protected override void OnClickPreviewButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (ChromaConnectionManager.Instance.Connected) { if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; EffectArray1dInput colors = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; EffectResponseId effect = ChromaUtils.CreateEffectCustom1D(device, colors); if (null != effect && effect.Result == 0) { ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); ChromaUtils.RemoveEffect(effect.Id); } } } }
private void OnClickFillRow(int row) { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); var rows = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; if (row < rows.Count && row < maxRow) { var colors = rows[row]; for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { colors[j] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(_mColor); } } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = rows; } animation.Frames = frames; }
public void OnEnable() { _harmonyInstanceCore.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); GameplaySetup.instance.AddTab("Chroma", "Chroma.Settings.modifiers.bsml", ChromaSettingsUI.instance); if (ChromaConfig.Instance.LightshowMenu) { GameplaySetup.instance.AddTab("Lightshow Modifiers", "Chroma.Settings.lightshow.bsml", ChromaSettingsUI.instance); } ChromaUtils.SetSongCoreCapability(REQUIREMENTNAME, ChromaConfig.Instance.CustomColorEventsEnabled); SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += ChromaController.OnActiveSceneChanged; // Legacy support ChromaUtils.SetSongCoreCapability("Chroma Lighting Events"); if (ChromaUtils.IsModInstalled("NoodleExtensions")) { AnimationHelper.SubscribeColorEvents(); NoodleExtensionsInstalled = true; } else { NoodleExtensionsInstalled = false; } }
private void OnClickDarkenButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); var frame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { var row = frame[i]; for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { Color color = ChromaUtils.ToRGB(row[j]); color.r *= 0.75f; color.g *= 0.75f; color.b *= 0.75f; row[j] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); } } } animation.Frames = frames; }
/// <summary> /// Load the effects before playing /// </summary> public void Load() { //Debug.Log("Load:"); if (_mIsLoaded) { //Debug.LogError("Animation has already been loaded!"); return; } if (ChromaConnectionManager.Instance.Connected) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("Create {0} Frames.", Frames.Count)); for (int i = 0; i < Frames.Count; ++i) { EffectArray2dInput frame = Frames[i]; //Debug.Log("Create Effect."); EffectResponseId effect = ChromaUtils.CreateEffectCustom2D(Device, frame); /* * // app can check the effect list for null or non-zero result * if (null == effect || * effect.Result != 0) * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to create effect!"); * } */ _mEffects.Add(effect); } _mIsLoaded = true; } }
private void OnClickShiftButton(int y, int x) { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); int offsetX = maxColumn - x; int offsetY = maxRow - y; var oldFrame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; var newFrame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors2D(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { var oldRow = oldFrame[(i + offsetY) % maxRow]; var newRow = newFrame[i]; for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { int color = oldRow[(j + offsetX) % maxColumn]; newRow[j] = color; } } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = newFrame; } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickPasteButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); if (null != _mColors && _mColors.Count == maxRow && null != _mColors[0] && _mColors[0].Count == maxColumn) { var frame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors2D(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { frame[i][j] = _mColors[i][j]; } } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = frame; } } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickSaturateButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); var frame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { var row = frame[i]; for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { Color color = ChromaUtils.ToRGB(row[j]); float max = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(color.r, color.g), color.b); color = Color.Lerp(, _mColor, max); row[j] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); } } } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickFillColumn(int column) { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); var rows = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { var row = rows[i]; if (column < row.Count && column < maxColumn) { row[column] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(_mColor); } } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = rows; } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickSaturateButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(device); var frame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { Color color = ChromaUtils.ToRGB((int)frame[i]); float max = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(color.r, color.g), color.b); color = Color.Lerp(, _mColor, max); frame[i] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); } } animation.Frames = frames; }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (_mTime == DateTime.MinValue) { return; } float time = (float)(DateTime.Now - _mTime).TotalSeconds; float nextTime = GetTime(_mCurrentFrame); if (nextTime < time) { ++_mCurrentFrame; if (_mCurrentFrame < _mEffects.Count) { if (!_mIsPaused && ChromaConnectionManager.Instance.Connected) { //Debug.Log("SetEffect."); EffectResponseId effect = _mEffects[_mCurrentFrame]; if (null != effect) { ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); } /* * //Silently fail * if (null != effect) * { * EffectIdentifierResponse result = ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); * if (null == result || * result.Result != 0) * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } * } * else * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } */ } } else { //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("UChromaSDKPluginAnimation2DObject::Tick Animation Complete.")); _mIsPlaying = false; _mTime = DateTime.MinValue; //reset _mCurrentFrame = 0; // execute the complete event if set if (null != _mOnComplete) { _mOnComplete.Invoke(this); } } } }
private void OnClickPasteButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(device); if (_mColors.Count == maxLeds) { var frame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors1D(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { frame[i] = _mColors[i]; } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = frame; } } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickAddButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame < 0 || _mCurrentFrame >= frames.Count) { _mCurrentFrame = 0; } EffectArray1dInput frame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors1D(animation.Device); if (_mCurrentFrame == frames.Count || (_mCurrentFrame + 1) == frames.Count) { frames.Add(frame); _mCurrentFrame = frames.Count - 1; } else { ++_mCurrentFrame; frames.Insert(_mCurrentFrame, frame); } animation.Frames = frames; animation.RefreshCurve(); }
private void OnClickShiftButton(int x) { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(device); int offsetX = maxLeds - x; var oldFrame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; var newFrame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors1D(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { int color = (int)oldFrame[(i + offsetX) % maxLeds]; newFrame[i] = color; } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = newFrame; } animation.Frames = frames; }
private void OnClickDarkenButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(device); var frame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { Color color = ChromaUtils.ToRGB((int)frame[i]); color.r *= 0.75f; color.g *= 0.75f; color.b *= 0.75f; frame[i] = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); } } animation.Frames = frames; }
public void OnApplicationQuit() { if (ChromaUtils.IsPlatformSupported()) { Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Deactivate on non-windows platforms /// </summary> public void Awake() { if (!ChromaUtils.IsPlatformSupported()) { ChromaUtils.SetActive(gameObject, false); return; } }
internal static void DeserializeBeatmapData(IReadonlyBeatmapData beatmapData) { _chromaEventDatas = new Dictionary <BeatmapEventData, ChromaEventData>(); foreach (BeatmapEventData beatmapEventData in beatmapData.beatmapEventsData) { try { if (beatmapEventData is CustomBeatmapEventData customBeatmapEventData) { Dictionary <string, object?> customData = customBeatmapEventData.customData; ChromaEventData chromaEventData = new ChromaEventData( customData.Get <object>(LIGHTID), customData.Get <object>(PROPAGATIONID), ChromaUtils.GetColorFromData(customData), customData.Get <bool?>(LOCKPOSITION).GetValueOrDefault(false), customData.Get <string>(NAMEFILTER), customData.Get <int?>(DIRECTION), customData.Get <bool?>(COUNTERSPIN), customData.Get <bool?>(RESET), customData.Get <float?>(STEP), customData.Get <float?>(PROP), customData.Get <float?>(SPEED) ?? customData.Get <float?>(PRECISESPEED), customData.Get <float?>(ROTATION), customData.Get <float?>(STEPMULT).GetValueOrDefault(1f), customData.Get <float?>(PROPMULT).GetValueOrDefault(1f), customData.Get <float?>(SPEEDMULT).GetValueOrDefault(1f)); Dictionary <string, object?>?gradientObject = customData.Get <Dictionary <string, object?> >(LIGHTGRADIENT); if (gradientObject != null) { string? easingstring = gradientObject.Get <string>(EASING); Functions easing; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(easingstring)) { easing = Functions.easeLinear; } else { easing = (Functions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Functions), easingstring); } chromaEventData.GradientObject = new ChromaEventData.GradientObjectData( gradientObject.Get <float>(DURATION), ChromaUtils.GetColorFromData(gradientObject, STARTCOLOR) ?? Color.white, ChromaUtils.GetColorFromData(gradientObject, ENDCOLOR) ?? Color.white, easing); } _chromaEventDatas.Add(beatmapEventData, chromaEventData); } } catch (Exception e) { Plugin.Logger.Log($"Could not create ChromaEventData for event {beatmapEventData.type} at {beatmapEventData.time}", IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Error); Plugin.Logger.Log(e, IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Error); } } }
private void OnClickAddButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame < 0 || _mCurrentFrame >= frames.Count) { _mCurrentFrame = 0; } EffectArray2dInput oldFrame; if (frames.Count > 0) { oldFrame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; } else { oldFrame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors2D(animation.Device); } EffectArray2dInput frame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors2D(animation.Device); if (_mCurrentFrame == frames.Count || (_mCurrentFrame + 1) == frames.Count) { frames.Add(frame); _mCurrentFrame = frames.Count - 1; } else { ++_mCurrentFrame; frames.Insert(_mCurrentFrame, frame); } // copy colors if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxRow = ChromaUtils.GetMaxRow(device); int maxColumn = ChromaUtils.GetMaxColumn(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxRow; ++i) { var row = frame[i]; for (int j = 0; j < maxColumn; ++j) { row[j] = oldFrame[i][j]; } } } animation.Frames = frames; animation.RefreshCurve(); }
private static EffectInput GetEffectChromaStatic(Color color) { EffectInput effectInput = new EffectInput(EffectType.CHROMA_NONE, null); effectInput.Effect = EffectType.CHROMA_STATIC; int value = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); effectInput.Param = new EffectInputParam(new int?(value), null, null, null, null, null); return(effectInput); }
/// <summary> /// Get Effect: CHROMA_STATIC /// </summary> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static EffectInput GetEffectChromaStatic(Color color) { var input = new EffectInput(); input.Effect = EffectType.CHROMA_STATIC; int bgrInt = ChromaUtils.ToBGR(color); input.Param = new EffectInputParam(bgrInt); return(input); }
public void OnDisable() { _harmonyInstanceCore.UnpatchAll(HARMONYID); GameplaySetup.instance.RemoveTab("Chroma"); ChromaUtils.SetSongCoreCapability(REQUIREMENTNAME, false); SceneManager.activeSceneChanged -= ChromaController.OnActiveSceneChanged; // Legacy support ChromaUtils.SetSongCoreCapability("Chroma Lighting Events", false); }
public void Awake() { if (!ChromaUtils.IsPlatformSupported()) { ChromaUtils.SetActive(gameObject, false); return; } if (Application.isPlaying) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } Connect(); }
private void LoadImage(string path) { ChromaSDKAnimation2D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); Unload(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { ImageManager.LoadImage(path); int frameCount = ImageManager.PluginGetFrameCount(); if (frameCount == 0) { Debug.LogError("Failed to read frames from image! Please try again!"); } ChromaDevice2DEnum device = animation.Device; var colors = ChromaUtils.CreateColors2D(device); for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; ++frameIndex) { if (frameIndex > 0) { OnClickAddButton(); } var frames = animation.Frames; //copy if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < animation.Frames.Count) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("Frame count: {0}", frameCount)); int height = ImageManager.PluginGetHeight(); int width = ImageManager.PluginGetWidth(); for (int y = 0; y < colors.Count && y < height; y++) { var row = colors[y]; for (int x = 0; x < row.Count && x < width; x++) { int color = ImageManager.PluginGetPixel(frameIndex, x, y); row[x] = color; } } frames[_mCurrentFrame] = colors; } animation.Frames = frames; } } }
public void ClearFrames() { int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(this.Device); this._mFrames = new ChromaSDKBaseAnimation.ColorArray[1]; ChromaSDKBaseAnimation.ColorArray colorArray = new ChromaSDKBaseAnimation.ColorArray(); int[] array = new int[maxLeds]; for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; i++) { array[i] = 0; } colorArray.Colors = array; this._mFrames[0] = colorArray; }
private void OnClickInsertButton() { ChromaSDKAnimation1D animation = GetAnimation(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(animation); var frames = animation.Frames; //copy Unload(); if (_mCurrentFrame < 0 || _mCurrentFrame >= frames.Count) { _mCurrentFrame = 0; } EffectArray1dInput oldFrame; if (frames.Count > 0) { oldFrame = frames[_mCurrentFrame]; } else { oldFrame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors1D(animation.Device); } EffectArray1dInput frame = ChromaUtils.CreateColors1D(animation.Device); if (frames.Count == 0) { frames.Add(frame); _mCurrentFrame = frames.Count - 1; } else { frames.Insert(_mCurrentFrame, frame); } // copy colors if (_mCurrentFrame >= 0 && _mCurrentFrame < frames.Count) { ChromaDevice1DEnum device = animation.Device; int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(device); for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { frame[i] = oldFrame[i]; } } animation.Frames = frames; animation.RefreshCurve(); }
/// <summary> /// Play the animation and fire the OnComplete event /// </summary> /// <param name="onComplete"></param> public void PlayWithOnComplete(ChomaOnComplete2D onComplete) { //Debug.Log("PlayWithOnComplete"); if (!_mIsLoaded) { // auto load if not loaded Load(); //Debug.LogError("Animation has not been loaded!"); //return; } _mOnComplete = onComplete; _mTime = DateTime.Now; //Time when animation started _mIsPlaying = true; _mCurrentFrame = 0; if (_mCurrentFrame < _mEffects.Count) { if (!_mIsPaused && ChromaConnectionManager.Instance.Connected) { //Debug.Log("SetEffect."); EffectResponseId effect = _mEffects[_mCurrentFrame]; if (null != effect) { ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); } /* * //Silently fail * if (null != effect) * { * EffectIdentifierResponse result = ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); * if (null == result || * result.Result != 0) * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } * } * else * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } */ } } }
/// <summary> /// Play the animation /// </summary> public override void Play() { //Debug.Log("Play"); if (!_mIsLoaded) { Load(); //Debug.LogError("Play Animation has not been loaded!"); //return; } // clear on play to avoid unsetting on a loop _mOnComplete = null; _mTime = DateTime.Now; //Time when animation started _mIsPlaying = true; _mCurrentFrame = 0; if (_mCurrentFrame < _mEffects.Count) { if (!_mIsPaused && ChromaConnectionManager.Instance.Connected) { //Debug.Log("SetEffect."); EffectResponseId effect = _mEffects[_mCurrentFrame]; if (null != effect) { ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); } /* * //Silently fail * if (null != effect) * { * EffectIdentifierResponse result = ChromaUtils.SetEffect(effect.Id); * if (null == result || * result.Result != 0) * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } * } * else * { * Debug.LogError("Failed to set effect!"); * } */ } } }
internal static void DeserializeBeatmapData(IReadonlyBeatmapData beatmapData) { ChromaObjectDatas = new Dictionary <BeatmapObjectData, ChromaObjectData>(); if (NoodleExtensionsInstalled) { ChromaNoodleDatas = new Dictionary <BeatmapObjectData, ChromaNoodleData>(); } foreach (BeatmapObjectData beatmapObjectData in beatmapData.beatmapObjectsData) { ChromaObjectData chromaObjectData; dynamic customData; switch (beatmapObjectData) { case CustomNoteData customNoteData: customData = customNoteData.customData; chromaObjectData = new ChromaNoteData() { Color = ChromaUtils.GetColorFromData(customData), DisableSpawnEffect =, DISABLESPAWNEFFECT), }; break; case CustomObstacleData customObstacleData: customData = customObstacleData.customData; chromaObjectData = new ChromaObjectData() { Color = ChromaUtils.GetColorFromData(customData), }; break; case CustomWaypointData customWaypointData: customData = customWaypointData.customData; chromaObjectData = new ChromaObjectData(); break; default: continue; } if (NoodleExtensionsInstalled) { ApplyNoodleData(customData, beatmapObjectData, beatmapData); } ChromaObjectDatas.Add(beatmapObjectData, chromaObjectData); } }
/// <summary> /// Set frames to the default state /// </summary> public void ClearFrames() { int maxLeds = ChromaUtils.GetMaxLeds(Device); _mFrames = new ColorArray[1]; var frame = new ColorArray(); var elements = new int[maxLeds]; for (int i = 0; i < maxLeds; ++i) { elements[i] = 0; } frame.Colors = elements; _mFrames[0] = frame; }