private void HandleChoiceNode(ChoiceNode choiceNode)
            if (choiceNode == null)

            _currentChoiceNode = choiceNode;

            _waiting = true;


            var branches = choiceNode.GetAvailableBranches();

            for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count; i++)
                Branch     branch       = branches[i];
                GameObject choiceButton = Instantiate(_choiceButtonPrefab, _choiceContent);

                //Assign text to the button that can be clicked in the format of
                // "1. Option to pick"
                Text text = choiceButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                if (text != null)
                    //Regex Magic - stolen from StackOverflow
                    //string choiceText = Regex.Match(_previousDialogueNode.Text, @"\[([^]]*)\]").Groups[1].Value;

                    string choiceText = branch.DialogueNode.Text;
                    if (choiceText.StartsWith("["))
                        string[] groups = choiceText.Split('[', ']', '\n', '\t');
                        if (groups.Length >= 4)
                            choiceText = groups[1];
                    text.text = string.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, choiceText);

                //Assign click command
                Button button = choiceButton.GetComponentInChildren <Button>();
                if (button == null)

                int capturedIndex = i;
                button.onClick.AddListener(() => { PickBranch(choiceNode, capturedIndex); });

            if (_previousDialogueNode != null)
                _choiceSubtitleText.text = _previousDialogueNode.Text;
 private void PickBranch(ChoiceNode choiceNode, int index)
     _waiting = false;