private void NetworkDiagramButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Optionally, specify a maximum indentation level to consider when generating network items as a parameter to the GetNetworkDiagramItems method call. networkDiagramItems = GanttChartDataGrid.GetNetworkDiagramItems(); var networkDiagramView = new DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.NetworkDiagramView { Items = networkDiagramItems }; ChildWindow networkDiagramWindow = new ChildWindow { Title = "Network Diagram", Width = 960, Height = 600, Content = networkDiagramView }; networkDiagramView.AsyncPresentationCompleted += delegate(object senderCompleted, EventArgs eCompleted) { // Optionally, reposition start and finish milestones between the first and second rows of the view. networkDiagramView.RepositionEnds(); // Optionally, highlight the critical path. Brush redBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); foreach (var item in networkDiagramView.GetCriticalItems()) { DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.NetworkDiagramView.SetShapeStroke(item, redBrush); } foreach (var predecessorItem in networkDiagramView.GetCriticalDependencies()) { DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.NetworkDiagramView.SetDependencyLineStroke(predecessorItem, redBrush); } }; networkDiagramWindow.Closed += NetworkDiagramWindow_Closed; networkDiagramWindow.Show(); }
private void btnEmployeeID_DefaultButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var WbClnt = new WebClient();//Tao WebClient WbClnt.OpenReadCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error == null) { AssemblyPart assmbpart = new AssemblyPart(); Assembly assembly = assmbpart.Load(b.Result); Object Obj = assembly.CreateInstance("HPA.Common" + "." + "Find"); //Truy xuat file dll if (Obj != null) //Neu co file dll thi tao ChildWindow { ChildWindow child = (ChildWindow)assembly.CreateInstance("HPA.Common" + "." + "Find"); child.Closed -= GetEMPID;//nhan ket qua tra ve tu childwindow child.Closed += GetEMPID; child.Show(); //if (child.DialogResult==true) //{ txtMNV.Text = EMPID; } //else { txtMNV.Text = "null"; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai page thi bao loi } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai file dll thi bao loi }; WbClnt.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("http://localhost:10511/Control/" + "HPA.Common" + ".dll", UriKind.Absolute)); }
void TLYC1_TileClick(object sender, TileClickEventArgs e) { ma = e.Tile.Name.ToString(); tentitle = e.Tile.Header.ToString(); var WbClnt = new WebClient();//Tao WebClient WbClnt.OpenReadCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error == null) { AssemblyPart assmbpart = new AssemblyPart(); Assembly assembly = assmbpart.Load(b.Result); Object Obj = assembly.CreateInstance("HPA.Announcement" + "." + "ViewAnnouncement"); //Truy xuat file dll if (Obj != null) //Neu co file dll thi tao ChildWindow { ChildWindow child = (ChildWindow)assembly.CreateInstance("HPA.Announcement" + "." + "ViewAnnouncement"); child.Width = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availWidth") - 100; child.Height = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availHeight") - 100; child.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai page thi bao loi } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai file dll thi bao loi }; WbClnt.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("http://localhost:10511/Control/" + "HPA.Announcement" + ".dll", UriKind.Absolute)); }
private void AdvancedHeatMapProperties_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ConfigurableHeatMapLayer layerInfo = this.DataContext as ConfigurableHeatMapLayer; if (layerInfo == null) { return; } (sender as Button).IsEnabled = false; if (heatMapWindow == null) { heatMapWindow = new ChildWindow(); //heatMapWindow.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; TextBlock title = new TextBlock { Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FontSize = 12, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Text = "Advanced Properties" }; heatMapWindow.Title = title; double dialogWidth = 325; double dialogHeight = 268; heatMapWindow.Height = dialogHeight; heatMapWindow.Width = dialogWidth; //heatMapWindow.HorizontalOffset = (Application.Current.RootVisual.RenderSize.Width - heatMapWindow.Width) / 2; //heatMapWindow.VerticalOffset = (Application.Current.RootVisual.RenderSize.Height - heatMapWindow.Height) / 2; configWindow = new HeatMapPropertiesConfigWindow(); configWindow.OkClicked += (o, args) => { heatMapWindow.DialogResult = true; }; configWindow.CancelClicked += (o, args) => { heatMapWindow.DialogResult = false; // automatically calls close }; configWindow.GradientStopsChanged += (o, args) => { //layerInfo.HeatMapInfo.Gradients = args.GradientStops; }; heatMapWindow.Closed += (o, args) => { (sender as Button).IsEnabled = true; if (heatMapWindow.DialogResult != true) // && !heatMapWindow.IsAppExit) { restoreHeatMapProperties(); } }; } //if (layerInfo.HeatMapInfo == null) // layerInfo.HeatMapInfo = new HeatMapInfo(); //currentHeatMapInfo = layerInfo.HeatMapInfo != null ? layerInfo.HeatMapInfo.Clone() : new HeatMapInfo(); configWindow.DataContext = layerInfo; //Grid g = new Grid() { Width = 310, Height = 245-20 }; //g.Children.Add(configWindow); //(Application.Current.RootVisual as Grid).Children.Add(g); heatMapWindow.Content = configWindow; heatMapWindow.DialogResult = null; //heatMapWindow.ShowWindow(false); heatMapWindow.Show(); }
public static ChildWindow PopupMessage(string title, string message) { if (CurrentPopup != null) { return(null); } var msgBox = new ChildWindow(); CurrentPopup = msgBox; msgBox.Style = System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["PopupMessageWindow"] as Style; msgBox.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xBA, 0xD2, 0xEC)); msgBox.Title = title; msgBox.MaxWidth = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth * 0.5; msgBox.Content = new TextBlock() { Text = message, Margin = new Thickness(20), Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FontSize = 14 }; msgBox.IsTabStop = true; msgBox.Show(); msgBox.Focus(); _currentWindow = msgBox; PopupManager.CloseActivePopup(); return(msgBox); }
private void CreateChildPage(string asb, string cls) { var WbClnt = new WebClient();//Tao WebClient WbClnt.OpenReadCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error == null) { AssemblyPart assmbpart = new AssemblyPart(); Assembly assembly = assmbpart.Load(b.Result); Object Obj = assembly.CreateInstance(asb + "." + cls); //Truy xuat file dll if (Obj != null) //Neu co file dll thi tao ChildWindow { ChildWindow child = (ChildWindow)assembly.CreateInstance(asb + "." + cls); child.Width = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availWidth") - 100; child.Height = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availHeight") - 100; child.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai page thi bao loi } else { MessageBox.Show("Page not exist"); } //Khong ton tai file dll thi bao loi }; WbClnt.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("http://localhost:10511/Control/" + asb + ".dll", UriKind.Absolute)); }
private void Creer() { try { ChildWindow form = null; try { _formeName = "UcInitialisation"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_formeName)) { form = ContextMenuManagement.CreateChildWindow(NameSpace + _formeName, Galatee.Silverlight.Resources.Devis.Languages.ttlCreationDevis, SessionObject.ExecMode.Creation); } if (form != null) { form.Closed += new EventHandler(form_Closed); form.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void PertChartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Optionally, specify a maximum indentation level to consider when generating PERT items as a parameter to the GetPertChartItems method call. pertChartItems = GanttChartDataGrid.GetPertChartItems(); var pertChartView = new DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.PertChartView { Items = pertChartItems, PredecessorToolTipTemplate = Resources["PertChartPredecessorToolTipTemplate"] as DataTemplate }; ChildWindow pertChartWindow = new ChildWindow { Title = "PERT Chart", Width = 640, Height = 480, Content = pertChartView }; pertChartView.AsyncPresentationCompleted += delegate(object senderCompleted, EventArgs eCompleted) { // Optionally, highlight the critical path. Brush redBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); foreach (var item in pertChartView.GetCriticalItems()) { DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.PertChartView.SetShapeStroke(item, redBrush); DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.PertChartView.SetTextForeground(item, redBrush); } foreach (var predecessorItem in pertChartView.GetCriticalDependencies()) { DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.PertChartView.SetDependencyLineStroke(predecessorItem, redBrush); DlhSoft.Windows.Controls.Pert.PertChartView.SetDependencyTextForeground(predecessorItem, redBrush); } }; pertChartWindow.Closed += PertChartWindow_Closed; pertChartWindow.Show(); }
private void SetWithOverlay() { var content = new TextBlock { Margin = new Thickness(30, 30, 30, 30), Text = "Touch my Overlay to close me.\n\nI have no Silverlight's behaviors.", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, }; _withOverlay = new ChildWindowWithClosingOverlay { // !!! Custom settings. DisabledClosingOverlay = false, RightMouseButtonClosingTo = false, Title = "ChildWindow closed by Overlay", Content = content, OverlayBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), OverlayOpacity = 0.4, HasCloseButton = false, }; _withOverlay.Show(); }
private void ShowSequences(IList <string> items) { string tblTxt = ""; string facet = ""; int c = 0; foreach (string item in items) { PivotItem pivotItem = MainPivotViewer.GetItem(item); string queryName = ""; string querySequence = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > kvp in pivotItem.Facets) { if (kvp.Key == "QueryName") { string val = String.Join(", ", ((List <string>)kvp.Value).ToArray()); string[] vals = Regex.Split(val, "[|]{2}"); if (vals.Length > 1) { facet = vals[1]; } else { facet = vals[0]; } queryName = facet; } if (kvp.Key == "QuerySequence") { string val = String.Join(", ", ((List <string>)kvp.Value).ToArray()); string[] vals = Regex.Split(val, "[|]{2}"); if (vals.Length > 1) { facet = vals[1]; } else { facet = vals[0]; } querySequence = facet; } } tblTxt += ">" + queryName + "\n" + querySequence + "\n"; c += 1; } ChildWindow childWin = new ChildWindow(); childWin.Width = 800; childWin.Height = 400; childWin.Title = "BL!P Query Sequences in FASTA Format"; TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.Text = tblTxt; childWin.Content = tb; tb.IsReadOnly = true; tb.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Visible; tb.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Visible; childWin.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// This method displays ChildWindow associated with the given key /// calling code is not blocked, and will not wait on the ChildWindow being /// closed. So this should only be used when there is no code dependant on /// the ChildWindows DialogResult. If you want to use the result of the ChildWindow /// being shown you can should create a callback delegate for the completedProc /// </summary> /// <param name="key">Key previously registered with the UI controller.</param> /// <param name="state">Object state to associate with the dialog</param> /// <param name="completedProc">Callback used when UI closes (may be null)</param> public void Show(string key, object state, EventHandler <UICompletedEventArgs> completedProc) { ChildWindow win = CreateChildWindow(key, state, completedProc); if (win != null) { win.Show(); } }
public void Show(object content) { var window = new ChildWindow(); window.Style = Application.Current.Resources["ChildWindowStyle"] as Style; window.HasCloseButton = false; window.Content = content; window.Show(); }
private void ShowItemTable(IList <string> items) { string tblTxt = ""; string facet = ""; int c = 0; foreach (string item in items) { PivotItem pivotItem = MainPivotViewer.GetItem(item); if (c == 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > kvp in pivotItem.Facets) { if (validFacet(kvp.Key)) { tblTxt += kvp.Key + "\t"; } } tblTxt += "\n"; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > kvp in pivotItem.Facets) { if (validFacet(kvp.Key)) { string val = String.Join(", ", ((List <string>)kvp.Value).ToArray()); string[] vals = Regex.Split(val, "[|]{2}"); if (vals.Length > 1) { facet = vals[1]; } else { facet = vals[0]; } tblTxt += facet + "\t"; } } tblTxt += "\n"; c += 1; } ChildWindow childWin = new ChildWindow(); childWin.Width = 800; childWin.Height = 400; childWin.Title = "BL!P Output in Tablular Format"; TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.Text = tblTxt; childWin.Content = tb; tb.IsReadOnly = true; tb.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Visible; tb.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Visible; childWin.Show(); }
public static void ShowChildWindow(string title, ChildWindowUserControl userControl) { ChildWindow cw = new ChildWindow() { Title = title }; cw.Content = userControl; cw.Show(); }
public static void ShowChildWindow(UIElement content) { var childWindow = new ChildWindow() { Content = content, Style = (Style)App.Current.Resources["ViewMoreChildWindow_Style"] }; childWindow.Show(); }
public void OpenMarket(string epic) { var window = new ChildWindow(); window.DataContext = new MarketViewModel(this, epic); window.Show(); _childWindows.Add(window); }
private void LoginWindow_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (this.DialogResult == true && (this.nameBox.Text == string.Empty || this.passwordBox.Password == string.Empty)) { e.Cancel = true; ChildWindow cw = new ChildWindow(); cw.Content = "Please Enter your name and password or click Cancel."; cw.Show(); } }
private void OnGridRowLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { TimeSpan t = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; if (ArchiveFlowGrid.Tag != null) { var oldT = (TimeSpan)ArchiveFlowGrid.Tag; if ((t - oldT) < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)) { var flow = ArchiveFlowGrid.SelectedItem as ArchiveWorkflow; if (flow != null) { if (NavigationService != null) { NavigationService.Navigate( new Uri(string.Format("Req/EditApplication?FlowId={0}", flow.FlowId), UriKind.Relative)); } else { BusyIndicator1.IsBusy = true; BusyIndicator1.BusyContent = "正在读取流程信息..."; flowContext.GetArchiveWorkflow(flow.FlowId, obj => { BusyIndicator1.IsBusy = false; if (Utility.Utility.CheckInvokeOperation(obj)) { var child = new ChildWindow { Title = "编辑流程信息" }; child.Background = Application.Current.Resources["ControlBackgroundAltBrush"] as Brush; var doc = obj.Value.Files[0].DocumentInfo; var editWindow = new EditApplication { OrgId = doc.OrganizationId, FolderId = doc.FolderId, ArchiveFlow = obj.Value, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 20) }; child.Content = editWindow; child.Closed += (oo, ee) => { if (editWindow.ArchiveFlow.Status == AuditStatus.Auditing && NavigationService != null) { NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("Req/Auditing", UriKind.Relative)); } }; child.Show(); } }, null); } } } } ArchiveFlowGrid.Tag = t; }
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Close(); ChildWindow chol = new ChildWindow(); chol.Height = 2400; chol.Width = 2300; //SL_Project_UI.MainPage mp = new SL_Project_UI.MainPage(); //mp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; chol.Show(); }
private void ChildWindow_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (this.DialogResult == true && (this.NaamBox.Text == string.Empty || this.passwordBox.Password == string.Empty)) { e.Cancel = true; ChildWindow cw = new ChildWindow(); cw.Content = "Geef uw login naam en wachtwoord in, of druk op annuleer."; cw.Show(); } }
public void INTERNAL_WorkAroundFirefoxDisappearingUI() //todo: move this method to the "PublicAPI" folder? { // Work around an issue on Firefox where the UI disappears if the window is resized and on some other occasions: if (_childWindowForWorkaroundFireFoxIssue == null) // Avoids entering multiple times on a single resize. { _childWindowForWorkaroundFireFoxIssue = new ChildWindow() { Opacity = 0 }; _childWindowForWorkaroundFireFoxIssue.Show(); _timerForWorkaroundFireFoxIssue.Start(); } }
void _configButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ChildWindow window = new ChildWindow(); window.FontSize = 12; window.Title = Resource.ColumnsV2_Title; var colselector = new CustomizeColumns(); colselector.Container = window; colselector.OwningGrid = this.OwningGrid; window.Content = colselector; window.Show(); }
void btnSelectDateTime_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StackPanel pnl = new StackPanel(); pnl.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; //InnerTimePicker.Width = 50; //StackPanel spSpliter = new StackPanel(); //spSpliter.Width = 5; //InnerDatePicker = new SmtDatePicker(); //InnerDatePicker.Style = Application.Current.Resources["DatePickerStyle"] as Style; //InnerDatePicker.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 5, 0); //InnerDatePicker.MinWidth = 110; InnerDatePicker = new Calendar(); //InnerDatePicker.Style = Application.Current.Resources["DatePickerStyle"] as Style; InnerDatePicker.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 5, 0); InnerDatePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; //InnerDatePicker.MinWidth = 110; InnerTimePicker = new ListTimePickerPopup(); InnerTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Parse("8:30"); InnerTimePicker.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); InnerTimePicker.MinWidth = 170; InnerTimePicker.MinHeight = 155; Button btnClose = new Button(); btnClose.Style = Application.Current.Resources["CommonButtonStyle"] as Style; btnClose.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); btnClose.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnClose_Click); btnClose.MinWidth = 30; btnClose.Content = "确定"; pnl.Children.Add(InnerDatePicker); //pnl.Children.Add(spSpliter); pnl.Children.Add(InnerTimePicker); pnl.Children.Add(btnClose); //this.Content = pnl; EndUpdate(); windowSelectdateTime.Content = pnl; double browserHeight = this.txtDateTime.ActualHeight; double browserWidth = this.txtDateTime.ActualWidth; windowSelectdateTime.Margin = new Thickness(browserWidth, browserHeight, 0, 0); windowSelectdateTime.Show(); windowSelectdateTime.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(windowSelectdateTime_Loaded); }
private void LogoutTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { (( DispatcherTimer )sender).Stop(); // The main logout time has expired. Show the log out warning prompt. LogOutWarning = new LogOutWarningView(response.WarningTimeOutIntervalSeconds); LogOutWarning.Closed += LogOutWarningClosed; LogOutWarning.Show(); // Start the warning timer. _warningLogoutTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(response.WarningTimeOutIntervalSeconds); _warningLogoutTimer.Tick += WarningLogoutTimerTick; _warningLogoutTimer.Start(); }
private void BottomButton_2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 라이브러리 참고용 var childWindow = new ChildWindow(); childWindow.Width = 200; childWindow.Height = 160; childWindow.Content = "World"; this.canvas.Children.Add(childWindow); childWindow.Show(); childWindow.IsModal = true; }
public void ShowWindow(UIElement content, Rect bounds, string caption, bool modal) { ChildWindow cw = new ChildWindow(); cw.Width = bounds.Width; cw.Height = bounds.Height; cw.Left = bounds.Left; cw.Top = bounds.Top; cw.Caption = caption; cw.Content = content; cw.IsModal = modal; Wnx.Children.Add(cw); cw.Show(); }
private void MeasurementLogGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e) { MeasurementLogEntry entry = e.Row.DataContext as MeasurementLogEntry; // If this entry has a valid calculator associated then change the TextBlock to a HyperlinkButton // that when clicked will use the Acivator object to dynamically create the appropriate calculator if (entry.Measurement.Calculator != null) { TextBlock measurementName = MeasurementLogGrid.Columns[0].GetCellContent(e.Row) as TextBlock; if (measurementName != null) { DataGridCell cell = measurementName.Parent as DataGridCell; HyperlinkButton calculatorLink = new HyperlinkButton(); calculatorLink.Content = entry.Measurement.measurement_name; calculatorLink.Margin = new Thickness(5); calculatorLink.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; calculatorLink.Click += (s, ev) => { // Create an instance of the calculator using IMeasurementCalculator interface so that we have // access to the calculated value and can update the selected row value ChildWindow modalWindow = new ChildWindow(); IMeasurementCalculator calc = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(String.Format("FitnessTrackerPlus.Views.Measurement.Calculators.{0}", entry.Measurement.Calculator.type_name))) as IMeasurementCalculator; calc.CalculationCancelled += (se, eve) => { modalWindow.Close(); }; calc.CalculationComplete += (se, eve) => { modalWindow.Close(); entry.value = calc.CalculatedValue; context.SubmitChanges(); }; modalWindow.Title = String.Format("{0} Calculator", entry.Measurement.measurement_name); modalWindow.Content = calc; modalWindow.Show(); }; // Repace the TextBlock with the HyperlinkButton control cell.Content = calculatorLink; } } }
void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Property.Value != null) { var childWindow = new ChildWindow() { Title = Property.Value.ToString() }; childWindow.Content = new PropertyGrid() { SelectedObject = Property.Value, MinWidth = 300, MinHeight = 400 }; childWindow.Closed += new EventHandler(childWindow_Closed); childWindow.Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders this view. /// </summary> public override void Render() { var dispatcher = ControllerContext.Request.Navigator.Dispatcher; dispatcher.Dispatch( delegate { TraceSources.MagellanSource.TraceInformation("The WindowViewEngine is instantiating the window '{0}'.", _type); // Prepare the window RenderedInstance = (ChildWindow)_viewActivator.Instantiate(_type); WireModelToView(RenderedInstance); TraceSources.MagellanSource.TraceVerbose("The ChildWindowViewEngine is rendering the window '{0}' as a dialog.", _type); RenderedInstance.Show(); }); }
public static ChildWindow PopupMessage(string title, string message, string closeButtonLabel, bool closeWindow) { if (CurrentPopup != null) { return(null); } var msgBox = new ChildWindow(); CurrentPopup = msgBox; msgBox.Style = Application.Current.Resources["PopupMessageWindow"] as Style; msgBox.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xBA, 0xD2, 0xEC)); msgBox.Title = title; msgBox.MaxWidth = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth * 0.5; StackPanel content = new StackPanel(); content.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = message, Margin = new Thickness(20), Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FontSize = 14, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }); Button closeButton = new Button { Content = closeButtonLabel, FontSize = 14, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Margin = new Thickness(20) }; closeButton.Click += (s, o) => { msgBox.Close(); if (closeWindow) { BrowserWindow.Close(); } }; content.Children.Add(closeButton); msgBox.Content = content; msgBox.IsTabStop = true; msgBox.Show(); msgBox.Focus(); _currentWindow = msgBox; PopupManager.CloseActivePopup(); return(msgBox); }
private void _constructPlayerCurrentPrivateDeck(PlayerViewModel model) { if (model.CurrentPrivateDeck != null) { Trace.Assert(model.CurrentPrivateDeck.Cards != null); if (_privateDeckChoiceWindow != null) { gridRoot.Children.Remove(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); } _privateDeckChoiceWindow = new ChildWindow(); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Template = Resources["DarkGreenWindowStyle"] as ControlTemplate; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.MaxWidth = 800; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.CloseButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Effect = new DropShadowEffect() { BlurRadius = 10d }; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.WindowStartupLocation = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WindowStartupLocation.Center; string title = PromptFormatter.Format(new CardChoicePrompt("PrivateDeck", model.Player, model.CurrentPrivateDeck.TraslatedName)); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Caption = title; var box = new PrivateDeckBox(); box.DataContext = model.CurrentPrivateDeck.Cards; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Content = box; gridRoot.Children.Add(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Show(); } else { gridRoot.Children.Remove(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); _privateDeckChoiceWindow = null; } }
public void NotifyShowCardsStart(Player p, List<Card> cards) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((ThreadStart)delegate() { if (_showHandCardsWindow != null) { gridRoot.Children.Remove(_showHandCardsWindow); } _showHandCardsWindow = new ChildWindow(); _showHandCardsWindow.Template = Resources["DarkGreenWindowStyle"] as ControlTemplate; _showHandCardsWindow.MaxWidth = 800; _showHandCardsWindow.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; _showHandCardsWindow.CloseButtonVisibility = Visibility.Visible; _showHandCardsWindow.Effect = new DropShadowEffect() { BlurRadius = 10d }; _showHandCardsWindow.WindowStartupLocation = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WindowStartupLocation.Center; string title = PromptFormatter.Format(new CardChoicePrompt("ShowCards", p)); _showHandCardsWindow.Caption = title; var viewModels = from c in cards select new CardViewModel() { Card = c }; var box = new PrivateDeckBox(); box.IsHitTestVisible = false; box.Margin = new Thickness(0, -20, 0, 0); box.DataContext = new ObservableCollection<CardViewModel>(viewModels); _showHandCardsWindow.Content = box; gridRoot.Children.Add(_showHandCardsWindow); _showHandCardsWindow.Show(); _showHandCardsWindow.Closed += (o, e) => { GameModel.MainPlayerModel.AnswerEmptyMultichoiceQuestion(); }; }); }
void _player_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((ThreadStart)delegate() { PlayerViewModel model = sender as PlayerViewModel; int count = GameModel.PlayerModels.Count; if (e.PropertyName == "IsCardChoiceQuestionShown") { if (model.IsCardChoiceQuestionShown) { if (cardChoiceWindow != null) { gridRoot.Children.Remove(cardChoiceWindow); } cardChoiceWindow = new ChildWindow(); cardChoiceWindow.Template = Resources["DarkGreenWindowStyle"] as ControlTemplate; cardChoiceWindow.MaxWidth = 800; cardChoiceWindow.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; cardChoiceWindow.CloseButtonVisibility = model.CardChoiceModel.CanClose ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; cardChoiceWindow.Effect = new DropShadowEffect(){ BlurRadius = 10d }; cardChoiceWindow.Caption = model.CardChoiceModel.Prompt; var box = CardChoiceBoxSelector.CreateBox(model.CardChoiceModel); if (box is CardArrangeBox) { (box as CardArrangeBox).OnCardMoved += (s1, s2, d1, d2) => { var callback = model.CurrentCardChoiceRearrangeCallback; if (callback != null) { callback(new CardRearrangement(s1, s2, d1, d2)); } }; } gridRoot.Children.Add(cardChoiceWindow); cardChoiceWindow.WindowStartupLocation = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WindowStartupLocation.Center; cardChoiceWindow.Content = box; cardChoiceWindow.Show(); } else if (cardChoiceWindow != null) { cardChoiceWindow.Close(); gridRoot.Children.Remove(cardChoiceWindow); cardChoiceWindow = null; } } else if (e.PropertyName == "Role") { int index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { var playerModel = GameModel.PlayerModels[index]; if (playerModel == model) break; } Trace.Assert(index < count); if (model.Player.Role == Role.Ruler) { gameLogs.Logs.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { gameLogs.Logs.Add(GameModel.PlayerModels[(i + index) % count].Player, logDocs[i + 1]); } } } else if (e.PropertyName == "Hero") { gameLogs.AppendPickHeroLog(model.Player, true); } }); }
private void _constructPlayerCurrentSpecialDeck(PlayerViewModel model) { if (model.CurrentSpecialDeck != null) { Trace.Assert(model.CurrentSpecialDeck.Cards != null); if (_privateDeckChoiceWindow != null) { gridRoot.Children.Remove(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); } _privateDeckChoiceWindow = new ChildWindow(); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Template = Resources["BlackWindowStyle"] as ControlTemplate; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.MaxWidth = 800; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.CloseButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.WindowStartupLocation = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WindowStartupLocation.Center; string title = LogFormatter.Translate(new CardChoicePrompt("SpecialDeck", model.CurrentSpecialDeck.DeckPlace)); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Caption = title; var box = new PrivateDeckBox(); box.DataContext = model.CurrentSpecialDeck.Cards; _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Content = box; gridRoot.Children.Add(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); _privateDeckChoiceWindow.Show(); } else { gridRoot.Children.Remove(_privateDeckChoiceWindow); _privateDeckChoiceWindow = null; } }
void desktopUserControl_OnProgramOpened(ChildWindow programUC) { programUC.Show(); Root.Children.Add(programUC); }