void AutoCreateTicketsByShowTimes(ShowTimes showTimes)
            int    result = 0;
            Cinema cinema = CinemaDAO.GetCinemaByName(showTimes.CinemaName);
            int    Row    = cinema.Row;
            int    Column = cinema.SeatInRow;

            for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
                int  temp    = i + 65;
                char nameRow = (char)(temp);
                for (int j = 1; j <= Column; j++)
                    string seatName = nameRow.ToString() + j;
                    result += TicketDAO.InsertTicketByShowTimes(showTimes.ID, seatName);
            if (result == Row * Column)
                int ret = ShowTimesDAO.UpdateStatusShowTimes(showTimes.ID, 1);
                if (ret > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("TẠO VÉ TỰ ĐỘNG THÀNH CÔNG!", "THÔNG BÁO");
                MessageBox.Show("TẠO VÉ TỰ ĐỘNG THẤT BẠI!", "THÔNG BÁO");
        private void LoadDataCinema(string cinemaName)
            Cinema cinema = CinemaDAO.GetCinemaByName(cinemaName);
            int    Row    = cinema.Row;
            int    Column = cinema.SeatInRow;

            flpSeat.Size = new Size((SIZE + 20 + GAP) * Column, (SIZE + GAP) * Row);
Exemple #3
        private void listaDeCinemasToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmLista listaCinemas = new frmLista();

            listaCinemas.Text = "Lista de Cinemas - CineManager";
            listaCinemas.dgvLista.DataSource = CinemaDAO.Selecionar();
 void UpdateCinema(string id, string name, string idMH, int seats, int status, int numberOfRows, int seatsPerRow)
     if (CinemaDAO.UpdateCinema(id, name, idMH, seats, status, numberOfRows, seatsPerRow))
         MessageBox.Show("Sửa phòng chiếu thành công");
         MessageBox.Show("Sửa phòng chiếu thất bại");
 void DeleteCinema(string id)
     if (CinemaDAO.DeleteCinema(id))
         MessageBox.Show("Xóa phòng chiếu thành công");
         MessageBox.Show("Xóa phòng chiếu thất bại");
Exemple #6
        private void btnCinema_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Cria um frmLista em tempo de execução
            lista = new frmLista();

            DataTable dtSalas = SalaDAO.Selecionar();

            salas = new List <Sala>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dtSalas.Rows.Count; i++)
                Sala s = new Sala();
                s.Id         = dtSalas.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString();
                s.IdCinema   = dtSalas.Rows[i]["IdCinema"].ToString();
                s.Capacidade = byte.Parse(dtSalas.Rows[i]["Capacidade"].ToString());

            // Preenche um DataTable com objetos Cinema vindos do banco de dados
            DataTable dtCinemas = CinemaDAO.Selecionar();

            cinemas = new List <Cinema>();

            // Preenche a lista de cinemas com o DataTable
            for (int i = 0; i < dtCinemas.Rows.Count; i++)
                Cinema cine = new Cinema();
                cine.Id         = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString();
                cine.Nome       = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Nome"].ToString();
                cine.Endereco   = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Endereco"].ToString();
                cine.NSalas     = int.Parse(dtCinemas.Rows[i]["NSalas"].ToString());
                cine.Capacidade = int.Parse(dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Capacidade"].ToString());

            // Preenche o DataGrid com a lista de cinemas
            lista.dgvLista.DataSource = cinemas;

            // Invoca o método CriaButton para criar um botão em tempo de execução
            // Point(int horizontal, int vertical)
            // Size(int largura, int altura)
            Button btnSelecionar = CriaButton("Selecionar", new Point(800, 473), new Size(100, 30));

            // Delega o evento de click ao button criado dinamicamente
            btnSelecionar.Click += new EventHandler(btnSelecionar_Click);
            // Delega o evendo DoubleClick ao DataGrid
            lista.dgvLista.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(dgvLista_DoubleClick);

            // Adiciona o button ao form
        public ActionResult InsertCinema(FormCollection formCollection)
            CinemaDAO cDAO        = new CinemaDAO();
            string    C_Name      = formCollection["C_Name"];
            string    C_Address   = formCollection["C_Address"];
            string    C_Phone     = formCollection["C_Phone"];
            string    C_Email     = formCollection["C_Email"];
            string    Description = formCollection["Description"];

            cDAO.CreateCinema(C_Name, C_Address, C_Phone, C_Email, Description);

        private void cboFormatID_Showtime_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboFormatID_Showtime.SelectedIndex != -1)
                FormatMovie formatMovieSelecting = (FormatMovie)cboFormatID_Showtime.SelectedItem;
                txtMovieName_Showtime.Text      = formatMovieSelecting.MovieName;
                txtScreenTypeName_Showtime.Text = formatMovieSelecting.ScreenTypeName;

                cboCinemaID_Showtime.DataSource = null;
                ScreenType screenType = ScreenTypeDAO.GetScreenTypeByName(formatMovieSelecting.ScreenTypeName);
                cboCinemaID_Showtime.DataSource    = CinemaDAO.GetCinemaByScreenTypeID(screenType.ID);
                cboCinemaID_Showtime.DisplayMember = "Name";
        private void txtShowtimeID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Change selected index of ComboBox FormatMovie
            string      movieName            = (string)dtgvShowtime.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells["Tên phim"].Value;
            string      screenTypeName       = (string)dtgvShowtime.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells["Màn hình"].Value;
            FormatMovie formatMovieSelecting = FormatMovieDAO.GetFormatMovieByName(movieName, screenTypeName);
            if (formatMovieSelecting == null)
            int indexFormatMovie = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < cboFormatID_Showtime.Items.Count; i++)
                FormatMovie item = cboFormatID_Showtime.Items[i] as FormatMovie;
                if (item.ID == formatMovieSelecting.ID)
                    indexFormatMovie = i;
            cboFormatID_Showtime.SelectedIndex = indexFormatMovie;
            #region Change selected index of ComboBox Cinema
            string cinemaID        = (string)dtgvShowtime.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells["Mã phòng"].Value;
            Cinema cinemaSelecting = CinemaDAO.GetCinemaByID(cinemaID);
            //This is the Cinema that we're currently selecting in dtgv

            if (cinemaSelecting == null)

            int indexCinema = -1;
            int iCinema     = 0;
            foreach (Cinema item in cboCinemaID_Showtime.Items)
                if (item.ID == cinemaSelecting.ID)
                    indexCinema = iCinema;
            cboCinemaID_Showtime.SelectedIndex = indexCinema;
            toolTipCinema.SetToolTip(cboCinemaID_Showtime, "Danh sách phòng chiếu hỗ trợ loại màn hình trên");
Exemple #10
        private void btnSalvar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Cinema cinema = new Cinema();
                cinema.Id         = tboId.Text.ToUpper();
                cinema.Nome       = tboNome.Text;
                cinema.Endereco   = tboEndereco.Text;
                cinema.NSalas     = int.Parse(cboNSalas.SelectedItem.ToString());
                cinema.Capacidade = int.Parse(mtbCapacidade.Text);
                cinema.Foto       = Photo.ConvertFileToByte(pbFoto);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Erro: " + ex.Message);
        private void DeleteTicketsByShowTimes(ShowTimes showTimes)
            Cinema cinema = CinemaDAO.GetCinemaByName(showTimes.CinemaName);
            int    Row    = cinema.Row;
            int    Column = cinema.SeatInRow;
            int    result = TicketDAO.DeleteTicketsByShowTimes(showTimes.ID);

            if (result == Row * Column)
                int ret = ShowTimesDAO.UpdateStatusShowTimes(showTimes.ID, 0);
                if (ret > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("XÓA TẤT CẢ CÁC VÉ CỦA LỊCH CHIẾU ID=" + showTimes.ID + " THÀNH CÔNG!", "THÔNG BÁO");
                MessageBox.Show("XÓA TẤT CẢ CÁC VÉ CỦA LỊCH CHIẾU ID=" + showTimes.ID + " THẤT BẠI!", "THÔNG BÁO");
Exemple #12
        private void frmNovaSala_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Cria um DataTable e o preenche com cinemas vindos do banco de dados
                dtCinemas = new DataTable();
                dtCinemas = CinemaDAO.Selecionar();

                // Cria e preenche uma lista de cinemas com os cinemas do DataTable
                cinemas = new List <Cinema>();

                for (int i = 0; i < dtCinemas.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Cinema c = new Cinema();
                    c.Id         = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString();
                    c.Nome       = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Nome"].ToString();
                    c.Endereco   = dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Endereco"].ToString();
                    c.NSalas     = int.Parse(dtCinemas.Rows[i]["NSalas"].ToString());
                    c.Capacidade = int.Parse(dtCinemas.Rows[i]["Capacidade"].ToString());

                // Preenche a comboBox com uma lista de cinemas vindos do banco de dados
                foreach (Cinema c in cinemas)

                // Lista suspensa e não editável e primeiro ítem da lista é selecionado (index 0)
                cboCinema.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                cboCinema.SelectedIndex = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Erro: " + ex.Message);

 void LoadCinemaList()
     cinemaList.DataSource = CinemaDAO.GetListCinema();