public FrmSendMailAndReadSound(int _timesGetNSInDay, int _getBTPInLineByType)
            timesGetNSInDay                = _timesGetNSInDay;
            getBTPInLineByType             = _getBTPInLineByType;
            this.cumDAO                    = new CumDAO();
            this.chuyenDAO                 = new ChuyenDAO();
            this.dtLoadData                = new DataTable();
            this.dtDataNSChuyenExportExcel = new DataTable();
            this.dtDataNSCumExportExcel    = new DataTable();
            this.listSTTChuyen_SanPham     = new List <string>();
            this.listModelNangSuatCum      = new List <ModelNangSuatCum>();
            this.listNSCum                 = new List <NSCum>();
            this.ChuyenSanPham             = new ChuyenSanPham();
            this.isSendMail                = false;
            this.error          = string.Empty;
            this.strType        = string.Empty;
            this.strHost        = string.Empty;
            this.intPort        = 0;
            this.strFrom        = string.Empty;
            this.strDisplayName = string.Empty;
            this.strPassword    = string.Empty;
            this.strSubject     = string.Empty;
            this.strBody        = string.Empty;
            this.strTo          = string.Empty;

            this.nangxuatDAO = new NangXuatDAO();
Exemple #2
        public ChuyenSanPham GetChuyenSanPhamInfByChuyenId(string IdChuyen)
            ChuyenSanPham ChuyenSanPham = null;
            string        strSQL        = "SELECT TOP 1 csp.STT, c.TenChuyen, csp.SanLuongKeHoach, sp.TenSanPham FROM Chuyen_SanPham csp, Chuyen c, SanPham sp WHERE csp.MaChuyen = '" + IdChuyen + "' and csp.MaChuyen = c.MaChuyen and csp.IsFinish = 0 and csp.IsDelete = 0 and sp.IsDelete=0 and csp.MaSanPham = sp.MaSanPham and sp.IsDelete=0 and csp.Thang=" + DateTime.Now.Month + " and csp.Nam=" + DateTime.Now.Year + " Order By csp.STTThucHien ASC";

                dt = dbclass.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable(strSQL);
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ChuyenSanPham            = new ChuyenSanPham();
                    ChuyenSanPham.STT        = dt.Rows[0]["STT"].ToString();
                    ChuyenSanPham.TenSanPham = dt.Rows[0]["TenSanPham"].ToString();
                    int sanLuongKeHoach = 0;
                    int.TryParse(dt.Rows[0]["SanLuongKeHoach"].ToString(), out sanLuongKeHoach);
                    ChuyenSanPham.SanLuongKeHoach = sanLuongKeHoach;
                    ChuyenSanPham.TenChuyen       = dt.Rows[0]["TenChuyen"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #3
 //Load Data Of Chuyen
 private void LoadDataOfChuyen(string chuyenId, ChuyenSanPham ChuyenSanPham)
         var data = btpDAO.GetDataChuyen(chuyenId, tableType, ChuyenSanPham);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Exemple #4
        public ModelInfoChuyenOfKANBAN GetDataChuyen(string chuyenId, int tableType, ChuyenSanPham ChuyenSanPham)
            ModelInfoChuyenOfKANBAN data = null;

                if (ChuyenSanPham == null)
                    var listChuyenSanPham = chuyenSanPhamDAO.GetListChuyenSanPham(chuyenId, false);
                    if (listChuyenSanPham != null)
                        ChuyenSanPham = listChuyenSanPham.FirstOrDefault();
                if (ChuyenSanPham != null)
                    int btpTrenChuyen = 0;
                    int dinhMucNgay   = 0;
                    var ngay          = DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year;

                    var nangSuat = nangSuatDAO.TTNangXuatTrongNgay(ngay, ChuyenSanPham.STT);
                    if (nangSuat != null)
                        btpTrenChuyen = nangSuat.BTPTrenChuyen;
                        dinhMucNgay   = (int)nangSuat.DinhMucNgay;
                    btpTrenChuyen = btpTrenChuyen < 0 ? 0 : btpTrenChuyen;
                    int laoDongChuyen = 0;
                    var thanhPham     = thanhPhamDAO.GetThanhPhamByNgayAndSTT(ngay, ChuyenSanPham.STT);
                    if (thanhPham != null)
                        laoDongChuyen = thanhPham.LaoDongChuyen;
                    var listBTP           = GetListBTPBySTT(ChuyenSanPham.STT);
                    int btpGiaoChuyenNgay = 0;
                    int luyKeBTP          = 0;
                    if (listBTP != null && listBTP.Count > 0)
                        int btpGiaoChuyenNgayTang = listBTP.Where(c => c.Ngay == ngay && c.IsEndOfLine == true && c.CommandTypeId == (int)eCommandRecive.BTPIncrease).Sum(c => c.BTPNgay);
                        int btpGiaoChuyenNgayGiam = listBTP.Where(c => c.Ngay == ngay && c.IsEndOfLine == true && c.CommandTypeId == (int)eCommandRecive.BTPReduce).Sum(c => c.BTPNgay);
                        btpGiaoChuyenNgay = btpGiaoChuyenNgayTang - btpGiaoChuyenNgayGiam;
                        int luyKeBTPTang = listBTP.Where(c => c.IsEndOfLine && c.CommandTypeId == (int)eCommandRecive.BTPIncrease).Sum(c => c.BTPNgay);
                        int luyKeBTPGiam = listBTP.Where(c => c.IsEndOfLine && c.CommandTypeId == (int)eCommandRecive.BTPReduce).Sum(c => c.BTPNgay);
                        luyKeBTP = luyKeBTPTang - luyKeBTPGiam;
                    int btpBinhQuan = laoDongChuyen < 0 || btpTrenChuyen < 0 ? 0 : (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)btpTrenChuyen / laoDongChuyen));
                    //  int tyLeDenThucTe = dinhMucNgay < 0 ? 0 : (btpTrenChuyen * 100) / dinhMucNgay;
                    //  string colorDen = denDAO.GetColorDen(ChuyenSanPham.IdDen, tableType, tyLeDenThucTe);
                    int    von      = btpTrenChuyen > 0 && laoDongChuyen > 0 ? (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)btpTrenChuyen / laoDongChuyen)) : 0;
                    string colorDen = denDAO.GetColorDen(ChuyenSanPham.IdDen, tableType, von);
                    data = new ModelInfoChuyenOfKANBAN()
                        chuyenId               = int.Parse(ChuyenSanPham.MaChuyen),
                        maHang                 = ChuyenSanPham.TenSanPham,
                        btpGiaoChuyenNgay      = btpGiaoChuyenNgay.ToString(),
                        luyKeBTP               = luyKeBTP.ToString(),
                        btpBinhQuanBTPTrenNgay = ((btpBinhQuan > 0 ? btpBinhQuan.ToString() : "0") + " / " + (btpTrenChuyen > 0 ? btpTrenChuyen.ToString() : "0")),
                        btpTrenChuyen          = btpTrenChuyen.ToString(),
                        tinhTrangBTP           = colorDen
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;