_1, ipoint_3, ipoint_2, false);
                circularArc = circularArcClass as ICircularArc;
            catch (Exception exception)
                ICircularArc circularArcClass1 = new CircularArc()
                    FromPoint = ipoint_1,
                    ToPoint   = ipoint_2
                circularArc = circularArcClass1;
Exemple #16
        public List <IPrintPageInfo> CreateStripMapPageInfos(IPolyline stripLine)
            IPolyline             pPolyline;
            IPoint                pCenterPoint;
            IPolygon              pCirclePoly;
            IPolygon              pGridPoly;
            IConstructCircularArc pCircularArc;
            ISegmentCollection    pSegmentCollection;
            ITopologicalOperator  pTopoOpt;
            IGeometryCollection   pGeoCol;
            IPoint                pIntersectPoint;
            ICurve                pArc;
            IPoint                pIntersectPointPrev;
            bool      bFirstRun;
            int       lLoop2;
            double    dHighest = 0;
            int       lHighestRef;
            double    dHighestPrev;
            ICurve    pCurve;
            ILine     pLine;
            IPolyline pPLine;
            bool      bContinue;
            bool      bReducedRadius;
            double    dGridAngle;
            double    dHighestThisTurn;
            int       lCounter = 0;

            List <IPrintPageInfo> pages = new List <IPrintPageInfo>();

            pPolyline    = stripLine;
            pCenterPoint = pPolyline.FromPoint;
            double m_GridWidth  = _mapTemplate.Width * _scale / 100.0;
            double m_GridHeight = _mapTemplate.Height * _scale / 100.0;

            double        dCircleRadius;
            List <double> colIntersects = new List <double>();
            double        dIntersect;

            dHighestPrev = -1;
            bFirstRun    = true;
            pArc         = pPolyline;
            bContinue    = false;

            bool   isLoop1 = true;
            object missing = Missing.Value;

                if (bFirstRun)
                    dCircleRadius = m_GridWidth / 2.0;
                    dCircleRadius = m_GridWidth;
                bReducedRadius = false;
                    //! 创建搜索圆
                    pCircularArc = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                    pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, dCircleRadius, false);
                    pCirclePoly        = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                    pSegmentCollection = pCirclePoly as ISegmentCollection;
                    pSegmentCollection.AddSegment(pCircularArc as ISegment, ref missing, ref missing);

                    pTopoOpt = pPolyline as ITopologicalOperator;
                    pGeoCol  = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
                    pGeoCol  = pTopoOpt.Intersect(pCirclePoly, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
                    if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount == 0)
                        //! 需要检查,没有交点的的时候的处理


                    pArc             = pPolyline;
                    lHighestRef      = -1;
                    dHighestThisTurn = 102;
                    for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                        pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint;
                        dIntersect      = ReturnPercentageAlong(pPolyline, pIntersectPoint);
                        if (dIntersect > (dHighestPrev * 1.001) && dIntersect < dHighestThisTurn)
                            dHighest         = dIntersect;
                            dHighestThisTurn = dIntersect;
                            lHighestRef      = lLoop2;

                    if (lHighestRef < 0)
                        dHighest            = 101;
                        pIntersectPoint     = IntersectPointExtendedTo(pPolyline, pCirclePoly);
                        pIntersectPointPrev = pCenterPoint;
                        pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lHighestRef] as IPoint;
                        if (bFirstRun)
                            pIntersectPointPrev = new Point();
                            pIntersectPointPrev.PutCoords(pCenterPoint.X - (pIntersectPoint.X - pCenterPoint.X),
                                                          pCenterPoint.Y - (pIntersectPoint.Y - pCenterPoint.Y));
                            pIntersectPointPrev = pCenterPoint;

                    if (bReducedRadius)
                        IPolyline pTmpPLine;
                        IPolygon  pTmpCPoly;
                        IPoint    pTmpIntPoint;
                        pCircularArc = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                        if (bFirstRun)
                            pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, m_GridWidth / 2.0, false);
                            pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, m_GridWidth, false);
                        pTmpCPoly          = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                        pSegmentCollection = pTmpCPoly as ISegmentCollection;
                        pSegmentCollection.AddSegment((ISegment)pCircularArc, ref missing, ref missing);
                        pTmpPLine           = new Polyline() as IPolyline;
                        pTmpPLine.FromPoint = pIntersectPointPrev;
                        pTmpPLine.ToPoint   = pIntersectPoint;
                        pTmpIntPoint        = IntersectPointExtendedTo(pTmpPLine, pTmpCPoly);
                        CreateAngledGridPolygon(pIntersectPointPrev, pTmpIntPoint, out pGridPoly, out dGridAngle);
                        CreateAngledGridPolygon(pIntersectPointPrev, pIntersectPoint, out pGridPoly, out dGridAngle);

                    pTopoOpt  = pGridPoly as ITopologicalOperator;
                    pGeoCol   = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
                    pGeoCol   = pTopoOpt.Intersect(pPolyline, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
                    bContinue = true;
                    if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount > 2)
                        colIntersects = new List <double>();
                        for (lLoop2 = 2; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                            colIntersects.Add(ReturnPercentageAlong(pArc, pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint));
                        for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < colIntersects.Count; lLoop2++)
                            if (colIntersects[lLoop2] > (dHighestPrev * 1.001) &&
                                colIntersects[lLoop2] < (dHighestPrev * 0.999))
                                bContinue      = false;
                                dHighest       = dHighestPrev;
                                dCircleRadius  = dCircleRadius - m_GridWidth * 0.1;
                                bReducedRadius = true;
                                if (dCircleRadius < 0)
                                    bContinue = true;

                    if (bContinue && bReducedRadius)
                        double dTmpHighest;
                        pArc        = pPolyline;
                        lHighestRef = -1;
                        dTmpHighest = -1;
                        for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                            pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint;
                            dIntersect      = ReturnPercentageAlong(pArc, pIntersectPoint);
                            if (dIntersect > dTmpHighest)
                                dTmpHighest = dIntersect;
                                lHighestRef = lLoop2;
                        if (lHighestRef >= 0)
                            pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lHighestRef] as IPoint;
                        dHighest = dTmpHighest;
                } while (!bContinue);
                bFirstRun    = false;
                dHighestPrev = dHighest;

                IPrintPageInfo page = new PrintPageInfo();
                page.Boundary = pGridPoly;
                page.PageID   = lCounter;
                page.Angle    = dGridAngle;
                page.PageName = "带状图(" + lCounter.ToString() + ")";
                page.Scale    = _scale;

                pCenterPoint = pIntersectPoint;
            } while (dHighest < 100);

            foreach (IPrintPageInfo pageInfo in pages)
                pageInfo.TotalCount = pages.Count;
Exemple #17
        public bool Snap(IGeometry igeometry_0, IPoint ipoint_0, double double_0)
            ILine  lineClass;
            double length     = 0;
            int    num        = 0;
            int    num1       = 0;
            bool   flag       = true;
            IPoint pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
            double num2       = 1000;
            bool   flag1      = false;
            object value      = Missing.Value;
            IPoint ipoint0    = ipoint_0;
            IPoint point      = null;

            point = (!(igeometry_0 is IPoint) ? ((IPointCollection)igeometry_0).Point[0] : (IPoint)igeometry_0);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.ifeatureCache_0.Count; i++)
                IHitTest shape = (IHitTest)this.ifeatureCache_0.Feature[i].Shape;
                if (shape.HitTest(ipoint0, double_0, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartBoundary, pointClass,
                                  ref length, ref num, ref num1, ref flag))
                    IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = shape as IGeometryCollection;
                    if (geometryCollection != null)
                        ISegmentCollection geometry = geometryCollection.Geometry[num] as ISegmentCollection;
                        if (geometry != null)
                            ISegment segment = geometry.Segment[num1];
                            if (segment is ICircularArc)
                                IPoint centerPoint = ((ICircularArc)segment).CenterPoint;
                                ILine  line        = new Line();
                                line.PutCoords(point, centerPoint);
                                double length1 = line.Length;
                                IConstructCircularArc circularArcClass = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                                circularArcClass.ConstructCircle(point, length1, true);
                                IGeometryCollection polylineClass = new Polyline() as IGeometryCollection;
                                ISegmentCollection  pathClass     = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Path() as ISegmentCollection;
                                pathClass.AddSegment((ISegment)circularArcClass, ref value, ref value);
                                polylineClass.AddGeometry((IGeometry)pathClass, ref value, ref value);
                                IGeometryCollection polylineClass1    = new Polyline() as IGeometryCollection;
                                ISegmentCollection  segmentCollection = new Path() as ISegmentCollection;
                                segmentCollection.AddSegment(segment, ref value, ref value);
                                polylineClass1.AddGeometry((IGeometry)segmentCollection, ref value, ref value);
                                IGeometry geometry1 =
                                if (geometry1 != null)
                                    if (!(geometry1 is IPointCollection))
                                        lineClass = new Line();
                                        lineClass.PutCoords((IPoint)geometry1, ipoint0);
                                        if (num2 > length)
                                            num2       = length;
                                            pointClass = ((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[0];
                                            ipoint_0.PutCoords(pointClass.X, pointClass.Y);
                                            flag1 = true;
                                        lineClass = new Line();
                                        ILine lineClass1 = new Line();
                                        lineClass.PutCoords(((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[0], ipoint0);
                                        lineClass1.PutCoords(((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[1], ipoint0);
                                        if (lineClass.Length <= lineClass1.Length)
                                            length     = lineClass.Length;
                                            pointClass = ((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[0];
                                            length     = lineClass1.Length;
                                            pointClass = ((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[1];
                                        if (num2 > length)
                                            num2       = length;
                                            pointClass = ((IPointCollection)geometry1).Point[0];
                                            ipoint_0.PutCoords(pointClass.X, pointClass.Y);
                                            flag1 = true;
Exemple #18
        private ISegment method_2(ISegment isegment_0, IPoint ipoint_0)
            ISegment lineClass;
            IPoint   pointClass;
            IPoint   point;
            ISegment segment;
            IPoint   x;
            double   num;
            double   num1;
            double   x1;
            double   num2;
            IPoint   fromPoint = isegment_0.FromPoint;
            IPoint   toPoint   = isegment_0.ToPoint;

            if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine)
                lineClass  = new Line() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - toPoint.X, toPoint.Y);
                lineClass.FromPoint = pointClass;
                lineClass.ToPoint   = point;
                segment             = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                lineClass  = new CircularArc() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - toPoint.X, toPoint.Y);
                x = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                (isegment_0 as ICircularArc).QueryCenterPoint(x);
                x.X = 2 * ipoint_0.X - x.X;
                (lineClass as IConstructCircularArc).ConstructThreePoints(pointClass, x, point, false);
                segment = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryEllipticArc)
                lineClass  = new EllipticArc() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - toPoint.X, toPoint.Y);
                x = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                (isegment_0 as IEllipticArc).QueryCenterPoint(x);
                x.X = 2 * ipoint_0.X - x.X;
                isegment_0.Envelope.QueryCoords(out num, out num1, out x1, out num2);
                num = 2 * ipoint_0.X - num;
                x1  = 2 * ipoint_0.X - x1;
                IEnvelope envelopeClass = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
                envelopeClass.PutCoords(num, num1, x1, num2);
                (lineClass as IConstructEllipticArc).ConstructTwoPointsEnvelope(pointClass, point, envelopeClass,
                                                                                ((isegment_0 as IEllipticArc).IsCounterClockwise
                    ? esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise
                    : esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise));
                segment = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBezier3Curve)
                segment = null;
                lineClass  = new Line() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(2 * ipoint_0.X - toPoint.X, toPoint.Y);
                lineClass.FromPoint = pointClass;
                lineClass.ToPoint   = point;
                segment             = lineClass;
Exemple #19
        private ISegment method_3(ISegment isegment_0, IPoint ipoint_0)
            ISegment lineClass;
            IPoint   pointClass;
            IPoint   point;
            ISegment segment;
            double   num;
            double   y;
            double   num1;
            double   y1;
            IPoint   fromPoint = isegment_0.FromPoint;
            IPoint   toPoint   = isegment_0.ToPoint;

            if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine)
                lineClass  = new Line() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(fromPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(toPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - toPoint.Y);
                lineClass.FromPoint = pointClass;
                lineClass.ToPoint   = point;
                segment             = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                lineClass  = new CircularArc() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(fromPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(toPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - toPoint.Y);
                IPoint pointClass1 = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                (isegment_0 as ICircularArc).QueryCenterPoint(pointClass1);
                pointClass1.Y = 2 * ipoint_0.Y - pointClass1.Y;
                (lineClass as IConstructCircularArc).ConstructThreePoints(pointClass, pointClass1, point, false);
                segment = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryEllipticArc)
                lineClass  = new EllipticArc() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(fromPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(toPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - toPoint.Y);
                isegment_0.Envelope.QueryCoords(out num, out y, out num1, out y1);
                y  = 2 * ipoint_0.Y - y;
                y1 = 2 * ipoint_0.Y - y1;
                IEnvelope envelopeClass = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
                envelopeClass.PutCoords(num, y, num1, y1);
                (lineClass as IConstructEllipticArc).ConstructTwoPointsEnvelope(pointClass, point, envelopeClass,
                                                                                ((isegment_0 as IEllipticArc).IsCounterClockwise
                    ? esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise
                    : esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise));
                segment = lineClass;
            else if (isegment_0.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBezier3Curve)
                segment = null;
                lineClass  = new Line() as ISegment;
                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords(fromPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - fromPoint.Y);
                point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                point.PutCoords(toPoint.X, 2 * ipoint_0.Y - toPoint.Y);
                lineClass.FromPoint = pointClass;
                lineClass.ToPoint   = point;
                segment             = lineClass;
        private static Entity DrawPart(Segment[] segs, Point[] points, Point[] densifiedPoints, bool closePart, bool hasZ, double defaultElevation)
            double num = 0.0;

            if (segs != null)
                if (segs.Length == 1)
                    CircularArc        circularArc = segs[0] as CircularArc;
                    EllipticArc        ellipticArc = segs[0] as EllipticArc;
                    BezierCurve        bezierCurve = segs[0] as BezierCurve;
                    ArcGIS10Types.Line line        = segs[0] as ArcGIS10Types.Line;
                    if (circularArc != null)
                        if (((PointN)circularArc.FromPoint).X == ((PointN)circularArc.ToPoint).X && ((PointN)circularArc.FromPoint).Y == ((PointN)circularArc.ToPoint).Y)
                            return(GIS2CAD.DrawCircle(circularArc, defaultElevation));
                        return(GIS2CAD.DrawCircularArc(circularArc, defaultElevation, densifiedPoints));
                    else if (ellipticArc != null)
                        if (!ellipticArc.IsCounterClockwise)
                            return(AGSEllipticalArc.ToCadSpline(ellipticArc, defaultElevation));
                        return(AGSEllipticalArc.ToCadEllipse(ellipticArc, defaultElevation));
                        if (line != null)
                            return(GIS2CAD.DrawPolyline(densifiedPoints, false));
                        if (bezierCurve != null)
                            return(GIS2CAD.DrawPolyline(densifiedPoints, closePart));
                else if (segs.Length > 1)
                    PointN pointN = segs[0].FromPoint as PointN;
                    num = pointN.Z;
                    if (num == 0.0)
                        num = defaultElevation;
                    if (GIS2CAD.CanBeDrawnAsPolyline(segs))
                        var polyline = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline();
                        polyline.ColorIndex = (256);
                        int    num2    = 0;
                        PointN pointN2 = (PointN)segs[0].ToPoint;
                        for (int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
                            Segment     segment      = segs[i];
                            CircularArc circularArc2 = segment as CircularArc;
                            var         line2        = segment as ArcGIS10Types.Line;
                            if (line2 != null)
                                PointN pointN3 = (PointN)line2.FromPoint;
                                polyline.AddVertexAt(num2++, new Point2d(pointN3.X, pointN3.Y), 0.0, -1.0, -1.0);
                                pointN2 = (PointN)line2.ToPoint;
                            else if (circularArc2 != null)
                                PointN pointN4 = (PointN)circularArc2.CenterPoint;
                                PointN pointN5 = (PointN)circularArc2.FromPoint;
                                PointN pointN6 = (PointN)circularArc2.ToPoint;
                                new Point2d(pointN5.X - pointN4.X, pointN5.Y - pointN4.Y);
                                new Point2d(pointN6.X - pointN4.X, pointN6.Y - pointN4.Y);
                                Point2d point2d     = new Point2d(pointN5.X, pointN5.Y);
                                Point2d centerPoint = new Point2d(pointN4.X, pointN4.Y);
                                Point2d point2d2    = new Point2d(pointN6.X, pointN6.Y);
                                double  num3        = Math.Abs(centerPoint.GetDistanceTo(point2d));
                                double  num4        = Math.Abs(point2d.GetDistanceTo(point2d2));
                                double  num5        = num3;
                                double  num6        = num3;
                                double  d           = (num5 * num5 + num6 * num6 - num4 * num4) / (2.0 * num5 * num6);
                                double  num7        = Math.Acos(d);
                                num7 = GIS2CAD.CalcThetaFromVectors(point2d, point2d2, centerPoint, circularArc2.IsCounterClockwise);
                                double num8 = Math.Tan(num7 / 4.0);
                                if (!circularArc2.IsCounterClockwise)
                                    num8 *= -1.0;
                                polyline.AddVertexAt(num2++, point2d, num8, -1.0, -1.0);
                                pointN2 = pointN6;
                        polyline.AddVertexAt(num2, new Point2d(pointN2.X, pointN2.Y), 0.0, -1.0, -1.0);
                        if (closePart)
                            polyline.Closed = (true);
                    return(GIS2CAD.Draw3dPline(densifiedPoints, closePart));
            else if (points != null)
                if (points.Length == 2)
                    var line3 = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Line();
                    line3.ColorIndex = (256);
                    GIS2CAD.AdjustZ(ref points, defaultElevation);
                    Point3d startPoint = GIS2CAD.ToCadPoint3d((PointN)points[0]);
                    Point3d endPoint   = GIS2CAD.ToCadPoint3d((PointN)points[1]);
                    line3.StartPoint = (startPoint);
                    line3.EndPoint   = (endPoint);
                if (points.Length > 0)
                    if (!GIS2CAD.IsPlanar(points))
                            Document document           = AfaDocData.ActiveDocData.Document;
                            var      database           = document.Database;
                            var      transactionManager = document.TransactionManager;
                            using (document.LockDocument())
                                using (Transaction transaction = transactionManager.StartTransaction())
                                    BlockTable       blockTable       = (BlockTable)transaction.GetObject(database.BlockTableId, 0);
                                    BlockTableRecord blockTableRecord = (BlockTableRecord)transaction.GetObject(blockTable[(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace)], (OpenMode)1);
                                    Polyline3d       polyline3d       = new Polyline3d();
                                    polyline3d.ColorIndex = (256);
                                    transaction.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(polyline3d, true);
                                    Point[] array = points;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
                                        PointN           srcPt            = (PointN)array[j];
                                        PolylineVertex3d polylineVertex3d = new PolylineVertex3d(GIS2CAD.ToCadPoint3d(srcPt));
                                        transaction.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(polylineVertex3d, true);
                                    if (closePart)
                                        polyline3d.Closed = (true);
                        catch (System.Exception ex)
                            string arg_526_0 = ex.Message;
                    var polyline2 = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline();
                    polyline2.ColorIndex = (256);
                    polyline2.Elevation  = (num);
                    num = ((PointN)points[0]).Z;
                    if (num == 0.0)
                        num = defaultElevation;
                    int     num9   = 0;
                    Point[] array2 = points;
                    for (int k = 0; k < array2.Length; k++)
                        PointN pointN7 = (PointN)array2[k];
                        polyline2.AddVertexAt(num9++, new Point2d(pointN7.X, pointN7.Y), 0.0, -1.0, -1.0);
                    if (closePart)
                        polyline2.Closed = (true);
        private void drawCircleGraphic(double Size)
            IMxDocument pMxDoc = m_pDoc;
            IActiveView pActiveView;
            IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay;

            IEnvelope pEnv;
            IPoint pCenterPoint;
            IDisplayTransformation pTransform;

            pActiveView = pMxDoc.FocusMap as IActiveView;
            pScreenDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;

            pTransform = pScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
            pEnv = pTransform.FittedBounds;
            pCenterPoint = new Point();
            pCenterPoint.PutCoords((pEnv.XMax + pEnv.XMin) / 2, (pEnv.YMax + pEnv.YMin) / 2);

            IConstructCircularArc pCircle = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
            ISegmentCollection pPolygon = new Polygon() as ISegmentCollection;

            Size *= 10000;
            Size = Math.Sqrt(Size / 3.1416);
            pCircle.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, Size, true);

            pPolygon.AddSegment(pCircle as ISegment);

            IPolygon pFinalPolygon;
            pFinalPolygon = pPolygon as IPolygon;

            IRgbColor pLineColor = new RgbColor();
            pLineColor.Red = 255; // A CHANGER!!!

            addGraphicToMap(pMxDoc.FocusMap, pFinalPolygon, pLineColor, pLineColor);
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes the Diagram data
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeDiagram()
            Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Rectangle rect = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Rectangle(100, 25, 120, 75);
            rect.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            rect.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            rect.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            rect.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            AddLabel(rect, "Rectangle", Position.Center);

            Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.RoundRect roundRect = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.RoundRect(400, 25, 120, 75, MeasureUnits.Pixel);
            roundRect.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            roundRect.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            roundRect.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            roundRect.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            AddLabel(roundRect, "RoundRect1", Position.Center);

            Ellipse ellipse1 = new Ellipse(100, 125, 120, 80);

            ellipse1.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            ellipse1.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            ellipse1.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            ellipse1.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            AddLabel(ellipse1, "Ellipse", Position.Center);

            Polygon poly = new Polygon(new PointF[] { new PointF(160, 235), new PointF(100, 265), new PointF(120, 325), new PointF(200, 325), new PointF(220, 265) });

            poly.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            poly.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            poly.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            poly.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            AddLabel(poly, "Polygon", Position.Center);

            SemiCircle semiCircle = new SemiCircle(400, 125, 120, 75);

            semiCircle.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            semiCircle.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            semiCircle.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            semiCircle.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            AddLabel(semiCircle, "SemiCircle", Position.Center);

            TextNode textNode = new TextNode("TextNode1", new RectangleF(400, 245, 120, 50));

            textNode.FontStyle.Size       = 9;
            textNode.FontStyle.Family     = "Segoe UI";
            textNode.HorizontalAlignment  = StringAlignment.Center;
            textNode.VerticalAlignment    = StringAlignment.Center;
            textNode.LineStyle.LineColor  = Color.DarkGray;
            textNode.FontColorStyle.Color = Color.Black;

            RichTextNode richTextNode = new RichTextNode(@"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Meiryo UI;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green64\blue128;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 This is a text symbol\f1  \b0\f0 designed using the \cf1\b\i Essential Diagram\i0  \cf2\ul RichText\ulnone  node\cf0\b0 .\par
}", new RectangleF(400, 320, 120, 100));

            richTextNode.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;

            BitmapNode bmpNode = new BitmapNode(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\common\Images\Diagram\OrgChart Layout\image3.png");
            BitmapNode bmpNode = new BitmapNode(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\common\Images\Diagram\OrgChart Layout\image3.png");
            bmpNode.Name                = "BitmapNode1";
            bmpNode.PinPoint            = new PointF(700, 75);
            bmpNode.Size                = new SizeF(120, 100);
            bmpNode.LineStyle.LineWidth = 0;

            ClosedCurveNode curve = new ClosedCurveNode(new PointF[] { new PointF(120, 350), new PointF(120, 450), new PointF(220, 400) });
            curve.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            curve.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            curve.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            curve.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            AddLabel(curve, "ClosedCurve", Position.Center);

            CurveNode curve1 = new CurveNode(new PointF[] { new PointF(120, 100), new PointF(120, 200), new PointF(220, 150) });
            curve1 = new CurveNode(new PointF[] { new PointF(0, 30), new PointF(4.99999952f, 25), new PointF(18.3333321f, 0), new PointF(30, 0), new PointF(41.66666641f, 0), new PointF(58.33333321f, 30), new PointF(70, 30), new PointF(81.66666f, 30), new PointF(95, 4.99999952f), new PointF(100, 0) });
            AddLabel(curve1, "CurveNode", Position.Center);

            CircularArc circular = new CircularArc(new RectangleF(640, 150, 100, 100), 0, 270);
            circular.FillStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(240, 242, 240);
            circular.FillStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
            circular.FillStyle.Type      = FillStyleType.LinearGradient;
            circular.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            circular.PinPoint            = new PointF(700, 200);
            AddLabel(circular, "CircularArc", Position.Center);

            Line line1 = new Line(new PointF(700, 320), new PointF(700, 430));
            line1.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            AddLabel(line1, "line", Position.TopCenter);

            PolylineNode polyLine = new PolylineNode(new PointF[] { new PointF(640, 500), new PointF(760, 500), new PointF(640, 540), new PointF(760, 540) });
            polyLine.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
            polyLine.LineStyle.LineWidth = 1;
            Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label label = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label(polyLine, "PolyLine Node");
            label.OffsetX              = polyLine.BoundingRectangle.Width / 5f;
            label.OffsetY              = polyLine.BoundingRectangle.Height + 10;
            label.FontStyle.Family     = "Segoe UI";
            label.FontColorStyle.Color = Color.Black;
            label.FontStyle.Size       = 9;

            BezierCurve bezier = new BezierCurve(new PointF[] { new PointF(100, 470), new PointF(160, 470), new PointF(160, 560), new PointF(220, 560) });
            AddLabel(bezier, "BezierCurve", Position.BottomCenter);

            SplineNode spline = new SplineNode(new PointF[] { new PointF(400, 460), new PointF(520, 500), new PointF(400, 520) });
            spline.LineStyle.LineColor = Color.Black;
            spline.LineStyle.LineWidth = 1;
            AddLabel(spline, "Spline", Position.BottomCenter);