Exemple #1
 public IActionResult Create(Circle c)
     c.PostIds = new List <string> ();
     c.UserIds = new List <string> ();
 public ActionResult Create(Circle circle)
     //if (ModelState.IsValid)
     //    _circleService.Create(circle);
     //    return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
     //return View(circle);
        public ActionResult Create(Circle circle)
            var loggedInUserId = _circleService.GetLoggedInUserId();

            circle.OwnerId = loggedInUserId;
            var circleId = _circleService.Create(circle);

            var wall = new Wall()
                owner     = circle.Name,
                Followers = new List <follower>()
                    new follower()
                        followerID   = loggedInUserId,
                        followerName = _userService.Get(loggedInUserId).Name
                BlackList = new List <blacklistedUser>(),
                ownerID   = circleId,
                type      = "Circle",
                postIDs   = new List <string>(),

            var newWall = _wallService.Create(wall);

            //add circle.wallId after creating wall
            circle.WallId = newWall.ID;
            circle.Id     = circleId;

            _circleService.Update(circle.Id, circle);

            return(RedirectToAction("GetWall", "Wall", new { id = circleId, type = "Circle" }));
 public ActionResult <Circle> Create(Circle Circle)
     return(CreatedAtRoute("GetCircle", new { id = Circle.Id }, Circle));
        public ActionResult <Circle> Create(Circle circle)

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetCircle", new { id = circle.Id.ToString() }, circle));
Exemple #6
        private void SeedData(IDabHandIn3DatabaseSettings settings)
            UserService   userService   = new UserService(settings);
            CircleService circleService = new CircleService(settings);
            PostService   postService   = new PostService(settings);

            // Seeding Users
            List <User> users = userService.Get();

            if (users != null)
                foreach (var user in users)

            List <User> usersToInsert = new List <User>()
                new User()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    Age          = 21,
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender       = "Male",
                    BlockedUsers = new List <string>(),
                    Following    = new List <string>()
                new User()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    Age          = 21,
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender       = "Male",
                    BlockedUsers = new List <string>(),
                    Following    = new List <string>()
                new User()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    Age          = 22,
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender       = "Male",
                    BlockedUsers = new List <string>(),
                    Following    = new List <string>()
                new User()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    Age          = 22,
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender       = "Male",
                    BlockedUsers = new List <string>(),
                    Following    = new List <string>()

            foreach (var user in usersToInsert)

            // Roman follows Rosendal
            usersToInsert[1].Following = new List <string>()
            userService.Update(usersToInsert[1].Id, usersToInsert[1]);

            // Seeding Circles
            List <Circle> circles = circleService.Get();

            if (circles != null)
                foreach (var circle in circles)

            List <Circle> circlesToInsert = new List <Circle>()
                new Circle()
                    Admin      = usersToInsert[0],
                    Public     = true,
                    CircleName = "Rosendals Circle",
                    PostIds    = new List <string>(),
                    UserIds    = new List <string>()
                new Circle()
                    Admin      = usersToInsert[2],
                    Public     = false,
                    CircleName = "Bommys Circle",
                    PostIds    = new List <string>(),
                    UserIds    = new List <string>()

            foreach (var circle in circlesToInsert)

            // Seeding Posts
            List <Post> posts = postService.Get();

            if (posts != null)
                foreach (var post in posts)

            List <Post> postsToInsert = new List <Post>()
                new Post()
                    Author  = usersToInsert[0],
                    Content = new Content()
                        Text  = "Now this is content boys",
                        Image = null
                    Comments = new List <Comment>()
                        new Comment()
                            Author       = usersToInsert[1],
                            Content      = "This is not content boys",
                            CreationTime = DateTime.Now
                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1)
                new Post()
                    Author  = usersToInsert[0],
                    Content = new Content()
                        Text  = "So bored today, lol",
                        Image = null
                    Comments = new List <Comment>()
                        new Comment()
                            Author       = usersToInsert[2],
                            Content      = "Roflcopter",
                            CreationTime = DateTime.Now
                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-2)

            foreach (var post in postsToInsert)
                postService.Create(post, circlesToInsert[0].Id);
Exemple #7
        public Circle Create(Circle circle)

Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var _userService   = new UserService();
            var _circleService = new CircleService();
            var _postService   = new PostService();

            User u1 = CreateUser("Anders", "M", 28);
            User u2 = CreateUser("David", "M", 31);
            User u3 = CreateUser("Christoffer", "M", 27);
            User u4 = CreateUser("Lau", "M", 22);


            Circle c = new Circle()
                Name    = "My New Circle",
                UserIds = new List <string> (),
                PostIds = new List <string> (),


            _circleService.AddUserToCircle(u1, c);
            _userService.AddCircleToUser(u1, c);
            _circleService.AddUserToCircle(u2, c);
            _userService.AddCircleToUser(u2, c);

            _userService.FollowUser(u3, u1);
            _userService.BlacklistUser(u2, u1);

            Post p1 = CreatePost(u1, c, "Text", "Hello everybody", null);

            _circleService.AddPostToCircle(p1, c);
            _userService.AddPostToUser(u1, p1);

            Post p2 = CreatePost(u1, null, "Image", "Nice picture of ocean!", "https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.X1kDFM6ei4tqszAXo5DIEAHaE9%26pid%3DApi%26h%3D180%26p%3D0&f=1");

            _userService.AddPostToUser(u1, p2);

            Post p3 = CreatePost(u2, c, "Text", "Anders why have you blacklisted me?", null);

            _circleService.AddPostToCircle(p3, c);
            _userService.AddPostToUser(u2, p3);

            Post p4 = CreatePost(u3, null, "Image", "Look at this view!", "https://forestsnews.cifor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/integrated-rice-and-fish-farms-anirban-mahapatra-1024x767.jpg");

            _userService.AddPostToUser(u3, p4);

            Comment comment = new Comment()
                UserId   = p3.UserId,
                UserName = p3.UserName,
                Text     = "Hi Doctor Nick!"

            _postService.AddCommentToPost(comment, p1);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Done seeding data");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Users are: Anders, David, Lau, Christoffer");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Anders and David are part of same circle");
            System.Console.WriteLine("David is blacklisted by Anders");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Christoffer is followed by Anders");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

Exemple #9
 public ActionResult <Circle> Create(Circle circle)
     return(CreatedAtRoute("GetCircle", new { groupName = circle.CircleName }, circle));