Exemple #1
        public virtual void Load(Utility utility)
            CGFXDebug.LoadStart(this, utility);

            TypeId = utility.ReadU32();
            if (!VerifyTypeId(TypeId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ChunkDICTObject Load: ERROR reading DICT -- unexpected type ID '{TypeId.ToString("X8")}'");

            var magic = utility.ReadMagic();

            if (magic != Utility.MakeMagic(Magic))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ChunkDICTObject Load: ERROR reading DICT -- expected magic '{Magic}', got '{Utility.GetMagicString(magic)}'");

            Revision = utility.ReadU32();
            Name     = utility.ReadString();

            MetaDatas = utility.LoadDICTFromOffset <ChunkDICTMetaData>();
        public override void Load(Utility utility)
            // Used for later resolving ONLY
            OriginalOffset = utility.GetReadPosition();

            // Unlike most objects loaded from a DICT, bones DO NOT use the stndard
            // Type/Magic/Revision/Name/MetaData header and instead do their own thing...
            // (in short, not calling base.Load() here!!)
            Name = utility.ReadString();

            Flags = (BoneFlags)utility.ReadU32();

            Index       = utility.ReadI32();
            ParentIndex = utility.ReadI32();

            // NOTE !! Relational data... will have to treat this carefully...
            // We're UNUSUALLY going to store absolute offsets only here (so
            // we don't pointlessly and recursively reload bones several times),
            // and we'll resolve them LATER...
            ParentOffset      = utility.ReadOffset();
            ChildOffset       = utility.ReadOffset();
            PrevSiblingOffset = utility.ReadOffset();
            NextSiblingOffset = utility.ReadOffset();

            Scale       = Vector3.Read(utility);
            Rotation    = Vector3.Read(utility);
            Translation = Vector3.Read(utility);

            LocalTransform    = Matrix.Read(utility);
            WorldTransform    = Matrix.Read(utility);
            InvWorldTransform = Matrix.Read(utility);

            BillboardMode = (GfxBillboardMode)utility.ReadU32();

            MetaDatas = utility.LoadDICTFromOffset <ChunkDICTMetaData>();