public static void JSON2XML() { string json = @"{ ""header"": ""myheader"", ""transaction"": { ""date"": ""2019-09-24"", ""items"": [ { ""number"": ""123"", ""unit"": ""EA"", ""qty"": 6 }, { ""number"": ""456"", ""unit"": ""CS"", ""qty"": 4 } ] } }"; using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)) { var x = r.FirstOrDefault(); //Console.WriteLine(x.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(ChoXmlWriter.ToText(x, new ChoXmlRecordConfiguration().Configure(c => { c.RootName = "Root1"; //c.DoNotEmitXmlNamespace = true; //c.TurnOffXmlFormatting = true; }))); } }
static void Json2Parquet() { string json = @" [{ ""Health"": { ""Id"": 99, ""Status"": false }, ""Safety"": { ""Id"": 3, ""Fire"": 1 }, ""Climate"": [{ ""Id"": 0, ""State"": 2 }] }]"; using (var r = ChoJSONReader <MyData> .LoadText(json) .UseJsonSerialization()) { //using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter("MyData.parquet") // //.UseNestedKeyFormat() // ) //{ // w.Write(r.Select(rec1 => rec1.ToDictionary().Flatten().ToDictionary())); //} var x = ChoParquetWriter.SerializeAll(r); //.Select(rec1 => rec1.ToDictionary().Flatten().ToDictionary())); File.WriteAllBytes("MyData1.parquet", x); } }
static void Json2Yaml1() { string json = @"{ ""swagger"":""2.0"", ""info"":{ ""title"":""UberAPI"", ""description"":""MoveyourappforwardwiththeUberAPI"", ""version"":""1.0.0"" }, ""host"":"""", ""schemes"":[ ""https"" ], ""basePath"":""/v1"", ""produces"":[ ""application/json"" ] }"; using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)) { using (var w = new ChoYamlWriter(Console.Out) .ErrorMode(ChoErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue) ) { w.Write(r); } } }
public static void JSON2XmlDateTimeTest() { string actual; string json = @"{ ""start"": ""2019-10-24T10:37:27.590Z"", ""end"": ""2019-10-24T11:00:00.000Z"", ""requests/duration"": { ""avg"": 3819.55 } }"; //using (var r = new ChoJSONReader(new StringBuilder(json)) // ) //{ // Console.WriteLine(r.First().Dump()); //} actual = ChoJSONWriter.ToText(ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json, new ChoJSONRecordConfiguration().Configure(c => c.JsonSerializerSettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { DateParseHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.None })).FirstOrDefault() ); Assert.AreEqual(json, actual); }
public static void JSON2SoapXML() { string json = @"{ ""Name"": ""00141169"", ""CurrencyCode"": ""EUR"", ""Date"": ""2020-04-03"", }"; StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)) { var x = r.FirstOrDefault(); //Console.WriteLine(x.Dump()); using (var w = new ChoXmlWriter(xml) .Configure(c => c.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace("soap", "")) .Configure(c => c.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace("tmp", "")) .Configure(c => c.RootName = "soap:Envelope") .Configure(c => c.NodeName = "Body") .Configure(c => c.DefaultNamespacePrefix = "tmp") //.Configure(c => c.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.None) ) { w.Write(new { listdata = x }); } } Console.WriteLine(xml.ToString()); }
public static void Json2Xml2() { string json = @" [ { ""firstName"": ""John"", ""lastName"": ""Smith"", ""age"": 25, ""address"": { ""streetAddress"": ""21 2nd Street"", ""city"": ""New York"", ""state"": ""NY"", ""postalCode"": ""10021"" }, ""phoneNumber"": [ { ""type"": ""home"", ""number"": ""212 555-1234"" }, { ""type"": ""fax"", ""number"": ""646 555-4567"" } ] }, { ""firstName"": ""Tom"", ""lastName"": ""Mark"", ""age"": 50, ""address"": { ""streetAddress"": ""10 Main Street"", ""city"": ""Edison"", ""state"": ""NJ"", ""postalCode"": ""08837"" }, ""phoneNumber"": [ { ""type"": ""home"", ""number"": ""732 555-1234"" }, { ""type"": ""fax"", ""number"": ""609 555-4567"" } ] } ] "; using (var r = ChoJSONReader <Employee> .LoadText(json)) { using (var w = new ChoXmlWriter <Employee>(Console.Out) //.WithNodeName("C") ) { w.Write(r); } } }
static void JSON2Parquet1() { string json = @"{ ""facilities"": [ { ""id"": 39205, ""name"": ""Sample1"", ""uuid"": ""ac2f3464-c425-4063-86ad-163521b1d610"", ""createdAt"": ""2019-03-06T14:25:32Z"", ""updatedAt"": ""2019-03-06T14:29:31Z"", ""active"": true }, { ""id"": 35907, ""name"": ""Sample2"", ""uuid"": ""d371debb-f030-4c1e-b198-5eb562ceac0f"", ""createdAt"": ""2019-02-21T09:33:25Z"", ""updatedAt"": ""2019-02-21T09:33:25Z"", ""active"": true } ] } "; using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json) .WithJSONPath("$..facilities[*]", true) .WithField("id") .WithField("createdAt", fieldType: typeof(DateTimeOffset), valueConverter: o => DateTimeOffset.Now) .ErrorMode(ChoErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue) ) { using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter("JSON2Parquet1.parquet") .ErrorMode(ChoErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue) ) { w.Write(r); } return; foreach (var rec in r) { Console.WriteLine(rec.Dump()); } return; //var x = r.Select(r1 => { r1.Location = new Point(100); return r1; }).ToArray(); //using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter<Facility>("JSON2Parquet1.parquet") // .IgnoreField("Location.IsEmpty") // ) //{ // w.Write(x); //} } }
static async Task RunAsync() { // Update web service API endpoint in the following line. client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/octet-stream")); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("apikey", "j1zHbAwDsYNo4sR9FpInRVzIX8698p9JxomI"); TransportAPI_client transportClient = new TransportAPI_client(); try { // Get the current traffic incidents var incidents = await transportClient.GetCurrentTrafficIncidentsAsync(client.BaseAddress, client); var currentTrafficIncidents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CurrentTrafficIncidentsModel>(incidents); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var incidentData = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(incidents) .WithJSONPath("$..features[*]") ) { using (var writer = new ChoCSVWriter(stringBuilder) .WithFirstLineHeader() .Configure(c => c.MaxScanRows = 1) .Configure(c => c.ThrowAndStopOnMissingField = false) ) { writer.Write(incidentData); } } File.AppendAllText("./output.csv", stringBuilder.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("\nThe output from NSW Open Data Transport API is now in CSV flat file format. Filename: output.csv"); //Console.WriteLine(currentTrafficIncidents.features); //Console.WriteLine(incidents.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit."); }
static void EnumLoadTest() { string json = @"[ { ""Age"": 1, ""Gender"": ""M"" } ]"; using (var p = ChoJSONReader <Person> .LoadText(json)) { foreach (var rec in p) { Console.WriteLine(rec.Dump()); } } }
static void Nested2NestedObjectTest() { string json = @"{ ""id"": 123, ""userName"": ""fflintstone"", ""Address"": { ""address"": ""345 Cave Stone Road"", ""address2"": """", ""city"": ""Bedrock"", ""state"": ""AZ"", ""zip"": """" } }"; using (var p = ChoJSONReader <Customer> .LoadText(json).WithFlatToNestedObjectSupport(false) //.WithField(r => r.Address.Address, fieldName: "Address") ) { var x = p.First(); Console.WriteLine(x.Dump()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { XmlToCSVSample(); return; //dynamic p = new ChoPropertyBag(); //p.Name = "Raj"; //p.Zip = "10020"; //foreach (var kvp in ChoExpandoObjectEx.ToExpandoObject(p)) // Console.WriteLine(kvp); //return; //XmlToJSONSample4(); // JSONToXmlSample4(); string json = @" { ""Row1"":{ ""x"":123, ""y"":21, ""z"":22 }, }"; using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json) .WithField("x", jsonPath: "$.Row1", fieldType: typeof(object)) .WithField("y", jsonPath: "$.Row1.y", fieldType: typeof(object)) .WithField("z", jsonPath: "$.Row1", fieldType: typeof(object)) ) { r.BeforeRecordFieldLoad += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == "x") { //dynamic x = e.PropertyName; //e.Record.x = x.x; e.Skip = true; } }; using (var writer = new ChoXmlWriter("sample.xml")) writer.Write(r); return; } }
public static void CSVWithJSON() { using (var parser = new ChoCSVReader <EmpWithJSON>("emp1.csv")) { parser.BeforeRecordFieldLoad += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == "JsonValue") { EmpWithJSON rec = e.Record as EmpWithJSON; dynamic jobject = ChoJSONReader.LoadText((string)e.Source).FirstOrDefault(); rec.product_version_id = jobject.product_version_id; rec.product_version_name = jobject.product_version_name; e.Skip = true; } }; using (var jp = new ChoJSONWriter("emp1.json")) jp.Write(parser.Select(i => new { i.Id, i.Name, i.product_version_id, i.product_version_name })); //foreach (var rec in parser) // Console.WriteLine(rec.product_version_id); } }
static void StageJSONFile() { string json = @" [ { ""Id"": 1, ""Name"": ""Polo"", ""City"": ""New York"" }, { ""Id"": 2, ""Name"": ""328"", ""City"": ""Edison"" } ]"; ChoETLFrxBootstrap.TraceLevel = TraceLevel.Error; using (var r = ChoJSONReader <Emp> .LoadText(json) ) { r.StageOnSQLite().Where(e => e.Id == 2).Print(); } }
static void JSON2Parquet1() { string json = @"{ ""facilities"": [ { ""id"": 39205, ""name"": ""Sample1"", ""uuid"": ""ac2f3464-c425-4063-86ad-163521b1d610"", ""createdAt"": ""2019-03-06T14:25:32Z"", ""updatedAt"": ""2019-03-06T14:29:31Z"", ""active"": true }, { ""id"": 35907, ""name"": ""Sample2"", ""uuid"": ""d371debb-f030-4c1e-b198-5eb562ceac0f"", ""createdAt"": ""2019-02-21T09:33:25Z"", ""updatedAt"": ""2019-02-21T09:33:25Z"", ""active"": true } ] } "; using (var r = ChoJSONReader <Facility> .LoadText(json) .WithJSONPath("$..facilities", false) ) { var x = r.Select(r1 => { r1.Location = new Point(100); return(r1); }).ToArray(); using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter <Facility>("JSON2Parquet1.parquet") .IgnoreField("Location.IsEmpty") ) { w.Write(x); } } }
static void Sample11() { string j1 = @"{ ""images"":{ ""totalCount"":4, ""0"":{ ""url"":""file1.jpg"" }, ""1"":{ ""url"":""file2.jpg"" }, ""2"":{ ""url"":""file3.jpg"" }, ""3"":{ ""url"":""file4.jpg"" } } }"; using (var jr = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(j1) .WithField("TotalCount", jsonPath: "$..totalCount", fieldType: typeof(int)) .WithField("Url", jsonPath: "$..url", fieldType: typeof(string[])) ) { foreach (var x in jr) { Console.WriteLine($"TotalCount: {x.TotalCount}"); foreach (var url in x.Url) { Console.WriteLine($"Url: {url}"); } } } }
static void CombineJSONTest() { string json = @"[ { ""deliveryDay"": ""2018-06-19T15:00:00.000+0300"", ""currencyCode"": ""TRY"", ""offerType"": ""HOURLY"", ""regionCode"": ""TR1"", ""offerDetails"": [ { ""startPeriod"": ""1"", ""duration"": ""1"", ""offerPrices"": [ { ""price"": ""0"", ""amount"": ""5"" } ] } ] }, { ""deliveryDay"": ""2018-06-19T15:00:00.000+0300"", ""currencyCode"": ""TRY"", ""offerType"": ""HOURLY"", ""regionCode"": ""TR1"", ""offerDetails"": [ { ""startPeriod"": ""1"", ""duration"": ""1"", ""offerPrices"": [ { ""price"": ""2000"", ""amount"": ""5"" } ] } ] } ]"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var p = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)) { var list = p.GroupBy(r => r.deliveryDay).Select(r => new { deliveryDay = r.Key, r.First().currencyCode, r.First().offerType, r.First().regionCode, offerDetails = new { ((Array)r.First().offerDetails).OfType <dynamic>().First().startPeriod, ((Array)r.First().offerDetails).OfType <dynamic>().First().duration, offerPrices = r.Select(r1 => ((Array)r1.offerDetails[0].offerPrices).OfType <object>().First()).ToArray() } }).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(ChoJSONWriter.ToTextAll(list)); //foreach (var rec in ) // Console.WriteLine(rec.Dump()); } }
static void Sample50() { string json = @" { ""home"": { ""0_15"": { ""goals"": 7, ""percentage"": 14 }, ""15_30"": { ""goals"": 6, ""percentage"": 12 }, ""30_45"": { ""goals"": 11, ""percentage"": 22 }, ""45_60"": { ""goals"": 4, ""percentage"": 8 }, ""60_75"": { ""goals"": 8, ""percentage"": 16 }, ""75_90"": { ""goals"": 14, ""percentage"": 28 } }, ""away"": { ""0_15"": { ""goals"": 7, ""percentage"": 15.56 }, ""15_30"": { ""goals"": 7, ""percentage"": 15.56 }, ""30_45"": { ""goals"": 5, ""percentage"": 11.11 }, ""45_60"": { ""goals"": 6, ""percentage"": 13.33 }, ""60_75"": { ""goals"": 13, ""percentage"": 28.89 }, ""75_90"": { ""goals"": 7, ""percentage"": 15.56 } } }"; using (var p = ChoJSONReader <Rootobject> .LoadText(json).Configure(c => c.SupportMultipleContent = true)) { //foreach (var rec in p) // Console.WriteLine(rec.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(ChoJSONWriter <Rootobject> .ToText(p.First(), new ChoJSONRecordConfiguration().Configure(c => c.SupportMultipleContent = true))); } }
public static void Json2Xml1() { string json = @" [ { ""firstName"": ""John"", ""lastName"": ""Smith"", ""age"": 25, ""address"": { ""streetAddress"": ""21 2nd Street"", ""city"": ""New York"", ""state"": ""NY"", ""postalCode"": ""10021"" }, ""phoneNumber"": [ { ""type"": ""home"", ""number"": ""212 555-1234"" }, { ""type"": ""fax"", ""number"": ""646 555-4567"" } ] }, { ""firstName"": ""Tom"", ""lastName"": ""Mark"", ""age"": 50, ""address"": { ""streetAddress"": ""10 Main Street"", ""city"": ""Edison"", ""state"": ""NJ"", ""postalCode"": ""08837"" }, ""phoneNumber"": [ { ""type"": ""home"", ""number"": ""732 555-1234"" }, { ""type"": ""fax"", ""number"": ""609 555-4567"" } ] } ] "; using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)) { using (var w = new ChoXmlWriter(Console.Out) .UseXmlSerialization() .Configure(c => c.OmitXsiNamespace = true) .ErrorMode(ChoErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue) ) { w.Write(r); } } }
static void Issue167() { var completeFile = new CompleteFile { DataSource = "DataSource", DataType = 1, Samples = new Samples { Samples1 = new List <Data> { new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, }, Samples2 = new List <Data> { new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, }, Samples3 = new List <Data> { new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, }, Sample4 = new Data { Prop00 = 0, Prop01 = "Prop01", Properties = new Properties { Prop10 = 1, Prop11 = 2, } }, } }; StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); using (var w = new ChoJSONWriter <CompleteFile>(json) ) { w.Write(completeFile); } json.Print(); using (var r = ChoJSONReader <CompleteFile> .LoadText(json.ToString()) .UseJsonSerialization() ) { using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter("CompleteFile.parquet") ) { w.Write(r.Select(rec1 => rec1.FlattenToDictionary())); } //using (var w = new ChoParquetWriter<CompleteFile>("CompleteFile.parquet") // .WithField(f => f.Samples, valueConverter: o => "x", fieldType: typeof(string)) // ) //{ // w.Write(r); //.Select(rec1 => rec1.Flatten().ToDictionary())); //} } }