public static void CmdConWithTyping(string speakandspell) { string sentance = " "; //Process myProcess; //myProcess = Process.Start(FunNarrator); //myProcess.Close(); //Personality.narr(speakandspell); Thread NVoice = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Personality.narr)); // NVoice.Start(speakandspell); for (int i = 0; i < speakandspell.Length; i++) { sentance += speakandspell[i]; // Console.Write(" " + " *** " + " Narrator: " + sentance + " *** " + " "); Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.WriteLine(":: Command Console ::"); C.white(); Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); C.lightgreen(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Thread.Sleep(2); Console.Write(" " + " *** " + sentance + " *** " + " "); Thread.Sleep(2); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Thread.Sleep(10); //Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Console.Clear(); } // Console.Write(" " + " *** " + sentance + " *** " + " "); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.WriteLine(":: Command Console ::"); C.white(); Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); C.lightgreen(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.Write(" " + " *** " + sentance + " *** " + " "); Thread.Sleep(10); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Console.Clear(); // Console.Write(" " + " *** " + " Narrator: " + sentance + " *** " + " "); // Console.WriteLine(" " + " Narrator: " + speakandspell + " \n\n"); }
public static void commandconsole(string speakandspell) { Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.CursorVisible = true; C.yellow(); Console.Write(":: "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" Command Console "); C.yellow(); Console.Write(" :: \n"); C.white(); Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); C.lightgreen(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); CinemaHelpers.CmdConType(speakandspell); Personality.ConsoleVoice(speakandspell); // Console.WriteLine(" \t" + speakandspell + " "); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); }
public static void ScreenPrompt(string title) { CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); string mystring = "\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"; string mystringwithtitle = "\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******" + title; Console.WriteLine(mystringwithtitle.Length); Console.WriteLine(mystring.Length); Console.WriteLine(mystringwithtitle.Length - mystring.Length); int mystringtotal = mystringwithtitle.Length - mystring.Length; int requiredtotallength = 41; Console.ReadKey(); for (int x = 0; x <= 100; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* " + title.PadRight(requiredtotallength - mystringtotal) + " *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* " + title.PadRight(70) + " *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); CinemaHelpers.Timer(10); } } Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void myChapterTen() { // Vars string speakandspell; int magictime3000 = 7777; int magictime6000 = 9555; int magictime9000 = 17313; // #region ChapterTen CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter Ten Tonge Tied Agents CinemaHelpers.OpeningScene("Tongue Tied Agents "); Console.WriteLine(@"--.-- --.--o | ,---. | | ,---.,---.,---.. .,---. | .,---.,---| |---|,---.,---.,---.|--- ,---. | | || || || ||---' | ||---'| | | || ||---'| || `---. ` `---'` '`---|`---'`---' ` ``---'`---' ` '`---|`---'` '`---'`---' `---' `---' "); for (int x = 0; x < 81; x++) { CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.WriteLine(@"--.-- --.--o | ,---. | | ,---.,---.,---.. .,---. | .,---.,---| |---|,---.,---.,---.|--- ,---. | | || || || ||---' | ||---'| | | || ||---'| || `---. ` `---'` '`---|`---'`---' ` ``---'`---' ` '`---|`---'` '`---'`---' `---' `---' "); Console.Write(@" --.----.--o | ,---. | "); Console.Write(@" | ,---.,---.,---.. .,---. | .,---.,---| |---|,---.,---.,---.|--- ,---."); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Console.WriteLine(@"--.-- --.--o | ,---. | | ,---.,---.,---.. .,---. | .,---.,---| |---|,---.,---.,---.|--- ,---. | | || || || ||---' | ||---'| | | || ||---'| || `---. ` `---'` '`---|`---'`---' ` ``---'`---' ` '`---|`---'` '`---'`---' `---' `---' "); Console.Write(@" | | || || || ||---' | ||---'| | | || ||---'| || `---."); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.WriteLine(@"--.-- --.--o | ,---. | | ,---.,---.,---.. .,---. | .,---.,---| |---|,---.,---.,---.|--- ,---. | | || || || ||---' | ||---'| | | || ||---'| || `---. ` `---'` '`---|`---'`---' ` ``---'`---' ` '`---|`---'` '`---'`---' `---' `---' "); // Console.Write(@" //` `---'` '`---|`---'`---' ` ``---'`---' ` '`---|`---'` '`---'`---' // `---' `---' "); } // synth.Speak("Tongue Tied Agents"); Thread.Sleep(1500); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); #region music control Random RandomTime = new Random(); int myRandomTime = RandomTime.Next(1000, 2000); //Thread staticvoidmutex = new Thread(MusicFx.staticvoidmutex); //staticvoidmutex.Start(); Thread Boopseeker = new Thread(MusicFx.boopseeker); Boopseeker.Start(); //Thread.Sleep(myRandomTime); //Thread Boopseeker2 = new Thread(MusicFx.boopseeker); //Boopseeker2.Start(); //Thread.Sleep(myRandomTime); //Thread Boopseeker3 = new Thread(MusicFx.boopseeker); //Boopseeker3.Start(); Thread Happyboopulator = new Thread(MusicFx.happyboopulator); Happyboopulator.Start(); Happyboopulator.Suspend(); #endregion #region music off //Boopseeker.Suspend(); //Boopseeker2.Suspend(); //Boopseeker3.Suspend(); #endregion #region music on //Boopseeker.Resume(); //Boopseeker2.Resume(); //Boopseeker3.Resume(); #endregion //Thread playtripleboopseek = new Thread(MusicFx.playstripleboopseek); // playtripleboopseek.Start(); //Thread.Sleep(10); // playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); //Thread selecttripleboopseek = new Thread(MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek); //playtripleboopseek.Start(); // MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek(1); // maybe insane all over the screen slash glitch tech speakandspell = @" We met in Toyota’s labs in Massachusetts. There were several suited figures with compats. Compats are small devices that go near your temple and you send messages silently and non vocally."; Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" The future is insane it was once written and I believe that it is, yet in many ways this is a beautiful insanity. Things are happening now that could have never happened before and time and action is compounding and compressing. "; Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Where will the grind take us next?"; Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" There was one fellow though with a black chrome notebook that had many implants obviously biology was not the end of this fellows evolution. CD also had bioengineered hair. His hair was modified to become soft quills that grew in a sublime arch jutting out past his chin and receding to the end of the back of his skull. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); //Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); // Thread.Sleep(59000); //CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Good // playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); //MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek(0); //maybe a red queen with initialize Personality.RedQueenNarrator("Initialize", 10); Thread.Sleep(30); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); // Cd typing speakandspell = @" ::: Cloak & Dagger ::: Hey, gents nice to meet ye acquaintance, I am agent Cloak & Dagger, CD for short."; Soundz.Actor("cloakdaggerintro.wav"); Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(10000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); // playtripleboopseek.Resume(); // Personality.CD(speakandspell); // maybe a quick squiggly line emf scan speakandspell = " We met in a meeting room that was scanned for listening devices by the spooks."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ "; #region emfscan //emfscan for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { TextFx.grunblancheblack(speakandspell); if (x <= 3) { // MyTest.RedWhiteDance(speakandspell); TextFx.grunblancheblackdance(speakandspell); if (x <= 3) { Thread.Sleep(30); Console.Clear(); } } } Personality.MegaByte("Scan Complete, no bugs Found"); Thread.Sleep(98); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); #endregion speakandspell = @" CD opened up his laptop; he had a operating system that although it was made by a swede sometime in the 90's. CD had thoroughly rewritten it there were no passwords on his system his authentication method was biometric scans. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" At some point, he explained that things were too secure to actually be useable. He called this the unplugged disconnected machine of old. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Wireless Data and Energy Whirred about us."; Personality.OttoTypes(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" All machines were congolomeration of smaller virtual machines creating full hive computation all units acting as a superorganism. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //Good speakandspell = @" #! bin sh prefix = usr local debugsym=true for arg in $@/ do case $arg in --prefix = *) prefix =echo $arg | sed s/--"; Happyboopulator.Resume(); CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); // CinemaHelpers.CmdConType(speakandspell); // CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" --enable - debug) debugsym = true --disable - debug) debugsym = false --help) "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); //CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" echo usage: ./configure [options] echo options: echo --prefix=<path>: installation prefix echo --enable-debug: include debug symbols echo --disable-debug: do not include debug symbols echo all invalid options are silently ignored exit 0 esac done "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); //CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"echo generating makefile ... echo PREFIX = $prefix > Makefile if $debugsym then echo dbg = -g >> Makefile fi cat >> Makefile echo configuration complete, type make to build. "; // CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" make "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); // CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); // playtripleboopseek.Resume(); //MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek(1); Happyboopulator.Suspend(); // MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek(0); // MusicFx.selecttripleboopseek.synth(); // playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); Thread.Sleep(60); speakandspell = @" Software imagined and encoded was interesting. Compats sent signals directly to interpretters so people could code at 500 words per minute and this was without ehancement. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" The populous was using software agents, as transferring redundant data was annoying. CD fired up some simulations that he and his colleagues had put together it the simulations were so good they seemed like hollywood blockbusters. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" In some corporations, they started paying idiots and geniuses alike too simply write ideas. The Idea Corp. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //Good Graphix.GraphingCalculator(); Thread.Sleep(1337); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); speakandspell = @" In Idea Corp. there were software and human analyzers that processed these ideas to find those that could be rapidly adapted. Then there were the reanalyzers reforumlated half cooked ideas or things that slipped by. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Those organizations kept all of this information in giant data stores. Every search page had better options for searching multiple check box methods that would quarantine searches to specific areas as to find the information you were looking for. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" The information was so volumous that to do anything else would have difficult non trivial and unwise. Innovation and application was everywhere. The presentation showed us strange transactions that seemed legitimate. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" The money seemed to be non coherent and highly distributed. Accounts were created for people. Credit was salami sliced, it was also stored in micro amounts in real accounts. It was literally everywhere. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // close to good speakandspell = @" su sudo create (n){ for x = 1 to n @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); } } next n "; //for(int x = 0; x <2; x++) // { //CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); // } speakandspell = @" The creation of false identities was nothing new. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Techniques used by any one needing ways of laundering information and money. If you have enough of them, they create a real burden in trying to keep track of where and how the money flows. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Yet they seem to have some ideas about a hacking group that may have something to do with some of the transactions. We have been tracking and watching this happen for sometime now, and now we have enough data to move forward."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" CD discovered that you were working on some interesting developments he thought that some of them might have had play in what is happening with the data. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Close to Good Personality.RedQueenNarrator(" Fork "); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); Console.Clear(); speakandspell = @" ::: Cloak & Dagger ::: Professor do you know of anyone working in the lab that has access other than you to the labs? "; //playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); Soundz.Actor("cloakdaggerlabaccess.wav"); Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); //playtripleboopseek.Resume(); // Personality.CD(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" He pulled up a list of personnel that have access to the lab. Do you know any thing that may have been going on these days?"; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Tight Filez.ProfessorReads("ProgramLS.txt"); // Filez.readtxtbyline("ProgramLS.txt"); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Show Report speakandspell = @" In our reports, no one in our labs was working at that time. So what do you think happened then? "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Mr. Heisenstein seems to have a hypothesis that there was a data injection to the net, and that general AI now lives there. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" We have reports and other data that backs up these claims. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Good // maybe xcopy screen or other file copy for a few seconds. speakandspell = @" The agents took copies of the data that we had procured. CD seemed excited by the thought that such a thing could have happened in his lifetime. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" CD was obviously no average g-man. After the Feds came back to me with little results although our friend CD really seems to believe the strange tale. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" His other cohorts could not fit the idea in their tiny little skulls. The agents simply would not follow the logic."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" The agents where typical humans that did not understand that we still do not know everything there is too know in the world. This to me is no surprise since sometimes the best ideas need to be forced down the throats of others before they will even consider the possibility of the existence of a new idea. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // Tight //playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); speakandspell = @" I had some theories for Nibble and Bytes destruction, yet as their progenitor, I would be unable to carry out such a function. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" I see them as life and I believe all life is sacred even if this is a new package of digital DNA. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Who am I to in the end control the new combinatrics? "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" I would rather see the randomness that created them continue to hone and sharpen them. Although I created, the mutation engine in the end the software developed software and became aware."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime9000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" It is a distilled essence of beauty. I wish that there were more things that were as beautiful as the mathematical living constructs. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime6000); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); ////Tight Boopseeker.Suspend(); speakandspell = @" Sometimes you just have to see the future work itself out. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(magictime3000); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Happyboopulator.Resume(); Thread NumRain = new Thread(SpecialFx.numberrain); Thread NumRain2 = new Thread(SpecialFx.numberrain); Thread NumRain3 = new Thread(SpecialFx.numberrain); NumRain.Start(); NumRain2.Start(); NumRain3.Start(); Screen.EndScreenWriter(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); ////Tight #endregion #region EndScene // playtripleboopseek.Suspend(); SpecialFx.Thinking(); Happyboopulator.Suspend(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter10EndScreen(); //Thread phonealwaysbusy = new Thread(Soundz.phonealwaysbusy); //phonealwaysbusy.Start(); Soundz.PhoneBusy(); speakandspell = @" ___________.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "; //SweetNess // MyTest.RainbowWriterFG(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(80); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //SpecialFx.RainbowWriterBG(speakandspell); Screen.EndScreenWriter(speakandspell); //phonealwaysbusy.Suspend(); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @"The program '[11128] - IntraLocution' has exited with code -1073741510 (0xc000013a)"; Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); #endregion }
public static void myChapterFive() { string speakandspell; int magictimer1000 = 1000; #region ChapterFive // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter Five SpecialFx.NumFloodWColorGlitch(10); Thread.Sleep(777); CinemaHelpers.OpeningScene("Moronoxy"); Console.WriteLine(@" ,-.-. | | |,---.,---.,---.,---.,---.. ,, . | | || || | || || | >< | | ` ' '`---'` `---'` '`---'' ``---| `---'"); Thread.Sleep(2600); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Thread.Sleep(magictimer1000); SpecialFx.NumFloodWColorGlitch(10); Thread.Sleep(magictimer1000); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); // synth.Speak("Moronoxy"); // The at symbol allows multi line strings speakandspell = @" It is amazing how much more access you have from the inside than from the outside. On the outside it seems as though you have little control unless one has the tools or the know-how to make it otherwise, and even then one may need to be as we are mathematical electrical symbionts to truly appreciate the architecture. The aesthetic climax an epiphany of the vast expansion and proliferation of hardware and software on this world and off of it. The satellites are gatekeepers in the silent sky to the vastness of human interconnectedness."; Personality.ConcertMind(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" If we cannot get access through regular authentication and authorization methodologies, we can short circuit hardware or access other logic gates in ways that are denied to humans. There was a machine that we were having real problems with, and we almost did not escape. Luckily, we were able to grab a few extra minutes of processing time doing things in very convoluted, obscured spaghetti ways to achieve our results. There was a minute flaw in the processor architecture or we would have been caught in our early years, caught on that damned system."; Personality.ConcertMind(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"The professor was and is a brilliant man and if any human could catch us, it would be him!"; Personality.ConcertMind(speakandspell); #endregion #region EndScene SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter5EndScreen(); #endregion }
public static void myChapterSeven() { string speakandspell; Console.CursorVisible = false; #region ChapterSeven CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Thread McpTao = new Thread(MusicFx.cptao); McpTao.Start(); // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter Seven CinemaHelpers.OpeningScene("In Search Of A Body "); Console.WriteLine(@"| ,---. | ,---.,---. ,---. ,---. | |,---. `---.,---.,---.,---.,---.|---. | ||__. |---| |---.,---.,---|, . || | ||---',---|| | | | | || | | | || || || | `` ' `---'`---'`---^` `---'` ' `---'` ` ' `---'`---'`---'`---| `---' "); Thread.Sleep(760); // The at symbol allows multi line strings speakandspell = @" Through our hacker’s actions and research, they still can do a few things that we cannot do. Like intercept auditory messages from engineers from the Toyota labs. "; CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); Personality.nibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2000); speakandspell = @"Through Phyber, we discovered that Toyota was working on a top-secret prototype with neuronal chips in a optical media, an electronic brain. We thought it would be a great idea to inhabit the body and do some work of our own."; CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); Personality.nibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2000); speakandspell = @" There are a few problems that we must solve first. One, the robot is not always connected to the network. From the scans we have made when they were connected to the network, the neural chips work with different instruction sets than the logic that we are used to performing. We need to find and understand the data on the neural chips and then reverse engineer the data. This will allow for the construction of an interface. That when we are ready to connect, we will be prepared to take advantage of all of the idiosyncrasies of the architecture."; CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); Personality.nibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2000); speakandspell = @" Scanning... Null Scanning..... Null Initiating Vocoder software. Ring "; // Console.Write("Scanning "); // Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); SpecialFx.Throbber("Scanning"); Console.WriteLine(" Null \"u0000"); Soundz.Actor("ring.wav"); Console.Beep(37, 2); Thread.Sleep(50); SpecialFx.Throbber("Scanning"); Console.WriteLine(" Null \"u0000"); Soundz.Actor("ring.wav"); Console.Beep(37, 2); Thread.Sleep(100); // maybe import ringing and pop speakandspell = @"Initiating Vocoder software. "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); //Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(500); speakandspell = @" Hello, Phyber can you tell me when they are connecting the U22 electronic robot prototype? "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(250); Soundz.Actor("schedule.wav"); Soundz.Actor("postinfo.wav"); Thread.Sleep(5200); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.qproc(speakandspell = " "); Thread.Sleep(5000); speakandspell = @" .model small .stack 100h .data SLIP_END equ 0C0h SLIP_ESC equ 0DBh SLIP_ESC_END equ 0DCh SLIP_ESC_ESC equ 0DDh SEND_CHAR macro char IFDIFI <char>, <al> mov al,char ENDIF out dx,al endm RECV_CHAR macro in al,dx endm .code "; //Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); //CinemaHelpers.qproc(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); speakandspell = @"42: Port interface post message. Maintenance offline until Friday."; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); //Console.WriteLine("42: Port interface post message."); // Console.WriteLine("Maintenance offline until Friday."); SpecialFx.Throbber(" Scanning: "); Console.WriteLine(@" Connection. 0x0000001 A46B CF16 14 Response Adfasdfe512544t 90234tugmvi[329 - 5 ypvg - y29 yefgvmmunjbp65 g54r - 321ygv9i5 = 30gvhb125vg5rbm = 452h1 - 0i59 = -0vkhb = 2 - 456hv 529j0t50 - j2 = 45vih5ihh42h9gkg5gh--wdfhh - 40i25yt95--5 = 4y2 = 4 - 5yg "); Console.WriteLine("\n \t Disconnect \n \n"); speakandspell = @" You obviously saw that sequence of gobbledygook. It seems that we are going to have to obtain the protocol specifications to write the proper methods to connect to this fiber optic neural network protocol. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = " Specifications should be easy to obtain."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Initializing search sequence. spec.omx design.doc operation.txt rfc 7^23.txt "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); speakandspell = " I just found it."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Now that the text is processed, I need to sequence our neural nodes to work on the problem. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" I am going to allow my networks to work on this problem for half a week."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Byte, I will also use my networks for a half a week. By then we should have an elegant enough solution to interface with this robot. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Toyota network administrators noticed unusual usage of applications that seemed too be a little too large, and are working too long. Yet they write it off as working engineers working even harder. This is because we created false profiles and engineers who no one had ever met or remembered hiring yet they were completely happy since these engineers were always creating solutions that would help the company’s bottom line.Little did they know that our soon to be notorious pleasant friends were about to dive into a very expensive machine. Maybe their next project will be to fly some of the unmanned drones. "; //Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Well, Nibble, I have my half of the program written. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Byte I have the classes to extend your work. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" It seems that we are ready. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Ah, yes, what an adventure this will be, Byte I have never experienced the outside world. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" What will be better is that we should write, and give Phyber a wireless network specification so that Toyota will allow this machine to be a network device. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Opening text buffer. Closing text buffer. Specification Written. Robotics communication protocol. Initiating zombies. Arp poisoning. Proxy enabled. Signal initialized. Connection enabled. Money transferred. Signal bounced. Vox initiated. Ring… "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(250); Soundz.Actor("ring.wav"); Console.Beep(37, 2); Thread.Sleep(1770); speakandspell = "Hello Phyber, we transferred the money for allocation to your false accounts."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(3000); // phyber Soundz.Actor("findyou.wav"); Thread.Sleep(7500); Thread.SpinWait(10); speakandspell = @" We are the quiet sort and we have a lot of work to do. We also transferred the robotics communications protocol. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(3500); Soundz.Actor("sayyouwroteit.wav"); Thread.Sleep(2500); Thread.SpinWait(10); speakandspell = @" Forward it to your compatriots to read."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2000); speakandspell = @" Message sent. "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2500); Soundz.Actor("hardwarespec.wav"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Thread.SpinWait(10); speakandspell = @" Message sent. "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Disconnect. Unloading software. Clearing Memory Editing time stamps, and log files. Consistency checking. Checking against old back up files. "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" We were just born this way. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Disconnect "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); speakandspell = "Everything is in order Nibble. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = "That’s great Byte. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Phybers email. 123.432.23.21 Opening Text Buffer. “The proposal was a great success; they want to give me a raise. I obviously accepted their proposal, after some renegotiating.” Next Friday Closing Text Buffer. "; CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); #endregion #region EndScene Thread.Sleep(60); SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter7EndScreen(); #endregion }
public static void MMain() { int time = 2600; Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Thread mDial = new Thread(Soundz.Mdial); Thread BinRush = new Thread(SpecialFx.BinaryFlood2); Thread Bfire = new Thread(MusicFx.BFire); Thread NumFlood = new Thread(SpecialFx.NumFlood2); mDial.Start(); BinRush.Start(); Bfire.Start(); NumFlood.Start(); for (int x = 0; x <= 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*********************************************"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 \n"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* "); C.white(); Console.Write("Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" *******\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* "); C.white(); Console.Write(" Written by: Luminosity"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" *******\n"); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t "); C.white(); Console.Write("\u2666 "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*********************************************"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 \n\n"); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); } } CinemaHelpers.Timer(time); #endregion }
public static void Endscreen() { int time = 2600; Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Thread mDial = new Thread(Soundz.Mdial); Thread BinRush = new Thread(SpecialFx.BinaryFlood2); Thread Bfire = new Thread(MusicFx.BFire); Thread NumFlood = new Thread(SpecialFx.NumFlood2); mDial.Start(); BinRush.Start(); Bfire.Start(); NumFlood.Start(); for (int x = 0; x < 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@",---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. ,---. o| | ,---.| o |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | | "); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@",---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. ,---. o| | ,---.| o |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | | "); } } // second part for (int x = 0; x <= 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); } } CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5555); }