public static void Action(ToyRegister bag, ChildrenRegister book) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Show bag of loot for which child?"); var children = book.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { Console.WriteLine($"{child.Id}: {child.Name}"); } Console.Write("> "); var childId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var kid = book.GetChild(childId); var toys = bag.GetToysForChild(kid); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"{kid.Name}'s Bag o' loot"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 30)); foreach (var toy in toys) { Console.WriteLine($"{toy.Name}"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Action(ToyRegister bag, ChildrenRegister book) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Choose a child"); var children = book.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { Console.WriteLine($"{child.Id}: {child.Name}"); } int childId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var kid = book.GetChild(childId); Console.WriteLine($"Choose a toy to revoke from {kid.Name}"); Console.Write("> "); var kidsToys = bag.GetToysForChild(kid); foreach (var toy in kidsToys) { Console.WriteLine($"{toy.Id}: {toy.Name}"); } int toyId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var toyToRevoke = kidsToys.First(t => t.Id == toyId); bag.RevokeToy(toyToRevoke, kid); }
public static void Action(ChildrenRegister book) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Deliver toys to which child?"); var children = book.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { Console.WriteLine($"{child.Id}: {child.Name}"); } Console.Write("> "); int childId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var kid = book.GetChild(childId); book.DeliverToChild(kid); }
public static void Action(ToyRegister toyRegister, ChildrenRegister childRegister) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Choose a child"); var children = childRegister.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { Console.WriteLine($"{child.Id}: {child.Name}"); } Console.Write("> "); int childId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var kid = childRegister.GetChild(childId); Console.WriteLine("Enter a toy"); Console.Write("> "); string toyName = Console.ReadLine(); toyRegister.Add(toyName, kid); }